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        1 - The role of silica fractal distribution in textural evolutions and gold mineralization processes in Ramand region (Qazvin Province)
        SeydReza Mehrnia
        Ramand region is a part of Urmia-Dokhtar magmatic belt that is located among a variety of crossed faulted structures and magmatic occurrences including Paleogene rhyolite and rhyodacite formations as the major related host units to hydrothermal ore deposits. Different k More
        Ramand region is a part of Urmia-Dokhtar magmatic belt that is located among a variety of crossed faulted structures and magmatic occurrences including Paleogene rhyolite and rhyodacite formations as the major related host units to hydrothermal ore deposits. Different kinds of clayey, silicified and Fe-rich alterations indicate a post magmatic vein type mineralization potential along Ramand crushed zones and structures. Well-developed alterations have been extended around volcanic extrusions with variety of textural zonation in quartz and chalcedonic vein systems similar to epithermal deposits. This research introduces a fractal based technique (Area-Concentration function) to obtain the priority map of Au-mineralization with an emphasis on quartzitic-pyritic textural evolutions in Ramand region. As a rule, self-organized crystallized textures (such as crustiform quartz) have more valuable ore content than glassy textures (vitrophiric), because of stepwise enrichment advantages in the hypogenic environment of epithermal deposits. Litho-geochemical sampling is the main and prior procedure for studying quartz textural zonation as well as instrumental quantitative measurement of the elements. Results showed a volcanic hosted formation with crustiform quartzitic textures is mineralized in the western part of Ramand region. Mineralized veins are specified by silica nonlinear distribution (SiO2) related to textural evolutions in the quartz-hematite facies (Au=820 ppb) as the main targets for detail explorations. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Geology, alteration, mineralization and geochemical study in copper mine, Golcheshmeh Area, South of Neyshbour
        Fatemeh  Najmi  Mazaheri Saeid saadat Azam Entezari
        The Golcheshmeh copper deposit is located in the NE of Iran (south of Neyshabour) at the margin of Sabzevar Structural Zone. Based on geological and labratory studies, the outcroped rocks consist of Eocene volcanic rocks such as andesite, basaltic- andesite and basalt t More
        The Golcheshmeh copper deposit is located in the NE of Iran (south of Neyshabour) at the margin of Sabzevar Structural Zone. Based on geological and labratory studies, the outcroped rocks consist of Eocene volcanic rocks such as andesite, basaltic- andesite and basalt that associated with the sedimentary and volcanosedimentry rocks including limestone, tuff and breccia. The alteration hosted andesitic layers include carbonatization, propylitization and less argilic and sericitic alterations. The carbonatization zone is the most important alteration in this area. Mineralization mainly occurs in Eocene or younger volcanic rocks as vein- veinlets, amygdaloidal fillings and some replacement and disseminated styles. According to the minerallographical studies, the main ores which contain copper are divided into oxide and sulfide types. Mineralization mainly consists of oxide phases and can be seen as contamination of fracture surfaces and filling pores or voids in the host rocks. The main oxide minerals are malachite, azurite and chrysocolla, and sulfide minerals are chalcocite, covellite, with some minor pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, digenit and also native copper. Chalcocite is the most abundant ore sulfide in this area. There are probably two generations of sulfides, the first generation is a primary ore that was formed directly in joints, cracks, and fractures from the ore-containing solution and currently is replaced by covellites; and, the second generation is chalcocite that was probably formed from the conversion of bornite and chalcopyrite through substitution under supergene conditions. In most cases, the observed intergrowth between copper ores suggests the multi-stage mineralization in this region. Geochemical studies of minor and trace elements indicate that the igneous rocks in this region are characterized by the calc-alkaline basalt characteristics and, in terms of tectonic setting, could be attributed to subduction zone-related continental arc magmatism. Moreover, based on the performed geochemical analyses, the copper grade in the region varies from 13668 to 164000 g/ton. On the basis of the results of this study and with respect to some evidences such as tectonic setting, host rock type, structure and texture of ore body, mineral paragenesis, shape of the ore body and associated elements, this area is compared to Manto type deposit located in Chile. Though there are some differences, it is suggested that golcheshmeh copper mine is classified in Cu- Manto type deposit. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The main effective factors on the mineralization of Sonajil porphyry-epithermal copper-gold deposit, using remote sensing, mineralogical and geochemical studies
