• List of Articles ماده

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        1 - The basis of philosophy of contract realization
        jalil ghanavati omid gholamalitabar firozjaiee
        Basically, the philosophy of contract realization is based on two theories: a view based on formalism and the restraints of the words and specific forms for conclusion of the contract, and the other is based on the freedom of will in concluding the contract. However, af More
        Basically, the philosophy of contract realization is based on two theories: a view based on formalism and the restraints of the words and specific forms for conclusion of the contract, and the other is based on the freedom of will in concluding the contract. However, after the Renaissance, intense oppositions to formality began and the sovereignty of will has grown steadily, and this transformation and attitude has also become more objective in the legal system of Iran after the constitutional revolution, but after a while a lot of criticism, philosophically or legally, appeared regarding it and its severity and intensity has been reduced. In Iran's law, by setting Article 10 of the Civil Code as well as Article 957, the legislator has shown tendency to the principle of sovereignty of will, but this does not mean that we interpret the traditional and jurisprudential texts according to modern interpretations. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Feasibility of apostate punishment in Iranian criminal law With an emphasis on narrative and doctrinal teachings
        ahmad ramezani
        By approving Article 220 of the Islamic Penal Code, the legislator explicitly stated that in his view, there are other hududs than the hududs mentioned in the law, which must be referred to Article 167 of the Constitution in order to determine their punishment, and trie More
        By approving Article 220 of the Islamic Penal Code, the legislator explicitly stated that in his view, there are other hududs than the hududs mentioned in the law, which must be referred to Article 167 of the Constitution in order to determine their punishment, and tried to convert the principle of the legality of crimes and punishments into the religious principle of crimes and punishments. According to Article 225 of the proposed bill, it can be understood that the purpose of the hududs not mentioned in the law is apostasy. There is some disagreement in hudud or discretionary punishment, and there is evidence on its discretionary punishment that, by reinforcing discretionary punishment theory of apostasy, it cannot be resorted to Article 220 of the Islamic Penal Code upon to punish it. according to Article 18 of the Islamic Penal Code and the three-fold emphasis on the word law in this article, it should be said that in discretionary punishment, the principle is on the legality of offenses and punishments, since apostasy has not been criminalized in Iranian criminal law, there is a serious problem with the possibility of punishing the apostate according to the strengthening of the discretionary punishment theory Manuscript profile
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        3 - Necessary Conditions for the Realization of the Union of the Intellect, the Intelligent, and the Intelligible in the Transcendent Philosophy
        Mohammad Mehdi  Gorjian Mojtaba  Afsharpour
        The principle of the union of the intellect, the intelligible, and the intelligent is one of the most important principles of the Transcendent Philosophy. It was a philosophical problem long before the history of Islamic philosophy, but Muslim philosophers have adopted More
        The principle of the union of the intellect, the intelligible, and the intelligent is one of the most important principles of the Transcendent Philosophy. It was a philosophical problem long before the history of Islamic philosophy, but Muslim philosophers have adopted different approaches in dealing with it. Mulla Sadra, in addition to accepting this principle, made great efforts in order to demonstrate it and, in doing so, benefitted from the divine blessing. Moreover, owing to the fundamental principles of his own system of philosophy, he founded a new approach for explaining this principle at two levels which brought in its wake several important results. The acceptance of the idea that the rational soul wishes to become identical with its own intelligible at the time of absolute intellection initially seems to be impossible, and the human mind hesitates to accept any convincing proof in this regard without some necessary preparation and introductory explanations. That is why the writers have not examined the related proofs and arguments concerning this principle. Rather, they have presented eleven necessary premises before demonstrating it. In doing so, in each section, they have explained the intention of the Sadrian philosophers who believe in the union of the intelligent and the intelligible. After analyzing these premises and necessary conditions, the mind is ready for accepting an argument that can prove the related claim. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Shared Model of the Body-Centered Arguments of the Immateriality of the Soul in Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra
        Majid  Yaryan Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor Mehdi Emam Jome
        Some Islamic philosophers, such as Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra, have dealt with the characteristics of the soul, including the demonstration of its immateriality, in their anthropological discussions. A study of the works of these two philosophers indicates that the positi More
        Some Islamic philosophers, such as Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra, have dealt with the characteristics of the soul, including the demonstration of its immateriality, in their anthropological discussions. A study of the works of these two philosophers indicates that the positive arguments of the immateriality of the soul are all based on the negation of the characteristics of the body and bodily matter. In other words, they denote that the soul lacks bodily features and, hence, demonstrates that it is immaterial. For example, bodily matter enjoys quantity, position, change, divisibility, and finitude of acts; it is vulnerable to weakness, aging, and tiredness. Moreover, the knowledge of the body and its acts is of the acquired type and is conditioned by place and position. These two philosophers demonstrate the immateriality of the soul by negating and denying the above characteristics to it. Thus the knowledge of the soul and demonstration of its immaterial nature would be impossible without the knowledge of the body and disallowing any bodily features for it. In this paper, in addition to revising the arguments of the demonstration of the immateriality of the soul and determining the key place of the body therein, it has been tried to design and provide a general model entailing all such arguments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

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        Zohre Taherkhani
