• List of Articles Affin

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Clarification of Sociopolitical Water-Related Tensions in South Khorasan Studied case: Districts of Esfeden and Affin
        Water is considered a major, developmental substructure in different social and economical sectors of countries. Currently, problems regarding this vital substance are among the most important issues in the world. Water scarcity, caused by population growth and water re More
        Water is considered a major, developmental substructure in different social and economical sectors of countries. Currently, problems regarding this vital substance are among the most important issues in the world. Water scarcity, caused by population growth and water requirement to produce food, inherent limitation of water resources particularly in arid and semi-arid areas, excessive withdrawal from resources and poor water management has over time inflicted tensions and challenges on the national and international levels, hence threatening peace and security around the globe. It has also made some problems inevitable, such as evacuation of villages, irregular emigration of villagers to cities, social conflicts among dwellings, and growing political tensions. We can refer , as an instance, to the growing tensions among people from Esfeden City and Affin Village in South Khorasan Province over the past years. Considering the issues above, the main question of the study is, “what contributes to creating and aggravating of conflicts and tensions among these two neighboring regions?” The hypothesis stated is: various factors such as population growth, increasing the land under cultivation, as well as recent droughts have led to development of tensions. Methodology This is, methodologically, a case study within a geographical study framework, and it was primarily conducted with a descriptive-analytic approach. The information and data were gathered from electronic and library sources, and relevant documents, and through interviews with experts, officials and locals. The studied region is located within two counties in the northern part of South Khorasn Province. According to the latest state division map, Esfeden is a city of central Qayenat County, and Affin is a village of Zohan in Zirkouh County. Data & results The Affin River, which supplies part of the irrigating water of the area, originates from Dogerd Heights and Shirkab Heights, 67 km southeast to Birjand, and runs by villages Shirg, Sarjin, Kalat-e-mazar, Baimorgh, Baghestan, Payhan, and Fathabad, down to Affin. The water, which reaches the riverbed south of Affin, runs for 5km before it arrives at a point called division chamber, where it is divided into six equal parts, one part belonging to Affin fields and five other parts belonging to Esfeden fields and plantations. Affin’s share of water goes to Affin fields, while Esfeden’s share of water runs along The Affin River, and at some distance down the village it joins The Shour (salt) River and together they make up the Esfeden Creek. Over the past years, considering water shares and due to the rise of barberry price, the area of cultivated land for annual crops has declined, whereas the allocated land to the barberry gardens has developed. The entire area of aridable land was 227 hectares, which consisted of 138 hectares of gardens and plant nurseries and 89 hectares of fields. Currently, most of the fields have gone under cultivation of barberry trees and the entire land area of gardens has doubled ( up to 260 hectares). About 90 hectares of the gardens is irrigated with water from the river and 170 hectares with water from the qanats. Considering the population growth and increased area of cultivated land in Affin, and in spite of the fact that people of Affin are well attendant of their share of water, however, they assume excess withdrawal of water from the river an unnegotiable right of their own. Particularly in hot seasons and when irrigation is most required, they withdraw water from the river above their allocated share. In addition, because the river bed before the division chamber has been destroyed and subsequently, there is a difference up to about two meters in height, water is not properly directed to the division chamber and, as a result, there is not a proportionate division. This causes less accessable water to reach Esfeden, and inflicts a lot of damage to farmers in Esfeden. According to the experts in the Department of Agriculture, considering the vast area of cultivated land, and high costs of developing gardens, and also the long time prior to the harvest, the estimated damage due to water reduction during flowering seasons, harvest, and at the peak of collecting crops is varied. However, typically, a decline of 5 seconds in 30 liters leads to 10 to 15 percent loss of crops. Conclusion Finally, it was concluded that because of increased demand for water due to the development of cultivated gardens in the region, population growth, and dividing the irrigating water in accordance with inheritance law, the share of the limited water available per person has diminished, and disputes and tensions over possession of water in the districts of Affin and Esfeden has risen. Reduced amount of precipitation and the recent droughts has led to aggravation of water crisis, reduced quota of sustainable water per capita in the region, and rising demands for irrigation. Disagreements and disputes over water in years have inflicted financial damage to farmers, contributing to coldness of relations among people, reducing the farmers’ collaboration to clear the conveying ducts, and maintaining conveying ducts especially after floods. All these issues play a significant role in the reduction of accessible water. Implementing the plan of the concrete wall before the division chamber, directing water to division chamber, and conveying it through pipes from the division chamber to the piped route can help reduce some of the local issues and disputes Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A new Sparse Coding Approach for Human Face and Action Recognition
