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        1 - A Study of the Status of Shams-i-Tabrizi's Qur’anic Gnostic Interpretations
        محمّد  خدادادي مهدی  ملک‌ثابت يدالله  جلالي پندري
        Undoubtedly, one of the greatest theosophists in the arena of Islamic theosophy is Shams al –Din Muhammad, known as "Shams Tabrizi" the well-known Sufi mystic of the seventh century AH. Who caused a great spiritual change in Jalaluddin Mawlavi. His views on variety of More
        Undoubtedly, one of the greatest theosophists in the arena of Islamic theosophy is Shams al –Din Muhammad, known as "Shams Tabrizi" the well-known Sufi mystic of the seventh century AH. Who caused a great spiritual change in Jalaluddin Mawlavi. His views on variety of mystical topics available in the only text ascribed to him, "Maqalaat-e Shams" compiled by others, are highly remarkable. He has innovative, unique views on Qur’an hermeneutics and interpretation that have not been discussed yet. Interpreting Qur’an, he reveals new layers of its which astonishes every learned researcher of Islamic mysticism. In this research we first introduce Shams’s views on interpretation in general, and the necessity of considering them, then study his views on the Qur’an hermeneutics in particular, in a systematic way. He believes that the perfect man of his time is the manifest of the Qur’an. He believes that there is no end for the layers of the Qur’an, and it is superficial to claim it has seven or seventy layers. He knows the Prophet Mohammad as the first person to interpret the Qur’an. In a general classification, we can see that Shams has used four ways to interpret Quran: 1) to interpret a word as it is used for another word or concept, 2) to interpret a verse by adding a word 3) to interpret a verse through providing the certain reason for its firs revelation, and 4) to justify some terms and expressions. Manuscript profile
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        2 - A Reflection on the Application of “Positive Theology and Negative Theology” in Persian literary and Mystical Texts
        سيده مريم  ابوالقاسمي
        “Positive theology and negative theology” are common mystical expressions literature, interpretation. These two expressions are categorized as “collocations” in the semiotics of mystical expressions. After Ibn-Arabi, these two terms became more common. Once he offered h More
        “Positive theology and negative theology” are common mystical expressions literature, interpretation. These two expressions are categorized as “collocations” in the semiotics of mystical expressions. After Ibn-Arabi, these two terms became more common. Once he offered his theory, belief in “Positive theology and negative theology” found a new path; and later on several mystics and scholars were influenced by his theory and thought. This essay intends to survey the historical record of the function of these two expressions in the Persian poetry, literature and other texts. Stating the value and significance of these two expressions as a controversial topic in different eras, survey of the conceptual transformation and functional domain of these two words are the other goals pursued through this article. Manuscript profile
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        3 - A Study of Mystical Epistemology in the Poems and Prose of Abd-Al Rahman Jami
        raheleh mirakhorli ghodratollah Khayatian Azim Hamzeian
        In Islamic mysticism, there are scattered discussions of epistemological issues. The distinguishing feature of Islamic mysticism from other mystical branches is the high and stable position of knowledge in it. Jami (d. 898 AH) has also dealt with the issue of knowledge More
        In Islamic mysticism, there are scattered discussions of epistemological issues. The distinguishing feature of Islamic mysticism from other mystical branches is the high and stable position of knowledge in it. Jami (d. 898 AH) has also dealt with the issue of knowledge and related issues. The main question is what issues has he raised about this science and to what extent? This research has been done in a descriptive-analytical way in his works and the results show that knowledge is a gift from God and the basis and the results of his journey depend on knowing Hagh, so that the one who attains the true knowledge has reached the level of annihilation and survival of God. He has made important discussions about the degrees of knowledge and the place of the senses, intellect, heart,unveiling and finding. According to him, the level of human knowledge is to the extent that with the manifestation of truth, he can become aware of his proven condition. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Analysis of children's characters regarding the importance of childhood in Attar's Tazkereh al-Awliya
        arezo hagigi seyed mohsen sajedirad mohamad ali atashsowda