        Mohammad Maanijou    
        In order to identify the main effective factors in the Sonajil Cu-Au porphyry-epithermal deposit, remote sensing, mineralogical and geochemical studies were carried on the deposit. After removing vegetation and topographic features by Normalized Difference Vegetation I More
        In order to identify the main effective factors in the Sonajil Cu-Au porphyry-epithermal deposit, remote sensing, mineralogical and geochemical studies were carried on the deposit. After removing vegetation and topographic features by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), solar radiance, instrumental errors and albedo effects by Log Residual (LR), Band Ratio (BR), False Color Composite (FCC), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Mixture-Tuned Matched-Filtering (MTMF) were used to reveal main alteration zones of the study area. The phyllic, advanced argillic and propylitic altered rocks were identified and the results were validated by field and mineralogical studies. Also, geochemical data showed microdiorite, and shoshonite composition and also post-orogenic tectonic setting of the Sonajil porphyry-copper deposits. Eventually, the faulting density, composition, and the depth of mineralization were the affecting factors on the Sonajil deposit mineralization. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Determining the source of mineralizing fluid in Gol-e-Zard Zn-Pb deposit, Aligudarz using geochemical and fluid inclusion studies
        Ali Reza Zarasvandi Mona Sameti Zahra Fereydouni Mohsen Rezaei Hashem Bagheri
        The Gol-e-Zard Zn-Pb deposit is located in northeastern of the Aligudarz region (Lorestan province). This deposit is exposed in phyllite and meta-sandstones of upper Triassic-Jurassic of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone. The mineralization includes sphalerite, galena and chalco More
        The Gol-e-Zard Zn-Pb deposit is located in northeastern of the Aligudarz region (Lorestan province). This deposit is exposed in phyllite and meta-sandstones of upper Triassic-Jurassic of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone. The mineralization includes sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, which are mainly along quartz veins. Two mineralized horizons are phyllite with high mineralization and meta-sandstone with low mineralization. The mineralogical studies show that galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite are metallic ores and quartz is also the most abundant gang mineral in the studied deposit. The evidence indicate that the mineralization of the Gol-e-Zard deposit is syngeneic and epigenetic. The most significant structural pattern is the stratabound mineralization in the region. The aim of this study is to determine the type and characteristics the mineralizing fluid in the discriminating of mineralized horizons, besides the determining of source of the fluid in the Gol-e-Zard deposit. LREE enrichments (La/Lu average 4.8) and positive Eu anomalies (average 1.2) indicate the anoxic condition and hydrothermal fluids. Fluid inclusion data shows homogenization temperatures of 139-199.5°C, salinity 5.21-30.38 wt%equ.NaCl and density 0.9-1.1 gr/cm3 in this deposit. Investigation of evolution path of the fluids shows isothermal mixing of fluids during mineralization that comprises the mixing of magmatic water with sea water and also meteoric water. Thus, the mineralization can be summarized as: expulsion of the hydrothermal fluids from the depth, entering into sea water and reducing the temperature of hydrothermal fluids due to mixing with sea water, ascending to the sea level, moving through sediments and circulating in void spaces of and then the leaching of metals from sediments and deposited along the void space and quartz veins. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Separation of geochemical anomalies from the background by using concentration-number fractal methods in the Veshnavah Area (South of Qom)
        Zahra Mohammadi Asl Abdollah Saidi Mehran Aryan Ali Solgi Taher Farhadinejud
        In this study, the concentration-number fractal method was used for regional exploration studies, and determining the anomalies of copper, lead and zinc elements. For this purpose, 800 samples of stream sediments were selected from the rivers in the area (i.e. from Kaha More
