• List of Articles China

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Chinese Society of Homogeneity and Harmony: A Critical and Analytical Approach
        حسین  جمالی
        China, experiencing fundamental changes and transformations, has attracted many attentions, today. One of the changes in the past decade was in its leaders’ orientations to constructing a homogeneous and harmonious society which entails solidarity among its human commun More
        China, experiencing fundamental changes and transformations, has attracted many attentions, today. One of the changes in the past decade was in its leaders’ orientations to constructing a homogeneous and harmonious society which entails solidarity among its human communities, and its adaptability with nature. Studying such a society in the light of objectives of development, theories on transition to democracy, adaptability of socialism, modernism and tradition, ideological and utopian processes, and functions of political systems can to a greet effect make its complex aspects clear . The main idea of the present paper is that pragmatism has functioned more effectively in China’s progress towards a homogeneous and harmonious society than any other factors, very function of which can be evaluated just considering their interactions with pragmatism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Comparative Analytic Approach to Research & Development in Iran and Some Developed Countries
        Morteza Jamali Paghalue Ehsan Shafiezadeh
        The importance of investment on Research and Development (R&D) has been assumed as a clear and obvious matter in advanced industrial countries, and today it is the R&D that will determine how to allocate the budget and financial issues. Now, investment in R&D units is c More
        The importance of investment on Research and Development (R&D) has been assumed as a clear and obvious matter in advanced industrial countries, and today it is the R&D that will determine how to allocate the budget and financial issues. Now, investment in R&D units is considered as a competitive advantage. Nowadays, only those countries are able to participate and survive on competitive challenges at the international levels which are determined consistently to employ the latest technologies and it cannot be obtained unless they possess dynamic and globally-adjusted R&D centers. In this paper, overviewing the literature of this regard, we go through the analysis and description of R&D success factors and its position in Iran and some developed countries such as Japan, USA, and China. Following an adaptive comparison, some solutions are portrayed to improve the place of research in Iran. In the first step, is the government via providing financial support, facilities, and encouraging and promising environment for the researchers, and in the second step, researchers should engage in innovation and service to our country via strengthening national loyalty and learning about the latest scientific methods in the world,. Especially universities -as thinker entities and society’s great scientific and cultural sources- must establish science-based approach as the dominant thought and endeavor toward applying the researches in the country. This will obtain through constant and proper communication between institutions and academic research centers, and spreading the culture of science and research among the public. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - China according to Muslim Travelers: First to Eighth Century AH
        Maryam  Soleimani Fard
        Muslim’s relationships with China have a very long background. These relationships have been established through Muslims’ journeys to that region for various commercial, economic, political, and religious motives. Available evidence suggests that Muslims travelled to th More
        Muslim’s relationships with China have a very long background. These relationships have been established through Muslims’ journeys to that region for various commercial, economic, political, and religious motives. Available evidence suggests that Muslims travelled to this land when the first signs of cultural and political life appeared there. As a result of these journeys, Muslim geographers have accumulated some valuable information in various areas such as natural geography, including the geographical realm of China, its cities, and the distances between them, and economic, cultural, and educational fields, including artistic, scientific, social, and industrial achievements. This paper intends to explore and analyze the picture of China as portrayed and described by Muslims from the first century AH until the time of Hafiz Abru in the eighth century. As a result, it can function as an introduction to and an analysis of Islamic orientalism in which the reports of scientists and travelers of a great political and cultural power in the Far East form the basis of journeys, relationships, and wars between countries and the transfer of philosophical and cultural legacies from one place to another. The writer believes that the importance of these reports and descriptions lies in the fact that they have been at the service of expanding Islamic culture and religion. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Impact of Cooperation and Competition of Shanghai’s Members on its Goals and Performance: 2001- 2013
        reza simbar مهدی  هدایتی شهیدانی
        The power vacuum within the Central Asia in the aftermath of the Cold War led the regional actors to create an integrative structure. Establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) signifies the sensitivity and determination of its founding members towards More
