• List of Articles Ali

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Evaluation of the Entrepreneurship Capabilities of New Undergraduate Students in Bu- Ali Sina University in 2018
        Zahra Bayat
        The main objective of this research is to investigate the entrepreneurial capabilities of undergraduate students bachelor in the Bu- Ali Sina University in the year 2018. The statistical population of this research is all undergraduate students bachelor of the Bu- Ali S More
        The main objective of this research is to investigate the entrepreneurial capabilities of undergraduate students bachelor in the Bu- Ali Sina University in the year 2018. The statistical population of this research is all undergraduate students bachelor of the Bu- Ali Sina University in the year 2018. Using stratified sampling, 311 subjects were sampled. The data collection tool was a studend entrepreneurship capability questionnaire prepared by Mardanshahi and Dolati. The reliability coefficient was estimated using cronbakh,s Alpha method 0/80. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The results of the research showed that there is no significant difference between boy and girl students regarding entrepreneurship capabilities. Also, there is no  significant difference between girl college students in terms of entrepreneurial capabilities. But there is a significant difference between boy students of different faculties in terms of entrepreneurial capabilities, and there is no significant difference between the entrepreneurial capabilities of the undergraduate students of different faculties in interacting with gender. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Determinig the relationship between copper mineralization and structures in Ali abad- Darreh Zereshk area, using subsurface geotechnical and geochemical data
        Mehdi Ramazani Hojjat Ollah Safari Gholam Hossein  Shamanian Homayoun  Safaei
        In order to find the relationship between porphyry copper depositions with faulting systems, the Aliabad porphyry and Darre Zereshk Porphyry- Skarn ores were selected as a case studies in Uramia- Dokhtar Magmatic Belt,. In this research, discovering this correlation pro More
        In order to find the relationship between porphyry copper depositions with faulting systems, the Aliabad porphyry and Darre Zereshk Porphyry- Skarn ores were selected as a case studies in Uramia- Dokhtar Magmatic Belt,. In this research, discovering this correlation procedure was performed by using surface and subsurface data (i.e. drilling data as geotechnical and Cu-percentage data) from Aliabad and Darre Zereshk mine districts. The results show that RQD criteria extracted from fault zones have a good correlation with surface faults which are identified by field investigations and Remote Sensing techniques. Also, the copper enriched was observed along fault zones and therefore, the relationship between porphyry copper deposits and fault zones is approved. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Reviewing Protest Current in Poetry and Cinema of Holy Defense Case Studies of “Alireza Qazve” and “Ibrahim Hatami-Kia”
        ساجده  تقی‌زاده Gholamreza Kafi
        The Great Event of Holy Defense not only affected all life aspects of Iranians, but also it explained and determined a special value system by its entrance into literary and artistic works; and Holy Defense artists believe that their duty is to preserve and custody this More
        The Great Event of Holy Defense not only affected all life aspects of Iranians, but also it explained and determined a special value system by its entrance into literary and artistic works; and Holy Defense artists believe that their duty is to preserve and custody this value system. Therefore every kind of change and transmutation in these values caused reactions of these artists and gradually made a movement named “Protest”; meanwhile, Holy Defense poetry and cinema has made “Protest” its main content. This convergence is shown in two kinds of social and political Protests in this interdisciplinary article. To review the Protest element in Holy Defense art, not only we named different famous faces in its poetry and cinema, but also we focused on works of one of the most famous Holy Defense cinema artists named “Ibrahim Hatami-Kia” and poets named “Alireza Qazve”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Image of Imam Ali (PBUH) in Khaqani’s Poems
        هوشنگ  محمدي‌افشار
        Khaqani Sheravani was a punctilious orator and was familiar with Islamic knowledge and educations and also was follower of Edris Shafei. Khaqani values four buddies of Holy Prophet respectively and rebuked the heretic (Raafedhi) and Ismailis; however, he mentions Imam A More
        Khaqani Sheravani was a punctilious orator and was familiar with Islamic knowledge and educations and also was follower of Edris Shafei. Khaqani values four buddies of Holy Prophet respectively and rebuked the heretic (Raafedhi) and Ismailis; however, he mentions Imam Ali (PBUH) and the family of Prophet honorably which shows the purity of his faith and regards toward them. This article attempts to review the image of Imam Ali (PBUH) in Khaqani’s poems. Firstly, we will look to the personality, ethical characteristics, features, attempts and lives of Imam Ali, applying the resources of Islam’s History; then we will mention and analyze some examples of Khaqani’s poems in this regard. After that, the image of Prophet’s household and their expression of right and excellence over others would be analyzed and reviewed in tongue of Khaqani Sheravani along with his poems. The Research Method in this inquiry is library based and would be based on the technique of description and content analysis. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Beauty in the Speech of Prominent Islamic Figures Analysis of Rhetorical Ornaments in two Islamic Prayers
        حميد  عابديها
        The Holy Quran is the main resource for all knowledge, chastity and beauties. The words and speech of the prominent Islamic figures has the second place regarding such beauty due to the unique connection and bond these figures exclusively enjoyed with the Creator. The m More
        The Holy Quran is the main resource for all knowledge, chastity and beauties. The words and speech of the prominent Islamic figures has the second place regarding such beauty due to the unique connection and bond these figures exclusively enjoyed with the Creator. The most beautiful word and speech belong to Imam Ali, who indeed is regarded as the major criteria of eloquence and oration. For instance one can trace some cases of rhetorical ornaments and discourse eloquences in Sabah, a prayer and also the Sixteenth Speech of Nahj-ol-Ballaqe. For instance in the prayer of Sabah, there are words which rhyme in a variety of aspects, while there are some other figures of speech seen within statements as well. Other figures of speech such as puns, alliterations etc are seen used for spiritual conveyance in this prayer. In the Sixteenth Speech of Nahj-ol-Ballaqe, rhetorical ornaments, and a variety of figures of speech are used, especially simile. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        Ahmad razi
        The poets of persian literature, from beginning up to now have recited many pure and prominent poems in prais of Imam Ali. All these praises indicate the multi dimentions of unique personality of Imam Ali and fascination of peots toward him. With a little consideration More
