• List of Articles CARC

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Effects of different levels of Ajowan Trachyspermum ammi as an alternative to antibiotics on growth performance carcass characteristics and some blood parameters of broiler chickens
        ali Reyan Mohasesi Hasan Darmani Koohi Reza Naseri Harsini Hamed Kioumarsi
        The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of different levels of powdered dried aerial parts of Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi) seeds on the performance and carcass traits of broiler chicks. In this experiment one hundred and sixty one-day-old broiler chick More
        The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of different levels of powdered dried aerial parts of Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi) seeds on the performance and carcass traits of broiler chicks. In this experiment one hundred and sixty one-day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were used in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replicates (with 10 birds each). The experimental treatments included: 1) control group (without additive2) basal diet + 0.2% Ajowan powder, 3) basal diet + 0.4% Ajowan powder, and 4) basal diet + 0.6% Ajowan powder. Results showed that the levels of 0.2 and 0.4 % had no significant effect on daily weight gain, food intake and feed efficiency. Except for carcass weight, Ajowan had no significant effect on carcass characteristics. For blood parameters, the effects of Ajowan, in most cases, were non-significant. In contrast, plasma LDL and cholesterol concentrations decreased significantly with increasing levels of Ajowan powder. According to the obtained results, based on maintaining the bird's performance at the same levels as the control group and on the other hand improving the pattern of blood lipid metabolites, it can be said that Ajowan can be a good alternative to the growth-promoting antibiotic to improve health and solve the environmental problems in this area. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Membrane Cholesterol Prediction from Human Receptor using Rough Set based Mean-Shift Approach
        Rudra Kalyan Nayak Ramamani  Tripathy Hitesh  Mohapatra Amiya  Kumar Rath Debahuti  Mishra
        In human physiology, cholesterol plays an imperative part in membrane cells which regulates the function of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) family. Cholesterol is an individual type of lipid structure and about 90 percent of cellular cholesterol is present at plasma More
        In human physiology, cholesterol plays an imperative part in membrane cells which regulates the function of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) family. Cholesterol is an individual type of lipid structure and about 90 percent of cellular cholesterol is present at plasma membrane region. Cholesterol Recognition/interaction Amino acid Consensus (CRAC) sequence, generally referred as the CRAC (L/V)-X1−5-(Y)-X1−5-(K/R) and the new cholesterol-binding domain is similar to the CRAC sequence, but exhibits the inverse orientation along the polypeptide chain i.e. CARC (K/R)-X1−5-(Y/F)-X1−5-(L/V). GPCR is treated as a biggest super family in human physiology and probably more than 900 protein genes included in this family. Among all membrane proteins GPCR is responsible for novel drug discovery in all pharmaceuticals industry. In earlier researches the researchers did not find the required number of valid motifs in terms of helices and motif types so they were lacking clinical relevance. The research gap here is that they were not able to predict the motifs effectively which are belonging to multiple motif types. To find out better motif sequences from human GPCR, we explored a hybrid computational model consisting of hybridization of Rough Set with Mean-Shift algorithm. In this paper we made comparison among our resulted output with other techniques such as fuzzy C-means (FCM), FCM with spectral clustering and we concluded that our proposed method targeted well on CRAC region in comparison to CARC region which have higher biological relevance in medicine industry and drug discovery. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Source and health risk assessment of arsenic in the water resources of Takab mining area
          N. Heydarian
        Arsenic is one of the heavy metals having harmful effects on human health if enters into the environment and water resources, so the major challenge of arsenic exposure is related to drinking water. The study area is Takab watershed in West Azarbaijan, which includes tw More
        Arsenic is one of the heavy metals having harmful effects on human health if enters into the environment and water resources, so the major challenge of arsenic exposure is related to drinking water. The study area is Takab watershed in West Azarbaijan, which includes two large Zarshouran and Agh Dareh gold mines in Carlin type. Carlin gold mines are sulphidic that are able to pollute the downstream environmental resources such as arsenic. In this work, the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks associated with arsenic was evaluated for the human community, who are living in Takab watershed and are exposed to arsenic through oral and dermal pathways with contaminated water sources . 45 water samples were randomly collected from surface and groundwater resources in the study area with regard to expert judgment and the distribution points, analyzed by ICP-MS method. Then, the health risk was assessed using by target cancer risk (TR), risk coefficient (HQ) and index hazard (HI). The total results showed that arsenic contamination is derived from volcanic activities and Quaternary alteration and gold mining activities in the east and north of the region. Most of the samples were revealed a range of 9-10 and -100 to -250 mV as pH and oxidation-reduction potential, respectively, which indicates the predominance of arsenate species (As5+) in the form of H2AsO4-. HQ and HI values are more than 10 in 52% of the samples, which indicate the high health risk in people living in the study area. Carcinogenic risk level varies from 0 to 2×10-7, which shows no carcinogenic risk to very high risk by arsenic contamination in water resources. Overall, there are both risks of carcinogenesis and non-cancerous impact in the east and north of the region for intake by ingestion, drinking and skin contact due to water contamination from the natural and anthropogenic sources. Therefore, it is recommended to pay special attention to continuous monitoring for potential contaminant, different methods for preventing exposure to polluted water resources and treatment methods in order to minimize the health risk of the population. Manuscript profile