• List of Articles ضربه

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Design and Manufacturing of a One Million Volt Residual Voltage Lightning Current Generator
        Alireza Omidkhoda J. Jafari Behnam M. S. Mirghafourian A. Geraieli Hamidreza Sadegh Mohammadi
        The production of the lightning impulse current is very important for research and Standard quality control tests. Conduction of IEC standard type tests on metal-oxide high voltage surge arresters needs a lightning impulse current generator system that is able to produc More
        The production of the lightning impulse current is very important for research and Standard quality control tests. Conduction of IEC standard type tests on metal-oxide high voltage surge arresters needs a lightning impulse current generator system that is able to produce both lightning impulse current and simultaneous several kV residual voltage. This paper describes the design and manufacturing of a one million volt residual voltage, 10 kA lightning current generator system and the innovation in design of an integrated high voltage air core reactor. Experimental laboratory tests show the good performance of the manufactured generator and its capability to perform standard type test on metal-oxide high voltage surge arresters. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Design and Analysis of an Improved LMS/Newton Adaptive Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation
        Mehdi Bekrani
        Some of important issues in acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) using adaptive filters are the sparseness of the acoustic path impulse responses and strong dependency of the convergence performance of adaptive algorithm to the eigenvalue spread of the input signal correlat More
        Some of important issues in acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) using adaptive filters are the sparseness of the acoustic path impulse responses and strong dependency of the convergence performance of adaptive algorithm to the eigenvalue spread of the input signal correlation matrix. These issues result in a performance degradation of the adaptive AEC systems. In this paper, to improve the performance of the LMS/Newton adaptive algorithm in AEC, the matrix inverse computation is modified. To this end, the matrix inversion lemma is employed such that the contribution of the matrix inverse in the weight update is initially high and as a result, the dependency of the adaptive algorithm to the eigenvalue spread is low during the initial convergence. In addition, for the step-size adjustment, an improved proportionate method is applied such that during the convergence, the contribution of those weights having higher amplitudes in the adaptation process is gradually varied to become identical at the end of convergence. The proposed adaptive proportionate method, results in both convergence rate and steady-state performance improvement for identification of sparse acoustic impulse responses. Simulation results using a colored speech-like signal shows the steady-state misalignment of the proposed algorithm is typically 6.5 dB lower than that of the LMS/Newton algorithm. Moreover, the convergence of the proposed algorithm is typically 3.6 sec faster than that of the PNLMS algorithm, to achieve a misalignment of -17 dB. Theoretical misalignment analyses in the transient and steady state are presented and verified with simulation results. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Improving the Architecture of Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Images Corrupted by Impulse Noise
        Mohammad Momeny M. Agha Sarram A. M.  Latif R. Sheikhpour
        Impulse noise is one the common noises which reduces the performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in image classification. Preprocessing for removal of impulse noise is a costly process which may have a destructive effect on the training and validation of the More
        Impulse noise is one the common noises which reduces the performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in image classification. Preprocessing for removal of impulse noise is a costly process which may have a destructive effect on the training and validation of the convolutional neural networks due to insufficient improvement of noisy images. In this paper, a convolutional neural network is proposed which is robust to impulse noise. Proposed CNN classify images corrupted by impulse noise without any preprocessing for noise removal. A noise detection layer is placed at the beginning of the proposed CNN to prevent the processing of noisy values. The ILSVRC-2012 database is used to train the proposed CNN. Experimental results show that preventing the impact of impulse noise on the training process and classification of CNN can increase the accuracy and speed of the network training. The proposed CNN with error of 0.24 is better than other methods in classification of noisy image corrupted by impulse noise with 10% density. The time complexity of O(1) in the proposed CNN for robustness to noise indicates the superiority of the proposed CNN. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Investingation of the effectiveness of transdiagnostic Emotion Efficacy Therapy in Cardiovascular Reactions and Quality of Sleep in war-Related Post Traumatic Stress disorder
        Jafar Mirzaee Mohammad hatami Jafar Hasani
        This study has been done with aim of effectiveness trans diagnostic therapy based on emotion efficiency, cardio-vascular reaction, sleep quality and psychological flexibility of the prisoners with PTSD. The research method was semi-exprimental with pre-test, post-tes More
        This study has been done with aim of effectiveness trans diagnostic therapy based on emotion efficiency, cardio-vascular reaction, sleep quality and psychological flexibility of the prisoners with PTSD. The research method was semi-exprimental with pre-test, post-test and the control group with monthly period follow-up. The statistical population included all patients referred to Sadr psychiatry hospital in Tehran in the years 1400-1401, from which 30 people were selected in an accessible and purposeful manner and randomly assigned to exprimental (n=15) and control (n=15) groups In order to gathering data, efficiency emotion scale (EES-2), depression scale, anxiety and stress (DASS-21), psychological flexibility form and Pitesbourg sleep quality index (PSQI) and estimate vital signs by pressure gauge device were used Data were analysed using repeated measures analysis of variance The result of analysis showed that, there was significant difference between the exprimental group and control group in terms of dependent variable in pre-test phase towards post-test in monthly period follow-up The examination of the follow-up periods showed that, there was no significant difference between monthly follow-up and post-test periods. The presistence of the treatment effect over time and a month after end of meetings From the above findings, it can be concluded that, transdiagnostic therapy based on emotion efficiency has been a remarkable effect on decrease of depression, anxiety, stress and cardio vascular reaction signs and less effectiveness in psychological flexibility. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The impact of electric cars on the environment
        Syed Mani Hashemi Seyed Majid  Keshavarz
        Abstract Like many other human activities, the construction and operation of electric machines, in addition to its benefits, has a negative impact on the environment, especially pollution. According to these cases, it is possible to discuss about the moment of pollut More
        Abstract Like many other human activities, the construction and operation of electric machines, in addition to its benefits, has a negative impact on the environment, especially pollution. According to these cases, it is possible to discuss about the moment of pollution, if the amount of pollution depends on the size of the device, which of the stages of the existence of the device has more pollution than the other stages (construction, operation and dismantling). And how to reduce the environmental impact. In the construction of electric machines, a series of materials are used to make the electrical system (winding), the magnetic system and also. Necessary materials for making the mechanical structure and car insulation. All these materials are the result of complex processes, energy consumption and more or less pollution. Once obtained, these materials are subjected to mechanical processing and produce various pollutants along with the resulting components. Manuscript profile