        The poets of persian literature, from beginning up to now have recited many pure and prominent poems in prais of Imam Ali. All these praises indicate the multi dimentions of unique personality of Imam Ali and fascination of peots toward him. With a little consideration in the works of peots, we come to knowing that they did not only praised the Imam, rather they made Imam's words as their own thoughts and works backing and support of their literal accuracy. They mixed it with their gentle expression and used it in their subject matter makings and portraitings. In this article, the fields, history and the way of being affected with Imam Ali's words, is being studied. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - “Nobat” Reading An Approach to Michael Riffaterre Semiotics of Poetry
        Colloquial poetry is one of the prominent trends in contemporary poetry. This kind of poem, in which induced speech act is the most important factor in communication between text and reader, is audience-oriented. In this paper, “Nobat”, a generative and open poem from “ More
        Colloquial poetry is one of the prominent trends in contemporary poetry. This kind of poem, in which induced speech act is the most important factor in communication between text and reader, is audience-oriented. In this paper, “Nobat”, a generative and open poem from “Safar be kheyr” Collection by Seyyed Ali Salehi, is investigated by descriptive-analytical method with an approach to Michael Riffaterre Semiotics of Poetry. The purpose of this study is to understand the capacity and a new reading of colloquial poetry. In heuristic reading of “Nobat”, which is based on direct signs, the final implication of the poem is an explicit description of combined senses of leaving and grief. But, in another reading of the poem, in which Riffaterre’s theoretical framework is employed, a reader moves from marked and indirect signs of the narrative space to a political-emotional space; as if death is the ultimate indication of poetry and imprisonment - chanting – death is a cycle in accordance with non-grammatical elements, accumulations, descriptive systems, hypograms, and the intertextual space of Shamloo's voice and the sound of two poems by "Ahmad Reza Ahmadi" and "Hafez Mousavi" with similar implications network of death.. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Suffering, Action making in Marx's Political Thought
        Zahra خشک جان محمدرضا  تاجیک
        This paper seeks to study Carl Marx’s view, as a sciologist and political philosopher concerning the objective conception of revolution occurrence requirement focusing on human suffering key concepts. In examining the requirements of revolutuion occurrence, Marx focused More
        This paper seeks to study Carl Marx’s view, as a sciologist and political philosopher concerning the objective conception of revolution occurrence requirement focusing on human suffering key concepts. In examining the requirements of revolutuion occurrence, Marx focused on the suffering concept (that he defines in alineation form and objective and subjective requirements leading to its occurrence) and talks aboat the paradoxical aspect of suffering that is based on toghetherness of positive and negative aspects of proletariat social suffering. From his viewpoint, the precondition of Praxis achievment and revolutionary action, is dependent on objective and subjective existence of social suffering that can turn it from passive state to active issue of social affair along with revolutionary action infrastruture by means of proletariat awareness(objective and subjective) achievement and egression of alineation state. In this path, he as political philosopher and sociologist, is not unaware of religion’s role (that in his view it is the purposeful infrasructure of aristocrats for false informing and neutralizing the effect of existing social suffering). Therefore, Marx by acknowledging the affirmative aspect of suffering (in spite of social privative determinations), attends to it in proletariat (revolution) political action process as a vital, driving and even necessary force in the dialectic process of social and political evolution. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Citizenship" as an Alternative to "Alienation from the World": Based on the Ideas of Hannah Arendt
        Azadeh  Shabani Abbas  Manouchehri
        One of the fundamental problems of modern societies is the problem of "alienation"; For this reason, the analysis and explanation of this problem appears in the studies of many thinkers. Hannah Arendt is one of the political thinkers who, on the one hand, has considered More
        One of the fundamental problems of modern societies is the problem of "alienation"; For this reason, the analysis and explanation of this problem appears in the studies of many thinkers. Hannah Arendt is one of the political thinkers who, on the one hand, has considered the alienation of modern human in her studies, and on the other hand, has re-read and explained the concept of citizenship in its classical sense which is related to action. In this essay, after explaining the two concepts of "alienation from the world" and "citizenship" by Hannah Arendt, an attempt is made to answer the question of whether Arendt's theory of citizenship can be considered as an alternative to the situation of alienation from the world of modern human. It also claims that, in contrast to the alienation of modern human, Arendt's desirable human condition can be realized in terms of citizenship. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Revisiting the Spatial Organization of Neighborhoods in the Iranian City in Terms of the Tradition of Mortmain; Case Study: Aligholi Agha neighborhood, Isfahan
        Mina Kashani Hamedani Hassan Sajjadzadeh
        mortmain has been existing for a long time in the field of urbanization. It is a multifaceted phenomenon with various physical, functional, social and economic dimensions. Identifying the effect of mortmain endowment on the building blocks of Iranian-Islamic cities, esp More
        mortmain has been existing for a long time in the field of urbanization. It is a multifaceted phenomenon with various physical, functional, social and economic dimensions. Identifying the effect of mortmain endowment on the building blocks of Iranian-Islamic cities, especially through a historical approach, will help to clarify this concept. With its unique historical neighborhoods, the city of Isfahan which was mainly developed in the Safavid era under the influence of the idea of the Islamic city and mortmain offers a perfect opportunity for innovative historical research. From among the numerous historical neighborhoods in Isfahan, the neighborhood of Aligholi Agha was selected as the case of the present study due to the survival of its mortmain deeds. The hypothesis of this research is the influence of mortmain on the shape of Aligholi Agha neighborhood. The research seeks to find an answer to the question of how tradition of mortmain has affected the structure and creation of traditional neighborhood spaces?. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to analyze the spatial structure and physical elements of traditional neighborhoods from the perspective of mortmain tradition and based on the structuralism approach in Islamic city studies. Accordingly, in the process of traditional neighborhoods regeneration, a sustainable spatial organization can be achieved by relying on research findings. For this purpose, the research was conducted through a descriptive-analytical method, while reviewing the literature of the position of mortmain in Islamic thought and its impact on the structure of the Islamic city, and using library-documentary as well as field observations, historical documents and maps, and existing mortmain deeds. Our findings indicate that mortmain has been effective in the formation and further historical development of Aligholi Agha neighborhood centers in Isfahan and creating public buildings such as mosques, bath and other public buildings in this neighborhood. Also, due to the doctrinal and social dimensions of the mortmain tradition, the development and creation of Aligholi Agha neighborhood buildings, has created an interconnected and intertwined structure in the center of the neighborhood and has created sensitivity and participation of people in preserving and reviving traditional buildings in this neighborhood. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - A way to improve Adaptive Maintenance in Enterprise Architecture
