Bounded Delays in Switching Signal for Switched Affine Systems
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineeringArman Sehatnia 1 , F. Hashemzadeh 2 , Mahdi Baradarannia 3
1 - Control Department, Electrical and Computer Faculty,Tabriz University,Tabriz,Iran
2 - Control Department, Electrical and Computer Faculty,Tabriz University,Tabriz,Iran
3 - Control Department,Electrical and Computer Faculty,Tabriz University,Tabriz,Iran
Keywords: Switched Affine Systems, Practical Stability, Delay in Switching signal, DC-DC Converters,
Abstract :
In this article, the consequence of the presence of delay in the switch signal for switched affine systems is investigated. First, based on the principles of stability, the process of extracting the switch law as the only control input is examined, then by presenting the practical stability issue for switched systems, more realistic view of these systems is proposed. The main focus of the article will be on the effect of delay in the transmission of switching signal information. The presence of limited delay in switching signal is usually caused by high volume of switching law calculations or any cyber attacks. In this paper, the practical Lyapunov stability results related to the states before and after the presence of delay in switching signal for a linear switched affine system are compared analytically and simulated. The results of the comparison of these modes show that when the value of delay in switching signal increases, the ultimate limit of the error for system states becomes larger, and this means a decrease in the convergence of the system states. In this regard, the results implemented for a DC-DC power converter and the necessary comparisons are presented in the last chapter.
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