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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Satire Techniques Representations in Theme Structure of “Farhad Hasan Zade's” Stories
          حسين  ادهمي
        Farhad Hasan Zade (Born in 1341/1962) is one of the satirists whose works are mostly within the domain of Children and Adolescent Literature. His satire stories are mainly taken from social realities enriched with social themes and a moderate criticism and represent soc More
        Farhad Hasan Zade (Born in 1341/1962) is one of the satirists whose works are mostly within the domain of Children and Adolescent Literature. His satire stories are mainly taken from social realities enriched with social themes and a moderate criticism and represent social affairs and problems. He uses satire techniques in these stories which show his mastery on common methods and patterns of satire writing. The article reviews three story collections by Farhad Hasan Zade and investigates his methods in satire writing. First section of the article introduces satire techniques in these stories and second section reviews the representation and frequency of these techniques in different parts of stories’ themes. Based on findings of this article, although Hasan Zade’s satire techniques impact on story elements like space, characterization, tone, style, language and so on, the representations of these techniques are obvious in structure of stories’ themes. These techniques are located in narration flow of stories by being present in different parts of theme (start, inconstancy, expansion, climax point, problem solving and end); they are parts of story body in climax and end points. Reviewing the frequency of representation of these techniques in different parts of theme, we may come to these conclusions: “start” and “expansion” in different parts of stories’ theme have more variety and frequency than satire techniques and in “end” point of story “raid” and “satire turn” techniques have more frequencies. The article reviews these findings and explains the relation between these techniques and structure of themes in Hasan Zade stories with descriptive-analytic method in which statistical data, tables and charts were used too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Causes and Consequences of Ethical Delinquency of Children and Adolescents in Telegram and Instagram Social Networksg
        mohamad sadeq chavooshi Hadi  Karamati Moez
        Children and teenagers are the most vulnerable in social networking telegrams and instagrams; social networks expose under-age users to a huge amount of information, partly because of their inappropriateness of age and rational growth and the rate The child's knowledge More
        Children and teenagers are the most vulnerable in social networking telegrams and instagrams; social networks expose under-age users to a huge amount of information, partly because of their inappropriateness of age and rational growth and the rate The child's knowledge can have harmful effects. Therefore, it is essential that the skills needed to be present on the social networks of telegrams and instagrams are taught to children and their parents, as well as the causes and effects of the moral delinquency of this vulnerable stratum in social networks. Prevent possible damage. In this paper, through analytical-descriptive research method, a library is used to identify the causes and effects of moral delinquency of children and adolescents in the social networks of Telegram and Instagram. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Comparative Study of Children and Adolescents’ Protection Law in Iran and Egypt
        Maryam Shajirat
        This study was conducted by reviewing the laws and regulations of Iran and Egypt concerning children and adolescents, and also international standards such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Beijing Rules as well to compare and analyze issues including More
        This study was conducted by reviewing the laws and regulations of Iran and Egypt concerning children and adolescents, and also international standards such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Beijing Rules as well to compare and analyze issues including children and adolescents protection rules in Iran and Egypt, the minimum and maximum age of criminal responsibility, type and extent of criminal responsibility in different age groups in both Iran and Egypt. Then, the extent of compliance of two countries rules with international rules was assessed. Our results revealed that Iran has not complied with the principles of legislation in drafting the protection laws for children and adolescents. The adoption of numerous and dispersed laws in the pre and post revolution has undermined the principle of accessibility of the law, then these circumstances make it difficult to protect children and adolescents with It is a problem and finally prevent the realization of access to justice. In Egypt, the minimum and maximum age for criminal responsibility is 12 and 18 years, respectively, also the minimum age of civilian custody is 21 years, while in Iran’s law, there is not the same approach regarding minimum and maximum age of criminal responsibility due to punishments of crimes are classified into discretionary, retaliate. This result has controversy with international regulations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Comparative Study of Children and Adolescents’ Protection Law in Iran and Egypt
        Amin Jafari Maryam Shajirat
        This study was conducted by reviewing the laws and regulations of Iran and Egypt concerning children and adolescents, and also international standards such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Beijing Rules as well to compare and analyze issues including More
