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        1 - Geochemistry, and metamorphic evolution of the Sahib Az Zaman skarns and the related intrusion in East of Kerman
        شهریار محمودی Salymah Dahgani Dashtabi
        Sahib Az Zaman Mountain is located 8 km North East of the Kerman city. Study area is part of Central Iran structural zone and Orumiyeh Dokhtar volcanic arc. In this area several young intrusions with intermediate composition intruded into Cretaceous limestone. According More
        Sahib Az Zaman Mountain is located 8 km North East of the Kerman city. Study area is part of Central Iran structural zone and Orumiyeh Dokhtar volcanic arc. In this area several young intrusions with intermediate composition intruded into Cretaceous limestone. According to stratigraphic evidence, these granitoids have Cenozoic age and produced thin skarnic halo. Based on mineralogical properties and whole rock geochemical analyses, Sahib Az Zaman skarn is a calc -silicate skarn. Based on this study, migration of silicon, magnesium, iron and trace elements from igneous intrusions towards calcareous host rock and the reverse migration of calcium and magnesium occurred from carbonate host rocks. Major minerals of igneous rocks include plagioclase, alkali feldspar, clinopyroxene, and amphibole. In the boundary of igneous rock body (endoskarn), monticellite is observed. In the skarns, garnet, clinopyroxene, idocrase, epidote and calcite are major minerals. Based on geochemical studies, garnets include grossular-andradite, clinopyroxenes are diopside and wollastonite is also present. Comparison of geochemical composition between skarns and igneous rocks, illustrated that emplacement of igneous body in the beginning, metasomatism affected the host rock fluids and after replacement and crystallization of the main intrusive body had the major role in providing fluids derived from the intrusive body. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Geochemistry, and metamorphic evolution of the Sahib Az Zaman skarns and the related intrusion in East of Kerman
        شهریار محمودی Salime Dehghani
        Sahib Az Zaman Mountain is located 8 km North East of the Kerman city. Study area is part of Central Iran structural zone and Orumiyeh Dokhtar volcanic arc. In this area several young intrusions with intermediate composition intruded into Cretaceous limestone. According More
        Sahib Az Zaman Mountain is located 8 km North East of the Kerman city. Study area is part of Central Iran structural zone and Orumiyeh Dokhtar volcanic arc. In this area several young intrusions with intermediate composition intruded into Cretaceous limestone. According to stratigraphic evidence, these granitoids have Cenozoic age and produced thin skarnic halo. Based on mineralogical properties and whole rock geochemical analyses, Sahib Az Zaman skarn is a calc -silicate skarn. Based on this study, migration of silicon, magnesium, iron and trace elements from igneous intrusions towards calcareous host rock and the reverse migration of calcium and magnesium occurred from carbonate host rocks. Major minerals of igneous rocks include plagioclase, alkali feldspar, clinopyroxene, and amphibole. In the boundary of igneous rock body (endoskarn), monticellite is observed. In the skarns, garnet, clinopyroxene, idocrase, epidote and calcite are major minerals. Based on geochemical studies, garnets include grossular-andradite, clinopyroxenes are diopside and wollastonite is also present. Comparison of geochemical composition between skarns and igneous rocks, illustrated that emplacement of igneous body in the beginning, metasomatism affected the host rock fluids and after replacement and crystallization of the main intrusive body had the major role in providing fluids derived from the intrusive body. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Geochemistry and Mineral Chemistry of the Ahowan intrusion rocks, northeast Semnan (Central Iran)
        Saeed  Kamran Ahmad Ahmadi Khalaji M. Rezaei-Kahkhaei Zahra Tahmasbi
        The study rocks outcropped in the northeast Semnan area. These rocks, composed of monzogabbro-monzodiorite, was intruded in the Eocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Plagioclase and clinopyroxene are the main constituent minerals of these rocks. The study rocks represe More
        The study rocks outcropped in the northeast Semnan area. These rocks, composed of monzogabbro-monzodiorite, was intruded in the Eocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Plagioclase and clinopyroxene are the main constituent minerals of these rocks. The study rocks represent granular and poiiklitic textures. Based on EMPA data, clinopyroxenes, and plagioclases are diopside and augite and andesine, labradorite and bitonite in compositions and formed in temperatures ranged from 1104 to 1168 and less than 700 °C respectively. On the basis of tectonic discrimination diagrams, the investigated samples fall into volcanic arc domain resulted in subduction of Neothetian oceanic lithosphere beneath Central Iran block. Manuscript profile