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        1 - Geochemistry and origin of orogenic gold in Qolqoleh area, Kurdistan: using fluid inclusion and stable isotope methods
         Taghipour  Makizadeh فرهاد  احمدنژاد
        The Qolqoleh gold deposit is located in the northwestern part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan metamorphic belt, about 50 km south-west of Saqqez. The rocks in the vicinity of the Qolqoleh deposit consist predominantly of Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary sequences of phyllite, meta-l More
        The Qolqoleh gold deposit is located in the northwestern part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan metamorphic belt, about 50 km south-west of Saqqez. The rocks in the vicinity of the Qolqoleh deposit consist predominantly of Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary sequences of phyllite, meta-limestone, cholorite- sericite schist, metavolcanic and granitic intrusive rocks that have undergone greenschist facies metamorphism. Geochemical studies indicate that gold mineralization occur in the sulfide-quartz veins. Based on the number of phases present at room temperature and their microthermometric behavior, three fluid inclusion types were recognized: type I mono phase aqueous inclusions, type II two-phase aqueous inclusions (aqueous + vapor), that based on Th could be subdivided into two groups: type IIa show salinities of 5–13 wt.% NaCl equivalent and Th-tot of 205 to 255 °C. Type IIb with salinities of 15–19 wt.% NaCl equivalent and Th-tot of 335 to 385 C. Type III three-phase shows carbonic–aqueous inclusions (aqueous–LCO2–VCO2) with salinities of 9–13 wt.% NaCl equivalent and Th-tot of 345–385 °C. Furthermore, the mean values of density of ore-forming fluids, pressure and depth of mineralization are 0.79-0.93 gr/cm3, 2 Kbar and 7 Km respectively. On the basis of these data, the Qolqoleh gold deposit is categorized in meso zonal orogenic gold deposit. The δ_0^18 values of the ore-forming fluids are in the range of 7.2‰ to 8‰ and the D values are from -35.27‰ to -40.23‰, which indicate a source of deep-originated metamorphic water that is partially mixed with shallow meteoric water. The change of tectonic regime from compressional to extensional in association with the continuously increasing geothermal gradient, results in remobilization of large amounts of metamorphic fluids. Mixing of ascending orogenic drive fluids with descending meteoric fluids led to deposition of gold by sulfide minerals. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Study of alteration, mineralization, and fluid inclusion in the Howz-e-Sefid zinc-lead deposit (Central Iran)
        Mansor Adelpour godratollah Rostami Paydar
        The Howz-e-sefid zinc-lead deposit is located 17 km northeast of Ardakan town in the central Iran tectonic zone. Host rock of this deposit is lower Cretaceous dolomitized carbonate rocks. In this area there are three major rock units. The Sangestan Formation as the lowe More
        The Howz-e-sefid zinc-lead deposit is located 17 km northeast of Ardakan town in the central Iran tectonic zone. Host rock of this deposit is lower Cretaceous dolomitized carbonate rocks. In this area there are three major rock units. The Sangestan Formation as the lowest unit, is composed of shale and siltstone with calcarenitic interbeded layers. This unit is overlain by ankeritic massive dolomite and dolomitic limestone of the Taft Formation. The Abkouh Formation at the top, is composed of cherty or argillaceous limestone with massive reefal limestone. The host rock of deposit in the lower Cretaceous carbonate horizon along with other geological evidence indicate that this deposit has been primarily formed similar to the Mississipi Valley-type deposits. This conditions include carbonate and evaporatic sequences, special hydrothermal dolomitized horizons, lack of the effects of igneous intrusions and the presence of the important controling faults. Based on the observations, it can be concluded that the primary ores have been of the sulphide type including sphalerite, galena and pyrite. Due to their exposure to superficial oxidizing conditions and undergoing changes, the primary sulphide ores, have been converted into nonsulphide ore body. As a result, the primary sulphide ores have been changed into secondary minerals such as hemimorphite, smithsonite, cerusite and anglesite. In many cases, the nonsulphide minerals established in the structural fractures and fissures, shows the colloform texture. Therefore, it can be accepted that this type of minerals were formed under the effect of low temperature hydrothermal fluids.There are two types of fluid inclusions (type I: L and type II: L+V) in the carbonaceous ore bearing veins. On the basis of microthermometric study, the homogenization temperatures is between 150-260 °C. The salinity of fluid inclusions is low to intermediate (0.33-14.26 wt. % NaCl equivalent). Heating depressurization due to reduced pressure to boiling with low CO2 bearing fluid (0.62-0.98 gr/cm3) is the main mechanism of deposition. Based on evidence such as the nonhomoginity in filling degree of fluid inclusions, existence of a few vapor-rich phase shows boiling of ore fluid in faulted and fracture zones. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Determining the source of mineralizing fluid in Gol-e-Zard Zn-Pb deposit, Aligudarz using geochemical and fluid inclusion studies
