• List of Articles Will

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Effect of Strategic Innovation on Customer’s Willingness to Buying: The Moderator role of Innovation Capabilities
        esfandyar mohamadi vahid sharafi Saeid Vaisi
        The purpose of this study was to study the impact of strategic innovation on the Customer’s Willingness to Buying Through the moderator role of innovation capabilities. The research method is descriptive correlational. The statistical population of the research was all More
        The purpose of this study was to study the impact of strategic innovation on the Customer’s Willingness to Buying Through the moderator role of innovation capabilities. The research method is descriptive correlational. The statistical population of the research was all employees and customers of the Maskan bank of Ilam city, whose number in year 2017 was 90  and unlimited. Also The sample size was 73 and 384, which was used  to obtain of them a stratified random sampling and Morgan table. To assess validity, content validity was used which was approved by 8 professors in the field of management. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to investigate the reliability of the research, The alpha coefficient for all variables and dimensions was higher than 0.9 which indicates a high reliability of the questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using pls and spss software. In order to test the hypotheses, partial Least squares analysis was used, That Confirmatory factor analysis was performed on questionnaires and all questions had a factor load above 0.5 and significant values higher than 1.96. In the end, according to the statistical results, all the assumptions were confirmed, meaning that strategic innovation and its indicators on the on Customer’s Willingness to Buying, Through the moderator role of innovation capabilities had a significant effect. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Investigating the Role of Conceptual Metaphors in the Evolution of literary styles (Relying on Body Metaphors in Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari, and Hafiz's poems)
        Mohammad Taheri Masoumeh  Archandani
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change i More
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change in thought-related macro-systems. Among these macrosystems are literary styles that have many factors involved in changing them. This article tries to answer the question of how the change of conceptual metaphors in time has an effect on the change of literary styles through analytical-descriptive method. To answer it, we trace the conceptual metaphors related to the body, which include the words "hand, eye, heart and head", in a selection of poems by Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari and Hafez. By analyzing the obtained information, we conclude that conceptual metaphors have undergone significant changes over time that are in line with the evolution of literary styles and are variables affecting the evolution of styles. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Arendt’s Political Thought and the Possibility of Change in International Relations
        Homeira  Moshirzadeh Arya Moknat
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s More
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s theory of political power as a non-violent and collective human action challenges this fundamental assumption and offers a new perspective on what constitutes the essence of politics. Arendt’s idea of “human condition” rejects all forms of essentialism with regard to human beings and opens up a theoretical space for a new understanding of international relations where human beings become the primary political agents (despite the fact that she sees the existing international relations more from a realist point of view). Contrary to mainstream IR theories in general, and to realism in particular, for Arendt the individuals, rather than the states, are ultimately the main players in international relations. In this paper, we bind different aspects of Arendt’s political thought together to offer a new theoretical perspective for a possible change in world politics. Manuscript profile
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        4 - A Comparative Study of Undue Influence in British Law and Principle of Duress and Compulsion in Iranian Law
        Mohsen  Esmaili Kazem  Shah’bani
        Abstract: In British law, equity courts have created and expanded the principle of “undue influence” due to restrictions with principle of duress to compensate damages imposed on the victims. This legal institution is legally applied in the case of a person who had been More
        Abstract: In British law, equity courts have created and expanded the principle of “undue influence” due to restrictions with principle of duress to compensate damages imposed on the victims. This legal institution is legally applied in the case of a person who had been under the influence of a third party, his parents for instance, when signing a contract. Therefore he/she is not legally committed to the terms of the contract he has signed. Enforcement of undue influence is one reason for unfairness of the contract and legally sufficient to terminate it. The principle of duress and compulsion in Islamic jurisprudence supports the will of weak and under-influence individuals to some extent. Duress in case of threat and lack of satisfaction will render the contract null and void. Compulsion, in its totality, has no effect on the contract and it only removes penal liability. Only misuse of compulsion and emergency contracts signed under duress (i.e. in cases compulsion has been practiced intentionally by the other party) are similar to the undue influence, neither of which has received outright support by the legislators. After a comparative study of these two legal institutions in Iran and the UK, this paper came to the conclusion that there is a need to reform the principle of duress and compulsion in our legal system. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The preference of inner will for the apparent will in interpreting business contracts based on moral justification
        hossein moridifar Reza  Sokooty nasimi Naser  Masoudi
        Contract interpretation is one of the problem areas in the contracts. There are many basics for interpreting the contract. Approximately the principles of interpretation have been considered in various legal systems. One of the principles presented for interpreting the More
        Contract interpretation is one of the problem areas in the contracts. There are many basics for interpreting the contract. Approximately the principles of interpretation have been considered in various legal systems. One of the principles presented for interpreting the contract is the discovery of the truth based on the will of the parties. It is customary to create conflict between the will of the individuals (dominant and externally) in the field of contracts. Conflict arises from the real and declared will of individuals. In most legal systems, contract interpretation and conflict resolution are preferable to real and inner will, in such a way that if true, the true intention of the parties is other than that which has been expressed, the real will will be preferred, which ethics also accepts. And this issue has been accepted in jurisprudence, Iranian law and EU law. On the other hand, English law has a different approach to these systems, although it is possible that ethics will not accept this interpretation in some cases. In the current research, regardless of the views of researchers in this field, the actual and internal will, with moral justification, is preferred to the will expressed. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Examining the moral responsibility and duties of the government towards responsibilities outside the will
        Mohsen Lezgi Hossein Saberi Seyed Mohsen Jalali
        The government's responsibilities towards involuntary civil responsibilities are important and fundamental issues that have not been addressed much. At the same time, the government's duties in this regard, given the growing importance of citizens' rights, are important More