        feridon Shams safura oviesi
        Lately, one of the biggest challenges in enterprise is the strategic alignment of information technology with business. Enterprises use various methods to achieve this strategic alignment. Enterprise architecture is an effective approach that allows optimal management o More
        Lately, one of the biggest challenges in enterprise is the strategic alignment of information technology with business. Enterprises use various methods to achieve this strategic alignment. Enterprise architecture is an effective approach that allows optimal management of Enterprise’s information technology and strategic alignment of IT functionalities and business requirements. These days, considering dynamic environments, there is the possibility of any kind of change in enterprise’s conditions, especially after implementation of Enterprise architecture. This change of conditions demonstrates itself in a variety of forms. In these cases, decision making should be done as an appropriate response to these changes which should be predictable. Otherwise it would lead to lack of proper response and consequently, readjustment of Enterprise architecture document, which imposes many human and financial costs on the enterprise. In addition, the enterprise’s progress toward competitive advantages will be stopped. The appropriate response and adaptability to these changes is a concept represented under the title of adaptive maintenance of Enterprise architecture. In the following article with the help of a software maintenance method and examining the possibility of extending into the Enterprise architecture maintenance, through a case study on Power Distribution Company of Golestan province, it is shown how the improvement of adaptive maintenance of Enterprise architecture can be assisted and the possibility of implementation of various types of changes in business and information technology without disturbing the Enterprise is provided. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - ReInvestigating the feasibility of the goals of the plan to revive Atiq Square (Imam Ali(AS)) in Isfahan
        Mahdi Ebrahimi Boozani Fahime Fadaei Jazi
        The area of the revival plan of Imam Ali Square (AS) is located in the heart of the historical texture of Isfahan. This square disappeared and was occupied by other uses over time. In 1387 Isfahan Municipality tried to revive it according to a plan. There are objections More
        The area of the revival plan of Imam Ali Square (AS) is located in the heart of the historical texture of Isfahan. This square disappeared and was occupied by other uses over time. In 1387 Isfahan Municipality tried to revive it according to a plan. There are objections and criticisms to the preparation and implementation of the revive project of Imam Ali (AS) Square in Isfahan. In fact the correctness and incorrectness of which have not been seriously examined so far. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which the Imam Ali Square revival plan objectives have been achieved. The type of research is based on the applied purpose and in terms of nature, it is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of this study is urban experts. The sampling method is snowball and the data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire made this year. Chi-square tests, confirmatory factor analysis and interaction analysis were used in data analysis. According to the studies, the goals of Imam Ali (AS) Square project have been achieved with a relatively average. Among these, physical-residential goals with an average of 3.42 have the highest feasibility and biological goals with an average of 3.28; Economic goals with an average of 3.24; Socio-cultural goals with an average of 3.15 were in the next categories. The results of the overlap models used showed that seven key objectives of the plan have been realized during the revitalization of Imam Ali Square. These objectives are include: increasing the satisfaction of residents and businesses, increasing the satisfaction of unemployed and nonresident, increasing people’s sense of belonging to the project, creating prosperity and improvement in tourism activities, increasing the liveliness and continuity of historical centers, reducing the desire to migrate and increasing the historical and cultural identity during the implementation of the project. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Investigating the place of moral values in alimony and the feasibility of abolition of alimony in Iranian jurisprudence and law with a comparative study of American law
        Fakhr Afagh  Hamidi Seyed Ahmad Ali  Hashemi Hossein Naseri Moghaddam
        The wife's right to alimony in Islam and civil law, following Imami jurisprudence, is one of the inalienable rights of a permanent wife that a man is required to pay. Regarding the place of moral values in alimony, we came to the conclusion that the reason for the oblig More
        The wife's right to alimony in Islam and civil law, following Imami jurisprudence, is one of the inalienable rights of a permanent wife that a man is required to pay. Regarding the place of moral values in alimony, we came to the conclusion that the reason for the obligation of men to pay alimony in Islamic law, given the different characteristics of men and women and the ability of each, is this obligation for men and not women and a moral value is the basis. It was a verdict. Regarding the necessity of the right to alimony, while examining the famous and unfamiliar opinions of the jurists, the lack of specification of the legislator and the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court, we came to the conclusion that as soon as the marriage is concluded, the wife is entitled to alimony and Muscat will not . Regarding the possibility of abrogation of alimony by the wife before concluding the marriage and its obligation, abrogation of this right from a legal point of view will be a valid and ineffective case; However, it seems that abortion after marriage is partially acceptable by the wife and does not interfere with the validity of the marriage and the legislative interests. In American law, although the issue of revocation of rights is not the same as in our law, alimony is a reciprocal obligation of the couple that not only does not expire during the cohabitation, but can also continue for each couple after the divorce. Unless the spouses agree or do not demand from each other, in such a case, according to the rule of the principle of will and the absence of the legislator in the personal relations of the spouses (except in cases of disagreement) the agreements of the parties will be valid. A comparative study of the differences in the field of alimony found positive cases in the American legal system and suggestions were made to amend the laws. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Alignment of jurisprudence and ethics with the assumption of observing the limits in corporal punishment of children