        This study was conducted by reviewing the laws and regulations of Iran and Egypt concerning children and adolescents, and also international standards such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Beijing Rules as well to compare and analyze issues including children and adolescents protection rules in Iran and Egypt, the minimum and maximum age of criminal responsibility, type and extent of criminal responsibility in different age groups in both Iran and Egypt. Then, the extent of compliance of two countries rules with international rules was assessed. Our results revealed that Iran has not complied with the principles of legislation in drafting the protection laws for children and adolescents. The adoption of numerous and dispersed laws in the pre and post revolution has undermined the principle of accessibility of the law, then these circumstances make it difficult to protect children and adolescents with It is a problem and finally prevent the realization of access to justice. In Egypt, the minimum and maximum age for criminal responsibility is 12 and 18 years, respectively, also the minimum age of civilian custody is 21 years, while in Iran’s law, there is not the same approach regarding minimum and maximum age of criminal responsibility due to punishments of crimes are classified into discretionary, retaliate. This result has controversy with international regulations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Conflict of Execution of Hodoud and Retribution against Children and Adolescents with the Right to Life
        Atefeh Abbasi Fatemeh Salehi Nejad
        Despite widespread legal reforms in the Islamic Penal Code and the code of penal procedure approved in 1392, in the scope of children and adolescents, there are still gaps and bugs in the Criminal liability of the child, the kind of executable punishment against them an More
        Despite widespread legal reforms in the Islamic Penal Code and the code of penal procedure approved in 1392, in the scope of children and adolescents, there are still gaps and bugs in the Criminal liability of the child, the kind of executable punishment against them and procedure of crimes of children. This article, in a library method and after accurate study of existing jurisprudence and legal sources, concluded that, although existing laws regulate the relative acceptance of the age of criminal liability of children and adolescents in the field of crimes of inferiority and the minimum use of punishment and increase in legislating educative acts ,but the age of criminal liability Especially regarding the execution of hodoud and retribution is considered to face the challenge of aberration with social requirements and can be increased by appropriate separation between age of religious responsibility and criminal liability, based on available jurisprudential and scientific sources, which is a problem related to the execution of retributive punishments and it will raise the limit for children too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Manifestations of differential penal policy towards child victims with a look at the Child and Adolescent Protection Law adopted in 2020
        bahram jafary
        Child victimization poses a dire threat to the most sensitive and important assets of society. Accordingly, in international documents and domestic laws, differential policies have been adopted to prevent victimization while limiting and eliminating its effects and prec More
        Child victimization poses a dire threat to the most sensitive and important assets of society. Accordingly, in international documents and domestic laws, differential policies have been adopted to prevent victimization while limiting and eliminating its effects and preclude secondary child victimization. Using the library and descriptive method, the present study, with emphasis on the Child and Adolescent Protection Law, attempts to discuss the aspects of the differential policy approach aimed to protect child victims in the iranian legal system. The results indicate that there were scattered, yet inadequate, regulations protecting children in various substantive and formal aspects in the past; However, while developing the scope of differential protecting regulations, the enactment of the Child and Adolescent Protection Law in 2020 has provided considerable preventive and monitoring- oriented views, especially through making legal intervention in favor of children and adolescents that are at risk or victimization. It can be said that this law clearly factors in differential policies including determining several crimes and specific punishments aimed at protecting children and adolescents and considering special institutional, disciplinary and judicial organizations with the aim of managing, preventing and dealing with child victimization and limiting its effects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - legislative Criminal Policy in the Iranian Legal System on Child Rights Violations in the Field of Computer Games
        Mohammad khorshidi athar
        Background and Aim: Criminal protection of children against computer games following the fundamental transformation in the light of technological advances and the spread of computer games along with increasing the power of its impact on human thought and behavior is ine More