        Mohsen Nikpoor Mohammad Reza Karami-Mollaei Reza Ghaderi
        Sparse coding is an unsupervised method which learns a set of over-complete bases to represent data such as image, video and etc. In the cases where we have some similar images from the different classes, using the sparse coding method the images may be classified into More
        Sparse coding is an unsupervised method which learns a set of over-complete bases to represent data such as image, video and etc. In the cases where we have some similar images from the different classes, using the sparse coding method the images may be classified into the same class and devalue classification performance. In this paper, we propose an Affine Graph Regularized Sparse Coding approach for resolving this problem. We apply the sparse coding and graph regularized sparse coding approaches by adding the affinity constraint to the objective function to improve the recognition rate. Several experiments has been done on well-known face datasets such as ORL and YALE. The first experiment has been done on ORL dataset for face recognition and the second one has been done on YALE dataset for face expression detection. Both experiments have been compared with the basic approaches for evaluating the proposed method. The simulation results show that the proposed method can significantly outperform previous methods in face classification. In addition, the proposed method is applied to KTH action dataset and the results show that the proposed sparse coding approach could be applied for action recognition applications too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigating the effect of salespeople’s personal interaction on customers word- of - mouth with mediating role affective customer experience and moderating role of customer ethnocentrism and foreign product affinity (Case study of: customers of Janbo chain stores in Tabriz)
        Ramin Bashirkhodaparasti Nasrin Nemati
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of personal interaction of sellers on the tendency of customers to word-of-mouth marketing by considering the mediation of effective customer experience and moderation of customer ethnicity and the desire for forei More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of personal interaction of sellers on the tendency of customers to word-of-mouth marketing by considering the mediation of effective customer experience and moderation of customer ethnicity and the desire for foreign product among customers of Janbo chain stores in Tabriz. The statistical population is the customers of Janbo chain stores in Tabriz. To determine the sample size, considering that the target population is unlimited, the Cochran sample size determination formula was used and the sample size was 382 people. Sampling method is available in the present study. Data were collected through a questionnaire and to calculate the reliability of the questionnaire we used Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the value of which was calculated for the whole questionnaire 0.874. Also, SPSS software version 25 was used for data analysis and Smart PLS software was used for inferential statistics and hypothesis testing. The results of the study indicate a positive and significant effect of personal interaction of sellers on the desire to market word of mouth to customers and in this regard the effective customer experience has a mediating role and also the moderating effect of customer's ethnicity and desire for foreign product on effective customer experience. Took. Therefore, the main question of this research is whether the personal interaction of sellers affects the desire for word-of-mouth marketing through the mediation of effective customer experience and moderation of customer ethnicity and desire for foreign products among customers of Janbo chain stores in Tabriz? Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Bounded Delays in Switching Signal for Switched Affine Systems
        Arman Sehatnia F. Hashemzadeh Mahdi Baradarannia
        In this article, the consequence of the presence of delay in the switch signal for switched affine systems is investigated. First, based on the principles of stability, the process of extracting the switch law as the only control input is examined, then by presenting th More
        In this article, the consequence of the presence of delay in the switch signal for switched affine systems is investigated. First, based on the principles of stability, the process of extracting the switch law as the only control input is examined, then by presenting the practical stability issue for switched systems, more realistic view of these systems is proposed. The main focus of the article will be on the effect of delay in the transmission of switching signal information. The presence of limited delay in switching signal is usually caused by high volume of switching law calculations or any cyber attacks. In this paper, the practical Lyapunov stability results related to the states before and after the presence of delay in switching signal for a linear switched affine system are compared analytically and simulated. The results of the comparison of these modes show that when the value of delay in switching signal increases, the ultimate limit of the error for system states becomes larger, and this means a decrease in the convergence of the system states. In this regard, the results implemented for a DC-DC power converter and the necessary comparisons are presented in the last chapter. Manuscript profile