• List of Articles Commitment

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Effect of buyer–seller social capital on innovation performance by using customer knowledge development and commitment to innovation
        abbasali rastegar Mahdi Dehghani Soltani hossein farsizadeh
        The aim of this research is study and investigating The Effect of buyer–seller social capital on innovation performance through the mediating role of customer knowledge development and commitment to innovation. Statistical population included the marketing managers and More
        The aim of this research is study and investigating The Effect of buyer–seller social capital on innovation performance through the mediating role of customer knowledge development and commitment to innovation. Statistical population included the marketing managers and research and development manager from the outstanding mineral-industrial export companies in global production networks that the number is 304 and the sample size was 262. In terms of purpose the present study is functional and the data collection method is descriptive. The Model has been investigated by structural equation modeling. The study's test results indicate that innovation performance is positively influenced by shared norms and trust through the mediation of customer knowledge development. Accordingly, innovation performance is also positively influenced by social interaction and shared norm through the mediation of the commitment to innovation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigation The Alignment of moral values and organizational communication (Case of Study: Infrastructure communication co.)
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the alignment of moral values and organizational communication that the study was conducted in Telecommunication Infrastructure Company. Since no study has been done on the alignment of moral values and organizational communication More
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the alignment of moral values and organizational communication that the study was conducted in Telecommunication Infrastructure Company. Since no study has been done on the alignment of moral values and organizational communication ، This study could reveal alignment moral values with organizational communication. Statistical Society is Managers and employees of Telecommunication Infrastructure Company، which according to the sample of 284 people were selected for sampling. The research method is survey. Data were collected through questionnaires and The research questionnaires، including questionnaires Hunt et al (1989)، Syngapkdy et al. (1996) and residents (1394) is used. The validity of the questionnaire was given to a number of specialists and senior managers and reached to confirm them and The Reliability of SPSS software through Cronbach test of reliability was demonstrated. The findings also showed، In the official relations only component in the ethical values of responsibility creates a direct and significant relationship and In informal relations components of commitment، fairness، responsibility and participation in a direct and significant relationship creates moral values and It was determined by regression analysis ، There is a alignment moral values and organizational communication Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Interpretive Structural Modelling of Commitment to Islamic Values, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in Iranian Food Manufacturing Companies
        احسان ساده
        The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role commitment to Islamic values in improving business ethics and social responsibility in food manufacturing companies. Business ethics are all of those principles and norms that determine the behavior of the organi More
        The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role commitment to Islamic values in improving business ethics and social responsibility in food manufacturing companies. Business ethics are all of those principles and norms that determine the behavior of the organization. Islamic values and principles represent the way of a perfect and sublime life. Therefore, a business organization can not be separated from these lofty principles. Islamic ethics in is based on the principles are assigned by Islam to business owners towards all stakeholders (including employees, customers, partners and society). Corporate social responsibilities are the consequences of business ethics. If an organization from any kind industry has sufficient commitment to ethics in their activities, it could not forget its social responsibility. With purpose of investigating the role commitment to Islamic values in improving business ethics and social responsibility Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) was applied. The results indicated the 10 factors related to commitment of the organizations to Islamic value could be considered as the valuable infrastructure for business ethics and corporate social responsibility Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy on social adjustment, mental turmoil and self-rupturing among people with transgender sexual disorder
        Parvin  Hemmat Afza ferozeh sepehrian Esmaeil Soleymaniyan
        Aim: Gender identity disorders (GID) are heterogeneous disorders that may be influenced by culture and social norms The purpose of the present research was to study the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy on social adjustment, mental turmoil and sel More
        Aim: Gender identity disorders (GID) are heterogeneous disorders that may be influenced by culture and social norms The purpose of the present research was to study the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy on social adjustment, mental turmoil and self-rupturing among people with transgender sexual disorder, Materials and Method: this research was a semi-experimental. The sample of the research included 30 individuals with Transgender sexual disorder in well-being organization of north Khorasan, they were selected by available sampling and were placed randomly in experimental and control group randomly. Data were obtained by mental health questionnaire SCL-25, self-rupturing questionnaire of Sadegh-zade et al. (2006), and Bell social adjustment inventory (1961). Findings were analyzed by SPSS software and multi-variate covariance analysis test. Results: The results show that acceptance and commitment based therapy significantly promoted social adjustment and mental turmoil and also reduced self-rupturing among people with transgender sexual disorder (P<0.01). discussion: according to the findings of the research it can be said that utilizing new treatments in psychotherapy and counseling such as acceptance and commitment based therapy may be effective on improving mental state of people with transgender sexual disorder, so due to their special problems in Iran it is necessary to utilize such treatments for them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Compare the Effectiveness of Group Therapy Based on Acceptance and Commitment and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Reducing Anxiety of Mothers of Autistic Children