        In this study, the concentration-number fractal method was used for regional exploration studies, and determining the anomalies of copper, lead and zinc elements. For this purpose, 800 samples of stream sediments were selected from the rivers in the area (i.e. from Kahak and Aran geological maps, 1: 100,000 sheets) and then the anomalies of these elements were mapped. The results show that strong copper anomalies are observed in the northern, central, southern and western parts of the area and the highest lead anomalies are located in the western part of the area. Strong anomalies of the zinc element are located in the central, southern and western parts of the region. These anomalies coincide with the lithological units of andesitic- basalt lava, volcanic breccia, tuffs, dacites, small scale masses of quartz -diorite, and small-scale masses of quartz-monzonite. The obtained map from combining anomalies and faults map reveals that the anomalies are mostly concentrated in fault zones and fault intersection points in the area and faults play a fundamental role in ore mineralization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Separation of geochemical anomalies from the background by using concentration-number fractal methods in the Veshnavah Area (South of Qom)
        Mohammad salehi HamidReza Nasseri Masoumeh Ahangari Fatemeh Asgari Gholam Abbas Fanaei Kheirabad Farshad Alijani
        In this study, the concentration-number fractal method was used for regional exploration studies, and determining the anomalies of copper, lead and zinc elements. For this purpose, 800 samples of stream sediments were selected from the rivers in the area (i.e. from Kaha More
        In this study, the concentration-number fractal method was used for regional exploration studies, and determining the anomalies of copper, lead and zinc elements. For this purpose, 800 samples of stream sediments were selected from the rivers in the area (i.e. from Kahak and Aran geological maps, 1: 100,000 sheets) and then the anomalies of these elements were mapped. The results show that strong copper anomalies are observed in the northern, central, southern and western parts of the area and the highest lead anomalies are located in the western part of the area. Strong anomalies of the zinc element are located in the central, southern and western parts of the region. These anomalies coincide with the lithological units of andesitic- basalt lava, volcanic breccia, tuffs, dacites, small scale masses of quartz -diorite, and small-scale masses of quartz-monzonite. The obtained map from combining anomalies and faults map reveals that the anomalies are mostly concentrated in fault zones and fault intersection points in the area and faults play a fundamental role in ore mineralization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Study of Baghalbid iron mineralization using geological, mineralogical and geochemical evidences, Sangan-e-Khaf area, north-eastern Iran
        آسیه سربوزی حسین آبادی Mohammad Boomeri Abbas Gholmohammadi
        Baghalbid iron mineralization is one of the eastern anomalies of Sangan iron mines. This area is geologically located in the north-eastern part of Lut block. In this area, Paleozoic and Mesozoic units such as schist, phyllite and sandstone are in contact with Tertiary i More
        Baghalbid iron mineralization is one of the eastern anomalies of Sangan iron mines. This area is geologically located in the north-eastern part of Lut block. In this area, Paleozoic and Mesozoic units such as schist, phyllite and sandstone are in contact with Tertiary igneous units and Neogene sedimentary rocks. The iron mineralization occurs as hematite in the upper part of a brecciated volcanic layer with a length of more than 1 km. The footwall rocks contain breccia, tuff and sandstone and hanging wall rocks contain subvolcanic granodioritic dikes. The hematite occurs as open space filling in breccia, indicating that the iron mineralization is classified as epigenetic type. Barite, calcite, and quartz were also formed in fractures and open spaces of iron-bearing horizon. In addition to the iron, copper mineralization occurs as quartz veins containing chalcopyrite and malachite in footwall rocks. The iron oxide contents vary from 8 to 55 wt. % in the iron-bearing horizon. In mineralized rocks, the amount of chromium, vanadium and phosphorus is relatively low, while those of barium, arsenic, silver and antimony are relatively high, and LREE and LILE show enrichment relative to HREE and HFSE, respectively. According to geological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, ore texture and structure, REE pattern, the Baghalbid iron mineralization is classified as hydrothermal type. The iron was probably leached from pyroclastic rocks by hydrothermal fluids and was re-concentrated in the upper permeable breccia and conglomerates. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Determinig the relationship between copper mineralization and structures in Ali abad- Darreh Zereshk area, using subsurface geotechnical and geochemical data
        Mehdi Ramazani Hojjat Ollah Safari Gholam Hossein  Shamanian Homayoun  Safaei
        In order to find the relationship between porphyry copper depositions with faulting systems, the Aliabad porphyry and Darre Zereshk Porphyry- Skarn ores were selected as a case studies in Uramia- Dokhtar Magmatic Belt,. In this research, discovering this correlation pro More
