• List of Articles نوآوري

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Role of Research and Development Centers in System of Innovation (R&D)
        mohsen keshavarz mohsen rahimi مجيد  سليمي
        : One critical factor which has given rise to the gap among countries is the difference among them regarding their capabilities for fostering innovation in all aspect including political, economic, culture and social. Given the rapid technology advancement so far, and w More
        : One critical factor which has given rise to the gap among countries is the difference among them regarding their capabilities for fostering innovation in all aspect including political, economic, culture and social. Given the rapid technology advancement so far, and with regard to predictions as to the continuation of the existing trend in the future, one can say the gap will be enlarged in the years to come if no precautions are taken. One way to cope with the challenge is to improve the innovation capacity within the country through increasing research and development activities in all economic sectors countries with more costs spent on research are more developed technologically and industrially. Therefore, the article seeks to explore the role of research and development centers in innovation; the methodology used to achieve this goal was documental analysis. Findings indicate there ought to be appropriate interactions among the main components of "National Innovation System", i.e. government, industry, university and other research institutions; these interactions need to be accomplished through expanding research and development activities and making applicable the finding of research. Therefore, one can conclude there exists a direct relationship between research and innovation and hence the actual development in all countries, especially Iran .So, the obstacles impeding the progress of research and innovation (some of which have been reviewed in this study) should be abolished. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Ideal Model of Interaction between Government, Industry and University: The Case Study Experiences of Iranian Technology Cooperation Office (TCO)
        hamidreza amirinia ali bitab
        Today, innovation is considered to be the main factor affecting the long-term growth of nations. This, in turn, justifies the vast amount of studies this issue. Regarding the aforementioned prominence, the present study aims at investigating different theories and patte More
        Today, innovation is considered to be the main factor affecting the long-term growth of nations. This, in turn, justifies the vast amount of studies this issue. Regarding the aforementioned prominence, the present study aims at investigating different theories and pattern for innovation at the national level including: linear model, systemic approach and triple helix. University-Industry-Government (UIG) linkage and its transformation in Iran more deeply is reviewed. Then, the experiences of Iranian presidency Technology Cooperation Office (TCO) are investigated. Finally, policy implications from the studied cases are mentioned as the conclusion Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - پيشبرد ارتباط صنعت و دانشگاه در قالب نظام ملي نوآوري مطالعه‌ي موردي فن‌‌بازار
        kamal tabaeian alireza boushehri
      • Open Access Article

        4 - جايگاه مديريت منابع انساني در تجاري‌سازي نتايج تحقيقات در دانشگاه‌ها
        طهمورث  حسنقلی پور سید مهدی شریفی
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Entrepreneurial University, Requirements and Musts
        heydar mirfakhreddin
        The change in the role of the university due to the change in economic-political orientations at the end of the Cold War, led to a change in attitudes toward research in academic centers. Given the new economic orientations that have shifted the role of economic managem More
        The change in the role of the university due to the change in economic-political orientations at the end of the Cold War, led to a change in attitudes toward research in academic centers. Given the new economic orientations that have shifted the role of economic management from government to market and have led to a change in attitudes toward research in universities and research centers, the demand has emerged that universities should minimize the public resources used in research. To compensate and play a more active role in the growth and development of society.At the same time, the formation of the knowledge-based economy has highlighted the role of knowledge as a more prominent factor in creating added value, wealth creation than the traditional factors of production in the economy, namely land, labor and capital. In addition to research and education, the university has another third role, which is to participate in the socio-economic development of society.These changes in the approach to resource allocation and the role of knowledge in wealth creation and the change in the direction of economic management have led to growing attention to the commercialization approach to research results in universities and research centers in developed countries. He concluded that research results should be sold to private and public sector companies in order to create other sources of revenue for these centers while funding research activities.Commercialization means turning research results into products, services, and processes that can be sold. Thus, this process emphasizes the application of research results and the creation of economic value for these results.As a result, fostering entrepreneurial ideas in the process of business development for wealth creation, value creation, taking advantage of comparative opportunities and advantages, and combining innovations and technologies in the direction of economic dynamism; Directing stray capital and directing investment flows in productive and entrepreneurial businesses within the university's capabilities;Social partners and students and teachers; It is recommended to prevent the erosion of entrepreneurial businesses in the light of continuous and process-oriented facilitations in the dimensions of consulting, financial, institutional, etc. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Innovation and Exports Based on High Technology: Comparison of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Vision Plan Countries
        Abolfazll Shahabadi Haniyeh Samari
        Most of the nation’s economic power to dominate the regional and trans-regional markets depends on the knowledge and technology and its application in creating various products consistent with the current worldwide demand. The use of technology in production and export More
        Most of the nation’s economic power to dominate the regional and trans-regional markets depends on the knowledge and technology and its application in creating various products consistent with the current worldwide demand. The use of technology in production and export leads to increased competiveness strength and enhanced worldwide market share. This study investigates the effect of innovation on high technology exports of Iran in comparison to the selected countries mentioned in the vision plan during 2007-2012 in order to provide policy recommendations to achieve the vision plan goals and seriously addressing the economic sanctions. The results indicate a positive relationship between innovation and high technology exports in studied countries. Among the studied countries, the worst and the best performance on high technology exports respectively are Qatar and Turkey. Iran ranked second in the region on high technology exports and in the couple of innovation indicators (The number of patents and scientific and technical papers) but for the other indicators of innovation, the situation is not desirable. Despite the presence of young and graduated generation and the development of higher education, due to inconsistencies between macroeconomic policies and research and innovation policies and also the lack of demand-driven innovative activities, still Iran has not reached the top position in exports of high technology in the region. So to seriously deal with economic sanctions and to achieve Vision′s goals, it is necessary to adopt appropriate macroeconomic policies in order to create demand for the development of innovation activities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Investigation of the Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) in Iran’s Innovation System: Case Study: the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR)
        Reza Ansari Hamidreza Tayebi
        National innovation system (NIS) as a system approach to innovation is composed of institutions that interact with each other for creation, dissemination and application of new knowledge commercially, acting within the boundaries of a country. One of these institutions More
        National innovation system (NIS) as a system approach to innovation is composed of institutions that interact with each other for creation, dissemination and application of new knowledge commercially, acting within the boundaries of a country. One of these institutions is research and technology organizations (RTOs). In most countries, such organizations exist independently and non-corporate. In the innovation system, the role of intermediaries (especially RTOs) in the innovation process is an important element of successful innovation. RTOs in developing countries are, therefore, important actors in NIS, since they contribute significantly in the intensive learning process, which enabled these countries to successfully catch up with developed ones and, subsequently, shape their economy into a Knowledge Based Economy. The most prominent of such organizations in the innovation system of Iran, is the academic center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR). This article reviews and explains the research and technology organizations in the National Innovation System and studies ACECR as an example. Also, this article reviews reasons of formation for, distinguishing features, functions and domains of activity and position of research and technology organizations in National innovation system. Furthermore, the position of ACECR is explained as a Research and Technology Organization in Iran’s innovation system and finally some recommendations related to the role of ACECR in the innovation system of Iran and it’s domains of activity are made. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Successful Technology Commercialization Through Team Approach
        Mostafa Baghdadi Marziyah Sahverdi
        Ideation, research, and technological innovation is valuable when leads to wealth creation. Commercialization is a way for linking science to economy and create wealth from innovation. Several factors, such as creative thinking, appropriate know-how, entrepreneurial thi More