        Sadegh  Fani Maleki Ahmad mirkhalili
        According to the jurisprudential sources, the principle of corporal punishment of children has been prescribed and according to this, the legislator of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Article 1179 of the Civil Code, has accepted the corporal punishment of children by t More
        According to the jurisprudential sources, the principle of corporal punishment of children has been prescribed and according to this, the legislator of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Article 1179 of the Civil Code, has accepted the corporal punishment of children by their parents. At first glance, it is thought that corporal punishment of a child is a behavior contrary to moral standards, and this jurisprudential ruling is in conflict with moral principles. The purpose of this study is to correct this basic view and to prove the principle of permissibility of corporal punishment of children from two perspectives of jurisprudence and ethics and to determine its permissible scope, to prove the non-confrontation of jurisprudence and ethics in this field. That is, corporal punishment in jurisprudence on the one hand is limited to its amount, type and severity, and on the other hand, the age of the child, the position and motivation of the discipline are also considered as permissible limits, and by observing these restrictions, not the ruling It is not permissible in jurisprudence to oppose the principles of ethics, but it is completely in harmony with it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Study Of Theoretical Philosophy Of History In Nahj Al-Balagha; Case Study Determinism And Authority
        سید مهدی  حسینی شیروانی   Mohammad 
        Determinism And Free Will Of The Most Important And Oldest Theoretical Philosophy Of History. The Importance And Sensitivity Of This Issue From The Religious And Theological Issues Because That Is The Will, Ability, Power, Science Servants Of God Verbs, Especially Verbs More
        Determinism And Free Will Of The Most Important And Oldest Theoretical Philosophy Of History. The Importance And Sensitivity Of This Issue From The Religious And Theological Issues Because That Is The Will, Ability, Power, Science Servants Of God Verbs, Especially Verbs And Destiny And The Will Of The People And Will Closely Tied. The Question That Arises Here Is Whether The Views Of Imam Ali (As) In Nahj Al-Human Beings Or Force And Whether This Autonomy Is In Contradiction With God's Will? Accordingly, The Findings Indicate That Imam Ali (As) In Nahj Al-Balagha Does Not Believe In Coincidence And Historical Determinism And Believed In The Cause And Effect Of Events And Historical Events. So That Human Philosophical Insight Of Imam Ali (As) A Victim Helplessly Against The God Of History, But Their Own History And Its Manufacturer And Can Be Across The Divine Decree, Lead To Welfare. Imam (AS) And The Traditions Of The Human Will To The Will Of God And Not The Dominant Force On The Date. Accordingly, Autonomous Being, Is One Of The Most Important Features Of The Nahj Al-Balagha. The Research Method In Collecting Library - Documentation And Analytical Judgment Is In Place Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - A new aproach to Modarres Zennozi's Innovation in corporeal and Sadra's elimination
          Hamid Emamifar
        Resurrection is from the basic Islamic teachings. Perhaps fewer pages of the Holy Quran in which there is no mention of this important fact.But how it will happen is something that has raised various discussions among philosophers, especially from the tenth century onwa More
        Resurrection is from the basic Islamic teachings. Perhaps fewer pages of the Holy Quran in which there is no mention of this important fact.But how it will happen is something that has raised various discussions among philosophers, especially from the tenth century onwards.According to the late Zonouzi, the bodily resurrection is ascendance of the body by substantial movements and Inherent perfection of its elements toward immaterial souland that this body, fit with divine soul in a way that could be associated with in the resurrection. Given that he is one of the leading commentators of Sadra philosophy, review and detailed assessment of his view is important.The main cause to put the theory of Mulla Sadra's (Purgatorial body) in the Resurrection is that it is not in accordance with theIslamic law and at the same time he sees the religious resurrection is expressible by the philosophical literature.In his theory most of philosophical foundations of transcendental theosophy (such as originality of existence, the gradation of existence and substantial movement) is retained.In his view, human soulsthat are belonged to the body witch are under-control of total spirit after the death is connected to the total spiritand it becomes of its forces and parts and through it can also devise his body.In his view, the body which contains the remains and works of the soulon the path of his substantial movement toward total spirit witch is In fact, he has been the subject of its origin it becomes the body witch is competent to join the soul in the hereafter.In this thesis, his idea of resurrection has been explored, explained and stated in a true wayand criticism that faced the theory are analyzed and reviewed and showed that his philosophical theory in explaining the bodily resurrection has sufficient stability and able to answer the criticisms Manuscript profile
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        17 - The verbal miracle of the Quran and the existence of the alien words in it
        Mohammad Amiri fatemeh mazbanpoor fatemeh mazbanpoor
        The discussion of the alien words in the Qur'an and its relation to the Quran's verbal miracle is one of the key issues. In this context, four perspectives can be expressed in terms of: 1. The viewpoints of opponents (deniers). 2- Dictionary view. 3- Viewers of the More
        The discussion of the alien words in the Qur'an and its relation to the Quran's verbal miracle is one of the key issues. In this context, four perspectives can be expressed in terms of: 1. The viewpoints of opponents (deniers). 2- Dictionary view. 3- Viewers of the contributors. 4. A moderate view. The moderate view that Abu Obaid Qassim bin Salam poses to actually modify the view of his professor Abu Obeidha, therefore, he says: "It seems to me right to take the sum of the two promises, that is, these alien words But the Arabs have defined them, they have emptied out of alien words, then the Qur'an has been revealed, so whoever says that these Arabic words are correct, and whoever says that they are alien are also correct. From the perspective of the viewers, the viewer's (3rd) views are stronger than all the chosen point of view. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Check status of justice in ideas Mir seyyed Ali - Hamadani
        Ali Akbar  Afrasiab pour
        Justice is an important part of the great Islamic values and multilateral that in the Holy Quran and the teachings of religious leaders, in the area of individual and social life is considerable approved. Mir Seyyed Ali Hamadani as one of the most influential thinkers o More
