• List of Articles کشف

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Hardware Implementation for Persec Codes
        Amir Shahab Shahmiri
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Hardwar Trojan classification and implementation and offer a new detection approach
        sadegh hajimohseni
        A hardware attack that enables the attacker to alter the main circuit with malicious hardware during either design or the fabrication process is studied and analyzed. This attack, known as the hardware Trojan, has different objectives such as destroying hardware, changi More
        A hardware attack that enables the attacker to alter the main circuit with malicious hardware during either design or the fabrication process is studied and analyzed. This attack, known as the hardware Trojan, has different objectives such as destroying hardware, changing circuit characteristics or extracting sensitive information. So hardware Trojan detection and hardware security are critical issues. First, we categorize the Trojans and Trojan detection methods and then implement four types of Trojan on DES algorithm. Then a hardware approach to the detection of hardware Trojans based on the characteristics of circuit delay is proposed. In this approach, ring oscillator frequencies are inputs of the circuit under test, and output is a string of bits corresponding to challenges. The proposed hardware is designed to address any changes in the main circuit that would affect the frequency of the ring oscillator factors, such as temperature, voltage, and process variations that influence the frequency of the ring oscillator are analyzed, and a suitable ring oscillator is recommended for embedding into the circuit. As a result, the frequency variation will be reduced dramatically, and it can be determined with higher certainty whether changes in frequency are result of a possible Trojan.As a result the output bit string, which is now unaffected by frequency changes due to process variation, can be used as a measure to detect hardware Trojans. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Classify and implement hardware trojans and provide a new way to detect them
        sadegh hajmohseni mohammadali doustari mohammadbagher ghaznavi
        In recent years, a type of hardware attack called hardware trojan has been introduced, which the hostile person prepares to achieve his goal by malicious changes on the chip. The purpose of these attacks is to disable the chip, change specifications, and obtain sensitiv More
        In recent years, a type of hardware attack called hardware trojan has been introduced, which the hostile person prepares to achieve his goal by malicious changes on the chip. The purpose of these attacks is to disable the chip, change specifications, and obtain sensitive information. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Analysis of Adam and Eve Fall in the Third Section of Kashf-al Asrar and Od-at-al Abrar by Meybudi1
        اکبر  لطفی مهدی  ماحوزی
        Meybudi interpreted Quranic verses in the Third Section of Kashf-al Asrar and proposes some understandings from Quranic verses, concepts and issues based on his mystical taste; however, his interpretations are not about all Quranic verses, and the interpreter, Meybudi More
        Meybudi interpreted Quranic verses in the Third Section of Kashf-al Asrar and proposes some understandings from Quranic verses, concepts and issues based on his mystical taste; however, his interpretations are not about all Quranic verses, and the interpreter, Meybudi, dealt with Verses which are open to these kinds of interpretations based on different textual and extra-textual contexts. One of the issues that attracted interpretive views to itself is story of “the Fall” of Adam and Eve. In Meybudi’s view, it seems that “the Fall” is a degradation of sublime status of existence which is realized and occurred in form of manifestation and non-manifestation and its base is about human and his caliphate on earth. In this study, along with explanation of different meanings of Adam and Eve Fall in different cultures, these issues are reviewed based on Kashf-al Asrar: meanings and examples of Adam and Eve Fall, evolution of Adam and Eve Fall and its variants, aims and purposes of Adam and Eve Fall, difference between cursed and generous Adam and Eve Fall, and refusal of gender, how of Adam Fall, evil and enjoyment of evil from the Fall, and so on. Results show that Adam and Eve Fall in Meybudi’s view was designed to test human which was occurred in form of manifestation and non-manifestation, gender had no role in it and its purpose was to help human reach God’s caliphate on earth. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Who is the Author of Rashf-ol-Alhaz? A review of the copy's edition
        مريم  شعبانزاده
        One of the important books on symbolic words and expressions of Sufism is Rashf-ol-Alhaz fi Kashf-ol- Alfaz by Sharaf id-Din Hosein Ibn-e Olfati Tabrizi, edited by Najib Mayel Heravi. The book consists of 300 mystical and Gnostic expressions. The same contents are attri More