        The government's responsibilities towards involuntary civil responsibilities are important and fundamental issues that have not been addressed much. At the same time, the government's duties in this regard, given the growing importance of citizens' rights, are important and necessary issues for discussion. The main question that has been raised and examined in this article in the present article is what is the responsibility of the government from events from its moral and legal point of view? What are the jurisprudential principles, moral and legal principles, conditions and duties of the government towards responsibilities beyond its control? The present article is descriptive-analytical and examines the mentioned questions using the library method. The results of the article indicate that in Iranian law, the government is committed to responsibilities beyond its control. The theory of equality of citizens, the theory of distributive justice, the theory of guarantee of rights, the observance of the rule of justice and the theory of the insuring state are the moral and legal foundations of the government's responsibility for unintentional events. Lack of reason or his inability to pay the ransom, the judge's mistake in judging the government's duty in the event of an accident, and the government's obligation to pay the ransom for traffic accidents (bodily injury insurance fund). One of the most important examples is the responsibility of the government towards responsibilities beyond its control. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Study Of Theoretical Philosophy Of History In Nahj Al-Balagha; Case Study Determinism And Authority
        سید مهدی  حسینی شیروانی   Mohammad 
        Determinism And Free Will Of The Most Important And Oldest Theoretical Philosophy Of History. The Importance And Sensitivity Of This Issue From The Religious And Theological Issues Because That Is The Will, Ability, Power, Science Servants Of God Verbs, Especially Verbs More
        Determinism And Free Will Of The Most Important And Oldest Theoretical Philosophy Of History. The Importance And Sensitivity Of This Issue From The Religious And Theological Issues Because That Is The Will, Ability, Power, Science Servants Of God Verbs, Especially Verbs And Destiny And The Will Of The People And Will Closely Tied. The Question That Arises Here Is Whether The Views Of Imam Ali (As) In Nahj Al-Human Beings Or Force And Whether This Autonomy Is In Contradiction With God's Will? Accordingly, The Findings Indicate That Imam Ali (As) In Nahj Al-Balagha Does Not Believe In Coincidence And Historical Determinism And Believed In The Cause And Effect Of Events And Historical Events. So That Human Philosophical Insight Of Imam Ali (As) A Victim Helplessly Against The God Of History, But Their Own History And Its Manufacturer And Can Be Across The Divine Decree, Lead To Welfare. Imam (AS) And The Traditions Of The Human Will To The Will Of God And Not The Dominant Force On The Date. Accordingly, Autonomous Being, Is One Of The Most Important Features Of The Nahj Al-Balagha. The Research Method In Collecting Library - Documentation And Analytical Judgment Is In Place Manuscript profile
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        8 - Comparatively Surveys the Issue of "Determinism" and "Free Will" among Abraham Religions
        This article comparatively surveys the issue of "determinism" and "free will" among holy religions. According to the heavenly religions, we want to distinguish the stand of free will in human being; moreover, whether Allah has created him in determinism or thoroughly gi More
        This article comparatively surveys the issue of "determinism" and "free will" among holy religions. According to the heavenly religions, we want to distinguish the stand of free will in human being; moreover, whether Allah has created him in determinism or thoroughly given him free will is in the question. Separately surveying these issues in all three religions, this article distinguishably circulates theirs experts' verdicts; furthermore, it compares and adapts their verdicts to each, considering the differences, and finally it selects the appreciated and complete one. Initially we took a look at the verdicts of Ash'arīyūn, Mu'tazilah, and Shiite in the school of Islam, then the verdicts of jewish experts such as Sa'dīyā, Ibrāhīm ibn 'adhrā, and Ibrāhīm ibn dāvūd have been discussed. The verdicts of christian experts like Saint Augustines, Pelagius, and their companions have been examined at the end Manuscript profile
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        9 - The basis of philosophy of contract realization
        jalil ghanavati omid gholamalitabar firozjaiee
        Basically, the philosophy of contract realization is based on two theories: a view based on formalism and the restraints of the words and specific forms for conclusion of the contract, and the other is based on the freedom of will in concluding the contract. However, af More
        Basically, the philosophy of contract realization is based on two theories: a view based on formalism and the restraints of the words and specific forms for conclusion of the contract, and the other is based on the freedom of will in concluding the contract. However, after the Renaissance, intense oppositions to formality began and the sovereignty of will has grown steadily, and this transformation and attitude has also become more objective in the legal system of Iran after the constitutional revolution, but after a while a lot of criticism, philosophically or legally, appeared regarding it and its severity and intensity has been reduced. In Iran's law, by setting Article 10 of the Civil Code as well as Article 957, the legislator has shown tendency to the principle of sovereignty of will, but this does not mean that we interpret the traditional and jurisprudential texts according to modern interpretations. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Investigating the Relationship between the Terms of the Traditions of Satan with the Authority and Justice
        Abdollah Niknam
        Some hadiths mean that the happiness or cruelty of man is predetermined and his talent determines his destiny. These traditions are known as the "traditions of Satan". The important question in the way of these hadiths is the relation of these traditions to human author More
        Some hadiths mean that the happiness or cruelty of man is predetermined and his talent determines his destiny. These traditions are known as the "traditions of Satan". The important question in the way of these hadiths is the relation of these traditions to human authority and their apparent contradictions with divine justice. The answer to this question requires the examination of the document and the implications of the above hadiths. This article aims to study the implications and implications of these hadiths and has attempted to draw the following conclusions: First: Satan's traditions deal with both the physical and spiritual aspects of human beings; There is no difference between the authority of man and the content of the traditions of Satanism: Fourth: These traditions are not incompatible with divine justice; That is: some exist and some lack justice. In general, the lack of difference between creatures is incompatible with divine justice. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Objectivity and Representativeness of Propositions in the Practical Philosophies of Kant and Mulla Sadra
        Hossein  Qasemi
        Kant, the modern philosopher, believes that the development of Man’s moral life depends on designing a moral system the principles of which are based on reason and objectivity. In this way, it would be free from any kind of subjectivity and personal bias, which damaged More
        Kant, the modern philosopher, believes that the development of Man’s moral life depends on designing a moral system the principles of which are based on reason and objectivity. In this way, it would be free from any kind of subjectivity and personal bias, which damaged the moral system of his period. The only proposition which enjoys these features is the categorical imperative. Now, the problem is how Kant justifies the objectivity and truth of this imperative. Another question is how this problem is answered in Mulla Sadra’s Islamic philosophy. In his Critique of Practical Reason, Kant maintains that practical matters are rooted in the moral law and tries to justify them by resorting to practical reason and the notion of freedom. Although Kant’s discussions in the field of philosophy of ethics proceed in a way to demonstrate nomena and, particularly, freedom, he considers them to be among axioms. This means that the reality of practical reason and freedom only justify the practical possibility of moral experience and other practical fields. In other words, admitting the reality of the intellect and freedom is merely based on belief and faith, consequently, moral propositions are rational rather than cognitional. In Mulla Sadra’s Transcendent Philosophy, practical propositions in individual and social fields are developed based on practical reason while attending to its relationship with theoretical reason. Moreover, the realms of both theory and practice stem from the innermost of the soul and are known through presential knowledge. As a result, all mental and rational perceptions are related to the truth of the good and its grades as an ontological affair. In this way, the objectivity and truth of these propositions are justified not based on certain axioms but by resorting to the possibility of the presential knowledge of the world of fact-itself. In this paper, the writer has tried to discuss the truth and objectivity of propositions in practical philosophy through employing a comparative method and the analysis of the philosophical principles of Kant and Mulla Sadra in order to highlight the importance of the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy. Manuscript profile