        Background and Aim: Criminal protection of children against computer games following the fundamental transformation in the light of technological advances and the spread of computer games along with increasing the power of its impact on human thought and behavior is inevitable. On the one hand, entertaining children due to their strong interest in computer games, and on the other hand, the wide range of such games with large investments to develop computer games in the age group of children In addition to the unhealthy and harmful effects on this vulnerable group has raised many concerns for thinkers. In this study, the criminal policies of the Iranian legal system regarding the violation of children's rights in the context of computer games compared with international documents and from a critical point of view has been evaluated and by perusing the strengths and weaknesses of related laws, the need for comprehensive rules to protect the rights of the child against harming of computer games has been emphasized by formulating an effective differential criminal policy. Method: The method of discussion in this research is descriptive-analytical and the method of data gathering is library. Results: In Iran's legal system, a review of the laws related to the current criminal policy regarding the violation of children's rights in the field of creating, publishing and distributing computer games reveals gaps and defects. Conclusion: By examining the situation of children and their rights against computer games and studying the negative and inappropriate effects of this universal and effective technology on children it is possible to achieve a comprehensive support program containing differential criminal policies against child victimization through the use of computer games. A differential approach to substantive criminal law in the field of child safety in relation to computer games is the role that the legislature can play in protecting children and to prevent the abuse of the rights of this vulnerable group. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Rights of Delinquent Children and Adolescents in Iran: An Analysis of Four Determining Areas
        Maryam Sha’ban Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
        This study seeks to investigate how four main areas of reference in Iran and the world are exposed to child delinquent. Therefore, four main areas of reference were identified that include Iranian legal regulations, Islamic religion, the Convention on the Rights of the More
        This study seeks to investigate how four main areas of reference in Iran and the world are exposed to child delinquent. Therefore, four main areas of reference were identified that include Iranian legal regulations, Islamic religion, the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Islam and the Convention on the Rights of the Child; Then they were analyzed with a qualitative approach and documentary analysis method. The results show that exposure to delinquent children is approximately the same in all four domains. Although the three areas related to Iran and the Islamic world have been centered on Law of Religion, especially Shi'ism, their roots lie in Islamic religion, and against them the Convention on the Rights of the Child as an international matter has been drafted based on the Declaration of Human Rights and the belief in Humanism, but they work very closely on how to deal with child guilty and there are no significant differences between their procedures. Therefore, all four domains regard the child as having no precise decision-making power and consider his/her delinquency a common "mistake" in his/her development. The child should be forgiven as much as possible and his/her error should be ignored; this should also have a corrective and re-interactional aspect to be done within the child's family by the child's parents or legal guardians. Unless child guilty is limited, such as harm to others, which has resulted in violations of the rights of others, all three areas emphasize efforts to minimize penalties and impose penalties for reform and resocialization. the only point of difference is in the definition of the child and the age range that makes the subject different in applying the rules related to child delinquency. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Developing a structural model of the relationship between economic conditions, level of education, parental knowledge and education with mediating parenting styles, emotional space, adolescent knowledge, and spending leisure time with behavioral, social problems and sexual knowledge in puberty period
        leila akrami mokhtar malekpor Ahmad abedi
        The purpose of the present study, is Developing a structural model of the relationship between economic conditions, level of education, parental knowledge and education with mediating parenting styles, emotional space, adolescent knowledge, and spending leisure time wit More
        The purpose of the present study, is Developing a structural model of the relationship between economic conditions, level of education, parental knowledge and education with mediating parenting styles, emotional space, adolescent knowledge, and spending leisure time with behavioral, social problems and sexual knowledge in puberty period. The research method is correlation of type structural equation modeling. The statistical population consisted of all girls and boy’s adolescent in Yazd. Using multi-stage cluster random sampling, 200 girls and boys ages 12-16 years old and their mothers were selected. The tools used for data collection were Parenting Style and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ), Burn Family Emotional Condition Questionnaire (BFECQ), Adolescent Leisure Time Questionnaire, Adolescence Change Awareness Questionnaire, Economic and Educational Status Questionnaire. Child Behavior Assessment System (BASC-3), Third Edition), Parent Form (PRS-A), Social Skills Improvement System(SSIS) and Sexual Knowledge Questionnaire. Path analysis technique was used to test the research model. The results showed that the research model had an optimal fit with significant level of 0.01 among the adolescents. Based on the results, it can be said that parenting styles, and their awareness and adolescence about the characteristics of adolescence and the changes made during this period, emotional space, and how leisure time can play an important role in behavioral, social problems and sexual knowledge of teens. Manuscript profile