        One of the important books on symbolic words and expressions of Sufism is Rashf-ol-Alhaz fi Kashf-ol- Alfaz by Sharaf id-Din Hosein Ibn-e Olfati Tabrizi, edited by Najib Mayel Heravi. The book consists of 300 mystical and Gnostic expressions. The same contents are attributed to both Fakhr id-Din Araqi in an appendix to his Divan, edited by Sa'eed Nafisi, as "Estelahat-e Fakhr id-Din Araqi", and to Aziz Nasafi, in a book entitled "Loqat va Estelah-at-e Orafa". The overall sameness of the three copies, whether in their divisions of the contents or in their entries and definitions, proves that one of them must have been the original book. Yet, misattribution of the book to these two authors is not in doubt; nor is it possible to identify the real author unless a reliable copy is available. Relying on the exhaustive review of all the available copies and manuscripts, and the analytical- comparative study of them could provide a text with a careful edition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A Study of the Semantic Parallels of the Concept of Love throughout Persian Poetry using Qualitative Content Analysis
        masoume mohammadi Asghar Daadbeh Hormoz Rahimhan
        Love is one of the most prominent concepts in Persian poetry that contains broad conceptual capacities to indirectly influence the semantic structure of the constantly transformative grounds of thought and functions of poetry. This research aims to understand whether th More
        Love is one of the most prominent concepts in Persian poetry that contains broad conceptual capacities to indirectly influence the semantic structure of the constantly transformative grounds of thought and functions of poetry. This research aims to understand whether through these transformations, the concept of love remains constant in the ever-changing semantic system or it undergoes dissociative fluctuations. Furthermore, this article tries to answer this question by approaching the poetry of different time-periods in their original form and focus on the interpretations that may arise from them. This matter gains further importance when we consider the decisive role that the concept of love plays in touching the reader’s emotions and its corresponding cultural influence throughout time. Hence, this research aims to arrive at the audience’s emotional involvement and the importance of cultural occasions by studying the concept of love in canonical works of poetry extending to different time-periods. Since the cultural occasions must correspond to their semantic parallels of the concept of love, we seek to extract these parallel meanings from the concealed concepts of Persian poetry. To arrive at these hidden components of poetry, this article views the Qualitative Content Analysis method in direct contact with thought centered content analysis. Therefore, two extensive stylistic schools of ancient and contemporary Persian poetry are studied to illustrate the semantic process that the concept of love undergoes and the scope contains some of the most important approaches of Qualitative Content Analysis such as: concealed and apparent meaning, semantic units, interpretive units, regional contents, theme and motif. This research concludes that through this process, the original semantic structure of this concept has been kept by remaining in close contact with its fundamental parallel meanings. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Analysis and study of the idea of Islamic government in “Kashf e Asrar”
        amirhossein hatami
        One of the most controversial issues about the political thought of the founder of the Islamic Republic is the difference between his political thought in the 20s and 30s with 40s AH onwards. Especially in the two books of "Kashf e Asrar", that he believes in a kind of More
        One of the most controversial issues about the political thought of the founder of the Islamic Republic is the difference between his political thought in the 20s and 30s with 40s AH onwards. Especially in the two books of "Kashf e Asrar", that he believes in a kind of supervision of the Faqih over the political structure and in the book "Velayat-e-Faqih", that he proves the necessity of an Islamic government led by a Fqih. Based on this, an important question arises. Should we not follow the idea of the Islamic government in the book " Kashf e Asrar " in the sense explained in the book "Velayat-e-Faqih"? Many researchers have answered this question in the affirmative from different perspectives. But the findings of the present study, which are mainly based on the study of theoretical and historical contexts, show that, in fact, it has not occurred a fundamental change in the political thought of Ayatollah Khomeini and the idea of Islamic government, which is explained in the book "Velayat-e-Faqih", can also be found in the book " Kashf e Asrar ", of course not explicitly. This lack of explicitness has been mainly due to historical, political and religious reasons. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - A Study of Mystical Epistemology in the Poems and Prose of Abd-Al Rahman Jami
        raheleh mirakhorli ghodratollah Khayatian Azim Hamzeian
        In Islamic mysticism, there are scattered discussions of epistemological issues. The distinguishing feature of Islamic mysticism from other mystical branches is the high and stable position of knowledge in it. Jami (d. 898 AH) has also dealt with the issue of knowledge More
        In Islamic mysticism, there are scattered discussions of epistemological issues. The distinguishing feature of Islamic mysticism from other mystical branches is the high and stable position of knowledge in it. Jami (d. 898 AH) has also dealt with the issue of knowledge and related issues. The main question is what issues has he raised about this science and to what extent? This research has been done in a descriptive-analytical way in his works and the results show that knowledge is a gift from God and the basis and the results of his journey depend on knowing Hagh, so that the one who attains the true knowledge has reached the level of annihilation and survival of God. He has made important discussions about the degrees of knowledge and the place of the senses, intellect, heart,unveiling and finding. According to him, the level of human knowledge is to the extent that with the manifestation of truth, he can become aware of his proven condition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - constitutionial and jurisprudential buoldings provide a judgs knowledge as a conflict of interest and evidence
