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        1 - Future Proofing Model of the Sustainable Water Resource Management based on the Scenario Planning Approach- Case Study: Golestan Province
        Seyed Mansour Rahim Hoseini Aliakbar Hasani
        Water resources have always been the focal point of the civilizations and urbanities formation. Human societies, at the early age until now, have been initiated around these resources. Therefore the preservation of the water resources for the next generation and correct More
        Water resources have always been the focal point of the civilizations and urbanities formation. Human societies, at the early age until now, have been initiated around these resources. Therefore the preservation of the water resources for the next generation and correct exploitation, play a crucial role in sustainability and extension of civilizations. Then, most of the experts believe that wars at the 21th century are about clean and pure water resources. In these days, because of excessive increase in environment uncertainty, the traditional planning approaches/methods have lost their usefulness. To confront these uncertainties and at the age of Cold War, scenario planning established as one of the future proofing approaches/methods. In scenario planning, against the traditional planning methods, the future has not seen as the extension of the past, on the contrary, general environmental drivers and forces form the future state of a system. Considering the uncertainities in water resource management,this article has tried to use scenario planning approach for future proofing, finding driving forces that shape the future state of water resources in the Golestan province and then determined the crucial drivers by interview with the experts of strategic management and water resource planning fields. All possible scenarios have been written and at the end, for managing water resources in stable ways, strategies and course of actions have presented. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Identifying and Analyzing the Driving Forces Involved in Developing Tourism Industry in Kondoleh Village, Sahneh City
        mitra jaliliyan Mohammad Akbarpour Jafar Tavakoli
        Abstract Tourism is regarded as an inflectional factor in developing the communications between nations worldwide in today’s world, providing job opportunities in the economic sector and fostering socio-cultural interactions. On the other hand, rural tourism has widely More
        Abstract Tourism is regarded as an inflectional factor in developing the communications between nations worldwide in today’s world, providing job opportunities in the economic sector and fostering socio-cultural interactions. On the other hand, rural tourism has widely been researched by a wide variety of scholars around the world, as it can help create new jobs, increase the residents’ revenues, and mitigate poverty, especially in villages that enjoy cultural attractions. Therefore, this sought to investigate the key factors and influential driving forces involved in developing tourism in Kandoleh village using the Delphi method and the future study approach. This study is considered applied in terms of purpose, carried out based on new methods followed in the future study, and novel exploratory and analyzing techniques using a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. In this regard, the key indices were identified via Delphi method, and the critical driving forces were detected based on the cross-impact analysis method using the Mick Mac software. The study’s results suggested that out of the twenty-eight key factors identified, efficient management and designation of Kandoleh village as the pilot site for rural tourism were the most influential elements in developing tourism within the village, followed by factors such as increased investments by the private sector, advertising, registering and preserving historical and cultural monuments, and providing security for tourists, respectively. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Digital developments and perspectives of future higher education in the horizon of 1410
        Ahmad keykha Masoud Shafiee Reza Mahdi
        Extensive environmental changes havecovered all political,economic,social,technologicaland environmentalsystems.Meanwhile, the science and technology system ingeneral and thehigher education anduniversitysystem in particular have been subjected tofundamental changes.Bas More
        Extensive environmental changes havecovered all political,economic,social,technologicaland environmentalsystems.Meanwhile, the science and technology system ingeneral and thehigher education anduniversitysystem in particular have been subjected tofundamental changes.Based on the available evidence,it can be said that the level and depth of higher education and university developments will increase in the future.Therefore,future research of higher education and university and predicting future scenarios and preparing tools and solutions to face the future is oneof the important tasks of policy makers,leadersand experts of higher education.Among a variety of factors and drivers,digital transformations have significantly changed the role of universities to shape a more open higher education system.In this view,education becomes accessible to all people who can benefit from it. Based on the research of Lubke et al.(2020),this article seeks a more detailed analysis of the upcoming developments in higher education until the end of the current decade.In this article,five presuppositions,including the perspective of unexperienced innovation,the perspective of transfer and modernization through digitalization,the perspectiveof realism,the perspective of the learner,and the perspective of diversity in higher education,are determined as basis for searching for future higher education concepts.Future scenarios show the necessity of universities moving towards digitization and following the smart university model. According to the changes in the labor market,it will be necessary to redefine and reorganize the higher education system based on these changes.Digitization should be established at different levels of the university and systematically developed in the form of a digital society.Graduates' career paths will vary,and a pre-defined same careerpath cannot and should not be consideredfor graduates. Manuscript profile