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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Necessity of Social Life and Man’s Need to Religion in Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn Miskawayh
        Naser Mohamadi Gholamhossen Khedri Khalil Mollajavadi
        The present paper investigates the necessity of the development of social life in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn Miskawayh in the domain of religion’s response to human needs following a comparative approach. Mullā Ṣadrā believes that the necessity of fulfilling human More
        The present paper investigates the necessity of the development of social life in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā and Ibn Miskawayh in the domain of religion’s response to human needs following a comparative approach. Mullā Ṣadrā believes that the necessity of fulfilling human needs warrants the existence of law and Shar‘ as well as an individual as a prophet. Following a philosophical approach, he explains that the concept of human species is realized in their “collective identity” outside their mind and in their social schematism. Ibn Miskawayh’s standpoint, which is worth more deliberation and is perhaps unique, indicates that man’s main need for collective life is due to the necessity of responding to their intrinsic need for mutual “love and affection”, while he refers to satisfying material needs at a later level. In his view, love provides the basis for life and formation of human collective society. Mullā Ṣadrā’s view enjoys a rational and philosophical essence, whereas Ibn Miskawayh’s explanation is merely based on the presence of love and affection among human beings. However, both thinkers acknowledge that the revealed religious theorems can respond to all human worldly and other-worldly needs. Nevertheless, none of them directly and clearly emphasizes the necessity of the purification of the soul for the prophet and the divine perfect Man. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Explaining Horizontal Pluralities in the Vertical Worlds of Existence Based on Sadrian Philosophy
        Ali Sedaghat Hasan Fathzadeh
        Based on the principle of the gradation of existence in Sadrian philosophy, the world of being enjoys a vertical system that extends from the highest point to the lowest levels, and each existent possesses a specific degree of existential intensity and weakness. The acc More
        Based on the principle of the gradation of existence in Sadrian philosophy, the world of being enjoys a vertical system that extends from the highest point to the lowest levels, and each existent possesses a specific degree of existential intensity and weakness. The acceptance of this principle in Sadrian philosophy alongside one’s observations in our surrounding world of horizontal existents with no cause-effect relation, such as a stone and a tree, gave rise to an important question in the post-Sadrian period: How can these two truths come together in one place? The responses to these questions during the last 400 years have resulted in some disagreements among commentators of Mullā Ṣadrā’s works. In this study, the authors aim to demonstrate that the acceptance of the vertical and graded system of existence is not in conflict with accepting horizontal pluralities, and what is accepted in Sadrian graded existence is a differential system among all existence and not merely a cause-effect system. The key to the understanding of horizontal pluralities in Sadrian philosophy must be found in the discussion of archetypes and their additions. In presenting his own system of emanations, Mullā Ṣadrā has been greatly influenced by Suhrawardī’s philosophy and defended the quality of the emanation of archetypes at different occasions. Archetypes are the same horizontal intellects the acceptance of which is equal to resolving the problem of horizontal pluralities in all vertical worlds of existence. Manuscript profile