        Ideation, research, and technological innovation is valuable when leads to wealth creation. Commercialization is a way for linking science to economy and create wealth from innovation. Several factors, such as creative thinking, appropriate know-how, entrepreneurial thinking and spirit, and financial resources, need to get together to gain success in technology development and commercialization. But rarely an individual can have all these features. So the best solution for successful commercialization is formation of a team of four different characters with the above properties: These characters are inventor/innovator, investor, technologist and entrepreneure. This paper implies definition and concepts of commercialization, and thirteen steps in commercialization process, from ideation to success development and growth. Then introduces “innovation team” as one of the solutions for successful commercialization and describes the characteristics of team members and their roles at different stages of commercialization. In order to achieve more and better results in the area of commercialization, at the end of the paper there are recommendations with regard to Iran’s conditions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Comparative Analytic Approach to Research & Development in Iran and Some Developed Countries
        Morteza Jamali Paghalue Ehsan Shafiezadeh
        The importance of investment on Research and Development (R&D) has been assumed as a clear and obvious matter in advanced industrial countries, and today it is the R&D that will determine how to allocate the budget and financial issues. Now, investment in R&D units is c More
        The importance of investment on Research and Development (R&D) has been assumed as a clear and obvious matter in advanced industrial countries, and today it is the R&D that will determine how to allocate the budget and financial issues. Now, investment in R&D units is considered as a competitive advantage. Nowadays, only those countries are able to participate and survive on competitive challenges at the international levels which are determined consistently to employ the latest technologies and it cannot be obtained unless they possess dynamic and globally-adjusted R&D centers. In this paper, overviewing the literature of this regard, we go through the analysis and description of R&D success factors and its position in Iran and some developed countries such as Japan, USA, and China. Following an adaptive comparison, some solutions are portrayed to improve the place of research in Iran. In the first step, is the government via providing financial support, facilities, and encouraging and promising environment for the researchers, and in the second step, researchers should engage in innovation and service to our country via strengthening national loyalty and learning about the latest scientific methods in the world,. Especially universities -as thinker entities and society’s great scientific and cultural sources- must establish science-based approach as the dominant thought and endeavor toward applying the researches in the country. This will obtain through constant and proper communication between institutions and academic research centers, and spreading the culture of science and research among the public. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Competitiveness Assessment of OPEC Member: with an Emphasis on Innovation-driven Componets
        Abolfazll Shahabadi Hamed Sadeghi
        Competitiveness is an issue that in recent decade has shifted the attention of many researchers and policymakers to its side. In today's world of expanding globalization, countries are employing all their efforts and use all of their capacities to be able to gain more s More
        Competitiveness is an issue that in recent decade has shifted the attention of many researchers and policymakers to its side. In today's world of expanding globalization, countries are employing all their efforts and use all of their capacities to be able to gain more shares of international markets by improving the competitiveness. Among the factors that increase the competitiveness of the countries, the basic needs indicators, efficiency-driven and innovation-driven can be noted that all of them have been considered in Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum as one of the most reliable sources of competitiveness at the national level. In this paper, we try to investigate the status of overall index of competitiveness and innovation and basic factors influencing the competitiveness among OPEC members according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011. The results show that the state of competitiveness among countries is not so appropriate, also it should be noted that their competitive power is largely dependent on infrastructure and macroeconomic environment which themselves function from oil exports and foreign exchange revenues. Beside, the innovation components of their competitiveness are poor. Thus, it should be noted that the economic decision- makers in these countries are recommended to push their competitive power toward relying on innovation-driven components which have more flexibility and seek higher value-added for them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Identifying the Effective Factors of Fast-Growth Companies: The Case of “Behestan Daru” Co..