        Tazkirat al-Awliyā is one of the valuable mystical works in which Attar Neyshapouri introduces the Sufi saints by mentioning their sayings, anecdotes and wise narrations. A majority of this book consists of narratives about the life and characteristics of saints with a More
        Tazkirat al-Awliyā is one of the valuable mystical works in which Attar Neyshapouri introduces the Sufi saints by mentioning their sayings, anecdotes and wise narrations. A majority of this book consists of narratives about the life and characteristics of saints with a narrative structure. In these narratives, there are other relatively fixed characters besides the saints, one of whom are children. they have two different faces in the inner layers of their characters; sometimes they are children in their own sense; sometimes they are identical to the characters of "the Old" and "unseen language". Using purposive sampling method and content analysis, in this article we investigate the manifestations of children's characters in Tazkirat al-Awliyā and at the same time, examine the childhood, the saints' views towards children, and different manifestations of children's characters and their roles in this mystical narrative. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Quantitative and qualitative analysis of hadiths by Muslim mystics in mystical texts
        jalal usofi enayat ali hosein ehteshami mohammadreza fereydooni
        From the point of view of Muslims, after the Holy Quran, the hadiths of the Infallibles (AS) are the most important heritage of Islam. This precious treasure is considered by various Islamic sects, including Muslim mystics. Mystics have their own principles in dealing w More
        From the point of view of Muslims, after the Holy Quran, the hadiths of the Infallibles (AS) are the most important heritage of Islam. This precious treasure is considered by various Islamic sects, including Muslim mystics. Mystics have their own principles in dealing with hadith. In some cases, differences in their basis with the scholars of hadith have caused differences. So that sometimes mystics have been attributed to forging and distorting hadiths. It seems that the analysis of hadiths by mystics with accurate scientific methods paves the way for understanding their principles and rules in the face of hadiths. This study examines seven hadiths considered by Muslim mystics in 110 mystical sources. Attempts have been made to analyze these hadiths quantitatively and qualitatively using modern research methods. The findings of the research show that some mystical hadiths are more considered by mystics and citation of these hadiths is abundant in mystical sources. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Human conditions and existential issues in the logic of al-Tahirattar
        Ali Akbar  Yousefi Naser Mohseni Nia Reza Sami Zadeh Mehdi ّFayyaz
        Existential conditions are the creations of existentialist philosophers; But other schools of thought have also dealt with it without mentioning the existence of the state. One of these schools is Islamic mysticism, which is considered to be one of the main characterist More
        Existential conditions are the creations of existentialist philosophers; But other schools of thought have also dealt with it without mentioning the existence of the state. One of these schools is Islamic mysticism, which is considered to be one of the main characteristics of thinking about human beings and human states of being. Human states and existential issues such as happiness, sadness, loneliness, faith, hope, death, etc. have been the subject of many texts of Islamic mysticism. Such issues and topics are among the important human issues and topics, and every human being thinks about them in every place and time and is involved with them. Knowledge of man and his condition is one of the most important topics raised in the works of Muslim mystics. In the works of mystical literature, special attention has been paid to the status, characteristics and condition of human beings as the highest of creations. One of the most important works of Persian mystical literature is the logic of al-Tahir Attar. Throughout this system, detailed references have been made to the characteristics and conditions of human existence, the extraction and explanation of which will lead to a greater understanding of Attar's thoughts and Islamic mysticism. In this essay, with a descriptive and analytical method, after examining the existential issues of man from the point of view of existentialists and Attar, we came to the conclusion that despite the similarity of Attar's opinions with existentialists about man and his existential condition, since Attar has a monotheistic and mystical vision of man and human issues. It looks like there are differences between his thoughts and existentialists. In Attar's thought, the type of existence of a person is the result of his relationship with his God, not just the experiences he acquires during his life. Manuscript profile