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        10 - The psychometric properties of the quality of life questionnaire related to the health of Iranian adolescents with congenital heart disease
        hassan erami hamidreza hassanabadi robabe noury Alireza Moradi Kourosh  Vahidshahi
        The aim of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the quality of life questionnaire related to the health of Iranian adolescents with congenital heart disease. Participants were 180 adolescents aged 13 to 18 years with congenital heart disease and th More
        The aim of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the quality of life questionnaire related to the health of Iranian adolescents with congenital heart disease. Participants were 180 adolescents aged 13 to 18 years with congenital heart disease and their parents who referred to Shahid Rajaei Heart Hospital. Instruments were health-related quality of life questionnaire (PedsQL™) and general version quality of life questionnaire (PedsQL™) and general anxiety section of CSI-4 questionnaire. Factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha and Pearson correlation were used to analyze the data to evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The findings of factor analysis indicated 7 factors in the Adolescent Questionnaire and the Proxy Report Questionnaire. The Adolescent and Proxy Health Quality of Life Questionnaires have an acceptable validity in Iranian society and can be used to assess their quality of life. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Mediating Role of Parenting Styles with the Puberty Period
        leila akrami mokhtar malekpor Ahmad Abedi
        The purpose of the present study, is the mediating role of parenting styles, emotional space, adolescent knowledge, spending leisure time in relation to economic conditions, level of education, parental knowledge and education with the behavioral, social and sexual know More
        The purpose of the present study, is the mediating role of parenting styles, emotional space, adolescent knowledge, spending leisure time in relation to economic conditions, level of education, parental knowledge and education with the behavioral, social and sexual knowledge in puberty period. The statistical population consisted of all girls and boy’s adolescent in Yazd. Using multi-stage cluster random sampling, 200 girls and boys ages 12-16 years old and their mothers were selected. The tools used for data collection were Parenting Style and Dimensions Questionnaire, Burn Family Emotional Condition Questionnaire, Adolescent Leisure Time Questionnaire, Adolescence Change Awareness Questionnaire, Economic and Educational Status Questionnaire. Child Behavior Assessment System (Parent Form), Social Skills Improvement System and Sexual Knowledge Questionnaire. Path analysis technique was used to test the research model. The results showed that the research variables had a significant correlation with each other (p≤ 0.01) and the research model had a suitable and appropriate fit among adolescents at a significance level of 0.01. The direct and indirect effect of the variables of economic conditions, level of education, parental knowledge and receiving education on behavioral, social and sexual knowledge problems of adolescents was significant (t≥ 1.96, p≤ 0.05). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Effectiveness of Narrative Therapy on Body Dysmorphic Concern & Perceived Self-efficacy of Female Students with Obesity & Overweight
        Mahak Nagizadeh-Alamdari hadi AkbariNejhad
        The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of female students with obesity & overweight. The method of this study was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow up with More
        The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of female students with obesity & overweight. The method of this study was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow up with the control group. The population of the study consisted of obese female secondary school students in Jolfa city in the academic year 2019-2020. In total, 30 people selected by available sampling method and randomly divided into two groups. Members of both experimental groups received their own treatment respectively in 8 sessions of 1.5 hours. Measurement tools were body image concern inventory and Scherer self-efficacy questionnaire. Analysis of findings through repeated measures analysis of variance test. The mean of body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of the experimental group in the pre-test were (57.60) and (48.93), respectively; The mean of body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy in the control group were (61.40) and (49.20), respectively. The results showed that in the post-test, the body dysmorphic concern score of the experimental group (51.40) decreased compared to the control group (64.40) (P<0.001); and the perceived self-efficacy score of the experimental group (56.33) compared to the group The control (49/27) was higher (P<0.001). The results also showed that in the follow-up phase, the effect of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern (51.47) and perceived self-efficacy (56.47) is lasting (P<0.001). . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Necessity of Special Police for Children and Adolescents in Iranian Judicial System
        Askar Jalalian Mostafa zarei Abbas Barzegarzadeh
        The Special police for children and adolescents, as one of the special institutions of the juvenile justice system, was first considered in the Juvenile Delinquency Bill (1383) and then the legislator paid attention to it in the Criminal Procedure Code of 1392 in Articl More
