• List of Articles Rationalism

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        1 - Kalami arguments in Tarikh-e Beyhaqi
        جلیل مشیدی
        Abolfazl Beyhaqi, no doubt, was a Sunni Muslim, but of what branch of it is open to question. In his Tarikh, there is such a strong belief in destiny that he appears as a fatalist. On the other hand, regarding the responsibility he believes his historical characters had More
        Abolfazl Beyhaqi, no doubt, was a Sunni Muslim, but of what branch of it is open to question. In his Tarikh, there is such a strong belief in destiny that he appears as a fatalist. On the other hand, regarding the responsibility he believes his historical characters had, he does not seemingly deny free will. Moreover, wisdom and rationalism are widely praised there, while he considers the Mo’tazileh rationalists as foes of Islam as Zendiqs (atheists) and Dahris (materialists). So, what religion could it be called? It cannot be marked as Ash'ari because the Ash’aris do not agree with rationalism. They do not even consider distinguishing between the good and bad as a matter of rationalistic practice. They had commitment just to what the Shar’ (Divine Law) knows as good or bad. Besides, they were not in a politically good position until the Seljuk took power in about the latter half of the fifth century AH, while in the time when in Basrah and Baqdad, Ash’ari began to reform religious beliefs, in Samarqand district, Abu-Mansour Matoridi (died in 333 AH) emerged with the ideology close to that of Ash’ari’s. Due to the importance he gave to rationalism, of course not so much as Ash’ari did, he attracted Ash’ari’s students who defended his views as revival of perfect Sunni Religion. Abolfazl Beyhaqi praises Abu Hanifah in his Tarikh; since most Hanafis were Matoridis, he can be considered as “Matoridi”. The present article, comparing and contrasting some writings of Beihaqi with Ash’ari and Matoridi beliefs, brings up and studies the probablity of his being Matoridi. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Barriers to Humanities Development from a Critical Rationalist Perspective: With Looking at Iran
        Leila Sangi Mohammadmahdi mojahedi Abdolamir nabavi Elahe Hejazi
        Different societies need to provide growth and development opportunities in order to improve their social and economic conditions. One of the factors affecting the growth and development in any society is the transformation of the country's scientific structures and the More
        Different societies need to provide growth and development opportunities in order to improve their social and economic conditions. One of the factors affecting the growth and development in any society is the transformation of the country's scientific structures and the spread of knowledge, and in particular, the human sciences. The Islamic Republic of Iran is no exception to this rule. In order to achieve development and improvement of its social and economic conditions, Iran needs to develop science, especially in the field of human sciences, as the basis of society's transformation. The question that is posed here is how do cognitive factors play a role in the lack of development of the humanities in Iran? The main hypothesis in answering this question is that the weakness of rational political structures based on collective wisdom is one of the most important obstacles to the development of science in Iran in the field of humanities. We used from the New Institutionalism framework to analyze this article, which is a social and political theory. Besides this theory, for the epistemological aspect of analysis, the theory of critical rationalism of Popper will be used. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Explaining the Nasser Khosrow's Thought in the Area of Reason and Reason and Concluding its Educational Teachings
        The tendency to wisdom and its description are one of the most prominent and important features of Naser Khosrow's writings. The present article is intended to investigate Nasser Khosrow's thoughts on reason and rationality, philosophical and religious foundations, and More
        The tendency to wisdom and its description are one of the most prominent and important features of Naser Khosrow's writings. The present article is intended to investigate Nasser Khosrow's thoughts on reason and rationality, philosophical and religious foundations, and his educational teachings. After describing and explaining Naser Khosrow's Philosophical and Educational Perspective, the author looks at the nature of reason and rationality to study the resulting educational teachings. In this article, the author has used descriptive, analytical, and documentary methods using library and electronic resources to describe concepts, analyze and explain the problem. Meanwhile, information analysis was carried out using a (inductive) category system. Our findings reveal that Nasser Khosrow believes that reason is the gift of the goddess of religion and the kimia of happiness in the two worlds that the wise man, with the help of which in the world, is protected from sin and in the hereafter from the fire of Hell. Also, human supremacy affects all the creatures of the science of appearance and inner being due to the existence of reason. Accordingly, the educational teachings of rationalism from the perspective of Nasser Khusraw include the fulfillment of ethical conduct, self-cultivation, reasoning (the assessment of the accuracy of the matter with the criterion and logical and rational reasons) and the independence of thought and imitation. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Moderate rationalism In Shahid Morteza Motahari Thoughts