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Social Impact Assessment (SIA): A Review of SIA Procedure in Malaysia The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 5(4), 4550-4557, 2018
        Mohammad Mujaheed Hassan Ali  Hatami (Persian translation)
        Social Impact Assessment (SIA) essentially is an individual report or a subfield of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). It is demarcated as the social sciences required in developing a knowledge base to provide a systematic assessment, in advance of the impacts, More
        Social Impact Assessment (SIA) essentially is an individual report or a subfield of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). It is demarcated as the social sciences required in developing a knowledge base to provide a systematic assessment, in advance of the impacts, on the day-to-day quality of life of persons and communities whose environment is affected by a proposed project, plan or policy change. SIA is a platform for diverse groups and people in a community to voices out their need and concern. SIA are the ‘people impacts’ of development actions. Social impact assessments focus on the human dimension of environments, and seek to identify the impacts on people who benefits and who loses. New provision has been enforced in January 2017 to the Malaysia SIA procedure. Therefore the objective of this paper is to review the new provision and procedure of SIA enforcement in Malaysia. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Photo-transformation of hydrogen sulfide environmental pollutant to hydrogen fuel using a carbon-based magnetic nanocomposite catalyst
        Majid Ghanimati Mohsen Lashgari Mahchehreh Sabeti
        Hydrogen sulfide is a dangerous, corrosive and flammable environmental pollutant that is generated at large scale in sour oil and gas industries. One of the sustainable strategies to remove this environmental pollutant and convert it into hydrogen clean fuel is the use More
        Hydrogen sulfide is a dangerous, corrosive and flammable environmental pollutant that is generated at large scale in sour oil and gas industries. One of the sustainable strategies to remove this environmental pollutant and convert it into hydrogen clean fuel is the use of a renewable energy source (photon) and synthesis of semiconducting nanoenergy materials. To this end, in the present project, a nanostructured magnetic semiconducting MgFe2O4 compound was synthesized and applied for the production of hydrogen fuel through photocatalytic splitting of an alkaline H2S solution. The empirical evidence revealed that the synthesized material has an appropriate potency to reduce proton and produce hydrogen. Furthermore, by the synthesis of CNT/MgFe2O4 magnetic nanocomposite, the boosting effect of carbon nanotube (CNT) on the activity of the aforementioned photocatalyst was examined. A significant promotion in hydrogen production was observed in the presence of CNT and justified in terms of increasing the photocatalyst surface area, retarding the electron-hole recombination process and enhancing the photon absorption. The rate of hydrogen evolution was 1284 µmole/h per 0.2 g photocatalyst, indicating that the synthesized nanocomposite material has a high ability to remove the pollutant and produce hydrogen fuel. Manuscript profile
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        8 - A Comparative Study of the Problem of Evil in Plotinus and Ibn Sīnā (With a Focus on its Historical Aspect)
        Mahmud  Seidy
        The present paper deals with a comparative study of the views of Plotinus and Ibn Sīnā regarding evil. In spite of the existing differences concerning this problem in their philosophies, there are also some similarities, and Ibn Sīnā is influenced by Plotinus with respe More
        The present paper deals with a comparative study of the views of Plotinus and Ibn Sīnā regarding evil. In spite of the existing differences concerning this problem in their philosophies, there are also some similarities, and Ibn Sīnā is influenced by Plotinus with respect to his response to the problem of evil. Among the similarities between them in this area, one can refer to the self-evident nature of the existence of evil, exclusivity of the realization of evil to the world of matter and the impossibility of its realization in the immaterial world, and the non-existence nature of evil and good nature of all beings based on a general view of the world. However, unlike Plotinus, Ibn Sīnā does not consider matter as being essentially evil and non-existential. Rather, he maintains that matter is a correlative, analogical, and existential thing. Plotinus views the relationship between good and evil of the type of opposition, while Ibn Sīnā sees it as a non-existential and habitual one. Moreover, according to Plotinus, matter or the same essentially evil thing is created from the particular spirit. Nevertheless, Ibn Sīnā argues that the essential possibility of the Active intellect causes the emanation of matter, and its otherness necessity aspect results in the emanation of form, on which evil sometimes occurs to. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Effect of Nitrogen and Manure Application on Agronomic Traits and Essential Oil content of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)
        Siamak  Shafeei Majid  Majidian Gholamreza  Mohsenabadi Hamed Kioumarsi
        Considering the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers on the environment, to evaluate the effect of different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and manure on agronomic traits and essential oil content of Fennel, an experiment was conducted in Guilan Agricultural Research More
        Considering the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers on the environment, to evaluate the effect of different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and manure on agronomic traits and essential oil content of Fennel, an experiment was conducted in Guilan Agricultural Research Center. In this experiment, pure nitrogen fertilizer was used at four levels of 0, 60, 120, and 180 kg ha-1and the manure was used at four levels of 0, 6, 12, and 18 tonsha-1. The results showed that the highest plant height, number of seeds per umbrella, and biological yield related to combined treatment were 180 kg of nitrogen with 18 tons of manure per hectare. Maximum number of umbrellas per plant, seed weight per plant, 1000 seed weight, and grain yield were obtained using 120 kg of pure nitrogen with 18 tons of manure, with the highest grain yield of 950.43 kg ha-1and minimum in control treatment was obtained in the amount of 655.4 kg ha-1. Highest percentage of essential oil and essential oil yield with the application of 60 kg of pure nitrogen with 18 tons of manure was obtained 1.946 % and 17.15 kg ha-1 respectively. According to the results, it seems that the application of manure can be an appropriate alternative to reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizer in the cultivation of fennel. The result showed that it is possible to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by using animal manures and at the same time achieve optimal efficiency and reduce the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers. Manuscript profile