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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Comparison of Anthropological Principles of Mullā Ṣadrā and Maslow
        Mohammad Azadi Seyyed Mohammadali  Dibaji Masoud Azarbaijani
        Maslow, as a humanist psychologist, and Mullā Ṣadrā, as one of the greatest thinkers of Islamic tradition, have provided different views regarding the whatness of human beings. Given the fact that both thinkers have paid particular attention to explaining the required f More
        Maslow, as a humanist psychologist, and Mullā Ṣadrā, as one of the greatest thinkers of Islamic tradition, have provided different views regarding the whatness of human beings. Given the fact that both thinkers have paid particular attention to explaining the required features and pre-requisites for Man’s perfection itself and the process of Man’s perfection as well as the characteristics of perfect Man, a comparison of their anthropological principles can yield some valuable results. Some of the shared principles of these two philosophers’ include enjoying essential dignity; free will; the ability to move towards perfection, and pre-mordial nature and accepting spiritual experiences and the infinity of the process of Man’s perfection. However, they have provided various interpretations of these principles. Moreover, they have different views regarding the centrality of God in Man’s life, existential dimensions, fundamental needs, stages of Man’s growth, end of Man’s perfection, and characteristics of Perfect Man. Mullā Ṣadrā has managed to present a system based on cognitive principles through benefitting from religious, gnostic, and philosophical fundamental rules, synthesizing them with each other, and introducing a comprehensive and consistent portray of Man’s truth. An all-inclusive and meticulous analysis of such principles can be of great value to related discussions in modern philosophy. A synthesis of gnosis, religion, and reasoning is one of the most important features of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts, which affect all the acceptable elements of Man’s Whatness. Manuscript profile