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        1 - Excellences and Its connection with oneself power from the perspective of Meskoye
        Meskoye under the influence of Greece intellectual at first dived excellences in four category (wisdom, virtue, bravery, fairness), and mention them as main excellence. He believes that wisdom is excellence of speech power and by that human understanding God's affairs, More
        Meskoye under the influence of Greece intellectual at first dived excellences in four category (wisdom, virtue, bravery, fairness), and mention them as main excellence. He believes that wisdom is excellence of speech power and by that human understanding God's affairs, and virtue is excellence of sensual power and if human gain this excellence, he will get authority of this power and uses his sensual wishes in a right thought and opinion and will released from enslavement of carnalities. By Meskoye perspective bravery, is excellence of anger power of human oneself, and if this power be under the power of rational power he will gain bravery Excellence and avoiding any fear by doing frightening and macabre affairs. The last main excellence from the perspective of Meskoye is fairness. He reminding that human will gain this excellence if he gained those three previous excellence. Overall both anger and sensual power is obedience of speech power. With a little contemplation in what Saied we will understand that there is a very strong and firm connection between main excellence and oneself power. Wisdom from speech power, virtue and bravery will created from compatibility between these three power Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Educational Fields of Resistance Economics Based on the Philosophical Foundations of Imam Khomeini's Science
        Mehdi  Imani Moghaddam
        What is the role of knowledge of man and his inner and inner layers in determining the priorities and goals and methods of realizing a resistance economy? The claim is that the realization of many general policies of the system about resistive economy - the announcement More
        What is the role of knowledge of man and his inner and inner layers in determining the priorities and goals and methods of realizing a resistance economy? The claim is that the realization of many general policies of the system about resistive economy - the announcement of the Supreme Leader - direct affiliation or Indirectly, it recognizes human existential dimensions (as the main factor in all stages of each economic process), so efforts to grow and educate managers and people are the most important priority for the realization of a resilient economy. In this regard, policies such as activation Human Capital (First Policy), Empowerment of Labor to Grow Productivity (Third Policy), Increase The Contribution of Human Capital in the Production Cycle (Fifth Policy) Conserving Consumption Patterns (Eighth Policy) Saving Public Expenditure (Sixteenth Policy) Preventing Corruption in Economic Spheres (Policy of the 19th Century) Strengthening Jihadist Culture in Economic Activities (Policy Twentieth) Cited. In the current research, and based on its arguments, the resistance economy is well-recognized with Islamic economics and, accordingly, the flourishing of human transcendental talents and the adjustment and adjustment of the internal power of man, which is a prerequisite for the realization of resistance economy policies, requires religious wisdom Philosophy is in human identity. Therefore, resistance economy is a jihadi movement for the universal, material and spiritual excellence of man. Imam Khomeini, the resurrectionist of Islam in this age, can be considered the most prominent figure in the Islamic Jihadist economy (= resistance economy). His philosophical and anthropological basis is based on Sadr al-Mutalehyn's ideas. Imam is also full of revelation and discovery and intellect as Mulla Sadra. Mulla Sadra, based on his innovative principles in wisdom, including the originality of its existence and its subtle levels, has provided a comprehensive definition of human identity based on the genuineness of the soul and its internal strength, and its management tools and modifications, which can be understood by the understanding of the desirable human being for Realizing the Resistance Economy. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Analyzing the problem of negligence in the rational psychology of the transcendent wisdom of Mulla Sadra
        Mehdi Zamani
        <p>Neglecting important issues in epistemology, psychology, psychology and ethics. In this article, we will investigate the problem of neglect in the sublime wisdom of Mulla Sadra with a descriptive-analytical method, and the dimensions of this problem according to Mull More
        <p>Neglecting important issues in epistemology, psychology, psychology and ethics. In this article, we will investigate the problem of neglect in the sublime wisdom of Mulla Sadra with a descriptive-analytical method, and the dimensions of this problem according to Mulla Sadra's psychology and his view on 1- the powers of the soul, 2- the degrees of the soul, and 3- its excellence. We dig based on the point of view of the powers of the soul, neglect is mainly presented in two meanings: 1) inattention and 2) forgetting. The discussion about these two meanings requires the analysis of Mulla Sadra's point of view regarding the role of attention in perception as well as the mechanism of memory and recall. From the point of view of levels and affairs of the self, neglect mainly has two meanings: 1) lack of existence or absence and 2) lack of coverage or ignorance. The perspective of the stages of the self is more compatible with the special foundations of Sadra's wisdom, such as the formation of existence, essential movement, etc. The third perspective to analyze the problem of neglect is the spiritual path of the soul, where neglect is mainly considered as an obstacle to the path to God and the veil of knowledge and divine encounter. This meaning of negligence includes a range of obstacles to self-improvement, such as negligence, impatience, carelessness, lack of action, indifference to stubbornness, objection and denial.</p> Manuscript profile
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        4 - Aristotelean Roots of the Soul’s Corporeal Origination in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Hamideh  Ansari Hassan Fathi Morteza  Shajari
        Philosophers have presented different views about the whatness and truth of the soul based on dualism (immateriality of the soul based on the pre-eternity and origination of the soul before the existence of the body or along with it) or monism (corporeal origination of More
        Philosophers have presented different views about the whatness and truth of the soul based on dualism (immateriality of the soul based on the pre-eternity and origination of the soul before the existence of the body or along with it) or monism (corporeal origination of the soul). Mullā Ṣadrā believes that the soul is corporeally originated. The principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, including the trans-substantial motion, the principiality and gradedness of being, and the corporeal origination of the soul, have made it possible to demonstrate corporeal resurrection. Aristotle also believes that the origination of the soul is corporeal. However, the extent to which Mullā Ṣadrā is influenced by Aristotle’s ideas in this regard has never been studied so far. This paper is intended to explain the Aristotelean roots of Mullā Ṣadrā’s discussion of corporeal origination following a comparative-analytic method. The findings of this study indicate that in defining the soul as a “natural and organic body” and, following it, considering the soul as a formal substance and a primary perfection of the body, as well as believing in the unitary synthesis of the body and the soul and the unity of the faculties of the soul, all indicating the corporeal origination of the soul, Mullā Ṣadrā is under the influence of Aristotle. Nevertheless, Aristotle’s approach suffers from some ambiguity because of the existing implicitness in some of his words and not referring to an explicit standpoint regarding the principiality of existence or quiddity, presence of motion in substance, and gradedness of existence. Manuscript profile