        Ali Reza Zarasvandi Mona Sameti Zahra Fereydouni Mohsen Rezaei Hashem Bagheri
        The Gol-e-Zard Zn-Pb deposit is located in northeastern of the Aligudarz region (Lorestan province). This deposit is exposed in phyllite and meta-sandstones of upper Triassic-Jurassic of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone. The mineralization includes sphalerite, galena and chalco More
        The Gol-e-Zard Zn-Pb deposit is located in northeastern of the Aligudarz region (Lorestan province). This deposit is exposed in phyllite and meta-sandstones of upper Triassic-Jurassic of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone. The mineralization includes sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, which are mainly along quartz veins. Two mineralized horizons are phyllite with high mineralization and meta-sandstone with low mineralization. The mineralogical studies show that galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite are metallic ores and quartz is also the most abundant gang mineral in the studied deposit. The evidence indicate that the mineralization of the Gol-e-Zard deposit is syngeneic and epigenetic. The most significant structural pattern is the stratabound mineralization in the region. The aim of this study is to determine the type and characteristics the mineralizing fluid in the discriminating of mineralized horizons, besides the determining of source of the fluid in the Gol-e-Zard deposit. LREE enrichments (La/Lu average 4.8) and positive Eu anomalies (average 1.2) indicate the anoxic condition and hydrothermal fluids. Fluid inclusion data shows homogenization temperatures of 139-199.5°C, salinity 5.21-30.38 wt%equ.NaCl and density 0.9-1.1 gr/cm3 in this deposit. Investigation of evolution path of the fluids shows isothermal mixing of fluids during mineralization that comprises the mixing of magmatic water with sea water and also meteoric water. Thus, the mineralization can be summarized as: expulsion of the hydrothermal fluids from the depth, entering into sea water and reducing the temperature of hydrothermal fluids due to mixing with sea water, ascending to the sea level, moving through sediments and circulating in void spaces of and then the leaching of metals from sediments and deposited along the void space and quartz veins. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Ore-forming fluid source and effective parameters in the gold deposition at the Dashkasan deposit (NE Qorveh): structure, microthermometry and O-H stable isotopic evidences
        Mohammad Moradi zahra Alaminia Ebrahim Tale Fazel Reza Alipoor
        The Takab-Qorveh magmatic lineament between the Urumieh-Dokhtar and the Sanandaj-Sirjan zones contains important gold mines such as Dashkasan and Zarshuran. The Dashkasan deposit is located in the Kurdistan province and is one of the largest gold deposits in the Middle More
        The Takab-Qorveh magmatic lineament between the Urumieh-Dokhtar and the Sanandaj-Sirjan zones contains important gold mines such as Dashkasan and Zarshuran. The Dashkasan deposit is located in the Kurdistan province and is one of the largest gold deposits in the Middle East domain. The gold is mainly hosted by porphyritic dacite and breccia. In spite of detailed previous studies, there is still debate regarding the genesis of the Dashkasan. Herein, this study present the source and evolution of the mineralizing fluids using the fluid inclusion and stable isotopic investigations. At Dashkasan, the breccia and mineralization are constrained by the steep NNE-SSW-trending faults. Alteration zones on the surface are phyllic, silicification, tourmalinization, argillic and minor propylitic. Sulfide minerals consist of pyrite, marcasite, arseno-pyrite, stibnite, chalcopyrite and to lesser amounts of bornite, sphalerite and galena associated with quartz, tourmaline, sericite, calcite and chalcedony. Result of microthermometry measurements shows a range of homogenization temperatures between 183-260 °C with salinities of 15.97 to 17.06 wt % NaCl equiv. The oxygen isotope composition of fluid in quartz ranges from 6.6 to 9.9 ‰, while, the tourmaline has δ18Ofluid values are in the ranges of 8.5 to 12.3‰. Also, the δDfluid values of the quartz and tourmaline ranges between -51 to -81 and -93 to -111‰, respectively. Integrating with previous studies, all these data, suggest a migration from a porphyry gold system (stage-I) with a magmatic source to a low-sulphidation epithermal (stage-III). Stage-II occurred simultaneously with the collapse and eruption of crater. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Geology and gold mineralization in the west of Kasnazan, south of Saqqez, Kurdistan province
        Shojaeddin Niroomand Hossein Ali Tajeddin Saba Haghiri Qazvini
