economic effort and resist economic essientials and investigation of its bases from point of view Quran and traditions with regarded to challenges and distinctions
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
hamed fathaliyani
hamid hosseini
ali hossein ehteshami
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Keywords: economic effort, resist economic, Quran, traditions , challenges, distinctions.,
Abstract :
The point of view of Islam and thinking of Islamic economy about the economic effort not only positive but also it seemed such ideal that every time rooted at soul and heart of authorities and followers of this school. The article ,that was investigated by bases of economic effort from point of view of Quran and traditions ,though it seemed primary but it can be innovative and solver. It is notified that the grower and healthy economy from point of view of holy Quran ,could base on principals and bases that we will point them : 1-recognition and foresight about economic affairs that to be skilled in divine law.. 2-to reason 3- manifestation of monotheism in economy4- to accept Eschatology 5-manifestation of worship Allah in economic affairs 6-to interfere State at economy 7-justic at economic affairs 8-Donation 9- moderation at affairs 10-lack of wasting. Other part of the article is, investigation of spaces of economic efforts from point of view of Islamic traditions , that we will point of consist two parts economic deviation sand economic Morales A; economic deviations consist of usury wastefulness, wasting, transaction , moderatio B: economic Morales: loan, legitimate, forbidden, aliment, voluntary alms ,donation ,contentment, beneficence, generosity ,in necessity ,poverty, to become rich ,wealth ,economic effort .i want to pay to some important methods that be used by Islamic researchers and so want to pay methods of inference of Islamic economy graduates that are suitable with Islamic jurisprudent culture principals. economic Morales ; is one of the part of Islamic graduates that shows growth components and economic expansion and general welfare and from other side it shows methods and comparison elements with mischiefs and to healthy economic efforts too .and so provide necessary field to intellectual growth and eternal felicity for human. As well at the article, I will prove relation between moral and economy and then to criticize of principals of capitalism that it separate from another. Then I want to investigate more important the elements of economic Morales in three parts: product, distribute consume . In other part ,I want to state about these matters: Morales manners of work and product, Morales the roles of intellectual values in economic growth , to clarify methods of cultural comparison with fields and marks of poverty and multiply ,to clarify governor principals at trade Morales , scales of determination of models of consume. The first step for motivating to economic efforts and resistant economy, is having effortant moral and that moral of people further belonged to his culture.
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