        The Special police for children and adolescents, as one of the special institutions of the juvenile justice system, was first considered in the Juvenile Delinquency Bill (1383) and then the legislator paid attention to it in the Criminal Procedure Code of 1392 in Article 31. According to this article, the police organization was ordered to form a police section for children and adolescents. In this study, in order to achieve the hidden angles of the role of the police in juvenile justice, an attempt has been made to explain the preventive position of the juvenile police in order to answer the question: what is the role of the juvenile police in the Iranian judiciary in crime prevention? The results of this study indicate that the behavior and approach of the Iranian police towards children and adolescents does not have a differential criminal policy and in dealing with children and adolescents, adult criminal policy is used. Therefore, it is necessary for the police to try to improve the process of intervening in the proceedings of children and adolescents by formulating a differential criminal policy based on protective and not criminal intervention in compliance with national and international principles and standards. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Iranian Criminal Policy towards Child Sexual Molestation in the Light of the Child and Adolescent Protection Law of 2020
        Abbas Ali Akbari Seyede Monira Hejazi
        Children have always been exposed to many physical, psychological and sexual abuses throughout history. Today, following industrial, communication and information developments, supporting this group against all forms of exploitation is necessary, especially against sexu More
        Children have always been exposed to many physical, psychological and sexual abuses throughout history. Today, following industrial, communication and information developments, supporting this group against all forms of exploitation is necessary, especially against sexual exploitation and sexual harassment, which are often included in the black figures of delinquency in many countries, including Iran due to moral issues. In the domestic system, in order to implement protectionist policies in accordance with international standards and the existence of a gap in the former law on the protection of children and adolescents adopted in 2002, the need for differential protection of sexually abused children was felt. In 2020, in the law for the protection of children and adolescents, the legislator has paid special attention to the protection of these victims against sexual harassment. The present study analyzes data and uses library tools to examine the legislative approach of the Iranian legislature in relation to child sexual abuse in the new law due to the previous legal gaps and insufficient legislative support for sexual harassment, as well as explaining the aggravated causes of these behaviors in law. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Development and evaluating the effectiveness of a cognitive rehabilitation package on reducing the cognitive damages of active adolescents in cyberspace
        faezeh adibnia Mehrdad Kalantari soghra akbarichermahini
        The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation package on cognitive damages reduction in active adolescents in cyberspace. The research method was exploratory mixed (qualitative-quantitative). For this purpose, by using t More
        The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation package on cognitive damages reduction in active adolescents in cyberspace. The research method was exploratory mixed (qualitative-quantitative). For this purpose, by using the thematic analysi, by studying articles and interviewing professors and active adolescents in cyberspace, damages were identified. Based on the identified cognitive damages, a rehabilitation package (in four areas: attention, information processing, thinking and social cognition) was developed to reduce adolescents' cognitive damages in cyberspace, to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed package, a quasi-experimental design with an experimental group and a control group of pre-test, post-test and follow-up were used. 40 active girls in cyberspace in Arak who were screened by the pathology inventory constructed, were selected by purposive method and 20 were randomly assigned to the experimental group and 20 to the control group. The results of mixed analysis of variance showed that the implementation of the developed package improved the performance of the experimental group in attention, information processing, thinking and social cognition (p <0.001). It can be concluded that the developed cognitive rehabilitation package is also effective for improving the cognitive damages of adolescents in cyberspace. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Mediation of achievement motivation in the relationship between sports identity and athletic performance of adolescent athletes
        Fatemah Keshir nokandeh Morteza Homayounnia Firoozjah Alireza Homayouni
        The aim of this study was to mediate the role of achievement motivation in the relationship between sports identity and athletic performance of adolescent athletes. The research was a descriptive correlational study based on structural equation modeling. The statistical More