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        12 - The Relationship between Weakness of Will and Ethical Life in Aristotle: A Glance at Socrates’ View and Aristotle’s Critique of Weakness of Will
        Simin Kheirabadi Ali Akbar  Abdol Abadi
        “Weakness of will” is one of the fundamental concepts in Aristotle’s ethics, a thorough understanding of which requires an understanding of its meaning and use in his views. In this paper, following a descriptive-analytic method, the authors initially refer to the lexic More
        “Weakness of will” is one of the fundamental concepts in Aristotle’s ethics, a thorough understanding of which requires an understanding of its meaning and use in his views. In this paper, following a descriptive-analytic method, the authors initially refer to the lexical roots of the expression of “weakness of will” in Greek and, then, try to explain Socrates’ idea of weakness of will and Aristotle’s critique of this view. Next, given some of the referents of the concept of weakness of will in Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics, they seek to demonstrate why human beings sometimes act against their ethical knowledge. Later they provide Aristotle’s analysis of the phenomenon of weakness of will as one of the obstacles to living an ethical life and argue that sometimes it stands in contrast to rationality. As a result, while being aware that something is ethically wrong or right, an individual, under the influence of their misplaced desires, might act unethically or cease to act ethically. In Aristotle’s view, a necessary condition for the rationality of ethical necessity is for human beings to benefit from “practical wisdom”. He also believes that if the intellect leads the other human faculties at the level of act, individuals will certainly choose and do the right thing. Manuscript profile
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        13 - A Critical-Historical Review of Abharī’s Analysis of the Elements and Typology of Denotation Based on the Distinction of two Models: Free Will-Speaker and Meaning-Interlocutor
        Hashem  Ghorbani Abbas Bakhshandeh Bali
        The present study provides a critical-historical review of semiotics in Abharī’s view and aims to explain his encounter with the problems of the realm of semantics and his standpoints in this regard. Here, the authors have tried to evaluate and analyze some descriptions More
        The present study provides a critical-historical review of semiotics in Abharī’s view and aims to explain his encounter with the problems of the realm of semantics and his standpoints in this regard. Here, the authors have tried to evaluate and analyze some descriptions of denotation and its typology. Accordingly, relying on Abharī’s conception of the nature of denotation, his analysis of its typology, and an evaluation of his view as to the inefficiency of denotation of implication, the authors provide a critical account of this philosopher’s view while employing certain elements, such as the speaker’s will in transferring meaning, the role of interlocutor’s understanding in the correct construction of meaning, and thought structure. Logicians believe that denotation depends on context and have considered contextual awareness as a necessary condition. The authors have also explained that, in addition to this criterion, some other elements in the realm of meaning, the speaker, and the interlocutor affect the creation of denotation. Through moving the concept of denotation beyond the domain of single words and its vast application to sentences and, particularly, propositions and also following a non-quiddative approach in dealing with the specification of the concepts of the field of denotation, Abharī connects semiotics with semantic discussions. Here, Abharī’s views regarding semiotics have been presented in comparison to other thinkers. Some of his endeavors in this realm include redefining denotation based on the meaning-interlocutor model, providing two different interpretations of the place of context in the typology of denotation, criticizing Fakhr al-Dīn’s analysis of similar denotations and their distinction from the other two types of denotation through adopting a dependent or independent subject and considering evaluation-centeredness, criticizing the analysis of Khunaji and Kashi of the metaphorical nature of inclusion and implication denotation, criticizing Suhrawardī’s and Rāzī’s description of implicative-corresponding relations, and criticizing the inefficient approaches to implication denotation, and designing an image based on misunderstanding based on the plurality of mental transfers. Manuscript profile
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        14 - God’s Will in Ṭūsī, Mullā Ṣadrā, and ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī
        Armin Mansouri Ali Alahbedashti
        The howness of God’s Will is one of the problems that has provoked a lot of discussion in the field of theology. Although all philosophers have accepted God’s Will as a Divine Attribute, there are several disagreements in its interpretation. The purpose of this paper is More
        The howness of God’s Will is one of the problems that has provoked a lot of discussion in the field of theology. Although all philosophers have accepted God’s Will as a Divine Attribute, there are several disagreements in its interpretation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate, compare, and evaluate the views of Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī, Mullā Ṣadrā, and ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī in terms of the semantics, origin, and ontology of God’s Will. Ṭūsī maintains that will is the same as motive, which is the same as knowledge of the goodness of act, and thus believes in God’s essential will as an essential attribute. Mullā Ṣadrā also adds the sameness of love with will to the sameness of the knowledge of goodness of act with act and introduces will as an essential attribute. Moreover, he justifies the Infallible Imam’s narrations regarding the sameness of will with act by changing its meaning from having the intention to perform an act to the making and changing of its level from essence to the level of actual existents. However, ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī views the identity of free will with the knowledge of the best system as a verbal conflict and a merely different denomination. He disagrees with equating free will with any essential attribute (such as love) other than knowledge. Thus he maintains that free will is not an essential attribute but is, rather, abstracted from the level of act and is one of its attributes. He also introduces the essence of an act that occurs in the outside or the presence of perfect cause for the act as its source of abstraction. It seems that ٬Allāmah’s change of ontological view of free will and considering it an actual attribute in justifying rational constraints are more accurate than regarding it as an essential attribute without paying attention to the conceptual difference between free will and knowledge and love, which has been propounded by Ṭūsī and Mullā Ṣadrā. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Order of Being and Ought-tos in the Book of Creation and the Book of Religion
        Seyyed Mostafa  Muhaqqiq Damad
        The discussion regarding the problem of order in Islamic wisdom are classified under two titles: “book of creation” and “book of divine legislation/religion”. The book of creation explains and describes the necessary order dominating the world. The book of religion cont More
