• List of Articles نفوذی

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Magma mixing in Dehe Bala granodiorites and their mafic enclaves, SW of Boein Zahra: Evidence for I type calc-alkaline magmatism from both lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources
        Zeynab Gharamohammadi Fatemeh  Najmi
        Dehe Bala granodioritic pluton with an E-W trend is exposed approximately 45 km south-west of Boein Zahra town, Qazvin province. This pluton includes several mafic microgranular enclaves (MMES) with diorite and quartz monzodiorite in composition. The ellipsoidal and rou More
        Dehe Bala granodioritic pluton with an E-W trend is exposed approximately 45 km south-west of Boein Zahra town, Qazvin province. This pluton includes several mafic microgranular enclaves (MMES) with diorite and quartz monzodiorite in composition. The ellipsoidal and rounded enclaves with 2 to 30 cm in sizes have been scattered in host granodiorites. The enclaves commonly have a sharp contact with the host granodiorites. Textural evidence indicative of disequilibrium condition, include plagioclase with oscillatory zoning and repeated resorption surfaces, acicular apatite and quartz ocelli as chemical and/or thermal changes in the melt during crystal growth and as evidence for occurrence of magma mixing. The enclaves enriched in LILES and LREES and are depleted in HFSES. The SiO2 content of the granodiorite ranges from 64.2 to 66.9 wt%. They are high-k calc-alkaline in composition, displaying a metaluminous character (A/CNK<1.1). Enrichment of incompatible elements such as La, Ce, Rb, Th, K and Nd coupled with negative anomalies of Ti, Ba, Eu, Nb and P implying the role of the lower crust in the formation of the granodioritic magma, but relatively high content of Mg value (0.39 – 0.43) suggest that the granodiorites were generated by mixing of mantle-derived mafic magma with felsic melt derived by partial melting of lower crust. The MMEs are characterized by relatively low contents of SiO2 = 52.8–58.2 wt%, moderate K2O=1.4-3.8 and high Mg (0.4 -0.46). Geochemical features and values of Dy/Yb=1.6 – 1.8 in MMES suggest that enclave magmas were derived by partial melting of the mantle wedge in the spinel–garnet transition zone and they have partially evolved in contact with fusion of crust-derived felsic magmas. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Magma mixing in Dehe Bala granodiorites and their mafic enclaves, SW of Boein Zahra: Evidence for I type calc-alkaline magmatism from both lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources
        Zeynab  Gharamohammadi علی  کنعانیان Mohsen Zargham
        Dehe Bala granodioritic pluton with an E-W trend is exposed approximately 45 km south-west of Boein Zahra town, Qazvin province. This pluton includes several mafic microgranular enclaves (MMES) with diorite and quartz monzodiorite in composition. The ellipsoidal and rou More
        Dehe Bala granodioritic pluton with an E-W trend is exposed approximately 45 km south-west of Boein Zahra town, Qazvin province. This pluton includes several mafic microgranular enclaves (MMES) with diorite and quartz monzodiorite in composition. The ellipsoidal and rounded enclaves with 2 to 30 cm in sizes have been scattered in host granodiorites. The enclaves commonly have a sharp contact with the host granodiorites. Textural evidence indicative of disequilibrium condition, include plagioclase with oscillatory zoning and repeated resorption surfaces, acicular apatite and quartz ocelli as chemical and/or thermal changes in the melt during crystal growth and as evidence for occurrence of magma mixing. The enclaves enriched in LILES and LREES and are depleted in HFSES. The SiO2 content of the granodiorite ranges from 64.2 to 66.9 wt%. They are high-k calc-alkaline in composition, displaying a metaluminous character (A/CNK<1.1). Enrichment of incompatible elements such as La, Ce, Rb, Th, K and Nd coupled with negative anomalies of Ti, Ba, Eu, Nb and P implying the role of the lower crust in the formation of the granodioritic magma, but relatively high content of Mg value (0.39 – 0.43) suggest that the granodiorites were generated by mixing of mantle-derived mafic magma with felsic melt derived by partial melting of lower crust. The MMEs are characterized by relatively low contents of SiO2 = 52.8–58.2 wt%, moderate K2O=1.4-3.8 and high Mg (0.4 -0.46). Geochemical features and values of Dy/Yb=1.6 – 1.8 in MMES suggest that enclave magmas were derived by partial melting of the mantle wedge in the spinel–garnet transition zone and they have partially evolved in contact with fusion of crust-derived felsic magmas. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Comparison of hydrothermal alteration features (zones) of Torud-Chah Shirin magmatic Arc in north and south of the Torud village using Aster image and chemical analyses
        Masoud Akhyani Mahdi Kharghani Farhang Sereshgi Morteza rahimi
        Torud - Chah Shirin volcanic-plutonic complex, related to Eocene series, is located about 130 kilometers south of Shahrood, in the south and north of Torud village. This zone is located in 54˚20' to 55˚20' east longitude and 35˚10' to 35˚40' north latitude. The presence More
