• List of Articles معجزه

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Theological analysis of Exclusive Prophecy in Sanayi's "Hadiqat"
        Ahmad Khatami
        Despite all the attempts made by researchers on the interpretation and analysis of the Persian versified texts and works, including Sanayi's works and especially his book “Hadiqat-Al Haqiqat”, still there ought to be a lot more research done on the study of most of the More
        Despite all the attempts made by researchers on the interpretation and analysis of the Persian versified texts and works, including Sanayi's works and especially his book “Hadiqat-Al Haqiqat”, still there ought to be a lot more research done on the study of most of the verse texts; including the mystical verse texts as well. Most of the mystical works have the potential for further survey, and from other aspects in addition to the mystical aspect; one of which can be the theological survey of such works. Obviously, Sanayi, and the mystical-spirited poets after him that have mostly been influenced by his thoughts, style, ideas and methods and manners as well, have all expressed deep theological insights along with mystical issues in their works. Actually, without access to these thoughts and ideas, which shows the basics of their faith and belief principles, a precise evaluation and survey of their mystical position becomes impossible. The present article intends to make a theological study of the exclusive prophecy from the perspective of the Islamic dialectics, search and inspect the same issue in Hadiqat-Al Haqiqat. Then it reveals Sanayi's approach towards the dear Prophet Mohammad, evaluates, and finally analyzes the findings with the well-known theological findings of his own time. In the final section it means to show what Sanayi followed due to the subject of the religious theological topic and in which parts he has offered his own point of view or refused to follow the special religious ideas in particular cases. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Differences of Ebn Arabi and Josef Murphy in the issue of miracle
        mohammad Ali vosooghian najafAbady Mohammad Amiri Ata mohammad  rad manesh
        Despite similarities between the views of Ebn Arabi and Josef Murphyregarding miracle, there are disagreement between them as well.Difference in existential table and effectiveness are among the maincauses of disagreement. Ebn Arabi bel More
        Despite similarities between the views of Ebn Arabi and Josef Murphyregarding miracle, there are disagreement between them as well.Difference in existential table and effectiveness are among the maincauses of disagreement. Ebn Arabi believes that dignity is specialized forsaints and miracle is specialized for prophets. However, Murphy thinksthere is no difference between dignity and miracle. He thinks that allhuman beings have a single soul, thus, such potential souls can beactualized in one form when the grounds are made. In this section, we aregoing to mention ten differences, most of which have their root in thetype of worldview, existential table, effectiveness and one’s definition ofa human.. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Typology of the behavior of imams (a.s.) in expressing rational arguments for their imamate
        Qasem  Tarkhan KOSAROSSADAT HASHEMI
        People's awareness of the honesty of the people who claim the divine position depends on the statement of rational and narrative reasons. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) stated numerous narrative and intellectual reasons about the twelve imams (a.s.). In addition, each of the i More
        People's awareness of the honesty of the people who claim the divine position depends on the statement of rational and narrative reasons. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) stated numerous narrative and intellectual reasons about the twelve imams (a.s.). In addition, each of the imams (a.s.) also stated reasons for the righteousness of the next imam. Regardless of the arguments put forward by other infallibles in this regard, every imam has sometimes referred to hadiths from the Prophet (pbuh) or previous imams and sometimes based on rational arguments and introduced himself as the Imam and successor of the Prophet (pbuh). The current research, which used the library method in collecting the materials and the analytical method in the field of thinking, seeks to know what the behavioral process of the imams (pbuh) was in using rational evidence to prove their righteousness. The findings of the research show that the imams (a.s.) have gone through the following five processes in expressing rational arguments to the temporal relationships and the perceptive level of the audience: expressing merit towards the caliphate, trying to preserve values, increasing knowledge, scientific superiority, expressing superiority in establishing World monotheistic government. Manuscript profile