        The power vacuum within the Central Asia in the aftermath of the Cold War led the regional actors to create an integrative structure. Establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) signifies the sensitivity and determination of its founding members towards international, regional and local issues. The inherent rivalry and conflict in facing security crisis within the cooperative framework of SCO was the natural result of the presence of two nuclear and economic power, Russia and China, alongside micro-actors. This paper explains the nature of the communication system governing the relations among SCO members through the regional security arrangements approach. The hypothesis that “gathering of various approaches within the SCO would lead to increased cooperative relations, but also competetive and interest-maximiser” will be tested against various historical, geopolitical and economic variables. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Function of Bilateral&Multilateral Diplomacy in combating the spreadand management of Corona Virus: Case study of Iran’s Ministry of ForeignAffairs
        Mahdi Farazi
        In the present article, the role and performance of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Iran incombating the prevalence and managementof coronavirus has been investigated. After examining the relationship between foreign policyand health security as one of the components More
        In the present article, the role and performance of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Iran incombating the prevalence and managementof coronavirus has been investigated. After examining the relationship between foreign policyand health security as one of the components of human security, the authorexamines the performance of the Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in twoperiods: the outbreak of coronavirus in China and the outbreak of corona virusin Iran by using inductive Methods&Accessible and non-confidential data. Studiesshow that Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has pursued fifteen measures fromthe time of the outbreak of the corona virus in China to its outbreak in Iranand eventually the pandemic, with a comprehensive human security approach thatplays a key role in the country's relative success in combating the prevalenceand management of coronavirus. In addition to analyzing of Iran’s Ministry ofForeign Affairs performance, the paper summarizes the country's weaknesses indealing with the outbreak of the coronavirus based on the government'smacro-approach and offers suggestions for future research. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Function of Bilateral&Multilateral Diplomacy in combating the spreadand management of Corona Virus: Case study of Iran’s Ministry of ForeignAffairs
        Mahdi Farazi
        In the present article, the role and performance of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Iran incombating the prevalence and managementof coronavirus has been investigated. After examining the relationship between foreign policyand health security as one of the components More
        In the present article, the role and performance of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Iran incombating the prevalence and managementof coronavirus has been investigated. After examining the relationship between foreign policyand health security as one of the components of human security, the authorexamines the performance of the Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in twoperiods: the outbreak of coronavirus in China and the outbreak of corona virusin Iran by using inductive Methods&Accessible and non-confidential data. Studiesshow that Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has pursued fifteen measures fromthe time of the outbreak of the corona virus in China to its outbreak in Iranand eventually the pandemic, with a comprehensive human security approach thatplays a key role in the country's relative success in combating the prevalenceand management of coronavirus. In addition to analyzing of Iran’s Ministry ofForeign Affairs performance, the paper summarizes the country's weaknesses indealing with the outbreak of the coronavirus based on the government'smacro-approach and offers suggestions for future research. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Chinese activism in ASEAN; Efforts to maintain asymmetric economic dependence
        Morteza Noor Mohammadi Vahid Sharbati Mohaddese Heidari
        Despite all the opposition of members international organizations against China, over the past decade, Beijing has reached significant influence in international and regional organizations and is trying to improve It’s status in these organizations by shaping norms, rul More
        Despite all the opposition of members international organizations against China, over the past decade, Beijing has reached significant influence in international and regional organizations and is trying to improve It’s status in these organizations by shaping norms, rules and regulations. One of the most important regional organizations that has received a lot of attention from the Chinese authorities is ASEAN. An organization that can provide many benefits to Beijing. China's interests are now more intertwined with the ASEAN region than ever before; Relations between China and the union has become one of the most complex in the Asia-Pacific region and have recently seen positive changes in both the economic and political dimensions. Of course, the China’s interests of this deepening relationship have outweighed those of the ASEAN members, and this has become one of the concerns of Union officials in recent years. This article tries to examine the type of Chinese action in this regional organization based on the theory of asymmetric economic dependence. According to the article, China seeks to maintain and Promote ASEAN's asymmetric dependence on itself through the promotion of political and economic cooperation, and to prevent regional and international competitors from gaining strength in this organization. Manuscript profile