        مهدی بهره مند ahmadreza tavakoli mohammadhadi mahdavi
        In this paper, the conflict between the judge's knowledge and other evidence of legal proof with an approach to the jurisprudential and ethical principles has been investigated. In the process of this research, the ethical, legal and jurisprudential issues and concepts More
        In this paper, the conflict between the judge's knowledge and other evidence of legal proof with an approach to the jurisprudential and ethical principles has been investigated. In the process of this research, the ethical, legal and jurisprudential issues and concepts in the direction of realization of the research foundations and the subject are presented and according to The moral principles, jurisprudential arguments, and the principled rules of the authority of the judge's knowledge have been violated, with the statement that when claims with supposed arguments such as confessions and binetry that are incompletely explicable can be proved, then the first is the knowledge of the judge who has the whole Kashfit Is true. Therefore, during the process of hearing and issuing a vote, the necessity and necessity of realizing the persuasion of the judge's conscience is inevitable for the discovery of the truth, and this persuasion is based on moral standards such as patience, justice, justice, equality, and so on. Why The lack of these matters can be a barrier to the judge's knowledge of his conscience, for example, a judge who does not have a moral and social justice, will not be the judge of justice in the first instance. The priority of science has been proved by the judge's suspect and prioritization of Binet and the Emirates, Rahjān and the priority of the judge's knowledge. After verifying the priority of the judge's knowledge, based on the principles of jurisprudence and ethics that underlie their judgments, they can be innovated and redistributed. This study, as a judge and court judge, especially where the legislator has held silence as a conflict, finds that the judge can handle the priority of judge's judgment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Ethical challenges of Application of Nanotechnology Technology in Crime Detection
        Reza Soudi seyed ghasem zamani Abo-Mohammad Asgarkhani
        The complexities of social relationships in today's world complicate the way crimes are committed, and the discovery of complex crimes requires sophisticated and technical tools, and the traditional, long-standing method can not answer all the needs of society to detect More
        The complexities of social relationships in today's world complicate the way crimes are committed, and the discovery of complex crimes requires sophisticated and technical tools, and the traditional, long-standing method can not answer all the needs of society to detect crime. Nanotechnology, like other scientific fields, has also entered criminal science, and has been widely used to identify and assess the evidence and evidence gathered in the crime scene. Nanotechnology can be effective in preventing and detecting offenders due to its abundant capabilities in detecting and detecting the exact and rapid effects of crime. Using this technology in DNA detection and fingerprinting can provide new and scientific solutions for detecting and improving hidden effects containing DNA and fingers that will otherwise be unidentified. Today, the scope of criminal police activities is wider by utilizing the most advanced equipment and facilities for biotechnology and nano technology. Today, the use of electron microscopes, nano-sensors, biological sensors and various methods of nasal sputum has become commonplace in accredited police criminal laboratories, and the true discovery The crime remains the slightest ambiguity, with the advent of nanotechnology Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The meaning of life from the Islamic point of view and its relation to lifestyle
        zari pishegar Morteza  Samanun mohamad esmaeil said hashemi enayat sharifi
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equival More
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equivalent to the very purpose of life. The next question is that whether humans generate the meaning in their lives? Or the meaning exists per se and should be discovered by human? In the first case, the meaning of life becomes a fake matter and in the other case it becomes a real one. The divine religions, with the most decisive responses, are the best means to save humans from uncertainty and vanity in life. In the present study, the chosen viewpoint is that life becomes meaningful by the recognition of God and being connected to him. When the meaning becomes clear, then it would be the time for selecting the manner and type of behaviors and objectives in life. There is a strong connection between the meaning and the style of life. In this regard, some of the intellectuals’ opinions and viewpoints have been provided here. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The meaning of life from the Islamic point of view and its relation to the lifestyle
        zari pishegar Morteza  Samanun mohamad esmaeil said hashemi enayat sharifi
