• List of Articles Quran.

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        1 - Republican freedom and its criticism based on the Quranic foundations of AllamehTabatabai
        Eshagh Soltani Mansour Mirahmadi
        Republican freedom is one of the prominent concepts in the field of freedom that, despite its long-standing historical roots, has been of particular interest to freedom researchers for the past two decades. This article, based on a text-based interpretive approach, firs More
        Republican freedom is one of the prominent concepts in the field of freedom that, despite its long-standing historical roots, has been of particular interest to freedom researchers for the past two decades. This article, based on a text-based interpretive approach, first discusses what the concept of republican freedom is. He then uses the anthropological foundations of freedom outlined by AllamehTabatabai in his commentary on Al-Mizan and critically evaluates this concept based on the verses of the Holy Qur'an. According to this concept, the mere possibility of arbitrary intervention by an external factor, regardless of whether there is interference in action or not, means the destruction of the freedom of members of society and their enslavement. Based on the Quranic principles of freedom, there are fundamental contradictions in two levels of this concept. At the basic level, this concept is based on the understanding of independence from man, which is in conflict with the truth of the divine caliphate of man and its accessories. At the process level, this concept intends to design tools for the objective realization of freedom and protection based on the individual will of members of society. Whereas the nature of relying on the individual will of man is in fact relying on the nature of the human employer; A trait that itself is the cause of tyranny and disruption of the enjoyment of their freedoms by members of society. It is only by relying on the element of "right" that human society can be freed from tyranny and human beings can enjoy freedom. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Moral Status of Animals from the Perspectives of Western and Islamic Thinkers and the Holy Quran with a Focus on Tafsir al-Mizan
        Sayyed Hussein  Roknoddini
        he moral status of animals is an issue that has long been taken into account in the West, but there have been no grounds for its consideration among Islamic thinkers. The perspectives among non-Islamic thinkers on the moral status of animals range from the human-centric More
        he moral status of animals is an issue that has long been taken into account in the West, but there have been no grounds for its consideration among Islamic thinkers. The perspectives among non-Islamic thinkers on the moral status of animals range from the human-centric—excessiveness—perspective, which regards no creature other than man as holding moral status, to the egocentric—deficiency—perspective, which regards the entire universe as holding status and respect, and are all subject to criticism. As for Islamic thinkers, firstly, they have not addressed the issue in depth; secondly, they will reach the same perspective or at least similar ones, i.e. presence of moral status for animals, if they address the issue given the same basic beliefs that they hold based on their verses and narratives. This paper, which is of the library type, has sought to investigate the moral status of animals from the perspectives of Western and Islamic thinkers and then from that of the Quran with both revealed theological and analytical-descriptive methods. From the Quran’s perspective, presence of moral status features—rationality, purposefulness, and free will—in animals, which are the requirements of independent moral status, seems possible, and, consequently, moral status of animals appears to be believable.. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Ethical Behavior in Ignorant Fanaticism and Qur'anic Educational Approaches to Coping With It
        علی احمد ناصح Reza Najafi
        The educational basis of the Quran is based on the improvement of the behavioral and moral relations of the people of the age of decline. "Nejibit" and "fanaticism" are one of the most pre-Islamic Arabic behavioral attributes that have been reflected in various forms in More
        The educational basis of the Quran is based on the improvement of the behavioral and moral relations of the people of the age of decline. "Nejibit" and "fanaticism" are one of the most pre-Islamic Arabic behavioral attributes that have been reflected in various forms in the verses of the Qur'anic religion. The plot of subjects such as ignorance, violence, divorce, tribalism, multiplication and divorce on property and children shows that the Qur'an sensitively challenges all aspects of the discussion and seeks to eliminate them in various ways. The condemnation of the mistaken audience, the trauma of behavioral harm in the past and the past religions, as well as the explanation and explanation of the position of the Muslims towards other religions, forms the scientific logic of the Qur'an in educating the people of the age of decline. The characteristics of neurotic neurosis with the same indices are also observable today, although its structure has been adapted to the present day. Modern nervousness in the age of technology has kept man in riots such as racism, violence, war, murder and looting. The Quran, in its educational fundamentals, provides humans with thoughtful ways to pass through the vices and attribute virtues. Absolute acceptance of the sovereignty of the sacrament, the rejection of the rule of folklore, the obedience of the Prophet of God, the reliance on individual virtues, the negation of worldly and divine ignorance, the rejection of selfishness and cobraism, the emphasis on tolerance and the educational elements of the Quran is about the issue of the prohibition of ignorance, It is also on modern nervous system. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The role of the Quran on Science of the theology in the method
        Each science has the method or means by which it achieves its goals, There are some sciences of a single method, like philosophy, and some are some other methods. The Science of the theology, which is responsible for explaining religious doctrines and answers to doubts, More
