• List of Articles acquisition

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The effect of online social networks on home business innovation performance: The mediating role of innovation capacity
        Morteza Akbari peyman dolatshah mojgan danesh
        Nowadays, activity in online social networks has become inclusive, and these new tools have a high potential for the acquisition of business information and the needs of customers through collective intelligence; the use of this information can stimulate the creation of More
        Nowadays, activity in online social networks has become inclusive, and these new tools have a high potential for the acquisition of business information and the needs of customers through collective intelligence; the use of this information can stimulate the creation of innovative products and processes in business. Also, the existence of high innovation capacity in business can facilitate the process of improving innovation performance. Therefore, in this research we have tried to examine the effect of using online social networks on improving the innovation performance of home business in Isfahan province and It will be clear how the innovation capacity of these businesses will affect this relationship. This study was conducted on 220 home-based businesses in Isfahan, and with  available  sampling were selected. uses a questionnaire for collecting data. The present research is an applied and descriptive analytical-survey method in terms of its purpose. For analyze the data structural equation modeling were used. The results showed that higher levels of online social networks could increase the likelihood of improving innovation performance. Also, innovation capacity can be a stimulus to use of online social networks and thus improve the innovation performance in the home business. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A System for Online Notification of Changes to Webblog Abstracts
        Mehdi Naghavi
        Exponential growth of information in the cyber space alongside rapid advancements in its related technologies has created a new mode of competition between societies to gain information domination in this critical and invaluable space. It has thus become quite critical More
        Exponential growth of information in the cyber space alongside rapid advancements in its related technologies has created a new mode of competition between societies to gain information domination in this critical and invaluable space. It has thus become quite critical to all stakeholders to play a leading and dominant role in generation of information and monitoring of voluminous information uploaded to this space. However, to achieve domination in monitoring large amount of information in cyberspace requires real-time monitoring using new techniques and approaches instead of traditional techniques. Concerned with the latter case, we limit our focus in this paper on Web blogs as an important part of the cyber space and propose a novel notification system for quick reporting of changes made to Web blogs. This is achieved by restricting the search for changes to high volumes of Web blogs only to changes to the abstracts of Web blogs derived from Web blogs. We show that this system works favorably compared to systems that require cooperation and synchronization between information providers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Theory of Acquisition and its Different Approaches
        Regarding man’s actions, from viewpoint of compulsion or volition, among religion researchers, there are different approaches. Ash’arites and its head believe in theory of acquisition and claimed man’s role in his actions is acquisition, not creation. But during history More
        Regarding man’s actions, from viewpoint of compulsion or volition, among religion researchers, there are different approaches. Ash’arites and its head believe in theory of acquisition and claimed man’s role in his actions is acquisition, not creation. But during history Ash’arite ‘ulama, have got different ideas and readings concerning the reality of acquisition. Studying the Ash’arite works, the author found seven prominent approaches and then criticized and evaluated them. He demonstrated that the Ash’arite theories of compulsion or volition not only are not able to explain the reality of acquisition, but they lead to either compulsion or indeterminism. Therefore, some Ash’arite ‘ulama denied the theory of acquisition and accepted the Shi’i theory of intermediate position. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Using Identification of Organization's life-cycle for Technology Acquisition Strategies
        Mehrdad Shafiei
        The answer to the question of technology development using internally developed methods of cooperation with other companies or buys the technology to be done, is one of the main aspects of a firm's technology strategy. After deciding on the technology development strate More
        The answer to the question of technology development using internally developed methods of cooperation with other companies or buys the technology to be done, is one of the main aspects of a firm's technology strategy. After deciding on the technology development strategy many firms, in different stages of their life cycle, according to market requirements, corporate objectives and strategies use different ways for technology acquisition. Successful presence in the market for each firm requires the acquisition of technology in best and. Therefore, identification of technology acquisition strategies and strengths and weaknesses of each strategy is of great importance. One of the important issues raised in this context is that choosing the right combination of strategies through various strategies so that maximum benefit for the firm to be. Also, there are different methods for the acquisition of technology and technological cooperation in each Strategy, that according to the type of organization needs and technology content and terms of the transaction parties (companies), some of these methods are more efficient and more effective. One of the methods and tools that can determine the degree of relevance between technology acquisition strategy and organization situation is identifying the location of organization on its lifecycle curve. This paper is based on a comparative study with the combination of concepts of organization lifecycle and technology acquisition strategies, potential strategies for major firms in each of the stages of his life will be introduced. The purpose of this paper consists of establishing correspondence between the conditions in each of the stages of its life and general conditions for the adoption of any one of the main strategies for technology acquisition is necessary. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Effect of Domain Specific Innovativeness on Exploratory Purchasing Behavior in Innovative Products
        alireza khorakian Mona Kardani malekinezhad Fariborz  Rahimnia
        Innovation in a company is the key to success and survival in a competitive environment. The current study provides insights into management of planning and marketing of innovative technologies such as wearable technology. Businesses with new ideas have to use strategic More
