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        1 - A Comparative Study and Analysis of the Antichrist in Persian Poetry and Islamic Traditions
        Elham Nazary Esmail Tajbakhsh
        The issue of the Antichrist has been mentioned in most religions and his sedition has been reminded to the prophets as first mentioned of him in the Epistle of John. According to John, the Antichrist is any one who has different opinions about the embodiment of Christ, More
        The issue of the Antichrist has been mentioned in most religions and his sedition has been reminded to the prophets as first mentioned of him in the Epistle of John. According to John, the Antichrist is any one who has different opinions about the embodiment of Christ, and any spirit that denies the embodiment of Jesus is the Antichrist. But the background to the formation of the concept of the Antichrist can be found in the apocalyptic and revelationtic discussions of the early periods of Jewish history, especially in the book of Daniel. This issue has been mentioned in various forms in Islamic texts and some possibilities have been given about its origin. Some believe that he is a person and some believe that he is a type and a description.With the introduction of Quranic and Islamic themes in Persian literature, themes related to the Antichrist have also been used by poets and have been reflected in their poetry. The poets' intention in expressing these themes was not merely an allusion, but they used them to express their views in the form of similes, metaphors and symbols. Although the Antichrist is a hated figure and has not been widely reflected in Persian poetry; Nevertheless, this reflection is low, special and significant. In Persian poetry, "the person of the Antichrist" is predominant and poets do not pay attention to other possibilities given about him in Islamic texts. This article has examined the reflection of the Antichrist in two areas of Islamic texts and Persian poetry in separate sections and, in conclusion, has made a comparison between these two areas in this regard. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - economic effort and resist economic essientials and investigation of its bases from point of view Quran and traditions with regarded to challenges and distinctions
        hamed  fathaliyani hamid  hosseini ali hossein ehteshami
        The point of view of Islam and thinking of Islamic economy about the economic effort not only positive but also it seemed such ideal that every time rooted at soul and heart of authorities and followers of this school. The article ,that was investigated by base More
        The point of view of Islam and thinking of Islamic economy about the economic effort not only positive but also it seemed such ideal that every time rooted at soul and heart of authorities and followers of this school. The article ,that was investigated by bases of economic effort from point of view of Quran and traditions ,though it seemed primary but it can be innovative and solver. It is notified that the grower and healthy economy from point of view of holy Quran ,could base on principals and bases that we will point them : 1-recognition and foresight about economic affairs that to be skilled in divine law.. 2-to reason 3- manifestation of monotheism in economy4- to accept Eschatology 5-manifestation of worship Allah in economic affairs 6-to interfere State at economy 7-justic at economic affairs 8-Donation 9- moderation at affairs 10-lack of wasting. Other part of the article is, investigation of spaces of economic efforts from point of view of Islamic traditions , that we will point of them.it consist two parts economic deviation sand economic Morales A; economic deviations consist of usury wastefulness, wasting, transaction , moderatio B: economic Morales: loan, legitimate, forbidden, aliment, voluntary alms ,donation ,contentment, beneficence, generosity ,in necessity ,poverty, to become rich ,wealth ,economic effort .i want to pay to some important methods that be used by Islamic researchers and so want to pay methods of inference of Islamic economy graduates that are suitable with Islamic jurisprudent culture principals. economic Morales ; is one of the part of Islamic graduates that shows growth components and economic expansion and general welfare and from other side it shows methods and comparison elements with mischiefs and to healthy economic efforts too .and so provide necessary field to intellectual growth and eternal felicity for human. As well at the article, I will prove relation between moral and economy and then to criticize of principals of capitalism that it separate from another. Then I want to investigate more important the elements of economic Morales in three parts: product, distribute consume . In other part ,I want to state about these matters: Morales manners of work and product, Morales the roles of intellectual values in economic growth , to clarify methods of cultural comparison with fields and marks of poverty and multiply ,to clarify governor principals at trade Morales , scales of determination of models of consume. The first step for motivating to economic efforts and resistant economy, is having effortant moral and that moral of people further belonged to his culture. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Social justice and its role in social security from the perspective of the Qur'an and Islamic traditions
        Mohsen Ghafoury pour seed hamid shamerizi Kamal  Khajehpour
        One of the sublime goals that human beings have always sought to achieve for centuries; Social justice and benefiting from the results of its realization. According to the Qur'an, the establishment and implementation of justice in society is one of the most important du More
        One of the sublime goals that human beings have always sought to achieve for centuries; Social justice and benefiting from the results of its realization. According to the Qur'an, the establishment and implementation of justice in society is one of the most important duties of the divine prophets; Therefore, Islam as the most perfect divine religion and at the top of it, the holy existence of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams of the Infallibles (PBUH) as divine reformers have paid special attention to this natural principle and have explained it. Security, with all its dimensions and contexts, is one of the necessities of human individual and social life, and its absence is a great vacuum and a common chapter of many human problems in life; Therefore, it is necessary to study and explain these two categories and the relationship between them. In the present article, which has been done in a library method and in a descriptive-analytical method, while explaining the nature of social justice, its role in the security of Islamic society and in both social and economic dimensions from the perspective of the Qur'an and hadiths has been studied. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A comparison of construction and location of mosques of the early Islamic period and mosques of the Qajar period based on Quran verses
        هانیه  اخوت
        The mosque is a subject that the Quran has dealt with in a comprehensive manner. One of the aspects of mosque emphasis in the Quran that has received less attention is the issue of construction and location of mosques. This article has been written using the method of d More
        The mosque is a subject that the Quran has dealt with in a comprehensive manner. One of the aspects of mosque emphasis in the Quran that has received less attention is the issue of construction and location of mosques. This article has been written using the method of descriptive-analytical research and by selecting a case study of the early mosques of the Islamic period and mosques of the Qajar period in Iran. This article has been prepared with the aim of comparative study of two different periods of mosque construction in Iran and also the evolution of their construction based on Quranic verses and Islamic traditions. To analyze the subject, 8 principles of mosque construction were extracted from Quranic verses and Islamic narration, and then the extent and manner of the effect of the extracted principles on the mosques of the Islamic period and Qajar mosques were measured and finally comparatively examined. Based on the results of the research, the Quranic principles of mosque construction were classified into 8 principles, all of which were observed in the samples of early Islamic mosques. If in the mosques of the Qajar period, 4 principles have been observed, which include stability and strength (even in this case, the use of lower quality materials and the use of rapid construction techniques, the strength of mosques compared to previous periods and to Especially in the early Islamic period. Manuscript profile