        Each science has the method or means by which it achieves its goals, There are some sciences of a single method, like philosophy, and some are some other methods. The Science of the theology, which is responsible for explaining religious doctrines and answers to doubts, Various views have been presented on the one or more methods of theology of theology from different theological religions, For example, the Ahl al-Hadith selected the narrative method and the Mu'tazilites chose the rational method. But referring to the Qur'an shows that to explain religious teachings, we must use different methods. The author in this article will show that must use the science of the theology of all possible methods, example: narrative iIcludes Quran and Traditions, rational includes reason and even definitive philosophical principles, experimental and sensory, intuitive. This claim is in contradiction to the claims of some who regard the science of the theology as certain metaphors as quoted and experimental Manuscript profile
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        5 - Study of the position of resurrection in the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi by looking at the verses of the Holy Qur'an
        ali  zatali Mohammad Reza   Mohammad Reza  Qari
        The debate about the post-death world is one of the most important issues. Poets and writers have not neglected this subject in different periods of Persian literature and paid attention to it in their works. Among these poets, Ferdowsi is a prominent poet and epic poet More
        The debate about the post-death world is one of the most important issues. Poets and writers have not neglected this subject in different periods of Persian literature and paid attention to it in their works. Among these poets, Ferdowsi is a prominent poet and epic poet of Iran, who has paid attention to this issue in the place of Shahnameh. Although this valuable book has more mythological aspect and the sources used by the poet (mostly) of pre-Islamic oral stories, which have been transmitted from one generation to the next by chest to Ferdowsi and his followers , But since his poet, in addition to the aspects of storytelling and artistic creation, ... has considered the aspect of the torture and awareness of life in the world and then of the reader and the audience Prevents people from having friendship and heartfelt . He looks at the problem of death and the life of the future with a wise vision. Among the significant issues considered in the Shahnameh, and its speaker in ups and downs and happiness and failures, in wars and reconciliations, and ... has addressed it And this research is intended to investigate and address it. The discussion of human death and the certainty of the world after death (resurrection of thought) is in the eyes of the author of Shahnameh and its adaptation to the verses of the Qur'an. This research was conducted in a library study method and descriptive analytical method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Ethical examples of socializing the famous in the relationship between spouses and their role in strengthening the family from the perspective of the Holy Quran
        Enayat  sharifi
        In the Holy Qur'an, the most basic principle in behaviour and interaction between couples is mentioned as " Consorting with them in an honourable and right manner". In other words, the Holy Qur'an mentions the criterion of association with one's spouse as the " Maruf" p More
        In the Holy Qur'an, the most basic principle in behaviour and interaction between couples is mentioned as " Consorting with them in an honourable and right manner". In other words, the Holy Qur'an mentions the criterion of association with one's spouse as the " Maruf" principle. The Qur'anic phrase , in the relations between couples has a wide meaning and many examples, which in a general division is divided into two parts, examples with a jurisprudential nature and examples with a moral nature. The present study intends to examine the functions and role of this Quartic phrase according to its moral nature in the relationship between couples. The moral instances of " Consorting with them in an honourable and right manner " are generally divided into common instances between the couple and specific instances of each. Love, patience and mutual support of couples to each other are the most important moral examples of this rule. Love is a factor that prevents the collapse of the family and the tolerance and mutual support of couples to each other is a factor to create intimacy and peace between couples, which therefore play a key role in family stability. In this regard, benevolence, counselling and caring for the wife are considered moral examples specific to the man, and obedience, humility and protection of the husband's secrets and property in his absence are specific examples for the woman under this rule. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The relationship of Quran with Traditions
        علی  نصیری
        Objective(s): There are four ideologies regarding the validity and Manbaee’at (being the primary source) of Quran and the traditions: 1) Quran-orienticism discusses that the only source for perceiving religion is the Holy Quran. 2) Tradition-orienticism argues that re More
        Objective(s): There are four ideologies regarding the validity and Manbaee’at (being the primary source) of Quran and the traditions: 1) Quran-orienticism discusses that the only source for perceiving religion is the Holy Quran. 2) Tradition-orienticism argues that resorting to the Infallibles’(AS) Sunnah is the only source for learning about religion. 3) Quran-orienticism and Tradition-orienticism focuses on the issue that Tradition is the same as Quran in validity and Manbaee’at. 4) Double-orienticism says that Tradition is infereior to Quran with respect to validity and Manbaee’at. Method(s): the present research is based on a descriptive-exploratory method. Thus , for deduction of the Quranic data, the writer has analyzed the content of the Quran. Conclusion : The followers of Quraniyoon movement are in favor of the first ideology while the Akhbaris supports the second one. Allameh Tabatabaee and Shatebi are among the followers of the third ideology. The writer of this article has attemped to address the fourth one. Based on Double-orienticism ideology tradition wit respect to validity and Mabaee’t possses independence. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Explanation and criticism of the educational consequences of humanistic mysticism with an emphasis on Win Dyer's thought based on the spiritualism of the Holy Quran