        The aim of this study was to mediate the role of achievement motivation in the relationship between sports identity and athletic performance of adolescent athletes. The research was a descriptive correlational study based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study included all male adolescents aged 15 to 18 years in Gorgan and 220 adolescent athletes were selected as sample. Data collection tools included three questionnaires to examine research variables. Findings showed that there is a significant positive relationship between sports identity and achievement motivation with sports performance and the research model was confirmed in general 41% of sports performance can be explained by sports identity and achievement motivation. Also, the variables of sports identity and achievement motivation have a significant direct effect on sports performance. The results of this study emphasize the need for the role of identity and motivation and ultimately sports performance in athletes. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The Effectiveness of Teaching Children and Adolescents' Philosophy on Successful Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Wisdom in Students
        fateme haddadi mehdi arabzadeh Shabnam Feizi
        Intelligence is one of the most important human abilities and plays a significant role in people's progress. Anything that can increase intelligence affects people's success. Examining the intelligence of societies and the factors affecting it is extremely important. Th More
        Intelligence is one of the most important human abilities and plays a significant role in people's progress. Anything that can increase intelligence affects people's success. Examining the intelligence of societies and the factors affecting it is extremely important. The purpose of this research is whether teaching philosophy to children and teenagers can be an effective intervention in increasing successful intelligence, emotional intelligence and wisdom of students. The design of the current research was semi-experimental and pre-test-post-test with a control group. The statistical population of the research included fourth grade elementary school students in Tehran, a school was selected using available sampling method and considering the inclusion criteria, 20 female students with an average age of 10 years were selected and They were randomly placed in two experimental and control groups. The tools used in this research include Gorigor and Sternberg's successful intelligence questionnaire (2002); Schering Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (1995); Ardlet's Wisdom Questionnaire (2004); have been. The findings from the analysis of covariance showed that philosophy education for children and adolescents was effective on successful intelligence and emotional intelligence, but philosophy education for children and adolescents was not effective on wisdom, and therefore philosophy education for children and adolescents can be an effective intervention in increasing Successful intelligence and emotional intelligence of students should be used. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - The effectiveness of life skills training on attitudes toward addiction in adolescent girls
        Zahra Nemati behrang esmaeilishad
        This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of life skills training on attitudes toward addiction. The present study was applied in terms of purpose and semi-experimental in terms of nature with a pre-test-post-test design. The statistical population includes all-fem More
        This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of life skills training on attitudes toward addiction. The present study was applied in terms of purpose and semi-experimental in terms of nature with a pre-test-post-test design. The statistical population includes all-female high school students in Bojnourd in the academic year 1399-1400. To select the samples, 30 students were randomly selected and divided into two groups of 15 (15 in the experimental group and 15 in the control group). Life skills were taught to the experimental group in 10 sessions of 90 minutes. The research instrument was the Attitude towards Addiction Questionnaire of Delavar et al (2004). Analysis of covariance and SPSS.24 software were used for statistical analysis of data. The results showed that life skills training courses in schools 56.9% of the attitude towards addiction, 45.4% of the effects of drug use 38.3% of the risks of drug use, and 43.9% of the desire to use Explains drugs. Therefore, it can be said that life skills training courses have a significant effect on attitudes toward addiction. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Comparison of Spiritual Health and Psychological Helplessness in Adolescent Girls from Divorced and Normal Families in Shiraz
        zahra Ghaedian soode dashtiane Nasir Dastan
        This research aims to compare spiritual health and psychological helplessness in adolescent girls from divorced and nuclear families. The descriptive research method was of a comparative causal type. The statistical population of this research includes all teenage girls More
        This research aims to compare spiritual health and psychological helplessness in adolescent girls from divorced and nuclear families. The descriptive research method was of a comparative causal type. The statistical population of this research includes all teenage girls in the first secondary school of Shiraz City. There are 80 people in the statistical sample population, 40 girls whose parents are divorced and 40 girls whose parents are not divorced. A statical sample was determined using cluster sampling. Palotzin and Ellison's spiritual health questionnaires and depression, stress, and anxiety questionnaire (DASS-21) were used to collect data. The collected data were analyzed at two levels (descriptive statistics and inferential statistics). Means and standard deviations were used for descriptive statistics and univariate analysis of variance for inferential statistics. The results showed a significant difference between spiritual health and psychological helplessness in teenage girls from divorced and nuclear families; Spiritual health is higher among teenagers whose parents are not divorced. Also, psychological helplessness is more among teenagers whose parents are divorced. Manuscript profile