        Justice is an important part of the great Islamic values and multilateral that in the Holy Quran and the teachings of religious leaders, in the area of individual and social life is considerable approved. Mir Seyyed Ali Hamadani as one of the most influential thinkers on the subcontinent and much of Asia, in his work, the importance of justice in several aspects is addressed separately. On the basis of social and political theory and principles and justice in the world and placed his anthropology. The opinions expressed in the fact that in-depth analysis of Islam is about justice and on the basis of relying on just ruler and reformer based Adel. His many punishments such as enjoining good and forbidding wrong both on the basis of the analysis Manuscript profile
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        19 - Virtue ethics from the point of view of Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balaghah
        Maryam  Khatami
        In contemporary times, one of the major branches in ethics and philosophy of ethics is “virtue ethics". In general, the ethical question is: “What is good?” So far, three fundamental answers have been given to this question that in the three schools of Consequentialism More
        In contemporary times, one of the major branches in ethics and philosophy of ethics is “virtue ethics". In general, the ethical question is: “What is good?” So far, three fundamental answers have been given to this question that in the three schools of Consequentialism, Deontologism, and ethics of virtue is classified. Of these three, Virtue ethics in the contemporary era has attracted the attention of Islamic and non-Islamic scholars and thinkers. This study attempts to examine how this type of ethics is reflected in the teachings of Imam Ali Based on the findings of the research, it can be said that the ethics of virtue is the dominant theory in viewpoints of Imam Ali and mystics. For example, where Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balaghah, Wisdom 32 says: “A good person is better than a good deed, and a bad person is worse than a bad deed”. In the manifestations of the ethics of virtue in the teachings of Imam Ali, the "justice" as the main virtue is emphasized. This research has been done with interpretive analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Recognition of the location of holy shrines in the structure of the city and its effects on the formation of religious rituals (Case study: Shrine of Ali Ibn Mahziar in Ahvaz)
        Mohammad ebrahim Mazhari Fattemeh Poodat Hadi  Soltanifard
        Holding rituals in the city is a reflection of collective life that strengthens social connectivity. Sacred places and shrines are an influential element in the construction and interconnectedness of Iranian cities. Religious shrines are the gathering places of differen More
        Holding rituals in the city is a reflection of collective life that strengthens social connectivity. Sacred places and shrines are an influential element in the construction and interconnectedness of Iranian cities. Religious shrines are the gathering places of different groups of people which link the flow of ceremonies and rituals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the position of Ali Ibn Mahziar’s tomb in the physical-spatial structure of Ahvaz and its effect on the formation of religious rituals, especially the mourning ceremonies of Tasua and Ashura within Ahvaz. This research is of descriptive-analytical type and employs methods of observation and field perceptions as well as reviewing the results of spatial arrangement analysis and graph modelling in order to study the adaptation of currents related to religious rites (for the movement of mourning delegations) and the existing city structure and especially the location of the shrine of Ali ibn Mahziar. Therefore, after field surveys, initial modelling was performed using graph theory approach and data analysis with centrality index and BC and DC scales, and then applying integration, connectivity and choice, space syntax analysis of Ahvaz city was implemented. The results show that the shrine of Ali ibn Mahziar plays a central role in attracting mourners from different parts of the city and strengthening social interactions and the presence of citizens. The focal position of the shrine in the configuration of the city reveals the close relation of this effective spatial element with the social patterns of the city, which over time, despite the changes, is still at the center of rituals and social interactions. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Content Analysis of Cloudy Years Novel
        maryam mohammadzadeh jamileh khaknejad
        Due to this fact that content analysis is the process of evaluating the literary works from two perspectives of theme and topic; in this study, we analyzed the content of the “Cloudy Years” novel in order to introduce Iranian fictional literature, that its numerous dim More
        Due to this fact that content analysis is the process of evaluating the literary works from two perspectives of theme and topic; in this study, we analyzed the content of the “Cloudy Years” novel in order to introduce Iranian fictional literature, that its numerous dimensions are still unclear. Findings show that the socialism and belief in social commitment as the primary function of art and literature have led Ali Ashraf Darvishian -contemporary popular and committed author- to follow them in most of his works in order to consider the meaning related contents and contexts in his stories that. The main subject of cloudy years is political struggle and in terms of the theme it can be investigated from several political, social and historical aspects. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Particular Gradation of Being in the View of Aqa Ali Mudarres and its Difference from other Kinds of Particular Gradation
        Seyyed Shahriyar  Kamali Sabziwari
        In the Transcendent Philosophy, the basis of particular gradation is the return of the shared element to the distinguishing factor. This is a general rule and criterion for particular gradation, based on which at least three types of such gradation can be defined. In th More
        In the Transcendent Philosophy, the basis of particular gradation is the return of the shared element to the distinguishing factor. This is a general rule and criterion for particular gradation, based on which at least three types of such gradation can be defined. In the first type, plurality dominates oneness so that all beings and plural things in the world merely share the aspect of being in existence. In the next type, oneness dominates plurality so that all the multiple beings of the world comprise the stages of a single being. The third type of particular gradation is midway between the other two types. Based on the particular gradation discussed by Aqa Ali Mudarres in the book of Bidayah al-hikam, oneness dominates plurality among possible multiple beings because all of them comprise the different grades of a single and absolute being. However, between the Almighty Necessary and the collection of possible multiple things, it is plurality which dominates oneness. Manuscript profile
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        23 - “Oughts” and “Ought-nots” of Islamic Philosophy in the View of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        Mohammad Rahmani Gooraji Fatemeh Masjedi
        This study was conducted to explore the thoughts of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding Islamic philosophy and the required concomitants for its expansion and development based on his speeches. The researchers’ main purpose here was to develop a More