        Alireza mahmmudnia siyavosh mozaffari susan keshavarz Ramazan Barkhordari
        Explanation and criticism of the educational consequences of humanistic mysticism with an emphasis on Win Dyer's thought based on the spiritualism of the Holy Quran. The present article is a descriptive study that was carried out with the aim of explaining and criticizi More
        Explanation and criticism of the educational consequences of humanistic mysticism with an emphasis on Win Dyer's thought based on the spiritualism of the Holy Quran. The present article is a descriptive study that was carried out with the aim of explaining and criticizing the educational consequences of humanistic mysticism with an emphasis on Wayne Dyer's thought based on the spiritualism of the Holy Quran. In this research, the method of scientific analogy (inferential) and lens comparison or isometric analysis and comparative criticism based on Keri Walk's point of view have been used. In this research, the researcher seeks to answer these questions: What criticism is there on the educational consequences of humanistic mysticism from the point of view and thought of Wayne Dyer based on the spiritualism of the Holy Quran? What are the educational consequences of humanistic mysticism with an emphasis on Wayne Dyer's thought? With regard to Quranic spiritualism, what criticisms are there on the educational consequences of humanistic mysticism with an emphasis on Wayne Dyer's thought? What are the educational consequences of humanistic mysticism with an emphasis on Wayne Dyer's thought? With regard to Quranic spiritualism, what criticisms are there on the educational consequences of humanistic mysticism with an emphasis on Wayne Dyer's thought? The results show that humanistic mysticisms, reflecting on the one-dimensional and one-dimensional world, which place humans in the center of attention, are considered important achievements of humanists. Of course, Islamic teachings have ordered its application in the lives of Muslims; On the other hand, in the contemporary era, spiritual therapy became one of the trends that attracted attention in the field of health and mental health. Thinkers like Wayne Dyer, having a positive attitude towards life and using a spiritual aspect of human beings, gave double importance to the category of spirituality; But since the view of "spirituality minus religion" has dominated them, they have pointed out wrong perceptions in the interpretation of spirituality and its practical effectiveness. Spirituality will be effective and stable when it is taken from its true and real purpose; Both from an empirical point of view and the Holy Qur'an has emphasized and clarified in its teachings that the role of religion and spirituality arising from it in the mental health and well-being of people cannot be ignored. Since the divine nature of man is divine and he has a divine soul, spiritual psychology will be successful if it pays attention to the frameworks necessary to strengthen the human spirit, which is the category of religion-oriented ethics. Manuscript profile
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        9 - he moral role of the Holy Quran in the health of the human body
        Enayat  Sharifi
        Physical health is considered as one of the other health along with spiritual, mental and social health in many systems and schools. Trying to explain an intellectual and cognitive system called "ethical system" consisting of three related and coherent elements; It is t More
        Physical health is considered as one of the other health along with spiritual, mental and social health in many systems and schools. Trying to explain an intellectual and cognitive system called "ethical system" consisting of three related and coherent elements; It is the plan, the basics and the principles, and it aims to improve and promote the spiritual health of human being with the water treatment method. Therefore, this research aims to answer the basic question of how the moral system of the Qur'an affects the human body and health through a descriptive and analytical method The moral system of the Qur'an with two methods; Prevention and treatment aim to ensure the health of the human body. Raising awareness, removing moral vices, observing hygiene and cleanliness in dimensions, cleanliness of the body and clothes, sexual hygiene and nutritional hygiene are among the preventive methods of the moral system of the Quran in the health of the body. are The treatment methods are divided into two parts: the treatment method through inner and spiritual means and the treatment method through external means. Piousness, peace of mind, prayer, Quran, prayer, repentance and asking for forgiveness are among the methods of inner means, and fasting, avoiding extravagance and overeating are also the most important material means for the health of the body. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Human nature and divine nature and the distinction between men and women in the Qur'anic culture
        Esmat  Abdullahi Fatime khalili Tayyaba  arefnia
        One of the fundamental issues in the matter of men and women is whether men and women have the same truth and nature And are similar works expected of both, or do they each have a different humanity or nature? The purpose of this study is to identify the views of the Ho More
        One of the fundamental issues in the matter of men and women is whether men and women have the same truth and nature And are similar works expected of both, or do they each have a different humanity or nature? The purpose of this study is to identify the views of the Holy Quran on the difference between men and women and to show it to the followers of the QuranAccording to the Qur'an, gender is not important, but the criterion in the sight of God is piety. Although men and women are different in terms of gender, they are equal in terms of humanity. The distinction between rights between men and women must be sought in the existential differences between men and women. Islam has established its rights based on many differences between men and women physically, mentally, emotionally and based on human nature. in this article, with a descriptive-analytical method, the distinction between men and women in terms of humanity and nature from the perspective of the Holy Quran has been studied. And we conclusion that men and women share human nature; That is, it is not the case that one is superior because of being a man and the other is inferior because of being a woman. Manuscript profile