        The discussion regarding the problem of order in Islamic wisdom are classified under two titles: “book of creation” and “book of divine legislation/religion”. The book of creation explains and describes the necessary order dominating the world. The book of religion contains the rules which have been devised to grant order to Man’s process of perfection. The major feature of the book of religion is that it has been developed based on the idea of Man as a free-willed being. Therefore, it contains a collection of recommended rules rather than obligatory laws. In the Transcendent Philosophy, these two types of order match each other. Mulla Sadra, himself, refers to them as “genetic” and “religious” affairs. Based on this view, we can say that, even with regard to human and social laws, the order intended by Mulla Sadra is of the type of real and objective, rather than mentally-posited, affairs. In the Transcendent Philosophy, obeying religious teachings is considered to be the right path leading to human perfection. This is the same as obeying the principles dominating the system of being or, in ‘Allamah Tabataba’i’s words, obeying fitrah or the primordial nature. This path and order are shared by all individuals and societies at all times and in all places and provide the possibility for happiness and living a social life for all human beings. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Mulla Sadra’s Philosophical Approach to the Divine Will
        Abdolali  Shokr
        The Divine Will, as the first manifestation of the essence of the Truth, which is beyond time and place, is the window towards the emergence of other creatures from the Origin of being. In the Transcendent Philosophy, the Divine Will is propounded under some themes such More
        The Divine Will, as the first manifestation of the essence of the Truth, which is beyond time and place, is the window towards the emergence of other creatures from the Origin of being. In the Transcendent Philosophy, the Divine Will is propounded under some themes such as God’s Power, Knowledge, and Free Will. These attributes differ from the Essence of the Truth only in concept; however, they are the same as God’s Essence in terms of their referent and existence. To justify the objectivity of His Essence and Attributes, Mulla Sadra reasons that God is simple truth and pure existence, and that is why we cannot accept the otherness and the ontological multiplicity of attributes in relation to each other and to the Essence of the Truth. God’s Power is the same as this Free Will and Pre-eternal will, and that is the reason why acts are emanated from the Essence of the Truth without delay. Therefore, the acts of the Almighty God, unlike the view of mutakallimun, who define it as the truth of act and abandonment, are accompanied by the Divine Will. In fact, the thrust of being omnipotent makes it necessary for the Divine Will to be the cause of the emanation or abandonment of act. Moreover, God’s Providence is the same as Almighty Truth’s differentiated knowledge of His Essence and the order of good, which is the cause of the emergence of acts. The Divine Will along with His Providence result in the external realization of God-pleasing acts. The objective realization of existents follows the same features determined by God’s Knowledge and Pre-eternal Will. It is the same decree and ordinance and the highest level of the Divine Knowledge that appears following the Pre-eternal Will, which includes Providence, Knowledge, Causality, and Satisfaction of the Truth’s Essence. All possible things, such as man’s will, are included in this Divine Will, Decree, and Ordinance. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The Problem of Predestination and Free Will and Mulla Sadra’s Innovative Solution
        Akbar  Faydei
        The problem of Divine Decree and Ordinance and its relationship with human acts has occupied the minds of Muslim thinkers since long ago. The undeniable universality of God’s Decree and Ordinance and its consistency or inconsistency with man’s free will have resulted in More
        The problem of Divine Decree and Ordinance and its relationship with human acts has occupied the minds of Muslim thinkers since long ago. The undeniable universality of God’s Decree and Ordinance and its consistency or inconsistency with man’s free will have resulted in the formation of the problem of predestination and free will and the rise of three major kalami and religious views of predestination, entrusting, and amr bayn al-amrayn (neither predestination nor entrusting, but something between them). Through explaining the problem of predestination and free will and rejecting the views of determinists and the followers of entrusting, the writer of this paper tries to demonstrate the consistency of the Divine Decree and Ordinance with man’s will based on the teachings of the Shi‘a school of thought and the truth of the theory of intermediate position and Mulla Sadra’s innovative interpretation of the issue. Manuscript profile
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        18 - An Epistemological-Ontological Approach to the Voluntary Growth and Training of “Personality” Based on Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy
        Tooba  La’l Sahebi Mohammad Kazem Elmi Soola
        “I” or “self” is intertwined with self-consciousness in Sadrian philosophy. The emergence of “I” begins with developing an awareness of the self and then develops, grows, and attains different levels based on the same awareness. In this paper, the writers aim to explore More
        “I” or “self” is intertwined with self-consciousness in Sadrian philosophy. The emergence of “I” begins with developing an awareness of the self and then develops, grows, and attains different levels based on the same awareness. In this paper, the writers aim to explore the growth of “I” or “personality” based on Mulla Sadra’s philosophical principles. In its technical sense, “personality”, which is created in the light of training and other influential factors, is formed in the domain of the transcendent and grown “I”. This is because “I”, from the very beginning, is an individual and a particular ontological identity. However, personality, which mainly represents an individual’s voluntary attributes and features, appears at specific stages of a person’s process of development and correct intellectual education. Following a specific analytic method, the present paper examines the process of appropriate growth, which mainly takes place after puberty. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Ontological Analysis of the Problem of Weakness of Will in Transcendent Philosophy
        Akbar pour Marzieh Hassan  Moradi mahmoud saidi
        This paper focuses on the weakness of will or the distance between theory and practice. Thus it tries to explore the quality of the ontological analysis of this problem based on the theory of the graded unity of being. In a quiddative analysis, the principles of willful More
        This paper focuses on the weakness of will or the distance between theory and practice. Thus it tries to explore the quality of the ontological analysis of this problem based on the theory of the graded unity of being. In a quiddative analysis, the principles of willful act enjoy causal and temporal sequence; however, in an ontological analysis, they are the levels of the single truth of being. Accordingly, knowledge and act are the different aspects of a single truth which, upon being originated in essence, is called knowledge at one stage and will or desire at another stage. As a result, knowledge and voluntary act are two ends of the same continuum which has a single root in human essence; a root of the type of love and bliss. In a quiddative approach, weakness of will is rooted in the weakness of the components of the causal chain preceding it, such as the concept of act and affirmation of its advantages. Nevertheless, in an ontological approach, the weakness of voluntary act is directly related to Man’s ontological weakness and the weakness of the knowledge which is commensurate with it. The ontological view differs from the quiddative view in that it does not consider voluntary act to be at the end of a chain of basic principles in separation from knowledge. Rather, it views act as one of the manifestations of an ontological truth which is commensurate with knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        20 - A Study of Mudarres Zunūzī’s View of the Theory of Interrupting the Divine Punishment based on the Ideas of Ibn ‘Arabī and Mullā Ṣadrā
        Hamidreza  Khademi Reza Hesari
        The eternity of divine punishment is among the important eschatological problems and discussions in philosophy and gnosis. Ibn ‘Arabī and Mullā Ṣadrā’s scrutiny and analysis of this problem attracted the attention of several Muslim thinkers to this subject in later time More
