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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Microfacies, Sedimentary environment and Sequence stratigraphy of Anarak section (Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous), central Iran
        ٍٍElahe Sattari Hosyen vaziri-Moghadam Ali Bahrami Ali Taheri sandra kaiser Peter Koneigshof
        Anarak section in northeast Isfahan, central Iran is evaluated regarding to sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy. Field studies and micro-facies analysis led to the identification of 12 micro-facies related to the open marine, the shoal, the lagoon and the More
        Anarak section in northeast Isfahan, central Iran is evaluated regarding to sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy. Field studies and micro-facies analysis led to the identification of 12 micro-facies related to the open marine, the shoal, the lagoon and the tidal flat environments. Micro-facieses gradual change, lack of calciturbidite and lack of expanded barrier reef indicate the deposition of a sedimentary interval in a homoclinal ramp environment. Two type 3 sequences were identified by sequence stratigraphic study. Both of these sequences are separable TST and HST packages. The age of first sequence is Late Devonian (Bahram Formation) and its thickness is 42.3 meters and the second sequence with a thickness of 70.7 meters is Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous (Upper part of Bahram Formation and Shishtu2 Formation). The sequence boundary between first and second sequences is the second type boundary due to the lack of evidence for exposure. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Biostratigraphy, biofacies and CAI of the late Devonian deposits in Kale-Sardar section, North-east Tabas, based on conodont fauna
        Mina Ramshini ٍٍElahe Sattari Ali Bahrami Hosyen Vaziri moghadam
        Kale-Sardar section, is located at the vicinity of Niaz village, 15 kilometers east of Tabas town. This section consists of 80 m thick and from Late Devonian deposits as known as Shishtu formation that upper part of this section has cut by a fault by Frasnian’s deposits More
        Kale-Sardar section, is located at the vicinity of Niaz village, 15 kilometers east of Tabas town. This section consists of 80 m thick and from Late Devonian deposits as known as Shishtu formation that upper part of this section has cut by a fault by Frasnian’s deposits. The entire studied thickness is subdivided into 12 lithostratigraphic units and in order to study of conodont elements, 27 species and subspecies belonging to 7 genera were recognized, that due to these revealed conodont elements, Shishtu formation’s age in the studied section spans from Eifelian to late Frasnian. The Frasnian-Famennian bio event in studied section is located between two intervals linguiformis Zone and Lower to Middle triangularis zones which is located at the top of the dark Frasnian shales and at the base of the thin limestones of the Famennian layer. The microfacies determined in studied section are subdivided into siliciclastic-carbonate and carbonate facies, which were deposited from the shore to the deep part of the marine environment. Gradual changes in facies within stratigraphical sequence, sedimentological hiatus due to sudden change in sedimentary environment’s slope, absence of reef facies (related to Wilson’s 5th facies zone) and presence of discontinuous bioclastic barrier (existence of semi-enclosed lagoon), convey that studied sediments were deposited in a homoclinal carbonate ramp. Manuscript profile