Digital developments and perspectives of future higher education in the horizon of 1410
Subject Areas : General
Ahmad keykha
Masoud Shafiee
Reza Mahdi
1 - PhD student of Higher Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Tehran
2 - Professor of Electrical Engineering Faculty, Amirkabir University of Technology
3 - Member of the Faculty of Future Studies, Institute of Cultural and Social Studies
Keywords: The future of higher education, the perspective of higher education, future studies of higher education, scenario development,
Abstract :
Extensive environmental changes havecovered all political,economic,social,technologicaland environmentalsystems.Meanwhile, the science and technology system ingeneral and thehigher education anduniversitysystem in particular have been subjected tofundamental changes.Based on the available evidence,it can be said that the level and depth of higher education and university developments will increase in the future.Therefore,future research of higher education and university and predicting future scenarios and preparing tools and solutions to face the future is oneof the important tasks of policy makers,leadersand experts of higher education.Among a variety of factors and drivers,digital transformations have significantly changed the role of universities to shape a more open higher education system.In this view,education becomes accessible to all people who can benefit from it. Based on the research of Lubke et al.(2020),this article seeks a more detailed analysis of the upcoming developments in higher education until the end of the current decade.In this article,five presuppositions,including the perspective of unexperienced innovation,the perspective of transfer and modernization through digitalization,the perspectiveof realism,the perspective of the learner,and the perspective of diversity in higher education,are determined as basis for searching for future higher education concepts.Future scenarios show the necessity of universities moving towards digitization and following the smart university model. According to the changes in the labor market,it will be necessary to redefine and reorganize the higher education system based on these changes.Digitization should be established at different levels of the university and systematically developed in the form of a digital society.Graduates' career paths will vary,and a pre-defined same careerpath cannot and should not be consideredfor graduates.
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