        The eternity of divine punishment is among the important eschatological problems and discussions in philosophy and gnosis. Ibn ‘Arabī and Mullā Ṣadrā’s scrutiny and analysis of this problem attracted the attention of several Muslim thinkers to this subject in later times. Among them, Āqā ‘Alī Mudarres Zunūzī was one of the advocates of the theory of sinners’ eternal punishment in hell. In his glosses on al-Asfār, he adduced three arguments for this theory including the direct reference of some Qur’anīc verses to the eternity of punishment, the absence of any defense against divine punishment, and the concomitance of Man’s free will with eternal punishment. Zunūzī does not agree with the ḥadīth that Mullā Ṣadrā cites in order to demonstrate the interruption of punishment. However, in this paper the authors demonstrate that his criticism of Mullā Ṣadrā’s view is unfounded. Therefore, it can be said that the arguments adduced by some philosophers and gnostics in defense of the interruption of punishment are complete and can rationally justify this problem. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The Reasons Behind Lack of Moral Commitment in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View:Weakness of Belief, Desire, and Will Power
        Mehdi Zamani
        In the view of the Transcendent Philosophy, knowledge, love, kindness, desire, and free will, similar to existence, exist at various levels in all existents, including in Man’s voluntary acts. Lack of moral commitment results from one of the following three factors: 1) More
        In the view of the Transcendent Philosophy, knowledge, love, kindness, desire, and free will, similar to existence, exist at various levels in all existents, including in Man’s voluntary acts. Lack of moral commitment results from one of the following three factors: 1) weakness of moral beliefs (lack of perfect certainty and being heedless of existing beliefs); 2) weakness of desire (dominance of whimsical desires and forces and wrath over rational and moral enthusiasm), and 3) weakness of will power (weakness in making decisions and removing obstacles to the desired aim). Accordingly, moral commitment is realized through: 1) attaining the level of certainly and notifying others; 2) intensifying enthusiasm to the level of intellectual desire and delight, and 3) strengthening will power to make the right decision. Given the graded structure of the principles of voluntary act and the promotion and strengthening of the three levels of belief, desire, and will can consolidate the relationship among them and the realization of act will bring them closer to necessity. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Analysis of factors affecting student absenteeism in organizational training programs and providing exit solutions
        Mohammad  hooman doosti Milad Javanmardi
        Introduction: In spite of the attention, sensitivity and concern of the custodians of learning and development to identify and cooperate with the professors and also to spend a lot of expenses on conducting training courses, the rate of participation in class-based trai More
        Introduction: In spite of the attention, sensitivity and concern of the custodians of learning and development to identify and cooperate with the professors and also to spend a lot of expenses on conducting training courses, the rate of participation in class-based training programs is low, hence The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of student absenteeism in courses and outline strategies. Method: The research method in this study is a mixed type of exploration (a design tool for collecting data). Explain that in the data collection sequence, qualitative data and then quantitative data were collected. In the qualitative section, the deep interview method and the focused group were used and in the quantitative section, researcher-made questionnaire was used. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed with the help of five experts and professors in the field of education and its reliability was calculated 0.84 using Cronbach's alpha. The study population consisted of all employees of one of the industrial companies of Isfahan province, based on the Morgan table, 196 were calculated. Results: The results of the present study showed that the impact of all three groups of individual, educational and organizational factors in the absence of learners was more than average. Also, the results of the interview showed that lack of incentive, non-payment of mission and work overtime due to training, lack of calculation of educational privilege, lack of relevance of education records in other human resources systems, high work volume, lack of knowledge transfer mechanisms, limited support of knowledge transfer due to the type of managerial thinking, personal and familial problems are other factors affecting the increase in absenteeism rates and thus reducing the rate of participation in training courses. Conclusion: According to the participants in the research, organizational factors have had the greatest impact on the absenteeism, which is necessary to correct this problem in salary systems. Also, in the educational dimension, it is necessary to improve the design and planning of courses, which it is suggested to use modern teaching methods, classes with less number and relatively strict policies against absenteeism in the classroom. Also, at the individual level, it is suggested that the sense of belonging to the courses in the learners be strengthened through peer mentoring. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Investigation of Diameter and Height Growth of Willow and Alder in Road Fill-Slope Landslide Bioengineering Stabilization (Surdar-Watashan District Chamestan, Mazandaran)
        Seyed Ata ollah Hosseini
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the diameter and height growth of two native species of alder (Alnus glutinosa L. Gaertn.) and willow (Salix alba L.) planted in three treatments including natural mulches of straw, wood chips and bare soil without mulch (as control More
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the diameter and height growth of two native species of alder (Alnus glutinosa L. Gaertn.) and willow (Salix alba L.) planted in three treatments including natural mulches of straw, wood chips and bare soil without mulch (as control) treatments. The design of the experiments was in the form of split plots and in the form of completely random blocks located in Chamestan, Mazandaran. The results showed that the regression relationships between diameter and height in alder species were better than those of willow species completely randomly. The study area was in parcels 5 of series 3 district of Surdar -Watashan forestry plan in watershed 49 of forests in the north of the country. The regression coefficient for the independent variable of diameter and dependent variable of height was 0.65 in alder and 0.42 in willow. The results showed that the regression relationship between diameter and height in alder was better than willow species. According to the results of variance analysis, the blocks and treatments did not have a statistically significant difference. The wood chips treatment created the best situation, and after that, the straw treatment and finally the control treatment (bare soil) had a more unfavorable situation than the other treatments. Finally, alder had more favorable conditions for adaptation to the applied bioengineering conditions of the present study vs. willow. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Investigation of Diameter and Height Growth of Willow and Alder in biologically stabilized areas of forest road landslide (Surdar-Watashan series 3 district, Chamestan, Mazandaran)
        Seyed Ata Ollah  Hosseini
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the diameter and height growth of two native species of alder (Alnus glutinosa L. Gaertn.) and willow (Salix alba L.) planted in three treatments including natural mulches of straw, wood chips and bare soil without mulch (as control More
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the diameter and height growth of two native species of alder (Alnus glutinosa L. Gaertn.) and willow (Salix alba L.) planted in three treatments including natural mulches of straw, wood chips and bare soil without mulch (as control) treatments. The design of the experiments was in the form of split plots and in the form of completely random blocks located in Chamestan, Mazandaran. The results showed that the regression relationships between diameter and height in alder species were better than those of willow species completely randomly. The study area was in parcels 5 of series 3 district of Surdar -Watashan forestry plan in watershed 49 of forests in the north of the country. The regression coefficient for the independent variable of diameter and dependent variable of height was 0.65 in alder and 0.42 in willow. The results showed that the regression relationship between diameter and height in alder was better than willow species. According to the results of variance analysis, the blocks and treatments did not have a statistically significant difference. The wood chips treatment created the best situation, and after that, the straw treatment and finally the control treatment (bare soil) had a more unfavorable situation than the other treatments. Finally, alder had more favorable conditions for adaptation to the applied bioengineering conditions of the present study vs. willow. Manuscript profile