        Hojatollah Moradi pour Hamid Hoseinloo
        The objective of this paper is to identify the factors affecting the fast-growing companies. Based on the conceptual framework and literature review, this paper reviews four dimensions identified as the main factors of fast-growing companies. They comprise leaders’ char More
        The objective of this paper is to identify the factors affecting the fast-growing companies. Based on the conceptual framework and literature review, this paper reviews four dimensions identified as the main factors of fast-growing companies. They comprise leaders’ characteristics, opportunity awareness, innovation and human capital. A questionnaire is used to collect data. The sample frame that will be used for the research will be the managers and employees with minimum six years of experience in the Behestan Daru Company. The techniques of the study were employed to analyze the data including Student's T test; analyzing Correlation and Friedman rank test. The results of this paper show that the above four dimensions have positive and significant effects on the fast-growing company. Furthermore, from the managers’ viewpoints, the factors are ranked according to their relative importance as follows: leaders’ characteristics, human capital, opportunity recognition and innovation while from the employees’ viewpoint they are ranked in the following order: leaders’ characteristics, opportunity awareness, human capital and innovation. Thus each of these sub-branches of the factors that can also be important from the perspective of their managers and experts are outlined as: Production and delivering new products, creative entrepreneurs, people with characteristics fitting the job description, an assessment of managers and staff periodically, circumstances, environment, management's ability to perceive entrepreneurial opportunities, identifying the potentials, experience in the organization, and entrepreneurial experience. In this study the conceptual framework of indicators that is another indicator of the interviewed managers and the experts was asked including communication, age, empowerment and financial capacities, organizational cultures, which are all influencing the fast growth. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Managing Innovation with Corporate Approach; A Comparative Analysis of Japanese and Korean Firms
        Jafar Bagheri Nejad fahime sadaat Hoseini baharnarenji
        Innovation is the capability of identifying opportunities and using their advantages. These opportunities are not just opening new markets but include the innovative processes and ways for existing markets. Actually, innovation is not just production of goods, and examp More
        Innovation is the capability of identifying opportunities and using their advantages. These opportunities are not just opening new markets but include the innovative processes and ways for existing markets. Actually, innovation is not just production of goods, and examples of innovation can be seen in the service sector and public and private sectors. Innovation intrinsically is a risky project and even developed firms cannot accept infinite risks. In fact, the question is not that if innovation should be done or not, but rather how this innovation can be successful and which feedback could be gained from its success and failure and reaching a pattern that can be applied in future activities. Always the main question has been "whether or not we can control and manage what is known as innovation". At first glance, it might seem that managing innovation is impossible and a complex process. But we believe that despite the uncertain and apparently random-nature of the innovation, it is possible to find an underlying pattern of success. Innovation is a "management" issue because there are decisions to be made about resources, disposition, composition and coordination among them. In this paper after expressing concepts of innovation and managing innovation, a conceptual model and its usage structure is presented in order to concentrate on key aspects of managing innovation. Next, creation and maintenance of an innovative organizational context will be discussed and finally a comparative analysis of managing innovation between Japanese and Korean firms will be reflected. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Suggest NIS in aviation industry of IRAN with Comparison of air industry NIS in Japan, Russia & Brazil .
        Amin Torkaman
        For improving a technology it is essential to enactive NIS to help technology to be grown. It is same for Aviation industry too. Aviation industry is one of the seven major industries in the world in future. And improvement in this field can cause improvement in other i More
        For improving a technology it is essential to enactive NIS to help technology to be grown. It is same for Aviation industry too. Aviation industry is one of the seven major industries in the world in future. And improvement in this field can cause improvement in other industrial fields. On the other hand one of the most important way for technology catch-up is Benchmarking. Benchmarking help us to see how can be successful. Three factors act major roles in air industry: first, economies of scale. Second, airframe manufacturing .Third, in the case of airplanes, development, modification and maintenance require extremely intimate manufacturer-customer relations or user-active innovation. In this sense, every passenger jet that takes-off, is in fact a customized product rather than a homogenous commodity. These three are the most important things to pay attention in air industry in this article .here we compare NIS in Japan, Russia, Brazil and analyze what they have done for improving aviation industry. And see which of them is more successful. Then choose the most suitable and compare Iranian air industry with the prosperous country. And suggest a NIS model for IRAN. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Contrastive Analysis of Approaches and Frameworks in Evaluating Innovation
        Seyed Nooroddin Daronkolaei Hoseynreza Alizadeh Vlokolaei
        The literature existing in innovation evaluation can be studied in two ways: 1) innovation evaluation at company level 2) innovation evaluation at national level. Innovation evaluation at company level is useful to make decisions in allocation of resources for innovatio More
