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        1 - Effects of Ellis Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy on Promotion of Psychological Capital
        nila Elmy Manesh
        Abstract: Today, psychological capital is con-sidered as one of the important organizational intangible assets due to being teachable and in-fluencing occupational variables. The present study has investigated the effectiveness of Ellis intervention model on promotion o More
        Abstract: Today, psychological capital is con-sidered as one of the important organizational intangible assets due to being teachable and in-fluencing occupational variables. The present study has investigated the effectiveness of Ellis intervention model on promotion of psycholo-gical capital of experts working in industrial centers. Statistical population of the present se-mi-experimental research consisted of experts working in Iran Khodro Diesel Company from which a total number of 60 participants were selected using regular random sampling method and then they were assigned to experimental and control groups. After completion of Luthans’ Psychological Capital Questionnaire by both groups, the experimental group received training in 10 two-hour sessions using Ellis rational emo-tive behavioral method. The experiment was im-plemented in two other steps in order to collect post-test data and follow-up. The results of multi-variable variance analysis indicated that the scores of post-test and follow-up in hope, optimism, self-efficacy, and resilience compo-nents were higher in experimental group who had been under Ellis intervention, compared to the control group. The results of univariate tests indicated that hope, optimism, self-effi-cacy, and resilience components were signi-ficant according to descriptive results and it consequently represents the sustainable effects of Ellis intervention in follow-up and increased effectiveness on optimism. Ellis intervention model and method has promoted the level of psychological capital in employees. Manuscript profile