        Torud - Chah Shirin volcanic-plutonic complex, related to Eocene series, is located about 130 kilometers south of Shahrood, in the south and north of Torud village. This zone is located in 54˚20' to 55˚20' east longitude and 35˚10' to 35˚40' north latitude. The presence of several mineral occurrences, especially base metal veins of epithermal origin and the intrusion of igneous acidic to intermediate bodies in volcanic rocks of the area caused different alternation and mineralization in some parts of the area and increased the economic importance of the magmatic complex for geological studies. False color composites (FCC), band ratios (BR) and spectral angle mapping (SAM) which were performed on ASTER dataset for discrimination of alteration of argillic, advanced argillic, phyllic and prophyllitic zones and evaluation of results by XRD analysis, are the fundamental information for this research. The field studies and XRD analyses of different zones resulted in adaptation with logical operator algorithms and revealed unremarkable volcanic alteration zone in the south of Torud, in comparison with volcanic zone in the north of Torud. In addition, altering in threshold of algorithm band ratio can be used to find better results in discrimination of argillic and phyllic alterations. Then based on the presence of indicator minerals of advanced argillic alteration in the north of Torud, like alonite and prophillite, the optimal threshold for discrimination of this zone from argillic zone by logical band ratio algorithm was determined. The results were evaluated as acceptable, compared to field study. On the other hand, spectral character of remarkable minerals of this zone, like chlorite and epidotite, in band ratio of Aster 8(9+7) with threshold of 2.3, is reported appropriate for land surveying of proplitic zone in the north and south of Torud village. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Petrography and geochemistry of igneous rocks and antimony mineralization in Lakhshak, northwest of Zahedan, southeastern Iran
        *, Halimeh Mojadadi Mohammad Boomeri Habib Biabangard
        The Lakhshak Sb index is located in the northwest of Zahedan in the Sistan suture zone. The geological units of the area include metamorphosed flysch (garnet schist, actinolite schist, phylite, mylonite), granitoid pluton, acidic and basic dikes, mineralized and un-mine More
        The Lakhshak Sb index is located in the northwest of Zahedan in the Sistan suture zone. The geological units of the area include metamorphosed flysch (garnet schist, actinolite schist, phylite, mylonite), granitoid pluton, acidic and basic dikes, mineralized and un-mineralized silicic veins. According to the geochemical studies, Lakhshak igneous rocks are calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic, metaaluminous rocks which are belong to the volcanic arc, and collisional and post-collisional tectonic settings. The studied igneous rocks are characterized by LREE and LILE enrichment relative to HREE and HFSE. Enrichment of Pb and depletion of Zr, Nb and Y are more consistent with melts generated from the lower crust. In the Lakhshak area, the Sb mineralization mainly occurs as quartz-stibnite veins in type-like rocks and is associated with silicic, argillic and phyllic alterations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Tactics of the enemy's infiltration into the Islamic society from the perspective of the Holy Quran
        morteza Soltani
        The influence of foreigners and enemies in the land and thought of Muslims has precedents in the history of Islam. Since the beginning of Islam, hypocrites, people of the book and other enemies of religion have been trying to find an opening in any way to influence the More
        The influence of foreigners and enemies in the land and thought of Muslims has precedents in the history of Islam. Since the beginning of Islam, hypocrites, people of the book and other enemies of religion have been trying to find an opening in any way to influence the beliefs, culture, economy, etc. of the Islamic society. Enemies, when they do not see in themselves the power of military and direct confrontation, try to take full advantage of the weak points of Muslims and make the best use of them for their nefarious purposes. In other words, the influence of the enemy mostly refers to their imperceptible and secret tactics to carry out their conspiracy, but in the meantime, the Holy Quran has dealt with the problem of influence and its types with a special look. The studies carried out showed that in the Holy Quran, the use of spies, intimate relations with foreigners, spreading rumors, propaganda and inducing suspicions, exile or physical removal of religious leaders of the society, assassination of leaders, deceiving Muslims by pretending to be friends, revealing the secrets of Muslims, Incorrect understanding of moral virtues, creating economic bottlenecks, abusing legitimate figures in society, disobeying the orders of the leader of society, destroying cultural centers and infiltrating them, psychological warfare and putting the masses of people in intellectual weakness are the most efficient tools and tricks of the enemy to It is an influence that is collected in detail in this article. Manuscript profile