        Javad Ejei Maryam Sayadshirazy Masoud Gholamali Lavasani Abdolrahim Kasaei Esfahani
        This study investigated the effectiveness of group therapy based on acceptance and commitment (ACT) compared with cognitive-behavior therapy on decreasing anxiety and increasing acceptance of mothers of autistic children. This study was quasi-experimental design with pr More
        This study investigated the effectiveness of group therapy based on acceptance and commitment (ACT) compared with cognitive-behavior therapy on decreasing anxiety and increasing acceptance of mothers of autistic children. This study was quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test with control group. The experimental groups were consisted of two groups based on acceptance and commitment group therapy (ACT) and cognitive- behavioral therapy (CBT) respectively. Both groups were received ten sessions treatment. 12 people were employed in the control group who were not treated. In order to evaluate the level of anxiety and acceptance, two questionnaires were used: Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II). Comparing treatment groups showed that between the effectiveness of group therapy based on acceptance and commitment with cognitive behavioral therapy on reducing maternal anxiety and promoting acceptance was not significantly different. However, the impact of group therapy based on acceptance and commitment in pre-test and follow-up was more than cognitive behavior therapy. Therefore, the current research and ACT provide empirical support for mothers with ASD children. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Role of Creating Flexible Patterns of Behavior through Value-Based Exposure in the Psychotherapy Process on Chronic Pain Reduction and Clinical Syndrome in Patients with Systemic Lupus
        Ali Mohammad  Rezaei Sharifi Tayyebeh Ahmad Ghazanfari Elham  aflaki Mohammad jafar  bahre dar
        The purpose of the present study was to The Role of Creating Flexible Patterns of Behavior through Value-Based Exposure in the Psychotherapy Process on Chronic Pain Reduction and Clinical Syndrome in Patients with Systemic Lupus. The research method was quasi-experiment More
        The purpose of the present study was to The Role of Creating Flexible Patterns of Behavior through Value-Based Exposure in the Psychotherapy Process on Chronic Pain Reduction and Clinical Syndrome in Patients with Systemic Lupus. The research method was quasi-experimental (pretest-posttest) with a 3-month follow-up period and a control group. For this purpose, 60 subjects were selected based on inclusion criteria and were selected by purposeful sampling in two intervention groups: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (20 patients), Compassionate Focus (20 patients) and Control (20 patients). To collect data, the Zong Anxiety Inventory (SAS) and Chronic Pain Questionnaire were used. Analysis of variance was performed by repeated measures and Bonferroni post hoc test. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the intervention and acceptance-based intervention and compassion-focused intervention in chronic anxiety and pain and the control group in pre-test and post-test scores (P <0.001). Overall, the results of this study show that acceptance-based and commitment-based and compassion-based treatment modalities reduce anxiety and chronic pain in lupus patients. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Role of Creating Flexible Patterns of Behavior through Value-Based Exposure in the Psychotherapy Process
        Ali Mohammad  Rezaei Sharifi Tayyebeh Ahmad Ghazanfari Elham  aflaki Mohammad jafar  bahre dar
        The aim of the present study was to establish flexible patterns of behavior through value-oriented exposure in the psychotherapeutic process to the reduction of chronic pain and clinical symptoms in patients with systemic lupus. The present research method was quasi-exp More
        The aim of the present study was to establish flexible patterns of behavior through value-oriented exposure in the psychotherapeutic process to the reduction of chronic pain and clinical symptoms in patients with systemic lupus. The present research method was quasi-experimental (pre-test-post-test) with a three-month follow-up period and a control group. For this purpose, 60 subjects were selected based on the criteria for entering the study and were assigned by available sampling method in two groups of treatment based on acceptance and commitment (20 people), treatment focused on compassion (20 people) and one control group (20 people). Zong SAS Anxiety Questionnaire and Chronic Pain Questionnaire were used to collect information. To analyze the findings, the variance analysis method was used with repeated measurement and non-parametric follow-up tests of Bonfroni, Kalmograf-Smirnov and Krovit Machli. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the two intervention groups of treatment based on acceptance and commitment and treatment focused on compassion on anxiety and chronic pain and the control group on pre-test-post-test scores (p <0.001). Overall, the results of this study show that treatment based on acceptance and commitment and compassion-focused therapy has an effect on reducing anxiety and chronic pain in lupus patients. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Training Program on Acceptance of Autistic Children by Mothers
        Ahmad Beh-Pajooh masoud gholamali lavasani Sara Pazoki
        This study was accomplished to evaluate the effectiveness of the acceptance and commitment training on the acceptance of autistic children by mothers. The method of the study was quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up design. Population of the study More
        This study was accomplished to evaluate the effectiveness of the acceptance and commitment training on the acceptance of autistic children by mothers. The method of the study was quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up design. Population of the study included the whole mothers whose autistic child was receiving training and rehabilitation in Nedaye Asre Tehran Autism Center in educational year of 2015-16. Using convenience sampling, eleven mothers were selected as a sample group and received acceptance and commitment training in nine two-hour-sessions. As a research tool, the second edition of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire was used and analyzed based on data using paired/correlated t-test. Data analysis of results revealed that there was a significant difference between the results of the pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The result confirmed that acceptance and commitment training has been effective on mothers in accepting their autistic child, by increasing psychological flexibility and decreasing experiential avoidance. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy on Binge Eating and Body Image Concerns in Sufferers of Binge Eating Disorder