        The literature existing in innovation evaluation can be studied in two ways: 1) innovation evaluation at company level 2) innovation evaluation at national level. Innovation evaluation at company level is useful to make decisions in allocation of resources for innovation activities, to choose the fields in which innovation is expected to produce high economical return, and also to manage innovation strategies inside the enterprises. At national level policymakers need the information acquired from innovation evaluation in studying the existing situation, future developments trend, getting feedback from positive and negative effects of the existing policies, and making appropriate policies. According to the literature related to the title of the study, we have tried to mention the similarities and differences of the studies done in innovation evaluation by contrastive analysis of them. In similarity section, innovation process and technological changes measurement are mentioned. Also in differences section the level of analysis and providing indicators for measuring all three fields of systematic process of innovation are mentioned. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - The role of government, university and industry in national innovation system in iran
        Reza Radfar Abass Khamse
        Rapid changes of technology in the past decades are caused that the countries find out the importance of innovation more than the last. Complex interaction between technology and innovation is caused the creation and appearance of innovation systems. The National Innova More
        Rapid changes of technology in the past decades are caused that the countries find out the importance of innovation more than the last. Complex interaction between technology and innovation is caused the creation and appearance of innovation systems. The National Innovation System (NIS) plays the important role of commercializing the ideas and continuous transfer of knowledge from knowledge creation up to its application and commercialization in national level. Main components of this system include organizations and institutions from one hand, and the rules and procedures in the other hand. This system has the role of creation, propagation and the use of innovations. In other words, NIS is a comprehensive system that is formed by; policy makers in government, creators of new ideas and knowledge, knowledge users and various types of their interaction. In this paper we have tried to study the function of government, university and industry and their interactions in NIS Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Iranian Intellectual Property System
        Mahdi Godarzi Seyed Kamran Bagheri
        This paper is based on a research to evaluate the Iranian Intellectual Property System (IIPS) and its role in technology development at national level. First, the major functions of IIPS and its transactions with the Iranian National Innovation System (NIS) are examined More
        This paper is based on a research to evaluate the Iranian Intellectual Property System (IIPS) and its role in technology development at national level. First, the major functions of IIPS and its transactions with the Iranian National Innovation System (NIS) are examined. Then, IIPS is benchmarked against the IP systems in Japan, South Korea and China. Finally, a set of policy recommendations is suggested for the effectively improvement of IIPS and national Technology Policymaking in Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Entrepreneur Universities, National Innovative System and Knowledge-based Development.
        Mehdi Fateh rad Hamidreza Taghiyari
        nowledge-based development as the key element of the countrys 20- year National Vision as well as the fourth Development Plan requires National innovation system (NIS) to facilitate innovations in both macro and micro social levels. The NIS system emerges as functions b More
        nowledge-based development as the key element of the countrys 20- year National Vision as well as the fourth Development Plan requires National innovation system (NIS) to facilitate innovations in both macro and micro social levels. The NIS system emerges as functions based on entrepreneur university as the third generation university to succeed. Therefore, alongside education and research, undergoing big changes of traditional universities and accepting economical development, brings about the conductivity of technological innovations especially in high tech environments. This, in turn, strengthens the NIS foundations providing a proper platform for knowledge-based development. This has many positive and successful examples worldwide regardless of culture or boudndaries. The paper deals with different aspects of this subject. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Research and Technology in National Innovation System of Iran
        Behzad Soltani
        This article is a contrastive study among National Innovation System, National Research System, and Technology System, about inputs, processes, outputs, objectives and strategies. The study shows that there are many differences among them. the viewpoint of NIS is more c More
        This article is a contrastive study among National Innovation System, National Research System, and Technology System, about inputs, processes, outputs, objectives and strategies. The study shows that there are many differences among them. the viewpoint of NIS is more comprehensive and has less errors. This study is about Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Measuring of Technology and Innovation Index in Iran Compared with other Countries
        Saeed KiyanPour Alireza Salehi
        S tudies show that activities related to technology development and innovation are the main factors of economic growth. The purpose of this article is to introduce the Global Innovation Index (GII) and technology achievement index (TAI) and to evaluate Iran in these in More