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equival More
        Does life have meaning? What is the meaning of life? Question about the meaning of life has a history as long as human’s life. One of the most important meanings in the phrase “the meaning of life" believed by Abrahamid's religions is that the meaning of life is equivalent to the very purpose of life. The next question is that whether humans generate the meaning in their lives? Or the meaning exists per se and should be discovered by human? In the first case, the meaning of life becomes a fake matter and in the other case it becomes a real one. The divine religions, with the most decisive responses, are the best means to save humans from uncertainty and vanity in life. In the present study, the chosen viewpoint is that life becomes meaningful by the recognition of God and being connected to him. When the meaning becomes clear, then it would be the time for selecting the manner and type of behaviors and objectives in life. There is a strong connection between the meaning and the style of life. In this regard, some of the intellectuals’ opinions and viewpoints have been provided here. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Analysis of the Theological Principles of the Authority of Absolute Suspicion in the Science of the Principles of Jurisprudence
        hormoz asadikohbad
        The issue of the theological principles of the authority of absolute suspicion ‎in the Occultation is one of the practical issues with a significant role in ijtihad and inference of rulings and has been and is as a battle of opinion among the Usulis, and since this issu More
        The issue of the theological principles of the authority of absolute suspicion ‎in the Occultation is one of the practical issues with a significant role in ijtihad and inference of rulings and has been and is as a battle of opinion among the Usulis, and since this issue is the boundary between theology and the principles of jurisprudence, necessitated that the theological foundations of this issue be examined in the principles of jurisprudence in order to strengthen the authority of absolute suspicion; Therefore, the current paper aims at investigating the authority of absolute suspicion in the science of the principles of jurisprudence. This is a descriptive-analytical paper. The findings indicate the unconditional authority of absolute suspicion‎, especially when the Ummah is deprived of the presence of the Infallible Imam. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - نقش توانایی شبکه کارآفرین در کشف فرصت‌های کارآفرینی (شبکه‌های اجتماعی کارآفرینی فعال در اینستاگرام و تلگرام)
        e n
      • Open Access Article

        15 - رتبه بندی متدولوژیهای تعیین اهداف دولت الكترونيك با رویکردMADM فازی
        Alireza Aliahmadi Fatemeh Saghafi mehdi ghazanfari
      • Open Access Article

        16 - بررسی جایگاه داده¬کاوی در فرآیند مدیریت دانش و ارائه مدل مفهومی جهت استخراج دانش (پیاده¬سازی عملیاتی وگام به گام مدل پیشنهادی بر پایگاه داده یک اپراتور تلفن همراه)
      • Open Access Article

        17 - بررسی جایگاه داده¬کاوی در فرآیند مدیریت دانش و ارائه مدل مفهومی جهت استخراج دانش (پیاده¬سازی عملیاتی وگام به گام مدل پیشنهادی بر پایگاه داده یک اپراتور تلفن همراه)
      • Open Access Article

        18 - بررسی جایگاه داده¬کاوی در فرآیند مدیریت دانش و ارائه مدل مفهومی جهت استخراج دانش (پیاده¬سازی عملیاتی وگام به گام مدل پیشنهادی بر پایگاه داده یک اپراتور تلفن همراه)
      • Open Access Article

        19 - The Semantic Emergence of "Exploratory-Intuitive Architecture" from the Analysis of the Ideas and Opinions of Iran's Contemporary Famous Architects in Cultural Works, based on the Reflection of Environmental Aesthetics in the Genius Loci
        Rezvaneh Mansouri Farah  Habib Azadeh  Shahcheraghi
        The purpose of this study is to explain the semantic conceptual model of "Disciplinary-Architecture" to analyze the ideas and opinions of contemporary Iranian architects in the cultural space based on environmental aesthetic reflection in the genios loci. The presen More
        The purpose of this study is to explain the semantic conceptual model of "Disciplinary-Architecture" to analyze the ideas and opinions of contemporary Iranian architects in the cultural space based on environmental aesthetic reflection in the genios loci. The present study is practical in terms of purpose and has been analyzed with an inductive approach. In nature, qualitatively describes existing information and component inductive analysis in theoretical subject matter. The method of collecting information by library relying on valid documents using the logical analysis method describes and analyzes theoretical propositions. The propositions have then been extracted, categorized and analyzed from the point of view of a number of contemporary Iranian architects and the views of the field of research. From the findings he suggested that the genios loci of communication with spiritual worlds and the underlying layers of the human soul can be possible. Because intuition is one of the semantic components due to sensory diversity and plurality in simple detail while complexity, in the form of a united whole, the aesthetic concerns of users. In this way, the discovery and intuition with the ability to safely predict the exciting at the same time have an impact on the integration of shared patterns of human emotions and senses. The criteria set forth in explaining a new model of environmental aesthetics in achieving the genios loci through "intuitive-intuitive architecture" lead to "extensive understanding" in contemporary architectural artifacts. Manuscript profile