        West of Kasnazan gold prospect is located 14 km south of Saqqez. The rocks in the area predominantly consist of Precambrian and Cretaceous volcanosedimentary sequences of schist, phyllite and marble which are intruded by granitoid bodies. The main gold reservoir in the More
        West of Kasnazan gold prospect is located 14 km south of Saqqez. The rocks in the area predominantly consist of Precambrian and Cretaceous volcanosedimentary sequences of schist, phyllite and marble which are intruded by granitoid bodies. The main gold reservoir in the deposit is hosted inside a quartz syenite body that is intruded along a northwest-southeast shear zone. The high-grade gold ores belong to highly deformed mylonitic and ultramylonitic quartz syenite rocks which are associated with quartz, sericite-muscovite, carbonite and sulfide alteration minerals. Ore mineral assemblages of the deposit are simple and consist of pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, arsenopyrite, magnetite, gold and iron hydroxide minerals. Gold grains with less than 40 microns in size have been found as intergrowth with quartz and also in the form of inclusions in pyrites. Fluid inclusion studies indicate homogenization temperatures between 137.4 and 240.5°C and salinity between 1.16 to 12.06 wt% NaCl eq. This study indicates that main characteristics of the geology and mineralization of the area are similar to orogenic type gold deposits. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Physiochemical characteristics of oOre-bearing fluids for celestite occurrence in the Zagros fold-thrust belt: using microthermometry studies
        رضوانه  حمیدی Hojjat Ollah Safari مهاسا  روستایی
        Oilgocene-Miocene celestite occurrences are observed across the carbonate-evaporite formations of Asmari and Gachsaran in the Zagros fold - thrust belt. The aim of this research is the study of fluid inclusions in our celestite deposits (Tortab, Tarak, Likak and Babamoh More
        Oilgocene-Miocene celestite occurrences are observed across the carbonate-evaporite formations of Asmari and Gachsaran in the Zagros fold - thrust belt. The aim of this research is the study of fluid inclusions in our celestite deposits (Tortab, Tarak, Likak and Babamohamad) to reveal the nature of ore-forming fluids. Abundant structures including: geodic and vein-like structures as open-space filling along with replacement textures like mosaic and vein-like in a carbonate matrix are present. Moreover, celestite, calcite, gypsum and anhydrite are observed as the major minerals in this deposits. Based on petrographic studies, 5 groups of fluid inclusions were recognised, which are categorized as: Liquid mono phase (L), vapour mono phase (V), liquid-rich two phase (LV), vapor-rich two phase (VL) and multi-phase fluids (LVS). The results obtained from the study of microthermometry data show 134.3 to 291.8°C as homogenisation temperatures and salinities of 2.5-18.17 wt%, NaCl equ, all are involved in forming celestite. Based on the results of microthermometry data, it can be deduced that formation mechanism of celestite is resulted from reaction between fluid and rocks of the area. Moreover, tectonic activities such as uplift and diagenesis of beds along with dissolution of minerals have caused release of strontium in the fluids responsible for ore-forming. This has generally undertaken by two fluids of meteoric and brine origins over different stages of ore-formation, replacing anhydrite with strontium at high temperatures during late- diagenetic and epigenetic processes. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Geology, structure, texture, fluid inclusion and formation model of Michigan type copper mineralization in the Sebandoon deposit, Northeast of Iran
        B. Hammamipour Baranji H.A. Tajeddin M. Movahednia
        The Sebandoon copper deposit is located in the northern part of the Sabzevar subzone. The rock units exposed in the area consist of upper Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary sequences of trachyte, trachyandesite, basalt, split, shale, dacite and sandstone. The Sebandoon nati More
        The Sebandoon copper deposit is located in the northern part of the Sabzevar subzone. The rock units exposed in the area consist of upper Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary sequences of trachyte, trachyandesite, basalt, split, shale, dacite and sandstone. The Sebandoon native copper deposit comprises stratabound mineralization which is hosted in split basalt. The main ore structures and textures in the deposit include disseminate, veinlets, open space filling and replacement forms. The ore mineral assemblages are simple and consist of native copper, coprite and malachite and main gang minerals are zeolite, calcite, quartz, chlorite and epidote. Fluid inclusion studies on ore-bearing zeolite reveal that majority of primary inclusions are liquid-rich two-phase (LV) ones. The studies indicate homogenization temperatures were between 228 and 340°C and salinity varied between 0.6 to 5.7 wt% NaCl eq. Based on the evidence from geology, mineralogy, alteration, fluid inclusion, and geodynamic environment, the Sebandoon copper deposit is similar to Michigan copper type deposits, in which copper was leached from the basaltic rocks during burial metamorphism and the ore-forming fluids moved upwards and subsequently deposited as native copper due to low pressure and mixing with meteoric fluids. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Mineralogy, geochemistry, and fluid inclusion characteristics of the Madanjoo skarn iron deposit, Sangan mining district, NE Iran