        In order to find the relationship between porphyry copper depositions with faulting systems, the Aliabad porphyry and Darre Zereshk Porphyry- Skarn ores were selected as a case studies in Uramia- Dokhtar Magmatic Belt,. In this research, discovering this correlation procedure was performed by using surface and subsurface data (i.e. drilling data as geotechnical and Cu-percentage data) from Aliabad and Darre Zereshk mine districts. The results show that RQD criteria extracted from fault zones have a good correlation with surface faults which are identified by field investigations and Remote Sensing techniques. Also, the copper enriched was observed along fault zones and therefore, the relationship between porphyry copper deposits and fault zones is approved. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Petrography and geochemistry of igneous rocks and antimony mineralization in Lakhshak, northwest of Zahedan, southeastern Iran
        *, Halimeh Mojadadi Mohammad Boomeri Habib Biabangard
        The Lakhshak Sb index is located in the northwest of Zahedan in the Sistan suture zone. The geological units of the area include metamorphosed flysch (garnet schist, actinolite schist, phylite, mylonite), granitoid pluton, acidic and basic dikes, mineralized and un-mine More
        The Lakhshak Sb index is located in the northwest of Zahedan in the Sistan suture zone. The geological units of the area include metamorphosed flysch (garnet schist, actinolite schist, phylite, mylonite), granitoid pluton, acidic and basic dikes, mineralized and un-mineralized silicic veins. According to the geochemical studies, Lakhshak igneous rocks are calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic, metaaluminous rocks which are belong to the volcanic arc, and collisional and post-collisional tectonic settings. The studied igneous rocks are characterized by LREE and LILE enrichment relative to HREE and HFSE. Enrichment of Pb and depletion of Zr, Nb and Y are more consistent with melts generated from the lower crust. In the Lakhshak area, the Sb mineralization mainly occurs as quartz-stibnite veins in type-like rocks and is associated with silicic, argillic and phyllic alterations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Geology, mineralogy, alteration and potential of Lakhshak deposit, the Sistan suture zone based on geophysical studies (IP/RS)
        نسیم  حیدریان دهکردی شجاع‌الدین  نیرومند شهرام  ادیب Hossein Ali Tajeddin Saeid Mirzaei
        Lakhshak deposit is located 28 km northwest of Zahedan in the Sistan suture zone. The rocks in the Lakhshak area predominantly consist of Eocene volcanosedimentary and metamorphosed (greenshist facies) rocks. The mineralogy of the ore is simple and consists of stibnite, More
        Lakhshak deposit is located 28 km northwest of Zahedan in the Sistan suture zone. The rocks in the Lakhshak area predominantly consist of Eocene volcanosedimentary and metamorphosed (greenshist facies) rocks. The mineralogy of the ore is simple and consists of stibnite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and electrum. The Lakhshak deposit is hosted in the shear and altered calc-shist unit which is associated with quartz, sericite-muscovite and sulfide alteration minerals. Based on geophysical studies, using induction polarity and special resistance (IP/RS) in the Lakhshak sheared area, combined with the results of geological, metamorphic and mineralization information, calligraphic calcification units, fault zones and metamorphosed areas have a high potential for Au-Sb mineralization. Therefore, using the amount of changes in specific resistance and chargeability, as well as the intensity of chargeability in the profiles, can appropriately identify the promising area for gold and stibnite mineralizations. This study indicates that the main characteristics of the geology and mineralization of the Lakhshak, such as the nature of the host rock, the form of mineralization, metamorphism and associated alterations, is similar to orogenic gold deposits. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - An overview of avian tendon and ligament problems
        Nikta  Moqadasi Abbas Raisi Hassan Norouzian
        Tendon is a mechanical bridge that transmits muscle strength to the bones and joints. Musculoskeletal disorders damages millions of dollars in economic losses each year to companies in the animal husbandry industry that inflict food. The tendon is mainly composed of ten More