        This study was conducted to explore the thoughts of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding Islamic philosophy and the required concomitants for its expansion and development based on his speeches. The researchers’ main purpose here was to develop and present a desirable model for the development of Islamic philosophy based on the grounded theory. In doing so, they studied the speeches, sermons, messages, decrees, orders and interviews of Imam Khamenei between 1981-2008 and, through employing three open, axial, and selective types of coding in the grounded theory methodology, they found 111 codes/concepts, 24 categories, and four dimensions. In the conclusion section, while presenting a paradigmatic model dominating the categories, they provide some responses to the research questions based on the research findings. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Seyyed Hayadr Amuli’s Response to the Paradox of Non-Existence and Affirmation of the Loci of Manifestations in the Hadith of Truth
        Mohsen  Habibi Ali  Yazdani
        The “Hadith of Truth”, which Kumayl has narrated from Imam Ali (a), contains some sublime points, and on which some prominent figures such as Seyyed Haydar Amuli have written commentaries. When commenting on the first part of the hadith, “al-haqiqah …”, Amuli mentions t More
        The “Hadith of Truth”, which Kumayl has narrated from Imam Ali (a), contains some sublime points, and on which some prominent figures such as Seyyed Haydar Amuli have written commentaries. When commenting on the first part of the hadith, “al-haqiqah …”, Amuli mentions that, according to this hadith, Almighty Truth is manifested in the forms of the loci of manifestations, which are, nevertheless, non-existent. This statement appears paradoxical and, thus, Seyyed Haydar has tried to resolve it. In his view, manifestations and entities are fixed in their non-existence and appear in the name of “divine light”, which is the same existence of Almighty Truth. They are permanently in non-existence, and it is, in fact, the name of the divinely manifested that grants them existence at each moment. Otherwise, if they enjoy continuous existence, granting existence to them would mean the attainment of what they have already attained. In response to this paradoxical affair, Amuli benefits from the allegory of the sea and the wave. He explains that the sea appears in the form of the wave; hence, the wave exists in one respect and does not exist in another one. In this way, Seyyed Haydar tries to remove the paradox involved in the first section of the hadith. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Designing conceptual model of alignment between individual and organizational goals with emphasis on value approach
        Lotfolah  Forozandeh Dehkordi محمد علی  سرلک  
        The purpose of this research is to exploration individual and organizational goals alignment model with emphasis on dominant values in Islamic management. This research is fundamental whit respect of its purpose and descriptive whit respect of data analyzing. Variables More
        The purpose of this research is to exploration individual and organizational goals alignment model with emphasis on dominant values in Islamic management. This research is fundamental whit respect of its purpose and descriptive whit respect of data analyzing. Variables and factors affecting on goals alignment have been elicited by library studies and exploratory interviews as basis of Delphi method. In this study Delphi questionnaire constituted with 59 indexes and filled by 25 experts of Hawzah and university. After four times repetition, the conceptual model included 32 specified indexes that have more impact on individual and organizational goals alignment which formatted 3 categories named structural, behavioral and contextual as independent variables and value as moderator variable Manuscript profile
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        26 - Sum Rate and Energy Efficiency Maximization in a Cognitive Radio Network with a Successive Relay Primary User
        elahe maddah Mohammad lari
        In this paper, we propose a cognitive radio network which consists of a number of secondary users and one primary user. The primary user utilized a successive relay performance. The successive relaying technique creates a full duplex relay performance by two half duplex More
        In this paper, we propose a cognitive radio network which consists of a number of secondary users and one primary user. The primary user utilized a successive relay performance. The successive relaying technique creates a full duplex relay performance by two half duplex relays, which improves spectral efficiency. In the presence of secondary users, we use successive relay technique in the primary user to ensure its acceptable performance. Also, the sum rate of secondary users is increased. The challenges of this network are inter-relay interference and inter user interference. The interference alignment method is utilized to eliminate the interferences in the successive relay technique and in the cognitive radio network. Besides, the minimum transmitted power of the primary user is derived to guarantee its quality of service requirement. Two power allocations algorithms are proposed to maximize the sum rate of secondary users and the energy efficiency of the network. In both power allocations algorithms, satisfying the quality of service of the primary user is considered. The closed-form solutions of these algorithms are studied. The fractional programing approach was employed to solve the energy efficiency optimization in two steps. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Investigating the origins and ways to overcome dignity anxiety In the novel "Ketab-e Kham (Book of Bending)" by Alireza Seif al-Dini
        ayoob moradi Ali  Jamshidi
        The need to be seen, affirmed, and recognized as successful human are emerging needs that have emerged as a result of material and technological advances in the modern age. Needs that, if left unmet, can lead to destructive anxiety. Contemporary philosopher Alain de Bot More
        The need to be seen, affirmed, and recognized as successful human are emerging needs that have emerged as a result of material and technological advances in the modern age. Needs that, if left unmet, can lead to destructive anxiety. Contemporary philosopher Alain de Botton categorizes these anxieties as "dignity anxiety" and describes the causes and ways to deal with them. The idea put forward by Alain de Botton, was soon noticed by the authors, and numerous works in various artistic formats were created on this subject. Alireza Seif al-Dini's novel "Ketab-e Kham (Book of Bending)" is one of these works in which the author deals with the tumultuous life of a man who steps on his ideals in order to overcome the anxiety of dignity and to be recognized as a powerful husband and father. The present study, which has been written with a descriptive-analytical method, seeks to analyze the regressive process of his life while describing the backgrounds of the mentioned anxiety in the main character of the story. The results show that factors such as the importance of well-being and material development, changing the criteria for valuing poverty and wealth and the effectiveness of the offspring, along with fear of looking weak by the spouse and fear of not fulfilling paternal duties properly, cause anxiety in the person. The anxiety that the mentioned character seeks a way out of by paying attention to philosophy, art, the religious doctrine of death and the bohemian lifestyle. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Social Impact Assessment of BRT Line Displacement in Mowlavi Street