        M. Fotovat Jami Masoud Alipour-Asll
        The Madanjoo prospect is one of the eastern anomalies in the Sangan mining district. This area is located in the eastern part of the Cenozoic Alborz volcanic-plutonic arc. The geology of the area includes Jurassic shaly sandstone, lime mudstone, and sandstone, Upper Cre More
        The Madanjoo prospect is one of the eastern anomalies in the Sangan mining district. This area is located in the eastern part of the Cenozoic Alborz volcanic-plutonic arc. The geology of the area includes Jurassic shaly sandstone, lime mudstone, and sandstone, Upper Cretaceous limestone and dolomitic limestone, and Upper Eocene tuff and lava flow sequences, Middle Eocene skarn rocks, and Quaternary sediments. The most important occurrence in the Madanjoo area is the penetration of ferrous fluids into terrigenous and carbonate formations, skarnization, and iron mineralization, which is characterized by the presence of magnetite and calcsilicates minerals. based on type and frequency of calcsilicates, The skarn zones include olivine-pyroxene-garnet skarn, garnet-pyroxene skarn, garnet skarn, pyroxene-wollastonite-magnetite skarn, magnetite skarn, phlogopite skarn, tremolite-actinolite skarn, and epidote skarn. Iron mineralization occurred as massive, banded, vein-veinlets, breccia, and disseminated forms mostly in the Upper Cretaceous limestone and dolomite rocks and along NE-SW fault zone trend. Magnetite is the main ore mineral accompanied with pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and secondary iron minerals. The composition of the Madanjoo garnet, pyroxene, and olivine are andradite-grossular (mostly andradite), diopside-hedenbergite (mostly diopside), and forsterite, respectively. Thermobarometry study based on pyroxene chemistry show that pyroxenes crystallized in temperature range of 458-689 °C, pressure of 2.21 kb, and depth range of 1-2.5 km. Three main paragenetic stages of skarn formation and ore deposition were recognized in the Madanjoo deposit: (1) a prograde stage developed with prograde garnet and pyroxene forming at 330° to 410 °C with a fluid salinity between 33 to 58 wt.% NaCl equivalent, (2) a retrograde garnet, tremolite- actinolite, and calcite which formed at 120° to 300 °C with fluid salinity of 16 to 49 wt.% NaCl equivalent, and (3) a post-ore stage with calcite and minor quartz veins that developed at 95° to 190 °C with salinity range of 2 to 15 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Possible iron ore formation mechanisms include: fluid mixing, boiling, and dilution with meteoric waters along with decreasing temperature. Finally, the Madanjoo iron mineralization is introduced as a magnesian exoskarn iron deposit. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Geology, mineralization and fluid inclusion studies of the Lakhshak gold deposit, southwest Sistan suture zone
        N.  Heydarian Dehkordi S. Niroomand Hossein Ali Tajeddin Reza نوزعیم
        Lakhshk deposit is located 28 km northwest of Zahedan and southwestern of Sistan suture zone. The main outcrops in the study area are Eocene schists consisting of calc-schist and quartz schist. These rocks metamorphosed under greenschist facies grade and were intruded More
        Lakhshk deposit is located 28 km northwest of Zahedan and southwestern of Sistan suture zone. The main outcrops in the study area are Eocene schists consisting of calc-schist and quartz schist. These rocks metamorphosed under greenschist facies grade and were intruded by Oligocene rhyolitic and dacitic dikes and granitoid. The gold-antimony mineralization is structurally controlled by a NE–SW fault zone and shear zone, and hydrothermal alterations were mainly occurred in the contact zones of granitoid and calc-schist units. The high-grade gold mineralization (3.5 g/t) is spatially related to the intense sulfidation and silicification hydrothermal alteration zones in the inner parts of the zone as well as ductile-brittle (microfractures, fine veins/veinlets) deformation. The ore mineralogy is simple and includes pyrite, arsenical pyrite, stibnite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, gold, electrum, goethite, and stibiconite. The study of fluid inclusions on gold ores quartz shows the homogenization temperature in quartz-sulfide veins/veinlets with mineralization between 200 to 330 °C with a salinity of 8 to 13 wt.% NaCl equiv., which is compatible with the mixing and dilution process. Based on the results of geology, mineralogy, and fluid inclusion studies, gold mineralization in Lakhshak gold deposit is of orogenic type. Manuscript profile