        Tendon is a mechanical bridge that transmits muscle strength to the bones and joints. Musculoskeletal disorders damages millions of dollars in economic losses each year to companies in the animal husbandry industry that inflict food. The tendon is mainly composed of tenocyte and tenoblast cells and is oriented and organized by collagen fibers. Viral arthritis / tenosynovitis in poultry is one of the pathological manifestations of avian reovirus infection. Viral arthritis can be diagnosed by clinical observations and serological examination and radiological findings. Studies show the effect of vaccines on the prevention of this disease. Tendon mineralization in poultry can be a part of the natural process or can be caused by aging or tendon damage. Mineral deposition in tendons makes it a hard structure with less flexibility. The morphological properties of tissue and mineralized tendon cells have been studied. Several studies on the effects of activity on avian Gastrocnemius tendon have been performed. One of the tendon injuries is related to the patagial tendon, which responds well to treatment after surgery. The tendon plays a vital role in function of birds and is damaged, which causes irreparable problems. Therefore, it is necessary to know its structure and precise function in preventing damage as well as their more effective treatment. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Geology, mineralization and genesis of the Madabad celestite deposit, south Zanjan
        مهسا  نوری Hossein Kouhestani قاسم  نباتیان میرعلی اصغر  مختاری افشین  زهدی
        Rock units in the Madabad celestite deposit are composed of medium to thick-bedded and massive limestone interlayered with marly limestone and marl units of the Qom Formation (lower Miocene). Mineralization occurs as lens-shaped orebody, hosted by limestone units of mem More
        Rock units in the Madabad celestite deposit are composed of medium to thick-bedded and massive limestone interlayered with marly limestone and marl units of the Qom Formation (lower Miocene). Mineralization occurs as lens-shaped orebody, hosted by limestone units of member of the Qom Formation usually crosscutting bedding of the host rocks. Three stages of mineralization occurred in the Madabad deposit. The first stage is characterized by calcite formation during syn-depositional to syn-diagenesis processes. The second stage is related to hydrothermal processes that are distinguished by formation of fine-grained and sugary crystals of massive stage-1 celestite, vein-veinlets of coarse-grained stage-2 celestite along with minor strontianite and barite, coarse-grained euhedral crystals of stage-3 celestite with vug infilling texture, and finally late-stage quartz and calcite vein-veinlets. Stage three includes supergene processes. Hydrothermal alteration includes dolomitization, calcitization and silicification. Celestite along with minor strontianite and barite are ore minerals, and calcite, dolomite, quartz and iron oxides-hydroxides are gangue minerals at Madabad. The ore minerals show vein-veinlets, vug infilling, brecciated and cataclastic textures. Microthermometric measurements of two-phase liquid-rich fluid inclusions hosted in celestite II indicate that salinities values range from 6 to 18 wt.% NaCl equiv. (avg. 10.6 wt.% NaCl equiv.). These inclusions have homogenization temperatures range from 248 to 365 °C, with an average of 278 °C. These data indicate a minimum trapping depth of 510 m for the Madabad deposit. Sr was originated from evaporate units within the marly parts of the Qom Formation and volcanic units of the Karaj Formation. Characteristics of the Madabad deposit are similar to epigenetic replacement celestite deposits. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Integration of airborne magnetic and satellite imagery data to identify potential zones of iron occurrences using the prediction-area plot in the Esfordi area
        Fardin Ahmadi Hamid Aghajani Maysam Abedi
        The use of different geospatial layers In the exploration and determination of the mineralization zones, will lead to more reliable results. In this study, the investigation of iron mineralization zones was done using airborne magnetic data and three types of satellite More
        The use of different geospatial layers In the exploration and determination of the mineralization zones, will lead to more reliable results. In this study, the investigation of iron mineralization zones was done using airborne magnetic data and three types of satellite images (i.e. ASTER, Landast-8 and Sentinel-2) in the Esfordi area. The reduced-to-pole filter, the upward continuation at altitudes of 200, 500 and 1000 meters, the analytic signal, the horizontal tilt angle, and the first vertical derivative were then employed on airborne magnetometry data. Argillic, phyllic and propylitic alterations, iron oxide and gossan zones and structural lineaments were extracted through satellite imagery data processing. The analytical signal and horizontal tilt angle indicators were used as the main geophysics footprints to identify the magmatic intrusions and geological lineaments, respectively. In addition, three satellite imagery indicators were used in final identification of iron-bearing zones. The weight of each layer was calculated by simultaneous analyses of the concentration-area fractal curve, the prediction-area plot, and the use of 22 Fe-bearing occurrences in the studied region. Note that the analytical signal layer with the prediction rate of 76 % has the highest weight among all layers. In other words, this layer has occupied 24% of the study area as favorable zones by which 76% of the known Fe occurrences are delineated. Iron ore potential map was prepared from integration of all geospatial indicators through the weighted multi-class index overlay method. The generated map has an intersection point with a prediction rate of 78% which has higher weight than the other individual indicators. According to this map, new iron mineralization potentials are observed in the east and southeast of the Esfordi area. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Exploration analysis and determining the relationship between mineralization and faults as a new exploration key in the Sirjan-Beshneh copper deposit
