• List of Articles Renewal

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Spatial Analysis of Changes of Population Density Pattern under Renewal Actions in Tehran (1996-2011)
        This paper contains a comparative study of neighbourhood transformation taking place in different administrative parts of Tehran city in Iran. The way of occupation of different areas of the city show it’s certain economic, social and cultural identity and presents diff More
        This paper contains a comparative study of neighbourhood transformation taking place in different administrative parts of Tehran city in Iran. The way of occupation of different areas of the city show it’s certain economic, social and cultural identity and presents different landscapes in city. This paper tried to answer this question that how is population density during 1996, 2006 and 2011 in Tehran. This tried to recognize the spatial pattern for population density using ArcGIS, Geoda and techniques of spatial-statistical analysis especially spatial autocorrelation in better way by spatial-temporal investigation. Spatial autocorrelation measures the correlation of a variable with itself through space. The results show that during the three periods of 1996, 2006 & 2011 pattern of population distribution in Tehran has been clustered and has changed during these three periods. Although the intensity and concentration of High-High and Low-Low clusters is reduced however, the more high-density clusters have been formed in the city. Indifferent (Residual) zones have emerged during these periods in places where the High-High zones have formed, this means that New boundaries will change to form high-high clusters. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigating the factors affecting the mental image of citizens of worn-out tissue and ways to improve it (a case study of worn-out tissue around the Qom Grand Mosque)
        ashraf mandani
        Dilapidated urban structures, regardless of their different species, are the product of some negligence of urban management, which over time has become an area of ​​the city that lacks the necessary physical stability and strength, does not provide adequate access to th More
        Dilapidated urban structures, regardless of their different species, are the product of some negligence of urban management, which over time has become an area of ​​the city that lacks the necessary physical stability and strength, does not provide adequate access to their homes and lacks Severe service suffer. For this reason, due to the low quality of life in some parts of them, the housing of deprived and rural immigrants and some non-Iranians have become and finally have become unsafe places with many social anomalies at the lowest level of environmental quality. What has faced the problem of intervention, improvement and renovation of worn-out structures in our country is the lack of a clear strategy based on the identification of worn-out tissue species and the serious determination of urban management to renovate and improve them. In many areas, contextual improvement and micro-partnership with the people living in it, offers a very desirable and sustainable method that can be done over a short period of time. Qom city is one of the cities that is clearly facing the problem of erosion due to having about 1074 hectares of historical and dilapidated texture and the residential texture around Qom Grand Mosque, due to its special location and being located in the central and historical area of ​​Qom city and its erosion. He faces certain problems. The findings show that a survey of residents' satisfaction shows that 32% completely agree with the demolition and renovation of the building, 23% agree, 20% somewhat agree, and there are those who are interested in this area and intend to continue living in the area. 15% of the residents of the area agree with the repair and reconstruction of the area but oppose the demolition and renovation. 10% are also dissatisfied with any changes in the buildings and structures of the area. The Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Corporeal Resurrection Based on Ibn ‘Arabī’s Gnostic Principles
        Hadi  Jafary Ali  Arshad Riahi
        Ibn Arabi is one of the gnostics who has paid particular attention to Man’s corporeal resurrection and its quality in his works. When demonstrating corporeal resurrection, he mainly relies on unveiling and intuition rather than rational demonstration. However, the autho More
        Ibn Arabi is one of the gnostics who has paid particular attention to Man’s corporeal resurrection and its quality in his works. When demonstrating corporeal resurrection, he mainly relies on unveiling and intuition rather than rational demonstration. However, the authors of this paper believe that Man’s posthumous corporeal dimension in purgatory and the hereafter can also be proved based on Ibn ‘Arabī’s gnostic principles. Apart from the quality of corporeal resurrection, the question is whether corporeal resurrection itself can be demonstrated relying on such principles or not. This study, which was carried out following the method of content analysis, aimed to provide a convenient response to this question and, thus, concluded that corporeal resurrection is demonstrable based on some of Ibn ‘Arabī’s principles such as Man’s distinction and determination in the process of ascent, the relationship between the macro-anthropo and micro-anthoropo, the theory of contrasting names, nobility of sensory faculties, creation of Man in God’s face, gnostic knowledge of the soul, Man’s level of comprehensiveness and moderation, and repetition in epiphany and renewal of likes. The authors also conclude that the idea that Man is originally an incorporeal existent and finally returns to his incorporeal birthplace is absurd. They argue that the human face must possess a body; hence, even if Shari’a has not spoken of corporeal resurrection, it can be proved based on gnostic principles. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Historical Roots of the Doctrine of the Trans-Substantial Motion
        Mansour  Imanpour
        Undoubtedly, the interpretation of the truth of the world of nature is one of the basic discussions in philosophia prima and has always been debated since the rise of philosophy and gnosis. Based on the doctrine of trans-substantial motion, Mullā Ṣadrā has equated the w More
        Undoubtedly, the interpretation of the truth of the world of nature is one of the basic discussions in philosophia prima and has always been debated since the rise of philosophy and gnosis. Based on the doctrine of trans-substantial motion, Mullā Ṣadrā has equated the whole world of nature with motion and becoming and confirmed its essential motion towards the world of stability. However, the question is whether this theory is a completely innovative one, or it has a historical background. Following a descriptive-analytic approach, the present paper demonstrates that this problem is not unprecedented, and some philosophers in ancient Greece believed in the motion of all existents in the world of nature. In the Islamic world, some philosophers only believed in motion in the realm of accidents and tried to reject the theory of the trans-substantial motion based on some discussions and arguments. However, some others view the world from a different angle and, following a gnostic view and through resorting to intuitive experiences, considered the whole beings to be capable of renewal. Based on this available treasure of knowledge and under its influence, Mullā Ṣadrā revised and reintroduced the doctrine of the trans-substantial motion in conformity with his own ontological philosophy. Next, by proving it and placing it at the foundation of several philosophical problems, he presented a new theory following a macro-approach, based on which he divided being into two fixed and changing parts. Then, relying on this division, he arrived at certain conclusions regarding some general affairs and theological problems. Manuscript profile