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        1 - Solutions of Mullā Hādī Sabziwārī and Ḥassanzādeh Āmulī to the Dilemma of Agent-by-Foreknowledge in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy
        Naeimeh  NajmiNejad Ahmad Ghafari
        The discussion of divine activity and the quality of the creation of existents has always been a challenging discussion, and different thinkers have provided different views, each based on their philosophical thoughts. Among them, Mullā Ṣadrā has sometimes acknowledged More
        The discussion of divine activity and the quality of the creation of existents has always been a challenging discussion, and different thinkers have provided different views, each based on their philosophical thoughts. Among them, Mullā Ṣadrā has sometimes acknowledged agent-by-foreknowledge and sometimes agent-by-self-manifestation regarding the quality of God’s Agency in his various works. These two apparently contradictory views have made the commentators of his works to try to reveal his ultimate intention. This paper, which has been written following a descriptive analytic method, discusses the views of Mullā Hādī Sabziwārī and Ḥassanzādeh Āmulī as two of the important commentators of the Transcendent Philosophy and concludes that, through referring agent-by-self-manifestation to providence in its general sense, Sabziwārī tries to reconcile these two views. However, with his particular interpretation of the Peripatetics’ view of God’s agency, Ḥassanzādeh Āmulī equates agent-by-foreknowledge with agent-by-self-manifestation. Nevertheless, the authors believe that the main basis of agent-by-foreknowledge that has persuaded Mullā Ṣadrā to acknowledge it is active knowledge. For this reason, by accepting agent-by-foreknowledge, he agrees with such affairs as the addition of knowledge to essence, which the Peripatetics have suggested in this regard. Accordingly, we can conclude from Mullā Ṣadrā’s different statements about the quality of divine agency that his view is based on active knowledge, which also exists in agent-by-foreknowledge. Hence, he speaks of agency-by-foreknowledge in relation to God’s Activity, which is consistent with agent-by-self-knowledge. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Explanation of the relationship between God and the universe according to Mirza Javad Tehrani (RA)
        Ali Akbar Haeri Movahhed yahya Kabir Mohammad   Saeedi Mehr abbas zahabi
        The purpose of this research is to answer the question, what is the relationship between God and the universe from the perspective of Mirza Javad Tehrani? For this purpose, his written works were analyzed by means of content analysis of sources in a library manner. Sage More
        The purpose of this research is to answer the question, what is the relationship between God and the universe from the perspective of Mirza Javad Tehrani? For this purpose, his written works were analyzed by means of content analysis of sources in a library manner. Sages in response to this question of rational assumptions such as; They have used the principle of causation, falsification, composition, the principle of oneness, the subject of manifestation, etc., and by proposing a separation between the first creation and the first emission, they have considered the relationship as an existential matter. Mirza Javad, one of the thinkers of the separation school, while not accepting the aforementioned principles, does not consider the claim of the sages to be free of problems. He believes that determining the example of the first creature and expressing the type of relationship is beyond the realm of human knowledge, so we must obey the Sharia texts in this regard. Therefore, the relationship between God and the universe is definitely established. Although its quality is unknown to us. Manuscript profile