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        1 - Laparoscopic ovariectomy in dogs: a comparison of the Ligasure, Ultrasound, Bipolar, and Ligature methods
        Mohammad Yasan Bangash Mir Sepehr Pedram Sanaz Banifazl Mohammad Molazem Maryam Iran Manesh Fariba Khaki Yazdan Aryazand
        Introduction: Laparoscopic ovariectomy is one of the common procedures performed in adult female dogs. The objective of this study was to compare the intraoperative and postoperative effects of laparoscopic ovariectomy with four hemostasis methods including Ligasure(LS) More
        Introduction: Laparoscopic ovariectomy is one of the common procedures performed in adult female dogs. The objective of this study was to compare the intraoperative and postoperative effects of laparoscopic ovariectomy with four hemostasis methods including Ligasure(LS), Ultrasound scalpel(US), Bipolar(BP) electrosurgery, and ligature(LT). Materials and Methods: 9 adult mix breed female dogs divided into four groups (LS, US, and LT(n=2); BP (n=3)). Total operation time(TT), Total hemostasis time(HT), presence of hemorrhage was recorded during surgery. In the 7th day objects euthanized to investigate abdominal cavity for gross pathologic changes such as presence of adhesion, and histopathological changes due to thermal damage in organs adjacent to anatomic region of ovaries such as uterine horns. Results: Both TT and HT significantly reduced in LS and US groups in comparison with BP group (P<0.05). TT and HT in LT group were significantly more than BP group. Minimum adhesion score were detected in LS and US groups (no significant difference) which were significantly lesser than BP group (P<0.05). In LT group granuloma around suture material were detected. Thermal damage on uterine horn were significantly higher in BP and LS groups (no significant difference) than US and LT(with no thermal injury) groups (p<0.05). Discussion and Conclusion: Application of easy, fast, safe method of hemostasis with minimal thermal damage and postoperative complications is mandatory in laparoscopic ovariectomy. Use of Ultrasonic scalpel in comparision with other methods was fast, and the most applicable with minimum thermal injury and postoperative complications in laparoscopic ovariectomy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Recent Advanced in Minimally Invasive Surgery; A Review on New Procedures and Instruments
        Mahdieh Katebian Mir Sepehr Pedram Mohammad Yasan Bangash mahbobeh abdi
        Minimally invasive surgeries are one of the most important revolutions in the history of surgery. recently, different methods of this type of surgery are widely used in medicine and veterinary medicine. With recent advances in minimally invasive surgery, a variety of su More
        Minimally invasive surgeries are one of the most important revolutions in the history of surgery. recently, different methods of this type of surgery are widely used in medicine and veterinary medicine. With recent advances in minimally invasive surgery, a variety of surgical methods have been introduced. Laparoscopic gallbladder resection is the most common type of minimally invasive surgery and many other surgeries have been introduced in the same way. This article introduces new methods in minimally invasive surgery. The further use of this type of surgery depends entirely on the development of new technologies in this field. The success of surgical procedures in the treatment of diseases is always measured by the amount of pain and trauma that the surgical method inflicts on the patient. Reducing these two factors has led to the progression and change surgical methods with minimal invasions in general and laparoscopic surgeries particularly in the last century. Manuscript profile