Ideal Model of Interaction between Government, Industry and University: The Case Study Experiences of Iranian Technology Cooperation Office (TCO)
Subject Areas :hamidreza amirinia 1 , ali bitab 2
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2 - Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: innovation, UIG linkage, triple helix,
Abstract :
Today, innovation is considered to be the main factor affecting the long-term growth of nations. This, in turn, justifies the vast amount of studies this issue. Regarding the aforementioned prominence, the present study aims at investigating different theories and pattern for innovation at the national level including: linear model, systemic approach and triple helix. University-Industry-Government (UIG) linkage and its transformation in Iran more deeply is reviewed. Then, the experiences of Iranian presidency Technology Cooperation Office (TCO) are investigated. Finally, policy implications from the studied cases are mentioned as the conclusion
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