• List of Articles Society.

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Waqf and the Function of Political Participation in Contemporary Iran: A Study From the New Institutionalism Point of View
        Ali Karim Hadisi Mojtaba Maghsoodi Akbar   Ashrafi Babak  Naderpour
        Waqf [a system of land-based charitable endowment], as rooted in historical and religious traditions in Iran and the Islamic world, has always been a topic of interest for believers, philanthropists, statesmen, and of course those who have benefited from it in different More
        Waqf [a system of land-based charitable endowment], as rooted in historical and religious traditions in Iran and the Islamic world, has always been a topic of interest for believers, philanthropists, statesmen, and of course those who have benefited from it in different social groups and classes. For a long time, the mechanisms of waqf as a non-governmental and traditional institution have been very influential on various social, political, economic, and cultural structures. Today, with the introduction of the idea of small government and big civil society, these institutions have the potential for attracting renewed attention to revise their internal and external mechanisms and to revitalize their functionality. The main question of this study is as follow: from the standpoint of New Institutionalism, how does waqf as a Sharia-based, society-centered, andnon-governmental institution affect political participation? Our hypothesis is that the practice of waqf facilitates higher degrees of political participation sinceas a non-governmental institution, it takes up some of the responsibilities of the state for social justice, and with a philanthropy that is based in piety and humanism, it contributes to the distribution of wealth and resources. Indeed we can account for different aspects of this mechanism by re-reading the concept of waqf andits historical background from the perspective of New Institutionalism. This research tries to help represent this neglected field by using a qualitative-conceptual method. Findings of this study portrayWaqf in three ways; "Social participation" through focusing on health care, "economic participation" through donations and welfare services, and "political participation" through cultural-educational functions, especially for the needy and disadvantaged groups Governance helps and has the talent to serve as a model of efficient and community-based governance. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Social justice and its role in social security from the perspective of the Qur'an and Islamic traditions
        Mohsen Ghafoury pour seed hamid shamerizi Kamal  Khajehpour
        One of the sublime goals that human beings have always sought to achieve for centuries; Social justice and benefiting from the results of its realization. According to the Qur'an, the establishment and implementation of justice in society is one of the most important du More
        One of the sublime goals that human beings have always sought to achieve for centuries; Social justice and benefiting from the results of its realization. According to the Qur'an, the establishment and implementation of justice in society is one of the most important duties of the divine prophets; Therefore, Islam as the most perfect divine religion and at the top of it, the holy existence of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams of the Infallibles (PBUH) as divine reformers have paid special attention to this natural principle and have explained it. Security, with all its dimensions and contexts, is one of the necessities of human individual and social life, and its absence is a great vacuum and a common chapter of many human problems in life; Therefore, it is necessary to study and explain these two categories and the relationship between them. In the present article, which has been done in a library method and in a descriptive-analytical method, while explaining the nature of social justice, its role in the security of Islamic society and in both social and economic dimensions from the perspective of the Qur'an and hadiths has been studied. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Relationship Between Innovations in Power and Governance in the Thought of "Michel Foucault" and "Gilles Deleuze"
        Mohammad Malekifar Ali Mokhtari hamdallah akvani Abuzar  Fatahizadeh
        The dominant view among liberal and Marxist thinkers indicates that the ruling power seeks to adopt a legal order within a specific territory. Therefore, the ruling power is considered as a system of legal obligations and prohibitions that are applied withinthe law. But More
        The dominant view among liberal and Marxist thinkers indicates that the ruling power seeks to adopt a legal order within a specific territory. Therefore, the ruling power is considered as a system of legal obligations and prohibitions that are applied withinthe law. But thinkers such as "Michel Foucault" and "Gilles Deleuze" recognize a gap in governance mechanisms. Foucault believes that since the 17thand 18thcenturies, instead of legal prohibitions, the government sought to shape its subjects in a positive way and tried to cultivate normal and obedient subjects. In the continuation of Foucault's studies, Gilles Deleuze continues that 20thcentury governments by regulatory ways, tryto lead the subjects towards their goals. In consequence, this article tries to address the question of what factor causes change in the way of governance in Foucault's and Deleuze's thought? The phenomenological examination of the opinions of these two thinkers shows that the root of innovation to governancelies in power. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Explaining the principles of "social security" in Nahj al-Balaghah and its realization in society with a neglect approach
        alinaghi lezgi alireza akbar zadeh Mohammad karaminia reza ojagh
        Security is one of the most important human needs and motivations. For a country, ensuring the security of society and its individuals has a fundamental and important role. In today's advanced societies, governments are responsible for pursuing and securing it. Today, g More
        Security is one of the most important human needs and motivations. For a country, ensuring the security of society and its individuals has a fundamental and important role. In today's advanced societies, governments are responsible for pursuing and securing it. Today, governments have become the most important political unit in the field of domestic and foreign relations, and their most important goal is to try to provide comprehensive security and expand its scope. On the other hand, people expect the most from the political institutions of society in terms of providing physical security along with economic well-being and social identity. Social security in the present age is one of the necessities of social life according to Islamic teachings and based on moral concepts in Islamic society. The present article examines the principles of social security in Nahj al-Balaghah and then proposes solutions to achieve this in society with a "neglect" approach. This article has been done in a library method with a descriptive-analytical method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah
        Fatemeh  Jalaeipour میثم موسائی nayereh pirahari mansour vosooghi Mansour  Sharifi
        Fatemeh Jalaeipour Meysam Mousaei Nayer Pirahari Mansour Vosooghi Mansour Sharifi Abstract The main purpose of the article is to examine the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah. Tourism is a temporal and short trip in w More
        Fatemeh Jalaeipour Meysam Mousaei Nayer Pirahari Mansour Vosooghi Mansour Sharifi Abstract The main purpose of the article is to examine the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah. Tourism is a temporal and short trip in which a tourist goes toward the regions outside of their place of residence and work for touring and exploring. Tourism has been deemed as the temporal moving of people to a place that is outside of their usual place of residence and work. In a way that travelers do actions and special facilities during their stay in destination and the special facilities will be provided to meet their needs. Tourism has been existed by its special forms in humane societies based on the motivation, root of travelling and moving traditionally and has been placed in the route of evolution. An important change in tourism can be recognized along with the industrial revolution that paved the way for a considerable change in life, especially in transportation. Todays, tourism activities are deemed as the fourth part of human activities after agriculture, industry and services, and experts predict that, it will turn out to be the most lucrative industry in the world by 2020.The results of this research showed that in the development of the tourism industry, one should pay attention to its strong points in Kermanshah, including the existence of historical monuments and rich cultural heritage, along with the existence of civil infrastructures, and use the potential capacity of this industry's development. By designing such a model, it is expected that the development of tourism will significantly increase the level of income, employment and productivity. Manuscript profile