• List of Articles Strauss

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Structural Survey of Kin Combat in the Poems of ‘Rostam-o-Sohrab’, ’Borzu Nameh’, ’Jahangir Nameh’
        Ahmad Khatami علی  جهانشاهی افشار
        Despite the existence of numerous works and hero-epics in Persian literature, it is noteworthy that they all have similar structures and consist of limited elements. Of course this is not a new subject. The structuralists like Levi Strauss, Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, a More
        Despite the existence of numerous works and hero-epics in Persian literature, it is noteworthy that they all have similar structures and consist of limited elements. Of course this is not a new subject. The structuralists like Levi Strauss, Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, and Frazer, have already discussed it. The present article studies ‘kin combat’ in the poems of: ‘Rostam and Sohrab’,’Borzunameh’,’Jahangirnameh’, based on a structural approach. According to findings of the research, the common fixed elements of these works are as follows: accidental visit of the hero to a foreign land, his accidental meeting with a daughter in a foreign land , his marriage abroad, hero’s leaving his wife, giving her a token , birth of an extraordinary baby, child’s departure to his father’s land, assistance of the father’s enemies’ to him, deception, defeating father’s vanguard army by child, father being called by the king to fight the child, asking each other’s names, triple combats, child introducing himself to father. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Modernity and Formation of Modern Political Theory
        seyedreza shakeri
        Modern political theory is of great value for its inner authenticity and outer implementations; but how this theory has been formed? The hypothesis of this study is that the modernity invented and formed the forces which caused dramatically changes in foundations and im More
        Modern political theory is of great value for its inner authenticity and outer implementations; but how this theory has been formed? The hypothesis of this study is that the modernity invented and formed the forces which caused dramatically changes in foundations and implementations of modern theory. Two primary factors are important here: scientific thinking as grounding factor, and new politics (modern state), which emerged aftermath the collapse of medieval ages as outer factor. New scientific thinking prepared the context for such an evolution by transforming the concept of nature, and in the realm of politics by concentrating on power and distancing form the idea of “excellent city”. So, the modern political theory emerged as an effective and referential framework for illustrating the political life and offered solution for political problems. By separating between new and old political theories in a historical sense, this paper attend to show the formation of modern political theory in modern era and how it separated from old world; it also illustrate the characteristics of modern political theory and its new practical implementations; the results indicate that modern political theory was credible and successful for relationship between its theoretical ideas and values and its practical implementations in socio-political life; a task of modern theory which is in danger and doubt, in the ear of globalization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Analysis of The Conceptual Shift of The Political Philosophy Based on The Two Components of Power and Truth at The Thought of Strauss, Arendt and Foucault
        mohammad bagher khorramshad mohammad ismael nozari
        Until now, different interpretations have been presented concerning the nature of the Political philosophy in different paradigms and there is no similar assumptions toward the nature of the political philosophy among the thinkers. The present paper also seeks to answer More
        Until now, different interpretations have been presented concerning the nature of the Political philosophy in different paradigms and there is no similar assumptions toward the nature of the political philosophy among the thinkers. The present paper also seeks to answer this question that how we can explain the existence of the different imaginations and interpretations concerning the essence and nature of the political philosophy? Hypothesis of this paper is as follows: Conceptual shifting and changing of the two fundamental concepts namely truth and power in different paradigmatic patterns framework and different relation which is defined and established between these two concepts under different paradigms among two above-mentioned concepts, have been resulted in formation of the various interpretations concerning the essence of the political philosophy and its conceptual shift. Present enquiry, have been attempted to analyze the nature of the political philosophy, concretely, in the light of the two fundamental concepts namely the truth and the power of the Strauss, Arendt And Foucault thought by adopting comparative analysis and by adopting textual approach. For this purpose, we have shown that the existence of the transcendental truth has been presupposed at the strauss’s thought. Here, power is perceived as the object of the Political philosophy and Political philosophy as intellectual knowledge is appeared as truth discourse. But arendt draw the truth from transcendental field into the public sphere and communication and intersubjectivity area. Therefore, power link up with deliberative and conversational politics and the Political philosophy is drawn from merely mental activity into the practical action area. But in foucault’s thought, power is considered as capillary phenomenon concealed behind every knowledge and the Political philosophy acts as instrument which is used to justify the power relations that is focused on constructing truth regime. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - An Interpretation of the Dialogue of Laws from the Viewpoint of Leo Strauss Based on Fārābī’s Treatise of Talkhīṣ al-Nawāmīs
        Havva Jami Seyed Mohammad  Hakkak Qazvini Ali Naghi  Baghershahi Shervin Moghimi Zanjani
        Presently, historicism is the dominant approach in interpreting philosophical traditions. This approach considers each science, particularly philosophy, to be in some way related to the specific lifetime of thinkers. Within this framework, historicist interpreters exami More
        Presently, historicism is the dominant approach in interpreting philosophical traditions. This approach considers each science, particularly philosophy, to be in some way related to the specific lifetime of thinkers. Within this framework, historicist interpreters examine Plato’s works in relation to four different periods, with the dialogue of Laws belonging to the latest period of his life, indicating a change in his approach. However, in opposition to any kind of historicist view, Leo Strauss disagrees with this division and believes that there is no change of direction in Plato’s overall philosophy – from the first to the last dialogue – and all of them address philosophical problems from a specific standpoint. We encounter this comprehensive approach also in Strauss’ reading of the dialogue of Laws. In fact, Strauss believes that, in order to grasp a real understanding of the dialogue of Laws, one must follow his method and consider Fārābī’s interpretation of this work in Talkhīṣ al-nawāmīs as a basis. Strauss also maintains that it is the only way through which one can go beyond the limits of historical interpretation. While providing a brief discussion of the historical interpretation of the Laws, the purpose of the present study is to examine Fārābī’s interpretation of the dialogue of Laws, Strauss’ critique and view of this interpretation, and the most distinctive features of Strauss’ innovative interpretation of this dialogue. Manuscript profile