        Reza Ahmadi S.J. Hosseini Shahraki
        Sirjan-Beshneh copper deposit with 0.5 kilometer area is located in Kerman province 80 kilometers west of Sirjan city. The variety of exploration activities including remote-sensing, field traverses, geophysical explorations, surface explorations comprising surface samp More
        Sirjan-Beshneh copper deposit with 0.5 kilometer area is located in Kerman province 80 kilometers west of Sirjan city. The variety of exploration activities including remote-sensing, field traverses, geophysical explorations, surface explorations comprising surface sampling and geochemical analysis of 94 samples, drilling and surveying three trenches with sampling and analysis of six samples as well as drilling of eight deep exploration borehole with the total length of 414.5 meter, have been carried out in the metallic deposit. All faults in the region were mapped based on the remote-sensing and structural geology operations of the region. In the present research, all exploration activities carried out in the Beshneh copper deposit were analyzed through investigating their relationship with the faults in the region. To achieve this goal, various techniques including drawing rose-diagram of faults, processing of resistivity and chargeability data of rectangle survey and smoothed inversion of data for five dipole-dipole profiles, imaging isograde maps for the surface and trench samples as well as 3-D modeling of exploration boreholes assays of the region were employed. The results showed that locations of mineralization related to the fractures and faults present in the region since the trend of most mineralized veins is along the main faults. At the end, in order to complete the explorations of the previous stages to get a better recognition of the deposit, drilling of several new exploration boreholes was proposed based on all performed studies and integrating obtained results as an exploration key.. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Structural evolution of the southern Natanz region and its role in the distribution and concentration of Pb-Zn mineralization
        Firouzeh Shavvakhi Saeed Madanipour M. Tadayon Ebrahim Rastad M.J. Kupaei
        The studied area is structurally located in the western part of the Central Iranian structural zone atthe southwestern termination of the Qom-Zefreh Fault. Our structural data represent the older generation of E-W to NW-SE trending thrust faults that juxtapose Permia More
        The studied area is structurally located in the western part of the Central Iranian structural zone atthe southwestern termination of the Qom-Zefreh Fault. Our structural data represent the older generation of E-W to NW-SE trending thrust faults that juxtapose Permian- Triassic (Nayband and Shotori Formations) over younger rock units. Most of the thrust faults have been crossed cut with the younger generation of the strike-slip fault system. Major thrust faulting of the area occurred during post Late Cretaceous time. The final post Oligocene strike slip faulting related to the activation of the Qom- Zefreh fault overprinted and crossed cut older structural features. Our economic geological studies in the south Natanz area represent syngeneic strati bond or Sedex-Like type Pb-Zn epigenetic occurrence of these deposits in Permian-Triassic carbonates and barite developed in the Lower Cretaceous carbonate and clastics. The ore deposit development in Permian-Triassic Carbonates have occurred along thrust faults and then redistributed along strike slip faults with normal component. Therefore, genetically, stratiform deposits developed in the Lower Cretaceous carbonates and clastics (Yazdan and Pinavand Ore deposit) occurred in a regional early Cretaceous extensional regime. However, epigenetic deposits developed in Permian-Triassic carbonates (Changarzeh deposit) were generated during the regional post Late Cretaceous compressional regime and redistributed during post Oligocene strike slip deformation. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Sedimentary coppers as gemstone: a case study of copper mineralization in the alluvial sediments of the southern plain of Rafsanjan
        H. Zand-Moghadam Amir hossein Tahernia H. Ahmadipour
        The Pliocene-Quaternary sediments of the southern plain of Rafsanjan (west of Kerman province), have a variety of sedimentary copper minerals which can be used as gemstones and suitable for minerals/rocks colledctioners. The most important copper identified minerals inc More