        Sadrollah Khosravi sahar esmaeili
        The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy on binge eating and body image concerns in sufferers of binge eating disorder. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest with experimental and control gro More
        The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy on binge eating and body image concerns in sufferers of binge eating disorder. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest with experimental and control groups. The population of the study consisted of all the clients who were referred to Shiraz weight loss clinics from January to March 2018. Among the patients diagnosed with binge eating disorder, 30 clients were selected using purposive sampling method and administered Binge Eating Scale and Body Image Concern Inventory as pre-tests. They were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 8 sessions of 90-minutes acceptance and commitment therapy, and were tested again. The results showed that there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test in the level of binge eating disorder symptoms and body image concerns in this group. This study showed that acceptance and commitment group therapy is effective in reducing binge eating and body image concerns in sufferers of binge eating disorder. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Logotherapy with Acceptance & Commitment Therapy on Death Anxiety and Quality of Life in Women with Breast Surgery Experience
        Narges  Shamsozan Nasrin  Kashefimehr hadi AkbariNejhad
        The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of logotherapy with acceptance & commitment therapy on death anxiety and quality of life in women with breast surgery experience.This was a semi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest, controlled design with More
        The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of logotherapy with acceptance & commitment therapy on death anxiety and quality of life in women with breast surgery experience.This was a semi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest, controlled design with follow-up. The study population consisted of all women with breast cancer who were undergoing postmastectomy radiotherapy in Tabriz in 2021. In total, 45 women were selected by a purposive sampling method, and divided into three groups, 15 each. The ntervention groups received their respective treatments over 8 sessions of 1.5 hours. The control group did not receive any intervention. The measuring instruments were Templer death anxiety and quality of life questionnaires. Data were analyzed with repeated-measures analysis of variance. The results showed that logotherapy and a acceptance & commitment therapy in comparison with the control group, in the post-test, reduce death anxiety and increase quality of life of women with breast surgery experience, and these results also show a lasting effect in the follow-up stage. Also, these results also show a lasting effect in the follow-up stage. The results also showed that the effect of these two treatments on death anxiety and quality of life in the post-test and follow-up stages were not different. Logotherapy and acceptance & commitment therapy Reduces the death anxiety and increases the quality of life in women with breast surgery experience. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Effectiveness of Combined Program of Parent Management Training and Parenting based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Parental stress, Parent-Child relationship and Child’s Externalizing Problems
        Farzaneh Kosari parviz sabahi shahrokh makvandhosseini
        This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the combined program of parent management training and parenting based acceptance and commitment therapy on parental stress, parent-child relationship, and child's externalizing problems.The research was semi More
        This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the combined program of parent management training and parenting based acceptance and commitment therapy on parental stress, parent-child relationship, and child's externalizing problems.The research was semi-experimental in the form of a pre-test, and post-test design with a control group and a three-month follow-up. The research community was the mothers of children aged 4 to 9 years in Semnan city in 1400. 24 mothers were selected by the available sampling method and randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 8 two-hour intervention sessions while the control group was on the waiting list. The research tools were Abidin's parenting stress index, Pianta's parent-child relationship scale, and Eyberg's child behavior questionnaire. The data were analyzed by multivariate covariance analysis. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the parental stress, parent-child relationship, and the child's externalized problems. Only in the dependence subscale, it can be seen that this difference is not significant. This combined program can be effective in reducing parenting stress and externalizing problems of the child and reduce conflicts between parents and children and bring closer their relationship, but it is not effective in the degree of parent-child dependence. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The combined effectiveness of compassion focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on adherence to treatment and parental stress in mothers of autistic children
        ali rezaie Fatemeh Izadi