        Zahra  Khastoo
        Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Tehran Municipal Region 12 has presented a plan to displace the BRT line from the south side of Mowlavi Street to the middle in order to increase safety and organize public transportation. This paper aims to study the social and c More
        Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Tehran Municipal Region 12 has presented a plan to displace the BRT line from the south side of Mowlavi Street to the middle in order to increase safety and organize public transportation. This paper aims to study the social and cultural impacts of this intervention on the social life of Mowlavi Street in accordance with the stakeholders’ needs, situations, and opinions. The main methodology of this research is based on qualitative approach and phenomenological method using in-depth interview and focus group techniques. Accordingly, relying on the theoretical framework of livability. several concepts such as sustainability, sustainable transportation, quality of life and safety have been brought forth. The findings indicate that the displacement of Mowlavi BRT line can increase street safety; however, this requires a high level of organizational cooperation of Traffic Police on this street. On the other hand, one-way to two-way street conversion which is also aligned with the local residents’ and businesses’ social and economic benefits in Harandi and Takhti neighborhoods, can increase the transportation demand for Mowlavi Street. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Tactics of the enemy's infiltration into the Islamic society from the perspective of the Holy Quran
        morteza Soltani
        The influence of foreigners and enemies in the land and thought of Muslims has precedents in the history of Islam. Since the beginning of Islam, hypocrites, people of the book and other enemies of religion have been trying to find an opening in any way to influence the More
        The influence of foreigners and enemies in the land and thought of Muslims has precedents in the history of Islam. Since the beginning of Islam, hypocrites, people of the book and other enemies of religion have been trying to find an opening in any way to influence the beliefs, culture, economy, etc. of the Islamic society. Enemies, when they do not see in themselves the power of military and direct confrontation, try to take full advantage of the weak points of Muslims and make the best use of them for their nefarious purposes. In other words, the influence of the enemy mostly refers to their imperceptible and secret tactics to carry out their conspiracy, but in the meantime, the Holy Quran has dealt with the problem of influence and its types with a special look. The studies carried out showed that in the Holy Quran, the use of spies, intimate relations with foreigners, spreading rumors, propaganda and inducing suspicions, exile or physical removal of religious leaders of the society, assassination of leaders, deceiving Muslims by pretending to be friends, revealing the secrets of Muslims, Incorrect understanding of moral virtues, creating economic bottlenecks, abusing legitimate figures in society, disobeying the orders of the leader of society, destroying cultural centers and infiltrating them, psychological warfare and putting the masses of people in intellectual weakness are the most efficient tools and tricks of the enemy to It is an influence that is collected in detail in this article. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Explaining the moral and legal realm of financial rights and property of couples after divorce in Iranian and French law
        Abolhasan  Pahlevani Saleh  Yamerli ali ajbar esmaeile
        Today, the moral and legal realm of financial rights of couples can be studied in various jurisprudential and legal dimensions. Since ethics and law are two issues included in the legislation of each country, it can be said that these two areas are an important source o More
        Today, the moral and legal realm of financial rights of couples can be studied in various jurisprudential and legal dimensions. Since ethics and law are two issues included in the legislation of each country, it can be said that these two areas are an important source of legislative policy of each country in the legislation. Hence, the financial rights and assets of the couple are formed in the direction of morality. The financial rights of couples, in their broad dimensions, include rights such as dowry, halving property, alimony, retribution, etc., each of which is applied in laws such as civil law and family protection law with a special regulation, he's got a special place. In French law, this type of law is also examined under the rules and jurisprudence. In Iranian law, according to Article 1102 of the Civil Code, by concluding a marriage contract, the rights and obligations of the couple, including the financial rights of the husband, are established against the wife, and as a result, after the dissolution of the marriage and separation, The husband is to pay alimony, to be aborted, because one of the principles and means of obligation is marriage. This issue is different in Iranian law regarding the demand for dowry and halving of property and retribution, etc., and these rights can also be demanded by terminating or dissolving the marriage contract. In French law, rights such as claiming alimony can be claimed by the wife in different circumstances, and this issue is mentioned in Articles 212, 270 and 301 of the French Civil Code, and in some respects, the division of property in this country has rules and regulations. It is special. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to examine the legal and moral status of financial rights and assets of couples after divorce in the law of Iran and France, which has been studied according to the library method, and as a result it can be said that financial rights and In some cases, the property of the couple has been considered in Iranian and French law and has a suitable position, and ethics has been considered as the basis of the legislative policy of these lawsuits in the judicial procedure. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Role of custom and ethics in the financial rights of couples and its effect on crime prevention
        Leila  Radpasand Farhad  Parvin
        After the correct marriage and marital relations between the parties, various rights and duties are established, including financial rights between the spouses. Couples' financial rights are one of the most important parts of civil law, which is intertwined with customa More
