• List of Articles سلم

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Evaluation of satisfaction of the citizens of urban development plans (The Case of Salman Farsi walk the streets of Ahvaz)
        Ali Shamaei  
        Considering walking not only as the earliest kind of urban transportation, but also it can lead to a high level of safety and comfort for people. Unfortunately, these days because of the lack of urban walking-based open spaces and low quality of these spaces, residents More
        Considering walking not only as the earliest kind of urban transportation, but also it can lead to a high level of safety and comfort for people. Unfortunately, these days because of the lack of urban walking-based open spaces and low quality of these spaces, residents of present cities have encountered with serious problems for doing their social interactions. With a quick look at Ahvaz city (located at the western south of Iran) and most of Iran`s metropolises, obviously it can be found that most of Iran`s metropolises, in particular Ahvaz cannot meet their resident`s needs and expectations. Our purpose of this study is to assess the satisfaction of Salman Farsi street`s residents from the plan of sidewalk construction of this street in terms of its physical, social, economic and environmental dimensions. We use field and library methods to collect information in this kind of descriptive study. Our sample society is including the shopkeepers, residents and pedestrians of Salman Farsi Street and also we developed our sampling based on a random method. Considering this point that our sample size is 100 participants, we use SPSS Statistical Software and parametric, nonparametric tests such as Ttest, chi-square, correlation, Friedman for analyzing the questioners. Based on this study`s results, we can conclude that most of the street residents and users are satisfied with sidewalk construction of Salman Farsi street, in a way that the greatest satisfaction is related to its physical dimension, while most of the residents and users aren`t satisfied with its environmental dimensions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Taj-al-Ma’aser and some forgotten verses from some divans (the books of poetry)
        طاهره  خوشحال دستجردي غلامحسين  شريفي ولداني مهدي  فاموري عليرضا  شادآرام
        The historical-literary book of Taj-al-Ma’aser is the oldest document on the history of the Qourians. It was written in 602 (A.H.) by Hasan Nezami Neishabouri, who lived at the time of the Qourians of India and, as one of their officials. In addition to its historical v More
        The historical-literary book of Taj-al-Ma’aser is the oldest document on the history of the Qourians. It was written in 602 (A.H.) by Hasan Nezami Neishabouri, who lived at the time of the Qourians of India and, as one of their officials. In addition to its historical value, the book is of great literary importance. Using poetic figures, and frequent references to Arabic and Persian poems are among its features. According to Malek-al-sho’ara-ye Bahar, none of the ancient works has so many references to poems and poetry as Taj-al-Ma’aser has. Therefore, it can help to reconstruction of the verses lost in divans’ of famous poets. The authors here in the present article have made comparisons between the verses from the well-known poets recorded in Taj-al-Ma’aser and in their edited divans. No doubt that such a comparison is so helpful for the exploration and correction of the poems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Concept of Salaam (peace) and Peaceful Cooperation in Mulla Hadi Sabzevari’s View Compared to that of Rumi and Hafez
        Mohammad Javad  Sami Mohammad Yousef  Nayeri
        Serenity in the behavior and speech of Hakim Sobzavari is a product of his peaceful thought. The current paper aims at illustrating the effect of the peacefulness and symbiosis of the speaker's behavior. This issue comes from Hakim friendship with Rumi and Hafez. This m More