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of combined compassion-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on Adherence to treatment and Parenting Stress in mothers of autistic children in Khomeinishahr city in 2023. The More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of combined compassion-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on Adherence to treatment and Parenting Stress in mothers of autistic children in Khomeinishahr city in 2023. The research was semi-experimental in the form of pre-test-post-test with a control group. In this research, the purposeful sampling method was used, and from the statistical population, which consisted of all mothers with autistic children in Khomeinishahr, whose children were being educated at the Sarai Pakan center, 30 people were selected based on the inclusion criteria and randomly replaced in two experimental and control groups. The tools were Parental Stress Questionnaire (PSI) (Abidin, 2018) and Adherence to treatment Questionnaire (Madanlu, 2012). After the pre-test, the experimental group was trained in 10 sessions of 90 minutes. Then, both groups were re-evaluated; The results were analyzed with spss software and covariance method. The results showed that the implemented treatment had an effect on the Adherence to treatment and parental tension in the post-test stage and the changes in the experimental group were statistically significant compared to the control group. (P<0.05) Also, the treatment was effective on the components of adherence to the treatment, integration with life, commitment to treatment and resourcefulness in the implementation of the treatment, and also on the components of parental stress, except relations with spouse, competence, depression, social isolation and reinforcement have been significant. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Sleep Quality and Aggression in Girls with Premenstrual Dysphoric Syndrome
        Farzaneh  Shaghaghi hadi AkbariNejhad
        <p>The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on sleep quality &amp; aggression in girls with premenstrual dysphoric syndrome. This study was semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up with a contro More
        <p>The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on sleep quality &amp; aggression in girls with premenstrual dysphoric syndrome. This study was semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up with a control group design. The statistical population consisted of female high school students suffering from premenstrual dysphoric symptoms in Tabriz in 2023. A total of 30 participants were selected through the purposive sampling method and randomly divided into two groups (15 people each). Members of the experimental group received their treatment in eight 1.5-hour sessions, while the control group did not receive any treatment. Both groups completed the 19-item Pittsburgh sleep quality and 29-item Bass-Perry Aggression Questionnaire before, after, and four months following the intervention. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. The results showed that ACT significantly increased sleep quality and decreased aggression in girls with premenstrual dysphoric syndrome in the post-test. In the follow-up phase, the effect of this treatment on sleep quality and aggression was lasting. According to the results of the present study, it can be concluded that ACT can potentially enhance sleep quality and reduce aggression in girls with premenstrual dysphoric syndrome.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Sleep Quality and Psychological Health of Postmenopausal Women
        Delshad  Sadegnezhadei Seyedeh Sima Mahdilou Zahra  Alizadeh hadi AkbariNejhad
        <p>This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on sleep quality and psychological health in menopausal women. The research method was a semi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up phases with a control More
        <p>This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on sleep quality and psychological health in menopausal women. The research method was a semi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up phases with a control group. The statistical population of the study included all menopausal women referred to health centers in Tabriz in 2023. A total of 30 women were selected through convenient sampling and randomly assigned into two groups (each consisting of 15 participants). The experimental group received ACT in eight 1.5-hour sessions, while the control group received no treatment. Both groups completed the 19-question Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and 28-item Goldberg's general health questionnaires before, after, and 3 months after the intervention. Data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance &amp; Bonferroni post hoc test. The results indicated that ACT significantly improved sleep quality and psychological health in the post-test phase compared to the control group. These improvements were maintained at the follow-up stage. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy may effectively improve the sleep quality and psychological health of menopausal women.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Efficacy of Resilience Training Based on Acceptance and Commitment Approach on Acceptance, Gratitude, and Courage among Female Heads of Household in Shiraz
        seyed safiyeh moaiydee Soheila Bastani kazem khorramdel
        <p>This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of resilience training based on the acceptance and commitment approach on the levels of acceptance, gratitude, and courage among female heads of households in Shiraz. This experimental research employed a semi-experim More
        <p>This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of resilience training based on the acceptance and commitment approach on the levels of acceptance, gratitude, and courage among female heads of households in Shiraz. This experimental research employed a semi-experimental pre-test and post-test design with a control group. A total of 100 participants were selected, with 30 participants attending the workshops and divided into two experimental groups (15 participants each). Data collection instruments included the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6), and Courage Questionnaire. The intervention consisted of 10 sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours, conducted weekly for the experimental group. The results of the analysis of covariance showed that resilience training significantly enhanced acceptance, gratitude (GQ-6), and courage among female heads of household. Therefore, resilience training based on the acceptance and commitment approach can be considered an effective method to enhance acceptance, gratitude, and courage among heads of household. Moreover, the intensity and duration of resilience training played a significant role in the outcomes. The results indicate that resilience training based on the acceptance and commitment approach had a positive and significant effect on acceptance, gratitude levels, and courage among female heads of household. Consequently, resilience training programs tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of female heads of household, considering environmental, cultural, and social factors in their living environment, can play an effective role in improving family functioning and well-being, as well as enhancing their gratitude and courage.</p> Manuscript profile