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        25 - The Nature and Realm of Responsibility of Human from the Perspective of Sartre and Islamic View of Action
        The aim of this study is a comparative analysis of the nature and the realm of responsibility from the perspective of Sartre and Islamic view of action. In order to do this, two methods of conceptual analysis and comparative analysis were used; using the method of conce More
        The aim of this study is a comparative analysis of the nature and the realm of responsibility from the perspective of Sartre and Islamic view of action. In order to do this, two methods of conceptual analysis and comparative analysis were used; using the method of conceptual analysis, the nature of human responsibility, regarding to the nature of human and its freedom in both views, was examined and then, their similarities and differences were comparatively analyzed. The comparison was analyzed from four aspects of the origin of responsibility and the criteria (nature of responsibility), absolute/bounded responsibility and individual/social responsibility (realm of responsibility). First, despite the initial similarities between the two perspectives on the origins of responsibility, these are distinct by considering the concept of abandonment. Second, these two views, according to two aspects of the objective/subjective and absolute/relative of the responsibility criteria, are naturally different. Being absolute/ bounded, as the third component, makes the two views closer together in the responsibility realm. Fourth, individual/social responsibility of acts deals with the comparative study of this realm from another perspective. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Psychological Carrying Capacity and Lake Beach Management in Zayanderud Dam
        Kamran Shayesteh Zahra  Sheikhi Alireza  Ildoromi
        Psychological Carrying Capacity differs among people based on their culture, the characteristics of the study area, and psychological and social factors. Congestion is the most direct physical and psychological indicator of the increasing number of tourists and is in a More
        Psychological Carrying Capacity differs among people based on their culture, the characteristics of the study area, and psychological and social factors. Congestion is the most direct physical and psychological indicator of the increasing number of tourists and is in a close connection with Psychological Carrying Capacity. This study investigated the Psychological Carrying Capacity in the lake beach of Zayanderud Dam in Isfahan province. Visitors’ satisfaction level was coded and tested based on 16 parameters of the Likert spectrum in five scales, from -2 (Very Dissatisfied) to +2 (Very Satisfied). Safety in the area (86.4%) was the most satisfying parameter and the most dissatisfying parameter was the beach benches (54.4%). The Importance-Performance Matrix showed that except for the congestion, the beach benches, and the entrance fee, the importance for all parameters was upper than 90%, and among all, cleanliness (i.e. no litter) was the most important (100%). Perceived Sense of Crowding and Social Norm Curve (based on ICT technology) were used to define 3797 visitors and the acceptable thresholds between 1370 and 8375. To the question of how the crowd affected the visiting quality, over 50 percent of tourists responded that people’s presence increased their enjoyment of tourism activities. The results also showed that more than half of the visitors would pay an entrance fee if the fees were to conserve the beach area. Manuscript profile
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        27 - The willingness of tourists to pay for services in rural tourism destinations
        Hamdollah  Sojasi Qeidari حمیده محمودی Atefe jomeei
        Tourism-baed development would only takes place if local communities are provided with the revenues earned from visiting tourists who are willingly pay for tourism services offered. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the willingness of toursits visiting the vi More
        Tourism-baed development would only takes place if local communities are provided with the revenues earned from visiting tourists who are willingly pay for tourism services offered. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the willingness of toursits visiting the villages of Shandiz city in Binalood town to pay for tourism services offered there. Being a descriptive-analytic research, the study used conditional evaluation method and logit model to measure the pay willingness rate. Vikor model was also employed to identify the spatial differences among the tourists in terms of their willingness to pay for the services they received. The population of the study comprised of eleven villages which were visited throughout 2018 by 96 visitors who were selected as the participants of the study according to Cochran formula with 0.1 error rate. The results of the stusy indicate that tourists tends to spend an average of 776540 Rials (equal to 6 USD) in the villages they visit. Taking the the total willingness of the visiting tourists to pay for the services for a full day into account, commercial facilities, catering, recreation, and residential facilities were the most willingly paid services respectively. Moreover, based on the Vikor model, tourists spend more money in Virani village as more services are offered there in terms of restaurant, catering, and residential facilities. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Investigating the Effect of Error Treatment Atmosphere on Willingness to Quit Jobs in Female Staff: A Case Study of Four and Five-Star Hotels in Mashhad
        Ismail Malekakhlagh Farshad Ghaderi
        Constituting half of society, women play a significant role in advancing the goals of different countries in this new social age. On the other hand, as organizations, especially the service-providing ones, are potentially subject to errors, they need to provide an appro More
        Constituting half of society, women play a significant role in advancing the goals of different countries in this new social age. On the other hand, as organizations, especially the service-providing ones, are potentially subject to errors, they need to provide an appropriate environment for treating possible errors. Therefore, this applied survey study sought to investigate the effect of an error treatment atmosphere on the willingness to quit one’s job, considering learning behavior as the mediating factor. The statistical population of the study comprised female staff of four and five-star hotels in Mashhad, out of whom 390 people were selected as participants. Moreover, the required data were collected through a questionnaire, whose form and content validity were evaluated and verified by management experts and its construct validity was measured and confirmed using the confirmatory factor analysis in Amos software. Also, the reliability of different constructs of the questionnaire was confirmed, as the reported Cronbach's alpha coefficient was over 0.7. The findings of the study indicated the positive influence of error management and perceived forgiveness atmosphere on the staff’s learning behavior, with their effect rate being 0.48 and 0.57, respectively. On the other hand, error management atmosphere, perceived forgiveness atmosphere, and learning behavior had a significant influence on reducing the willingness of the staff to quit their jobs, with their effect rates being -0.34, -0.20, and -0.28, respectively. Moreover, the mediating role of the learning behavior in the causal relationships between the error management atmosphere and the willingness to quit one’s job, and between the perceived forgiveness atmosphere and such a willingness was confirmed, with the former and latter’s effect rate being -0.13 and -0.16, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Development of the Concept of Free Will in the View of Modern Philosophers
        Roohollah Karimi
        The concept of free will is one of the fundamental concepts in Western metaphysical tradition. Although there are some important signs regarding the origination of this concept in Greek classical philosophy and Middle Age philosophy, it was just at the beginning of the More