        S tudies show that activities related to technology development and innovation are the main factors of economic growth. The purpose of this article is to introduce the Global Innovation Index (GII) and technology achievement index (TAI) and to evaluate Iran in these indicators. Our country has earned 120 through GII ranking in 2014. Previous studies reported of global innovation index show that our country has not been able to improve its position. Global Innovation Index is made up of 21 main variables that our country in the variable of higher education, research and development, knowledge creation and public infrastructure is better than other variables. It earned the lowest score In variables of political environment, experience and competitive, knowledge dissemination and knowledge in comparison with other variables. It means our country has good position in Input Components especially in high education but in Components of output has not good condition. Another indicator is access to technology; this index includes the creation of new technologies, release new innovations, diffusion of old innovations and human skills that in this indicator are member of intermediate these countries. Studying Composite indicators show that policymakers should pay more attention to improve innovations until creation results of research and innovation for community. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - Determining the Process of Technological Innovation: from Generation to Commercialization and Diffusion of the Idea
        Yaser Ghasemi nejad
        Not only innovation being the foundation and basis for technology, but also is considering as a driver of technological changes in organization. That means the transition and evolution of technology depends to the creativity and innovation. Thus industrial organizations More
        Not only innovation being the foundation and basis for technology, but also is considering as a driver of technological changes in organization. That means the transition and evolution of technology depends to the creativity and innovation. Thus industrial organizations by the process of new and innovative products and services make changes in technology frontiers. Considering researches have been done in a context of innovation, we can see that lots of researchers referred to the importance of innovation process to intensify competitiveness and productivity. But, in related to determining the critical phases in process of technological innovation, a comprehensive research has not been observed. In this research with using Content Analysis Method, a new category of critical dimensions, components, and indicators in technological innovation process of organization, has been represented by surveying the past studies in relation with innovation process. With revision and surveying the theories of different researchers in relation with the subject of technological innovation process, research's result subdivided in three dimensions accompanied with its components and indicators namely “Idea Generation”, “Idea Implementation”, and “Commercialization and Diffusion”. Based on this research organizations should more focus on idea evaluation and implementation dimension. Finally indicators like “growing process of idea concepts in a practical and usable way”, “identification of problems and needs of the organization”, “employee’s freedom in doing work process”, and also “using marketing knowledge, and selling and diffusion skills” have been the most important indicators affecting in Implementation of technological innovation process Manuscript profile
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        21 - طراحی مدل مفهومي نوآوري آينده نگر
            Kolsoum Abbasi-Shahkooh
      • Open Access Article

        22 - Studying the Barriers of Innovation in Organizational Training: the usage of content analysis in training sector of national Iranian oil company
        The current paper concentrated on the importance and necessity of innovation in today's organizations. Due to the important role and effect of training in organizational performance and prosperity, innovation in company training has been investigated. The core problem i More
        The current paper concentrated on the importance and necessity of innovation in today's organizations. Due to the important role and effect of training in organizational performance and prosperity, innovation in company training has been investigated. The core problem is the exploration of the innovation barriers in organizational training. In this study the qualitative research method and content analysis have been used. The main question is that, what are the factors on organizational innovation in the training sector of national Iranian oil company (NIOC)? To find these factors, innovation barriers in the training sector, we applied interview due to considering the organizational context. The interviewees were the training experts in the companywide. The finding has shown that 7 factors are the most important barriers on organizational innovation in NIOC training sector which should remove them to have innovative training. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Extracting Innovation Strategies and Requirements for Telecommunication Companies: Case Study of Telecommunications Infrastructure Company
        Alireza Esmaeeli Alireza Asgharian Takavash Bahreini Nasrin Dastranj Mahshid Ghaffarzadegan Kolsoum Abbasi-Shahkooh Mandana Farzaneh Homeyra Moghadami
        The purpose of this study is to identify effective innovation strategies for a governmental organization and mission-oriented in the field of communication and information technology. The characteristics of the company under study are: governmental organization, having More
        The purpose of this study is to identify effective innovation strategies for a governmental organization and mission-oriented in the field of communication and information technology. The characteristics of the company under study are: governmental organization, having a monopoly market, scattered actions in the field of innovation, having managers interested in organizational innovation and has a clear and up-to-date strategy and structure. In this paper, innovation strategies were collected using comparative studies of similar international companies. Then by using the method of thematic analysis on the data obtained from semi-structured interviews, the strengths and weaknesses related to the innovation were identified. By matching these two categories of information, a number of appropriate strategies have been proposed and their implementation considerations have been expressed based on the specific characteristics of this company. Accordingly, suggestions for future research of this company have been presented to identify appropriate methods of implementation of organizational innovation in similar circumstances. Manuscript profile