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        1 - Recognition of the sources of knowledge in the creation of Islamic knowledge
        Mostafa Jafarpishe محمد سعید جبل عاملی
        As sensory and experimental data are considered to be a source of knowledge and as intellectual data are considered to be a source of knowledge, the knowledge that is taught by the prophets to mankind is too, another source of knowledge. This paper deals with a fresh l More
        As sensory and experimental data are considered to be a source of knowledge and as intellectual data are considered to be a source of knowledge, the knowledge that is taught by the prophets to mankind is too, another source of knowledge. This paper deals with a fresh look at the sources of knowledge acquisition, process of acquisition, extraction and inference of Islamic knowledge from two sources of Quran and Sunnah, based on the statements of knowledge about the existence and phenomena of creation, in these two sources. in this paper, the concept of Islamic knowledge is cognition and knowledge that is first take from the religion of Islam, Quran and Sunnah, and secondly, that is related to the postulates of religion and reality of the universe in general and widespread, both materialistic and non - materialistic. But the recommendations of the Quran and the Sunnah will be directly excluded from our discussion. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Middle Platonism: Introduction and Analysis of Religious and Philosophical Theorems
        Mahbobeh  Hadina
        Middle Platonism is one of the most important philosophical-religious schools of the first century BC. While claiming to revive the original Platonic school, it is rooted in the fundamental epistemological and philosophical theorems of that time including the essence of More
        Middle Platonism is one of the most important philosophical-religious schools of the first century BC. While claiming to revive the original Platonic school, it is rooted in the fundamental epistemological and philosophical theorems of that time including the essence of the One, God as Creator, descent of the soul, rational knowledge, and salvation. A study of middle Platonists’ works reveals that the philosophical principles of this school are mainly based on a reinterpretation of certain religious-philosophical theorems of Platonic, Stoic, Pythagorean, and gnostic schools. In fact, a clear trace of the concern for explaining the problem of the oneness and transcendence of the essence of Almighty, the quality of the creation of the world, and the presence of evil therein can be witnesses in the works of the philosophers that advocate the mentioned schools. The fundamental principles of middle Platonism are basically religious, and this school is mainly concerned with such topics as the duality of the essence of divinity in two concepts, God as the Maker or Creator of the world, the duality of the spiritual and material origin of Man and the descent of the soul, cosmology and the material structure and fate of the world, eschatology with an emphasis on the theorem of Man’s salvation through rational knowledge, and finally the discussion of ethics and the definition of its practical frameworks for attaining rational perfection, which is necessary for salvation. The present paper aims to explain and provide a comparative analysis of the principles and quality of the formation of the philosophical theorems of Middle Platonism as a philosophical-religious school. Manuscript profile