        The concept of free will is one of the fundamental concepts in Western metaphysical tradition. Although there are some important signs regarding the origination of this concept in Greek classical philosophy and Middle Age philosophy, it was just at the beginning of the modern period that the role of free will in the interpretation of the world was more highlighted in the thoughts of each philosopher more than those of the previous one. It seems as if the role of rational knowledge has become gradually less important in this process while the role of free will has become more significant. Inspired by Heidegger, the author has tried to strengthen his standpoint by yielding more proofs than he has offered in order to examine the development of the concept of free will. In doing so, he starts with Descartes and, by investigating the views of Espinoza, Leibniz, Rousseau, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche, aims to analyze the quality of the development of this concept, particularly the relationship between the free will and knowledge in the modern period. The purpose is to show that the significance of free will for Schopenhauer and Nietzsche is not accidental, and the preliminary contexts of such a development had been previously and gradually paved by modern philosophers. The findings of this study indicate that, unlike the previous comments and interpretations, Nietzsche’s “will to power” is not a complement to a Schopenhaurian project but, rather, a complement to German idealism. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Locus of Control in Quran’s View, with an Emphasis on Concept of Determinism & Free Will
        Man’s health in all areas is deeply affected by his lifestyle. On the other hand, lifestyle and actions and conducts originate from man’s mental and psychological processes and his style of thinking. The locus of control of man’s character is among personality traits More
        Man’s health in all areas is deeply affected by his lifestyle. On the other hand, lifestyle and actions and conducts originate from man’s mental and psychological processes and his style of thinking. The locus of control of man’s character is among personality traits that significantly affect the way one thinks and behaves. Research findings show that many of men’s problems and troubles are rooted in a belief in external control on individuals. But what affects does internal control have on individuals? Does external control not have any positive effects? A study of Quranic concepts, especially those related to the issue of determinism and free will point to the fact that Quranic discourse rules out absolute free will on the one hand and considers limited effects from external determinism on individuals, on the other. Hence, Quran’s view of the locus of control is something in the middle of internal and external control. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Role of Free Will Versus Taghdir (Destiny) in View of Quran, Psychology and Neurology
        AKRAM jahangir farzaneh maftoon
        The issue of predestination and free will has long been among the most basic issues in philosophy and debated by philosophers and thinkers. Some have believed in absolute predestination and some others, like Muʿtazila, believe in absolute free will. However, the saying More
        The issue of predestination and free will has long been among the most basic issues in philosophy and debated by philosophers and thinkers. Some have believed in absolute predestination and some others, like Muʿtazila, believe in absolute free will. However, the saying “La jabr wala ikhtiar, bal amr-i bayn al-amrayn” (There is no free will or predestination, but the station in between) we have received from the Infallible Imams (AS) has been proven to be true in specialized neurology labs. In this paper, neurological studies about free will, related Quranic verses, and other psychological and neurological views related to the issue have been taken into consideration. Benjamin Libet is a neurophysiologist who discovered a new understanding of consciousness during his studies on the brain. He writes that the brain begins responding to an external stimulus before making a conscious decision (i.e., the response is already there, and this is what we call predestination). This paper cites from verses of the Quran, views of Carl Jung, and interpretations of poets Rumi and Hafiz on the issue of sublime predestination and destiny and then investigates neurology of transcendence in neuroscience. One can develop humanity’s horizons in terms of religious understandings by reflecting on them and their relation with new sciences. Manuscript profile
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        32 - A comparative study of the Qur'an's view with the theories of Rogers, Maslow and Viktor Frankl about strengthening the will
        shahin nalbandi gooyaghaj masoome ghanbarpoor
        In today's world, willpower is one of the efficiency factors in different dimensions of life, which increases the exposure to mental challenges and causes the growth and development of personal and work life. This issue is considered one of the basic issues of humanisti More
        In today's world, willpower is one of the efficiency factors in different dimensions of life, which increases the exposure to mental challenges and causes the growth and development of personal and work life. This issue is considered one of the basic issues of humanistic psychology, which is used to strengthen human self-awareness. On the other hand, the study of the verses of the Quran shows that a large number of verses are related to the will and ways to strengthen it. In the current research, it has been tried to express the necessary solutions in the matter of strengthening people's will by the analytical-descriptive method and by referring to the verses of the Quran and the theory of psychologists of the humanist school. From the point of view of the Qur'an, man is the best of God's creations and is moving towards God with infinite capabilities. Human talents flourish only in the path of divine approach; Therefore, according to the Qur'an, factors such as divine piety, jihad, fasting, prayer, patience, self-cultivation, etc. strengthen human will and movement. But the humanist school only pays attention to the known human capabilities and takes steps to strengthen the will to reach those capabilities. According to the humanist school, things such as self-knowledge, positive indoctrination, goal setting, determination, decision-making power, and self-respect influence human will. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Humanism in Nasim Marashi's "autumn novel is the last season of the year"
        Javan  Mohammad Ali َAbdollah toloeiazar
        Humanism is a concept that originated in Europe, spread throughout the world, and blended with different cultures. With the growth of human-centeredness, man became acquainted with his true position and position. Although sometimes man did not find his true dignity, but More
        Humanism is a concept that originated in Europe, spread throughout the world, and blended with different cultures. With the growth of human-centeredness, man became acquainted with his true position and position. Although sometimes man did not find his true dignity, but with the familiarity of man with his position, he always tried to gain this dignity. The main purpose of this article is to study the components of humanism in Nasim Marashi's novels. The research method is descriptive-analytical. The result of the article indicates that in Marashi's works and especially in the novel "Autumn is the last season of the year", elements such as rationalism, individualism, realism, human will, etc., which are the main features of humanism, can be observed. Manuscript profile
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        34 - A Critical Study of the Definition of Practice in Mullā Ṣadrā
        Fatemeh Sadat Ketabchi Keramat Varzdar
        Mullā Ṣadrā maintains that the distinction of practice from other acts pertains to its “intentional” nature. In his view, “intention” includes the free will accompanied with the second level of consciousness acting based on the purpose of practice. Therefore, not each v More
