Differences of Ebn Arabi and Josef Murphy in the issue of miracle
Subject Areas : Islamic theologymohammad Ali vosooghian najafAbady 1 , Mohammad Amiri 2 , Ata mohammad rad manesh 3
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Keywords: Ibn Arabi, Murphy, Miracle, Dignity.,
Abstract :
Despite similarities between the views of Ebn Arabi and Josef Murphyregarding miracle, there are disagreement between them as well.Difference in existential table and effectiveness are among the maincauses of disagreement. Ebn Arabi believes that dignity is specialized forsaints and miracle is specialized for prophets. However, Murphy thinksthere is no difference between dignity and miracle. He thinks that allhuman beings have a single soul, thus, such potential souls can beactualized in one form when the grounds are made. In this section, we aregoing to mention ten differences, most of which have their root in thetype of worldview, existential table, effectiveness and one’s definition ofa human..
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