        The Pliocene-Quaternary sediments of the southern plain of Rafsanjan (west of Kerman province), have a variety of sedimentary copper minerals which can be used as gemstones and suitable for minerals/rocks colledctioners. The most important copper identified minerals include malachite, azurite, atacamite and paratacamite. Copper mineralization in this sequence is observed in three forms: cement (in conglomerates), nodules (in sandstones and tuffaceous mudstones), and alternating parallel to cross-laminations with calcite (travertines). The first two groups have only a decorative value, but the third group has the potential for jewelry making and is therefore presented as a gemstone. The leaching of copper from porphyry copper deposits in the upstream area (related to the Dehj-Sardouyeh belt) followed by the enrichment and deposition of copper in the young deposits downstream is considered the most probable model for the copper mineralization in the studied deposits. These deposits are called as exotic copper deposits. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Determining relationship between lineaments from magnetometry method with copper mineralization in Sabzsang (North of Saveh) deposit based on direct explorations
        Reza Ahmadi
        Sabzsang copper deposit is located in the North of Saveh, Markazi province. In this deposit geophysical surveys and extensive surface exploration activities containing litho-geochemical, stream-sediments and trenches sampling have been carried out all over the study are More
        Sabzsang copper deposit is located in the North of Saveh, Markazi province. In this deposit geophysical surveys and extensive surface exploration activities containing litho-geochemical, stream-sediments and trenches sampling have been carried out all over the study area. Also, five azimuthal boreholes have been drilled in a square area with dimensions of 100*115 m in the east of the deposit. In this research, lineaments in the Sabzsang deposit were first identified using the magnetometry method. To achieve the goal, the variety of required filters especially edge detection containing horizontal derivative, analytic-signal and tilt derivative was applied on the magnetic data. Afterward, relationship between the lineaments and copper mineralization was investigated using the performed direct explorations. In this regard, the qualitative correlation between the lineaments with surface copper mineralization for the entire area of the Sabzsang was determined, as the qualitative and quantitative correlation between the lineaments with copper mineralization of various surface and deep works in the area of drilling boreholes. The results of the research show that the mineral depositing in the Sabzsang area is mostly shallow, indicating a very high qualitative accordance between the lineaments and occurrence of mineral deposit in the entire surface of the area. To determine the quantitative correlation, first, 2D grid-based map of lineaments was produced. Then, the copper assay data and number of lineaments were interpolated within a same size range after the same gridding. At the end, a very weak correlation with a correlation coefficient of -0.02 was obtained between the copper assay data and lineaments in the eastern part of the deposit. This means that the mineralization has been performed in the dominant fractures but by effecting several factors, the grade of mineral deposit in mentioned locations is not necessarily high. The results of this research serve as a key and guide for decision-making to proceed the detailed exploration stage of the deposit. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Mineralogy geochemistry and genesis of Kehdolan copper deposit Bostanabad east Azarbaijan
        Alireza Yousefi Sh. Niroomand Abdorrahman Rajabi mohammad amini
        Study area is located in Eastern Azerbaijan province, 27 km far from east Bostanabad, and the north of Qarehchaman geological map. According to field tracking and surveys, host rock of mineralization is a Subvolcanic rocks of Oligocene period. Based on microscopic studi More
        Study area is located in Eastern Azerbaijan province, 27 km far from east Bostanabad, and the north of Qarehchaman geological map. According to field tracking and surveys, host rock of mineralization is a Subvolcanic rocks of Oligocene period. Based on microscopic studies, the most important of supergene part, containing primary oxide minerals (Magnetite), secondary oxide minerals (Malachite, Hematite and Goethite) and also sulphide minerals such as Chalcocite, Covellite, Pyrite and insignificance Chalcopyrite. Among the most important alterations, argillic, silicification, carbonization and propylithic can be noted. Geochemical studies shows that host rock of mineralization with Monzosyenitic composition, placed in high chalc-alkaline to shoshonitic and metaluminous range. Formation environment of host rock of mineralization is a volcanic arc of subduction zone that confirmed by normalized rare earth elements diagrams. Manuscript profile