• List of Articles Zagros basin

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Geochemistry, microfacies and depositional environment of Eocene Deposit in Gach Mountain, in SE Lar Area
        محمد حسين  آدابي
        The Jahrum Formation in Gach Mountain, located near village of Chahar Berkeh, in 30 Km of south- east of Lar City, south- west of Iran (Zagros Basin). This formation with the total thickness of 404.5 m consists of dolomite, calcareous dolomite and limestone. This form More
        The Jahrum Formation in Gach Mountain, located near village of Chahar Berkeh, in 30 Km of south- east of Lar City, south- west of Iran (Zagros Basin). This formation with the total thickness of 404.5 m consists of dolomite, calcareous dolomite and limestone. This formation overlies the Sachun Formation. The Asmari Formation with the total thickness of 44.5 m consists of limestone and marly limestone, and covered by evaporite deposits of the Gachsaran Formation. The age of the Jahrum Formation is Late Paleocene to Late Eocene. Eocene deposit in Gach Mountain, based on different facies, foraminifera and other skeletal and non skeletal grains, 7 microfacies were recognized. These microfacies deposited in a carbonates ramp environment with ooid shoal deposits. Analysis of 30 samples of limestones and dolomites for major and minor elements (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Na, and Sr) and oxygen and carbon isotope values were used for carbonate mineralogy, types of dolomites, and diagenetic system. This study indicates that Jahrum carbonates were deposited in a shallow warm water tropical environment and original carbonate mineralogy was aragonite. These carbonates were affected by close to semi close diagenetic system with low water/rock interaction. Diagenetic trend in limestones and dolomite, based on oxygen and carbon isotope variations, shows a burial diagenesis with the presence of origanic matter. Temperature calculation based on heaviest oxygen isotope values (-3.32% PDB) of micrite and δw of Eocene seawater of - 0.85 SMOW, indicate that very shallow burial temperature was around 23˚C. Sequence stratigraphic studies, shows that two depositional sequences, consisting of transgrassive system tract (TST) and highstand system tract (HST). This sequences, shows third order type, with sequence boundaries (SB2). Maximum flooding surface in the Jahrum Formation was determined based on different facies and variation of isotope values. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in the upper part of the Garau Formation in the Sheikh Saleh section in Northwest of Kermanshah, Lurestan Province (Zagros Basin)
        سعیده  سنماری
        In this study, the upper part of the Garau Formation with a thickness of 24 m in the section of Sheikh Saleh anticline located in the northwest of Kermanshah was investigated from the calcareous nannofossils. In this section, the Garau Formation is mainly composed of me More
        In this study, the upper part of the Garau Formation with a thickness of 24 m in the section of Sheikh Saleh anticline located in the northwest of Kermanshah was investigated from the calcareous nannofossils. In this section, the Garau Formation is mainly composed of medium bedded argillaceous limestone. In order to introduce the index species and biozones, 17 slides from the Garau Formation were studied, which resulted in the identification of three biozones. As a result of this study, 20 species and 15 genera of calcareous nannofossils were identified. Based on the obtained biozones, the age of the upper part of the Garau Formation in the studied section is suggested the late early Cenomanian to the late late Cenomanian. This age is corresponding to the upper part of Eiffellithus turriseiffelii Zone (CC9), Microrhabdulus decorates Zone (CC10), lower part of Quadrum gartneri Zone (CC11) from the Sissingh (1977) zonation and UC1, UC2, UC3, and lower part of UC7 from the Burnett (1998) zonation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Biostratigraphy and Microfacies of the Asmari Formation in The Zagros Basin:Age and Environmental Correlation
        تهمینه خانعلی
        In this research ,biostratigraphy,microfacies and paleoenvionment of the Asmari Formation in the fars provingce(Tang-e Abolhayat,Naura anticline, south-west of Firozabad,Khormuj anticline),High Zagros(Shoorom anticline), IZeh zone (Mokhtar anticline),Dezfu More
        In this research ,biostratigraphy,microfacies and paleoenvionment of the Asmari Formation in the fars provingce(Tang-e Abolhayat,Naura anticline, south-west of Firozabad,Khormuj anticline),High Zagros(Shoorom anticline), IZeh zone (Mokhtar anticline),Dezful Embayment(Tang-e Anbar sepid, Dill anticline, Khaviz anticline,Aghajari oil field ) and Lurstan province(Mamulan,Sepid-dasht,Dehluran and kabirkuh-Darreshahr0,were reviewed and revised for the comprehensive understanding of age and depositional environments. The Globigerina spp.-Turborotalia cerroazulensis-Hantkenina and Nummulites vascus-Nummulites fichteli assemblage zones (Rupelian) are present in Fars province. The dominated microfacies within the Asmari Formation of the Rupelian time are bioclast planktonic, nummulitidae lepidocyclinidae wackestone-packstone, of an outer and middle ramp depositional setting. The Archaias asmaricus-archaias hensoni-Miogypsinoides complanatus assemblage zone (Chattian)is present in Fars ,High zagros,Izeh and Dezful Embayment provinces. The dominated microfacies within the Asmari Formation of the Chattian time are bioclast perforate-imperforate foraminifera wackestone-packstone and mudstone, of an inner ramp depositional setting . The Miogypsina-Elphidium sp. 14-Peneroplis farsensis assemblage zone(Aquitanian) is present in High Zagros, Izeh ,Dezful Embayment and parts of the Fars and Lurestan provinces.The dominated microfacies within the Asmari Formation of the Aquitanian time are perforate-imperforate foraminifera bioclast wackestone –packstone,grainstone,and mudstone,of an inner ramp depositional setting. The Borelis melo curdica –Borelis melo melo assemblage zone (Burdigalian) is present in most areas. But it slightly occurs in fars province. The microfacies of the Asmari Formation during Burdigalian are similar to those of Aquitanian .In sepid-dasht and Tang-e Anbar Sepid sections due to presence Globigerina spp. Assemblage zone and planktonic forminifera wackestone-packstone facies, an outer ramp depositional setting is also suggested. Manuscript profile