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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analysis of the effect of short words of Nahj al-Balaghah in Persian literature (with emphasis on the wisdom of 142 Nahj al-Balaghah, citing verses of the Quran)
        Fakhrieh Namazian Jalil Tajlil Ruqayyah Sadraie
        Roghaiyeh sadraie*** Nahj al-Balaghah, as one of the reliable sources that can be cited, has been called "Akho Al-Quran" (brother of the Quran). This book has been compiled by Sayyid Razi from the poets and jurists of the fourth century. Many truths of the Holy Quran More
        Roghaiyeh sadraie*** Nahj al-Balaghah, as one of the reliable sources that can be cited, has been called "Akho Al-Quran" (brother of the Quran). This book has been compiled by Sayyid Razi from the poets and jurists of the fourth century. Many truths of the Holy Quran have been described in this book.The present article uses the wisdom of 142 to examine the extent of the effect of short words of Nahj al-Balaghah in Persian literature and seeks to prove the deep and close relationship between the teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah and the Holy Quran and the impact of these teachings on Persian literature.In this article, the answers to the following questions are analyzed by descriptive method and by following the content of one of the acronyms. Is the source of the wisdom of Nahj al-Balaghah the divine knowledge of the Holy Quran? To what extent has the moral and divine knowledge of Nahj al-Balaghah dominated the Iranian literature?Obviously, the works of Persian literature have been influenced in various ways, including adaptations, allusions, inspirations, etc. from the source of revelation and, consequently, from the words of the Amir al-Mo'menin. In this article, the wisdom No. 139 of Nahj al-Balaghah has been pondered and revised with regard to the roots of words and the Quranic sources and its effect on Persian literature has been discussed. Scholars believe that Nahj al-Balaghah is the interpretation of the Qur'an. The subject of this article is to find the divine sources of the words of the Amir al-Mo'menin, and to show its reflection in Iranian literary works. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Specification of the positive human personality indictors from the viewpoint of Nahjul Balagha
        hasan rezaee haftador safar nasiriyan
        There are different approaches to specify human personality indicators. The religious approach based on Nahjul Balagha is one of the main approaches to identification of these personality indicators. The importance of this approach is due to its essential, comprehensiv More
        There are different approaches to specify human personality indicators. The religious approach based on Nahjul Balagha is one of the main approaches to identification of these personality indicators. The importance of this approach is due to its essential, comprehensive, and systematic manner of suggesting the personality indicators. Accordingly, faith is the most important personality indicator and is deemed as the fundamental basis of personality. This indicator then is divided into four indicators which form the bases of faith. These four indicators include patience, certainty, justness, and Jihad. In the last stage, these four indicators are divided into four more ones, which along with faith as the main indictor form the 21 personality indicators. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Enmity and soft war from the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah
        Maryam   Azizi
        One of the points that Imam Ali (AS) emphasizes in relation to the enemy is that one should constantly maintain vigilance against the enemy and should never underestimate the enemy. Soft war is the most extensive effort against nations in the form of various political p More
        One of the points that Imam Ali (AS) emphasizes in relation to the enemy is that one should constantly maintain vigilance against the enemy and should never underestimate the enemy. Soft war is the most extensive effort against nations in the form of various political plans. , Security, economic, etc. has entered the implementation phase. There are various definitions of soft warfare; Some have equated soft warfare with soft power or psychological operations. While there is a big difference between soft warfare and other categories. Soft warfare is neither soft power nor psychological operations, but a complex phenomenon that goes far beyond that. To deal with this phenomenon, comprehensive models and solutions must be presented; In this article, while presenting a conceptual model, various aspects of coping will be discussed. The method of the present research is library method. While presenting the topic of hostility, it has defined and stated the history of soft war based on the valuable book of Nahjul Balagha. The results of this research indicate that the enemy can mislead man through soft war; Among the solutions of Imam Hammam, we can mention reactionary or anti-propaganda measures and active or propaganda measures. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Explaining the principles of "social security" in Nahj al-Balaghah and its realization in society with a neglect approach
        alinaghi lezgi alireza akbar zadeh Mohammad karaminia reza ojagh
        Security is one of the most important human needs and motivations. For a country, ensuring the security of society and its individuals has a fundamental and important role. In today's advanced societies, governments are responsible for pursuing and securing it. Today, g More
        Security is one of the most important human needs and motivations. For a country, ensuring the security of society and its individuals has a fundamental and important role. In today's advanced societies, governments are responsible for pursuing and securing it. Today, governments have become the most important political unit in the field of domestic and foreign relations, and their most important goal is to try to provide comprehensive security and expand its scope. On the other hand, people expect the most from the political institutions of society in terms of providing physical security along with economic well-being and social identity. Social security in the present age is one of the necessities of social life according to Islamic teachings and based on moral concepts in Islamic society. The present article examines the principles of social security in Nahj al-Balaghah and then proposes solutions to achieve this in society with a "neglect" approach. This article has been done in a library method with a descriptive-analytical method. Manuscript profile