        Mullā Ṣadrā maintains that the distinction of practice from other acts pertains to its “intentional” nature. In his view, “intention” includes the free will accompanied with the second level of consciousness acting based on the purpose of practice. Therefore, not each voluntary act is called “practice”; rather, practice is a voluntary act that emerges along with the second level consciousness based on the purpose of act. The results of this study, which was conducted following a descriptive-analytic method and through the analysis of conceptual concomitants of practice, indicate that Mullā Ṣadrā’s definition is not mutually exclusive. This is because, based on the example of “self-conscious” robot, one can assume an agent that enjoys free will and consciousness but its act is not intentional. Therefore, to complete the definition of practice, in addition to free will and consciousness, one needs a third element or the same “choice”. Mullā Ṣadrā does not officially recognize “choice” as the third element of practice and reduces it to the same consciousness and the free will. Nevertheless, the present study demonstrates that he is wrong, and “choice” in the sense of “the freedom to use the free will” must be added to the definition of practice. This study mainly aims to examine the quiddative structure of “practice” in the Transcendent Philosophy and distinguish “practice” from other similar affairs. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Rumi's rational methodology in order to prove human free will in Masnavi
        Abolfazl  Afsharipour reza Haidari Nori reza fahimi
        The issue of determinism and free will is one of the most complex points of theology in the religion of Islam. According to the diverse interpretations of different theological sects and intellectual and religious schools, including mystics, from the verses of the Holy More
        The issue of determinism and free will is one of the most complex points of theology in the religion of Islam. According to the diverse interpretations of different theological sects and intellectual and religious schools, including mystics, from the verses of the Holy Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet; it has been followed different and sometimes contradictory interpretations; to the extent that each of the intellectual societies, including the Ash'arites and Mu’tazilites, have been in constant search to prove their beliefs according to their own intellectual and ideological basis. Meanwhile, Muslim mystics, including Maulana Jalaluddin, due to his great work, Masnavi, mentions one of the strong and convincing reasons in order to prove free will and human will that the use the rational method of the thought power is in absorbing desires and seeking phenomena which is referred to as "common value". By the rational methodology, Rumi seeks to prove the subject of free will and the negation of determinism, and in the light of human free will, he proves the power of thought. The findings of this research, which has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and based on library and documentary studies, show that the power of thought in human has been considered as a force to prove the power of free will in Rumi's theology. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Freedom of will from view of Immanuel Kant and Mulla Sadra
        Batoul Yarali Mohsenn Fahim mojtaba jafari
        This essay in the field of philosofy of athics is a comparative research about freedom of will. According to Mullah Sadra, human actions are both voluntary and coercive. In his philosophy, the opposition of causal necessity to free will is one of the most important an More
        This essay in the field of philosofy of athics is a comparative research about freedom of will. According to Mullah Sadra, human actions are both voluntary and coercive. In his philosophy, the opposition of causal necessity to free will is one of the most important and ambiguous issues. He proves the freedom of will through practical reason .He accepts a middle way in this case and calls his theory a theory of who are firmly grounded in knowledge. From this point of view, human actions are attributed to themselves on the one hand, and on the other hand, according to monotheism, actions are attributed to God. From Kant's point of view that free will is one of the fundamental foundations of his athics philosophy. He considers the desire for freedom to be inherent in human beings and man, as a rational being, has free will. According to Kant, the human will is a dependent will, but the will of God is a completely independent will. He considers theoretical reason incapable of proving the free will of man, but presupposes it in practical reason. Manuscript profile
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        37 - An Evaluation of the Theories of Suhrawardī Versus the Mu‘tazilites on God’s Will
        Mostafa Esfandiari Mohammad Mahdi Salami Rasool Padashpour
        <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent: 1.0cm; line-height: 130%;"><span style="mso-ascii-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roma More
        <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent: 1.0cm; line-height: 130%;"><span style="mso-ascii-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi;">One of the attributes and perfections of God is Will, a correct perception of which, similar to other attributes, can lead to the perfection of the knower. Although all Muslim phosphors attribute this Will to God, the quality of this attribution has always created some clash of ideas. Most <em>Mu&lsquo;tazilite</em> <em>mutikallimūn</em> negate God&rsquo;s affirmative attributes, including will, to essence and consider them to be additional to it. They maintain that the Divine Essence is the vicegerent for attributes. Among pre-Suhrawardī philosophers, some interpret the free will as the knowledge of the higher order, and some others have referred it to the attribute of knowledge to clarify its meaning. As a result, these two attributes are in unity with each other in terms of concept and referents. Regarding Suhrawardī, some believe that he denies the free will, while a study of the fundamental principles of his philosophical system reveals that the opposite holds true. From among such principles, reference can be made to the gracefulness of the light of all lights (<em>nūr al-anwār</em>), identity of Divine Attributes with Essence, and the light of all lights as the sum of all perfections. According to these principles, all the perfections at lower levels exist in the highest level in a more complete and nobler form. The attribute of will is also an existential perfection, the demonstration of which leads to honor and eminence, and the denial of which leads to the negation of perfection. Hence, given the general content of Shurawardī&rsquo;s philosophy, he must have necessarily agreed with attributing will to Almighty God. Regarding the inclusiveness of will, the <em>Mu&lsquo;tazilites</em> do not view Man as possessing the necessary will, while Suhrawardī considers the attributes of the light of all lights to belong to all existents, including Man in the light of introducing the light of all lights as an all-inclusive truth.</span></p> Manuscript profile
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        38 - Criticism and review of the views of theologians about the creation of actions based on the theory of Sadr al-Mutalahin Shirazi
        Ozra  Yousefi Seyyed Hassan  Bothaie Mohammad Reza  Motaqian Rohollah  NadAli
        The issue of "deterrence and free will" is one of the important theological and philosophical issues of human voluntary actions. The thinkers tried to explain the truth and dimensions of this issue based on their religious, scientific and epistemological foundations and More
        The issue of "deterrence and free will" is one of the important theological and philosophical issues of human voluntary actions. The thinkers tried to explain the truth and dimensions of this issue based on their religious, scientific and epistemological foundations and assumptions. Some were inclined to the theory of determinism and others to the theories of free will. Acknowledging the monotheism of verbs, Ash'ari theologians believe that all the verbs of the servants are God's creation and man is the only current acquirer that God creates by man's hand. Mu'tazila, motivated by the negation of evils from God, have denied the issuance of the verb ``Abd'' from God, and consider ``Abd'' as the origin of optional verbs. Sadr al-Mutalahin, by using rational reasons and revealed principles, has sought to gather the will of man and monotheism of actions. In this research, the Ash'areh principles and Mu'tazila principles about the voluntary actions of man are explained and the analysis and criticism of Mulla Sadra's principles about the voluntary actions of man are explained and its relationship with the monotheism of verbs is analyzed and researched according to rational and narrative reasons. It will be said that the authentic view of Imamia is Mulla Sadra's view. Manuscript profile