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        1 - Mystical Spiritual Dangers in Poem Concepts in Brotherhood Poems
        Leila  Sayegani Habib  Jadidol-eslami Ghale No
        Undoubtedly, Mehdi Akhavan Saleh is one of the most important post-half-generation poets whose poems, according to most scholars of contemporary Iranian literature, are a poetic and artistic combination of the classical Persian poetry tradition and new poetry. Akhavan S More
        Undoubtedly, Mehdi Akhavan Saleh is one of the most important post-half-generation poets whose poems, according to most scholars of contemporary Iranian literature, are a poetic and artistic combination of the classical Persian poetry tradition and new poetry. Akhavan Saleh is a representative of a generation of poets who is committed to the community and its developments, and literally, his poetry enjoys particular ghana. In fact, he is a poet who cares both in literary form and in his poetry content. Hence, by understanding such features in his poetry, many have tried to discover and examine the dimensions of the Akhavan-Sale literature with new readings. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - intertextuality of Abdol Vahhab Al Bayati poets with Quran Dr Tayyebeh Seifi, assistant professor of Beheshti university.
        طیبه  سیفی
        Objectives: One of the most important topics of the literature crisis of the contemporary Arabic poems is the intertextuality phenomena. This phenomenon is the think of the meaning or term transfer or both of these from one text to another or from one literary work to a More
        Objectives: One of the most important topics of the literature crisis of the contemporary Arabic poems is the intertextuality phenomena. This phenomenon is the think of the meaning or term transfer or both of these from one text to another or from one literary work to another. Intertextuality is one of the common oral phenomenons at the essays of the Arab poets. The poems of Abdolvahhab Bayati, a is so renowned because of these features. Not only had he used various shapes of this phenomenon in his own poems, but also his intertextuality references are so varied in his essays. Abdolvahhab, used this religious heritage as important references of his own poems intertextuality. Among the all intertextuality in his poems, Quran based intertextuality is so significant. This matter forced the writer of this paper to research the historical root of this phenomenon near the crisis and with a brief view to the life of Bayati, describe the different aspects of the inspiration of him from the Quran. Methods: The main course of this paper approaches the intertextuality phenomena at the Arabian and European literal crisis to notice the history of this phenomenon for the readers. Then a short description presented for the Bayati's living career. Also the paper discusses the way of inspiration of the poet from the Quran presenting 3 examples in the field of singularities, compositions, meanings, the Quran's opinions and Quran personals and also Quran's events. Results: The main result of the research in this area shows that the intertextuality phenomena didn't disappear from the view of the noticeable viewpoint of the Arabian outstanding and dominant critics either contemporary or old. Arabian contemporary researchers using the Europeans result in this field have done very good researches in the area of intertextuality. Conclusion: This paper has approached the intertextuality phenomena at the poems of Bayati, The research of the paper in this field shows that this poet uses Quran's concepts as a main reference to shows its own experiences in the field of literature and poem. So, sometimes he used Quran's paradigms directly in his own poets and in some instances he used Quran's paradigms as a part of the poem. In some cases, he used Quran to state his own idea and to design a new concept in his own mind. In an instance, he indicates the instability of the insect's fiber (net) from the Quran paradigms to show his own willing to help poor peoples. Finally he could show a good figure of himself as a tramp poet in the exile and also a liberal fighter. Manuscript profile