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        1 - A Critical Study of Bidel’s Thoughts Reflected in One of His Sonnets
        ali mohammadi
        Bidel’s fame and greatness is not limited just to the manner of expressing his thoughts and its linguistic subtlety. Part of the glory of his poetry originates from his thoughts which is as mysterious and symbolic as his language. If we took it for granted that there is More
        Bidel’s fame and greatness is not limited just to the manner of expressing his thoughts and its linguistic subtlety. Part of the glory of his poetry originates from his thoughts which is as mysterious and symbolic as his language. If we took it for granted that there is stylistic prominence at the semantic level of Bidel’s poetry, we could ask how the prominent features could be realized in the form of sonnet. When sonnet as a literary form is a place to express lyricism, how thought and love are put together there? Regarding the factor of thought, can Bidel’s sonnets be treated as a special kind of sonnet? At the present article, having studied one of the Bidel’s famous sonnets critically, with special focus on its content and the thoughts involved, we have come to the conclusion that just as the poetry of Hindi Style is distinguished in terms of its form, it is distinguished in terms of its content; and this fact is evident in Bidel’s sonnets as the famous exemplar of this style. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Resolving Zeno’s Paradoxes Based on the Theory of the “Linear Analytic Summation” and Evaluation of Evolution of Responsesa
        Reza Shakeri Ali Abedi Shahroodi
        Zeno challenged the problem of motion following his master Parmenides and presented his criticisms of the theory of motion based on four arguments that in fact introduced the paradoxes of this theory. These paradoxes, which contradict an evident problem (motion), provok More
        Zeno challenged the problem of motion following his master Parmenides and presented his criticisms of the theory of motion based on four arguments that in fact introduced the paradoxes of this theory. These paradoxes, which contradict an evident problem (motion), provoked some reactions. This paper initially refers to two of Zeno’s paradoxes and then presents the responses provided by some thinkers of different periods. In his response to Zeno’s paradoxes, Aristotle separated the actual and potential runs of motion and, following a mathematical approach, resorted to the concept of infinitely small sizes. Kant has also referred to this problem in his antinomies. Secondly, the authors explain the theory of linear analytic summation, which consists of two elements: 1) The distance between two points of transfer can be divided infinitely; however, the absolute value of the subsequent distance is always smaller than the absolute value of the previous distance; 2) since the infinitude of the division is of an analytic rather than a synthetic nature, the summation limit of these distances will be equal to the initial distance. Based on this theory, as motion is not free of direction and continuous limits, an integral limit of distance is traversed at each moment, and the analytic, successive, and infinite limits of distance are determined. The final section of this paper is intended to evaluate the responses given to the paradoxes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Studying Historical Precedence of “Constancy of the Change” in the Relationship between the Changing and the Constant
        Mahdi Assadi
        We know that in Ṣadrian Philosophy changing of motion is usually the very constancy of it and just this explains the relationship between the constant and the changing. The important problem that here appears is whether anyone previous to Mullā Ṣadrā was the follower of More
        We know that in Ṣadrian Philosophy changing of motion is usually the very constancy of it and just this explains the relationship between the constant and the changing. The important problem that here appears is whether anyone previous to Mullā Ṣadrā was the follower of constancy of the change? The main purpose of the essay is studying just this. What is certain is the fact that criticizing constancy of the change is of a long precedence in Muslim world and therefore we will show these historical criticisms in our paper based on the documents. But that many in resolving the problem of constant-changing relation have attributed constancy of the change to the previous Muslim philosophers does not seem to be so firm claim: although some thinkers previous to Ṣadrā have said about constant-changing relation that the sphere in its circular motion is permanent and constant, they have not considered this to be the final response to the constant-changing relation. Eventually, we will have a glance at the fact that Ṣadrian constancy of the change can be criticized because of, for example, the reason that if it is accepted this strange view would be required that the universal must be existent in the external world contradictorily both as one and many at the same time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Historical Background of the Theory of Immutability of Change in the Problem of the Relation of the Changing to the Immutable
        Mahdi Assadi
        In Sadrian philosophy the change in motion is the same as its immutability, which justifies the relationship between the changing to the immutable. The question here is whether the theory of immutability of change had any supporters before Mullā Ṣadrā. The main purpose More
        In Sadrian philosophy the change in motion is the same as its immutability, which justifies the relationship between the changing to the immutable. The question here is whether the theory of immutability of change had any supporters before Mullā Ṣadrā. The main purpose of this study is to provide an appropriate response to this question. This theory has been criticized by Muslim thinkers and philosophers for a very long time. Therefore, this paper provides a discussion of the most important of such criticisms based on available evidence. Some scholars have attributed the theory of immutability of change to early philosophers in order to solve the problem of the relation of the changing to the immutable and support their own views, which does not seem to be based on solid evidence. Prior to Mullā Ṣadrā, some philosophers maintained that the heavenly sphere enjoys continuity and fixity in its evolution; however, this cannot be considered as a final resolution to the problem of the relation of the changing to the fixed. Here, the author concludes that the fixity of Sadrian change should be criticized because it leads to accepting a view attributed to Rajol Hamedani about the “universal”. Manuscript profile