• List of Articles Orfi Shirazi

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Resurrection of Meaning in The Ghazal Of Orfi Shirazi Based on Leech’s Semantic Deviation
        majid khosravi   Mohammad Irani Gholamreza Salemiyan
        The anomalies or deviation is one of the aspects of "resurrection of vocabulary" based on linguistics and it is one of the new literary criticism theories proposed within the framework of the Russian school of formalism. Orfi Shirazi, the Indian style poet, has created More
        The anomalies or deviation is one of the aspects of "resurrection of vocabulary" based on linguistics and it is one of the new literary criticism theories proposed within the framework of the Russian school of formalism. Orfi Shirazi, the Indian style poet, has created the Ghazal language of this style beyond the norm of his time and he has been sometimes created an individual style and new norm in the language of the Ghazal.Therefore, the words have a variable resurrection in the imagery and semantic creation of the early Indian lyric style and Orfi Shirazi, as one of the early lyricists of Indian style, has created phenomena in a wide variety of ways in the imagination and he has challenged the mind of the audience in confronting the ups and downs of the Ghazal's image. This research was conducted with the aim of explaining the new techniques of imagination and semantics in Orfi Shirazi Ghazal with a descriptive-analytical approach and relying on the semantic deviation of "Leech"and has shown he has created techniques of semantic deviation with rhetorical and meaningful images in Ghazal. Accordingly, explanation of the semantic deviation on the imagination of Orfi in the Ghazal and the explanation of how words are used in the structure of new images, is the main achievement of the research. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Anti-pride in self-admiring poets (Khaghani Shervani, Orfi Shirazi, Taleb Amoli)
        Gholamreza Kafi
        Anti-pride or avoidance of pride is the newly found theme in this article which is the result of the accuracy and attention in Khaghani Shervani, Orfi Shirazi and Taleb Amoli’s poetry who benefited from the proudness in their poetry. By anti-pride, it means that the More
        Anti-pride or avoidance of pride is the newly found theme in this article which is the result of the accuracy and attention in Khaghani Shervani, Orfi Shirazi and Taleb Amoli’s poetry who benefited from the proudness in their poetry. By anti-pride, it means that the proud and self-admiring poets leaves this technique in some cases and vice versa, speak with humility and modesty or speak of their problems with a broken heart and mental tiredness. This article indicates that changes of the sociopolitical, cognitive and age changes led to this avoidance of the proudness. In this article, along with implying three mentioned poets’ life and the reason for their self-admiration, three situations which led to their anti-pride would be analyzed based on different evidence obtained from their poetry. Lack of obtaining the positions and internal poets’ revolutions along with their aging moved them from proudness to the modesty gradually. Also, its most frequency is seen in Khaqani's poetry, then Taleb Amoli's, and after that, in Orfi's poetry. Manuscript profile