The Effect of buyer–seller social capital on innovation performance by using customer knowledge development and commitment to innovation
Subject Areas :
abbasali rastegar
Mahdi Dehghani Soltani
hossein farsizadeh
1 - semnan university
2 -
3 -
Keywords: buyer–seller social capital, knowledge development, commitment to innovation, innovation performance,
Abstract :
The aim of this research is study and investigating The Effect of buyer–seller social capital on innovation performance through the mediating role of customer knowledge development and commitment to innovation. Statistical population included the marketing managers and research and development manager from the outstanding mineral-industrial export companies in global production networks that the number is 304 and the sample size was 262. In terms of purpose the present study is functional and the data collection method is descriptive. The Model has been investigated by structural equation modeling. The study's test results indicate that innovation performance is positively influenced by shared norms and trust through the mediation of customer knowledge development. Accordingly, innovation performance is also positively influenced by social interaction and shared norm through the mediation of the commitment to innovation.
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