        After the correct marriage and marital relations between the parties, various rights and duties are established, including financial rights between the spouses. Couples' financial rights are one of the most important parts of civil law, which is intertwined with customary and moral issues and is an important factor in crime prevention. Therefore, ignoring the role of custom and ethics in the rights of couples causes fundamental challenges in society. The purpose of writing this article is to explain the position of custom and ethics in some financial rights of couples, such as dowry, dowry and alimony from the perspective of Iranian law, Islamic religions and official religions in a descriptive analytical method; Explaining the limits of custom and introducing it, we will finally realize that although custom and ethics in the Iranian legal system, mainly in cases of text silence, have a complementary and interpretive role; But it has a role to play, and in many cases it is used practically in jurisprudence and law. Also, the role of custom in the Sunnah of Tabdan is Hadd, that what is considered acceptable in the custom is also considered acceptable in the sight of God. The role of custom in the rights of minorities (Jewish, Zoroastrian and Christian) is also undeniable according to their own religious customs and traditions, and is a source of rights. Adherence to ethical rules in the realm of the family plays a very decisive role in ensuring the rights of men and women all over the world; Because in many cases, the rights and obligations that couples assume towards each other have no legal obligation and are done solely on the basis of moral considerations. Manuscript profile
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        32 - The duty of the people in front of the government from the perspective of Hazrat Yusuf and Imam Ali (peace be upon him)
        Bibi Saeideh Shamrizi seed hamid shamerizi Shahrbanou  Mahini
        One of the most important issues in the divine government is following a just ruler who is based on the Islamic Shari'ah. So the people are obliged to obey him and observe the laws that are announced for implementation after their approval. The same basis exists in the More
        One of the most important issues in the divine government is following a just ruler who is based on the Islamic Shari'ah. So the people are obliged to obey him and observe the laws that are announced for implementation after their approval. The same basis exists in the Holy Quran and especially in the rule of Hazrat Yusuf and the rule of Imam Ali (peace be upon her). According to verse 21 of Surah Al-Imran and many other verses of the Holy Quran, the result of disobeying the just ruler will be the limitation of a rebellious person's actions in this world and the punishment of the hereafter. One of the other important issues that is considered in this article is the duty of the people to the government for work and activities. In the life and rule of Hazrat Yusuf and especially Imam Ali peace be upon him, government officials and people were given special attention in performing their duties. With the responsibility that is given to Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him), due to the arrival of famine and readiness to deal with it, he puts himself and all the people of Egypt to work. During the reign of Imam Ali, peace be upon her, she also paid special attention to affairs and works, such as: The non-equality of the good and the bad, paying attention to merchants and controlling the market and prices, paying attention to the oppressed class and taking care of their affairs.It was emphasized not to make promises and to consider things big, not to break promises, not to hurry and not to be slow in some matters, etc. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Analysis of the Long Story "Parandeh dar Baad (Bird in the Wind)"From the Perspective of Nativism
        mehdi  ebrahimi lame saber emami seyed mohsen hashemi
        Localism is a modern term that emerged in the process of independence and liberation of the eastern colonized countries from the domination of the western colonialist countries and at the same time entered various fields including fiction.In this context, the analysis o More
        Localism is a modern term that emerged in the process of independence and liberation of the eastern colonized countries from the domination of the western colonialist countries and at the same time entered various fields including fiction.In this context, the analysis of fictional works has special importance as one of the most important sources of nativism; because on the one hand it is connected with various social concepts and on the other hand it leads to our understanding of the components of nativism and how to use them in the text. In this regard, this article with the descriptive and analytical method, analyzes the components of nativism in the book "Parandeh dar Baad (Bird in the Wind) ". In this way, first the primary data was collected through documentary study and then it was analyzed in the framework of the definition of nativism and the components of Iranian identity. The results of the research showed that the author highlighted the components of Iranian identity in this book, namely: language, culture, religion, history and geography of the land, as well as foreign-oriented aspects. Manuscript profile
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        34 - The origin of hope and its role in the excellence of human life inside and outside in the words of Amirul Momineen
        amirabas madavifard reza zamani Masoumeh  Azizi Khadem
        "Hope" is an inner state that has a strong link with how a person views his origin and destination, his behavior, his selective approach in worldly life, and his way of reaching happiness in the last life. This research, through a descriptive-analytical method, pursuits More
        "Hope" is an inner state that has a strong link with how a person views his origin and destination, his behavior, his selective approach in worldly life, and his way of reaching happiness in the last life. This research, through a descriptive-analytical method, pursuits to, based on the words of Amir al-Mu'minin peace be upon him, investigate the origin of hope and its role in human perfection, to find out how to achieve a course which will bring man to exalt his soul and his existential capability; and will cause his lifestyle to improve. If a person becomes aware of his own and other creatures' "existential lack" through "self-knowledge", "self-evaluation", and "recognition of the reality of the world", he will confine his hope only to God Almighty. With a "proper faithfulness" towards Him in every bestowed or denied blessing, the highest stage of perfection, that is the position of "satisfaction" will appear in man's existence. When a person reaches the position of satisfaction, he will enjoy a pleasant life in his both personal and social life conditions. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Depicting Tunisia's socio-cultural atmosphere in the four novels (Aisha, Adel, Ali, Nasser) by Al-Bashir bin Salameh
        Shahin Nasiri mostafa yegani ardashir sadraldini
        The novel is one of the new literary genres that strengthened its position in Arabic literature in the early twentieth century, as an independent literary art. Depicts an era, the present study has tried to write a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of explainin More
        The novel is one of the new literary genres that strengthened its position in Arabic literature in the early twentieth century, as an independent literary art. Depicts an era, the present study has tried to write a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of explaining literary criticism on Ibn Salameh's four novels. The results of the research indicate that: Ibn Salameh in his novel using He uses the symbolic language to critique the political and social situation of Tunisian society, depicting the protagonist's mental crisis, the plight of intellectuals, and their internal conflicts. Also, Al-Bashir Ibn Salameh, by using the technique of description and its various methods and tools, in addition to succeeding in conveying the emotions and inner states of the characters of the novel to the reader, puts him well in the events of the novel and a very tangible image of the space. The novel has provided. Manuscript profile