• List of Articles Consistency

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        1 - The study of structural consistency analysis in relationship between literature and political culture
        Social scientists working in vast and various fields, focused on the analysis and explanation of social phenomena that reflect in their different forms in different areas of the lives of different communities. They try to offer different analytical formulations of socia More
        Social scientists working in vast and various fields, focused on the analysis and explanation of social phenomena that reflect in their different forms in different areas of the lives of different communities. They try to offer different analytical formulations of social phenomena using scientific methods and explanation patterns and find different answers to explain the thoughts, behaviors and events in different social events in various fields. Explanation in the widest sense of the meaning is that the phenomena previously known as independent affairs are in relation to each other or the phenomena that have been viewed relevant develop a new relationship among themselves. The patterns mentioned above can either be causal, functional, structural and other different patterns that social scientists, depending on the attitude and theoretical points of view or favorite school or social context of their research in general, take advantage of them. In this article, through the study of one of these patterns and explanation and expansion of the structural patterns consistency and using them we try to provide different analytical formulations for the study of Political culture of communities. This pattern of cultural analysis, especially in historical studies of Political culture of communities, will be applied too much; where literature plays its role as one of the main channels and resources to shape popular culture. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Educational study of the issue of the strength of men over women in the light of the moral teachings of the Holy Quran
        Reihaneh Emamjomeh Jafar nekoonam Mehrdad Abbasi
        Surah An-Nisa 'is one of the civil surahs. In this surah, marital issues and rights are discussed. One of the issues raised in this surah is the "solidity" of men over women. Verse 34 of this surah states the strength of the men of woman based on the charity and detail More
        Surah An-Nisa 'is one of the civil surahs. In this surah, marital issues and rights are discussed. One of the issues raised in this surah is the "solidity" of men over women. Verse 34 of this surah states the strength of the men of woman based on the charity and detail of the men. The issue of men's strength has been considered by commentators from the beginning until now, and each of them has had interpretations of this verse based on the prevailing culture in society. This verse, in the position of moral expression, is the subject of men's affairs over women, and the commentators have expressed the two titles of charity and detail as a factor of consistency, and have presented various views in determining the example of charity and detail. These views are full of extremism. In this study, based on the context of the verses of Surah An-Nisa 'and the verses before and after the verse of "Consistency" and other verses in the rest of the Surahs and accuracy in the meaning of charity, detail and consistency, it has been reached that consistency is close to educational and moral duties including behavior. The basis of justice is the observance of limits, the observance of the well-known principle, the denial of harm and transgression, forgiveness, etc. by men to women. It is also the "sphere of influence of men's solidarity related to family and marital issues" and does not cover other areas of women's lives, and women have full authority in other cases. Also, from the context of the verses related to marital rulings and the verses before and after verse 34 of Surah An-Nisa ', it can be seen that the authority of man over woman is only related to the field of marriage and woman has her own special and independent personality in other life situations. Is the only criterion of superiority of piety. Finally, it is inferred from all the moral teachings of Islam that the authority of a man over a woman is based on two principles, "infagh" which has been interpreted as paying dowry and "tafzil" which according to other verses of the Qur'an can be interpreted as provision. Islam has based the rules and rights of women on their nature, because social duties and responsibilities end with human nature. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Earthquake and order proof
        One of the proofs to prove God's existence and some of his features is the order proof. This proof has been under some question including lack of logical and scientific reasoning of earthquake considering the order proof. Because earthquake causes destructure of world o More
        One of the proofs to prove God's existence and some of his features is the order proof. This proof has been under some question including lack of logical and scientific reasoning of earthquake considering the order proof. Because earthquake causes destructure of world order and creation of disorders. This earthquake is trying the make a logical and scientific justification of adap-tability between earthquake and order proof. It satisfres a descetiptice method as well as analytic and library research. Also it has used a sampling method in data carlection and finally has concluded that : Fristly consistency of order deponds on either finalizaion of an action or on relation and agreement between actions following the same end and purpose. Disorders such as earthquake act in the same framework order proof hurts when the existence of end and agreement is rejected which is not the case here. Secondly, earthquake is not accidental, because brenking and releasing of energy in special places is ordered. Thirdly, order proof is defined as devisal and programming in world cration, so earthquake is out of order proof mission. Fourthly, human has a basic role in earthquake. Fifthly, the mature world which is a mather world is mixed with confiction and disturbance, among them is earthquake. As a result earthquake is not consistent with order proof Manuscript profile
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        4 - The Question of the Consistency of Intellectual Arguments and Intuition: Evolution of Fundamental Principles
        Ghasem Pourhasan پورحسن
        Fārābī and Ibn Sīnā’s philosophies are based on reason, and the further we go from these two philosophers, intuition and unveiling replace philosophical reasoning. The most important feature of the School of Isfahan is considered to be the synthesis of these two ration More
        Fārābī and Ibn Sīnā’s philosophies are based on reason, and the further we go from these two philosophers, intuition and unveiling replace philosophical reasoning. The most important feature of the School of Isfahan is considered to be the synthesis of these two rational and gnostic approaches. This school of philosophy claims to have integrated philosophical and demonstrative aspects of affairs with religious teachings and, specifically, the Imāmīyah Qur’anic-narrative thoughts. All thinkers of the School of Isfahan have comprehensively explained and extended the Imāmīyah ḥadīth or commented on them based the Qur’anic intellectual wisdom. The secretive and allegorical approach to interpretation became prevalent in Ibn Sīnā’s time; however, writing commentaries on ḥadīths and traditional thoughts are among the unique characteristics of the philosophical school of Isfahan. This method has been in use since then, and some of the prominent post-Sadrian philosophers view writing interpretations and comments on Qur’anic verses as an inseparable part of philosophical tradition. Perhaps, the only exception here who has emphasized the distinction between these two fields is ‘Allāmeh Ṭabāṭabā’ī. Nevertheless, the fundamental question here is whether the School of Isfahan, with Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical system at its center, represents a philosophical and demonstrative school of thought or depends on religious thought and employs argumentation merely to access previously-established and correct thoughts. Mullā Ṣadrā and his followers have paid attention to this problem and emphasized the consistency of these two methods. The most important questions in this discussion include the following: 1) Is the method of rational argument completely different from the religious method? 2) If they are different, which depends on which? 3) Which is the basis in Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy: rational reasoning or defending Sharī‘ah and revealed thoughts? How could rational affairs, which can be verified or rejected, and Shar‘ī teachings, which cannot be rejected, be compatible with each other? Here, the author tries to show that Mullā Ṣadrā’s effort to establish this consistency has not been much successful. In fact, in doing so, he has had to either forget about rational reasoning or interpret the religion rationally to prove their consistency. Manuscript profile