        Serenity in the behavior and speech of Hakim Sobzavari is a product of his peaceful thought. The current paper aims at illustrating the effect of the peacefulness and symbiosis of the speaker's behavior. This issue comes from Hakim friendship with Rumi and Hafez. This moral and mystical position may not be achieved unless for the experience of various disasters such as diseases, famine, civil war, Bob insurrection, Tbilisi Wars and catastrophic wars of Kerman, the ten-year war with Russia separating the lands of northwest Iran from the country. In this age Sabzevari's wisdom prevails the Qajar era and rationalism dominates militant thoughts. In Hakim view, the fragrance of peace and friendship is a substitute for war and conflict. The argument is that why wise men, poets and mystics are more peaceful than others. This concept is doubled in Hakim thought influenced by Mulla Sadra's transcendent wisdom as well as the poetry of Rumi and Hafez. This paper studies the cooperation of mystics and people using library sources. This move occurs when Hakim Sabzevari wields rationalism in the pursuit of philosophy and adheres to decent ethical behaviors in a time when people of the both conflicting parties seek refuge at Salar Al-dole home. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Survey of Fakhr Al Din Sammki’s paraphrase on Meibodi’s commentary of Hidayat al Hikmah
        Taherehsadat mousavi mahdi najafi afra Maghsoud  Mohammadi
        A necessary research activity in each period is the revival of the works of thinkers and philosophers who have played an essential role in the history of the development and advancement of Islamic culture and teachings but have remained unknown to the world. Fakhr al-Dī More
        A necessary research activity in each period is the revival of the works of thinkers and philosophers who have played an essential role in the history of the development and advancement of Islamic culture and teachings but have remained unknown to the world. Fakhr al-Dīn Samākī, known as Muḥaqqiq Fakhrī, is one of these philosophers who lived in the 10th century (AH). He was the student of Ghiyāth al-Dīn Manṣūr Dashtakī. He wrote some important works such as Glosses on Qūshchī’s Sharḥ-i tajrīd and Glosses on Maybudī’s Sharḥ al-hidāyah al-ḥikmah. Athīr al-Dīn Abharī’s Hidāyah al-ḥikmah consists of three chapters on logic, physics, and theology. Maybudī commented on its two chapters of physics and theology, and Samākī wrote glosses only on the first and second sections of the three sections of the chapter on physics of Maybudī’s Sharḥ al-hidāyah al-ḥikmah. Unlike Ibn Sīnā and Suhrawardī, Samākī did not found a specific school of philosophy; however, he managed to play a significant role as a mediator in the development of philosophical thought in general and turn into a source of inspiration for Mullā Ṣadrā in developing his Transcendent Philosophy. He did so through presenting some accurate critiques, conducting thorough investigations, and expressing specific and innovative views regarding certain topics discussed by mutikallimūn, Peripatetic philosophers, Illuminationists, and gnostics within the framework of some of his dependent and independent (commentaries and glosses) works. Among such views, reference can be made to his different interpretation of sollemī (stepwise) argument and the development of three new arguments on demonstrating the finitude of things, which have been discussed in this paper. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Facies, thickness variations and reservoir characterisation of Arab formation (Surmeh) in the Eastern part of the Persian Gulf
        Ali reza Bashari
        The Kimmerigian-Tithonian) Arab Zone are the prolific hydrocarbon bearing resrvoirs in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf,offshore,Iran.They were deposited in an arid climate which dominate during late Jurassic. The Berriasian to Thitonian Hith formation wich o More
        The Kimmerigian-Tithonian) Arab Zone are the prolific hydrocarbon bearing resrvoirs in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf,offshore,Iran.They were deposited in an arid climate which dominate during late Jurassic. The Berriasian to Thitonian Hith formation wich overlies the Arab reservoir constitutes the cap rock,wich just to the east gradually pinches out and form a N-S feather adge. The study reveals that Arab zones form a massive to interbedded anhydrite with varying proportion of limestone and dolomite and generally have regressive units which was deposited on a broad carbonate platform .This formations are thick in center (Salman field) and mostly consist of intertidal pack/grainstones with high porosity/permeability,good cap rock and also close to the source rock,which has the most hydrocarbon potential, but towards east the layers getting thinner with unsuitable cap rock and are away from source rock ,so as a result Arab formation in this part of the Persian Gulf doesn,t seem to be attractive. This study reveals that there is still some undrilled structure within this area which could be attractive for further Exploration drilling. Manuscript profile