        The political and social thought in the realm of epistemological, in the era known as modernity, has always been faced with the question of the relationship between reason and religion. By Denying and rejecting the perch of reason in the epistemological knowledge of ord More
        The political and social thought in the realm of epistemological, in the era known as modernity, has always been faced with the question of the relationship between reason and religion. By Denying and rejecting the perch of reason in the epistemological knowledge of order and domain of society and politics, some consider the “sharia” in a high worth, and the others, had consider the reason as a superior epistemological source in justifying and explaining modern thoughts. Among the muslim scholars, morteza motahari, had a continuous consideration with this epistemological concern in his works. Motahari, with reliance on text and tradition (context), has drawing a type of relationship between reason and religion that have alignment with moderate rationalism. In this essay, the theories of this Muslim philosopher about the relationship between reason and religion, and his reasoning about moderator rationalism checked by using a hermeneutic approach. Manuscript profile
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        5 - A Comparison of two Types of Autonomous and Revelation-Based Rationalism in Abu Hatam Razi and Muhammad Ibn Zakariyya Razi’s Debate
        Ahad  Faramarz Qaramaleki ‘Abas Ali  Mansory
        The studies on the development of the rationalist trend in the world of Islam usually discuss the challenges of rationalist groups with exoteric groups, including Ash‘ari mutikallimun and Sufists rather than compare or analyze the trends defending reason. Among such tre More
        The studies on the development of the rationalist trend in the world of Islam usually discuss the challenges of rationalist groups with exoteric groups, including Ash‘ari mutikallimun and Sufists rather than compare or analyze the trends defending reason. Among such trends, the two autonomous and revelation-based rationalist groups play more influential roles. The reason is that it is in the dialog between these two groups that the mutual dependence of reason and religion on each other is revealed. Here, the dialog moves away from a sectarian debate and comes closer to real conversations. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the favorable and unfavorable ideas of Abu Hatam Razi, Ahmad Ibn Hamdan (d. 322 AH), and Muhammad Ibn Zakariyya Razi (d. 313 AH) regarding two kinds of rationalism, namely, autonomous and revelation-based, in the third and fourth centuries, respectively. This period is of great importance in the history of Islamic philosophy because during which different philosophical debates and schools emerged and various theories and boundaries were developed. Reducing the difference of the rationalism of Abu Hatam and Muhammad Ibn Zakariyya Razi to their belief or disbelief in the necessity of prophethood is the outcome of an extremely superficial comparison which does not explain the components and nature of their rationalism. The present paper aims to inquire into the main roots of this difference and provide a clear picture of their rationalistic methods and epistemological systems. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Humanism in Nasim Marashi's "autumn novel is the last season of the year"
        Javan  Mohammad Ali َAbdollah toloeiazar
        Humanism is a concept that originated in Europe, spread throughout the world, and blended with different cultures. With the growth of human-centeredness, man became acquainted with his true position and position. Although sometimes man did not find his true dignity, but More
        Humanism is a concept that originated in Europe, spread throughout the world, and blended with different cultures. With the growth of human-centeredness, man became acquainted with his true position and position. Although sometimes man did not find his true dignity, but with the familiarity of man with his position, he always tried to gain this dignity. The main purpose of this article is to study the components of humanism in Nasim Marashi's novels. The research method is descriptive-analytical. The result of the article indicates that in Marashi's works and especially in the novel "Autumn is the last season of the year", elements such as rationalism, individualism, realism, human will, etc., which are the main features of humanism, can be observed. Manuscript profile