        Innovation in a company is the key to success and survival in a competitive environment. The current study provides insights into management of planning and marketing of innovative technologies such as wearable technology. Businesses with new ideas have to use strategic approaches to identify and effectively communicate with innovators with the goal of successfully launching innovative products such as wearable smart products. They need to comprehand the importance of modernizers as crucial determinants of the adoption of smart wearable products. Therefore, The present research investigates the effects of innovativeness to a specific domain on exploratory purchasing behavior of the consumers of innovative products. The research method is analytical-survey, and its statistical population is the consumers of smart wearable products in Mashhad. A questionnaire was used to collect the initial data. Using the appropriate formulas, the sample size was determined 390. After gathering data, research hypotheses were analyzed using structural equation modeling and Amos software. The results of the research show that domain specific innovativeness has a positive and significant effect on the exploration purchasing behavior of smart wearable products, and all four hypotheses are confirmed. Finally, suggestions are also presented based on the results. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Problem of Gender in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Epistemological Approach
        Mahnaz  Mozafari far Alireza  Hassanpour Maijd Ziaei  Ghahnavieh
        The problem of gender has not been explicitly discussed in Islamic philosophy, in general, and in Transcendent Philosophy, in particular. However, through examining the principles of Islamic Philosophy and the work of philosophers, one can learn about their views and di More
        The problem of gender has not been explicitly discussed in Islamic philosophy, in general, and in Transcendent Philosophy, in particular. However, through examining the principles of Islamic Philosophy and the work of philosophers, one can learn about their views and different interpretations of this problem. This paper is intended to reveal the relationship between the intellect and gender based on Sadrian philosophy and explain whether men and women share the same or different levels of intellectual perception. According to Mullā Ṣadrā, the most fundamental characteristic of human beings is rationality, particularly theoretical intellect, and men and women are the same in terms of their faculty of intellection. In other words, there is essentially and naturally no difference between them regarding their intellect. Mullā Ṣadrā stipulates that reaching the level of intellection – putting the intellect into practice – is an acquisitional affair, and the difference observed between men and women and even among men or women themselves in the process of knowledge acquisition is accidental and the outcome of contextual factors. Mullā Ṣadrā has demonstrated this problem in the classification of the intellect and the stages of intellection – from intellectus materialis (material intelligence) to intellectus acquisitus (acquired reason). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Knowledge Acquisition Model of Faculty Members' Experiences Case Study: Imam Hussein Comprehensive University
        سیدشکور  عطائی Saied Ziaadin Ghazizadeh Fard
        Universities are major centers of production and distribution of knowledge, in the current era, knowledge is a key source and is an important asset in organizations. With respect to rapid knowledge production and environmental changes, knowledge acquisition is one of th More
        Universities are major centers of production and distribution of knowledge, in the current era, knowledge is a key source and is an important asset in organizations. With respect to rapid knowledge production and environmental changes, knowledge acquisition is one of the best ways of matching with these changes for universities. On the other hand, the faculties with more experiences are almost retired; of course, these members have a lot of knowledge along with experiences in various fields of education, research, scientific management and administration management. Acquisition, storing, and distribution of this valuable information are worthy and helpful. This article is a result of a research work to provide a suitable model for the acquisition of knowledge from experiences of faculty members. To accomplish this, in addition to the library research method, field research method is also used in Imam Hussein Comprehensive University. In this paper, knowledge acquisition model of faculties’ experiences is presented with descriptive - survey method and with practical approach. To validate the proposed model, a questionnaire that researcher had designed, distributed between 35 experts of Imam Hussein Comprehensive University. After collecting questionnaires, the software spss calculated Cronbach's alpha equal to 85.1. Then statistical methods used to analyze the data, it has been inferred that the final results indicated that the steps of model are approved Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Acquisition of urban lands in urban development projects with a social justice approach
        Azam Afsharnia Esfandiar zebardast Morteza Talachian
        Acquisition of urban lands with a social justice approach is one of the issues that has been neglected in many urban development projects. In this study, after examining land ownership rights, some important rules related to land ownership in different Western and Islam More
        Acquisition of urban lands with a social justice approach is one of the issues that has been neglected in many urban development projects. In this study, after examining land ownership rights, some important rules related to land ownership in different Western and Islamic perspectives are presented and suggestions are made to increase social justice in the realization of urban property rights. In the present study, due to the nature of the subject, the secondary analysis method and content analysis technique have been used. The findings of the study suggest that in the Western view, liberalism imposes restrictions on the government’s power to expropriate individuals, and argues that expropriation laws are only permissible if they serve the public interest. Results of the analysis of private property laws based on the indicators of justice and property rights in Iran by examining property laws in the relevant documents, in the form of 9 principles, including the participation of stakeholders in the implementation of urban projects in financing public spending, transfer of rights Development to the people, the legality of private expropriation if the public interest takes precedence over private-individual interests, and so on. Among the problems of land expropriation in urban development projects are the weakness of laws in proving the loss of existing owners or comparing the loss of owner and citizens and lack of explanation of the rights of the owner of each plot of land in relation to rules and regulations on how to use and use that property. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Comparing the sentences and conditions of the crime of embezzlement in Iran with the United States and France
        Fahimeh Malekzadeh Sina Vahedzadeh
        Embezzlement is an intended crime which would result in financial fraud, especially in the country administrative system. In the past, committers of such act were punished as wrongdoers to a public fund, and they were punished under the title of “corruption at earth” in More
        Embezzlement is an intended crime which would result in financial fraud, especially in the country administrative system. In the past, committers of such act were punished as wrongdoers to a public fund, and they were punished under the title of “corruption at earth” in the Islamic criminal law. Of the global problems are offences and crimes of government employees and their financial abuses from deposited property to them. Embezzlement is a crime against public convenience. In all legal systems, they are fighting against it; also, in the Iranian law, the legislature has provided various rules and regulations for illegitimate property. This paper does assess awards and circumstances of Embezzlement in the Iranian law and also in the French, German and US legal systems. At the end, it has concluded that to tackle this evil phenomenon, contrary to their so much similarity, are not precisely compatible, but they differ substantively.But methods and circumstances in every .country are depending on their common laws Manuscript profile