• List of Articles حكومت

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Theoretical and Practical Bases of Ramazan Albouti’s Political Thought
        اصغر  افتخاري
        If the major approaches of religion and social act are divided to two principal branches with tendencies for tradition and religion, then Ramazan Albouti can be counted as a known Sunni scholar in the realm of religion and the criticism of conventionality. The present a More
        If the major approaches of religion and social act are divided to two principal branches with tendencies for tradition and religion, then Ramazan Albouti can be counted as a known Sunni scholar in the realm of religion and the criticism of conventionality. The present article discusses the basic principles of Albouti’s theoretical and pragmatic ideas by referring to his written texts and sources; which all emphasis on the spirituality and religious beliefs in man’s social life. Issues discussed and mentioned include; seeking justice, denial of secularism, new religious tendencies, and referring back to the original Islam as the theoretical principle. Also conservatism, having an attitude based on power, reformation, and pragmatism- as the basic practical principles- is the other topics discussed by Ramazan Albouti. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Connection between Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power in Traditional Thought: Examination of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Views on Religious Government
        حسين  خندق‌آبادي
        His background of executive activity as a statesman caused Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s thought to be linked with secularism. Examining his background in this context is not separate from his basis of thought rooted in his traditionalist procedures. Valid connection between sp More
        His background of executive activity as a statesman caused Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s thought to be linked with secularism. Examining his background in this context is not separate from his basis of thought rooted in his traditionalist procedures. Valid connection between spiritual authority and temporal power that is one of elements of Traditionalist thoughts, backing Nasr's thought on religious governing. According to religious doctrines that are in contrast with western thoughts, Nasr believes that religion, especially Islam, cannot be separated from the governing realm. This article tries to study Nasr’s theoretical reasons against secularism, i.e. separation of religion and government. Also it shows that how Nasr explains this subject causes someone thinks that there are rooms for influence of secularism in his thought and oppose with him. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Indicators of Mahdavi's rule of peace and security
        Ehsan  Samani
        from a long time ago, one of the basic concerns of mankind has been the creation of a safe environment and free of conflict, and in that regard, he has taken measures and efforts, including the establishment of institutions such as the Community of Nations, the United More
        from a long time ago, one of the basic concerns of mankind has been the creation of a safe environment and free of conflict, and in that regard, he has taken measures and efforts, including the establishment of institutions such as the Community of Nations, the United Nations, the Security Council... but he has not only failed to provide world peace that we saw more and more terrible wars. The roots of insecurity and war should be sought in the kind of political systems. Poverty, ignorance and despotism are the roots of insecurity, oppression and and international conflict. Liberal democracy has also failed to eliminate these factors. It seems that the supreme goal can be approached with the pattern of Mahdavi's universal government and its special features. Of course, these attributes Completely are dedicated to the Mahdavi's universal government, but Islamic governments, before they emerge, by pattern of that government, can -According to their efforts- achieve a certain degree of this attributes , and equally bring peace and security to their communities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Study of the Manifestation of the Theory of Four-fold Journeys in the Architecture of Naqsh-e Jahān Square in Isfahan
        Ahmad Ali  Namdarian Somayeh Khani Parisa Hashempour
        Several studies have been conducted on Naqsh-e Jahān Square so far. However, there is still much to explore regarding the reasons behind its construction and development. Some of the many questions that require further research target the present sizes of its dimensions More
        Several studies have been conducted on Naqsh-e Jahān Square so far. However, there is still much to explore regarding the reasons behind its construction and development. Some of the many questions that require further research target the present sizes of its dimensions, the setting of its elements, and the philosophy of using different colors and designs in the various corners of this square. Following two descriptive-analytic and historical-interpretive methods, this study investigated the thoughts and motives behind the architectural design and construction of Naqsh-e Jahān Square. The required data for this study was collected and analyzed through library and content analysis methods. The findings of the study indicate that, in addition to being the Safavid House of Government, this square functioned as a religious-political statement presenting the gnostic-Shi‘ite thoughts which had been hidden in Iranians’ unconscious mind. This square allegorizes the Holy Prophet’s night of ascension and visualizes gnostic wayfaring for wayfarers through reminding them of the different stations of the four-fold journeys. Since the time of Ibn ‘Arabī onwards and, particularly, in Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy, four stations have been referred to for this mystic journey called the four-fold journeys. The findings of this study show the correspondence between these four journeys with the four main elements of the square. The four journeys represent an allegory and visualization of the Holy Prophet’s journey on the night of ascension, when he travelled from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven. The 1300-m2 circumference of Naqsh-e Jahān Square allegorizes the 1300 km distance between Mecca and Jerusalem. The designs of Qeysarriyah Bazar symbolize the different aspects of daily and worldly life. Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque has no courtyard and bed chamber, and the wayfarer only witnesses the manifestations of Almighty Truth by standing under the dome of the mosque. The Abbasi jām‘ Mosque is the symbol of the station of “jam‘ (reunion)” in gnostic journey. The second journey begins with traveling at the khafi (secret) and akhfi (most secret) levels, at which the wayfarer is mortalized. The third stage of wayfaring, which embodies a kind of shari‘at, is a confirmation of the idea of guardianship. At the end of the journey, the wayfarer returns to the threshold of Qeysarriyah again. However, this is not a vicious circle because the wayfarer returns to his true self through experiencing the previous stages. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Editor's Note
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        روز دوازدهم آذرماه امسال چهل و دومين سالگرد تأسيس مجلس خبرگان اول قانون اساسي و تصويب قانون اساسي سرافراز و باشكوه جمهوري اسلامي، پس از انقلاب سال 1357 ميباشد. انقلاب اسلامي ايران با قانون اساسي خود ميخواست نظامي نوين و انساني را در دنيا عرضه كند و قامت بالابلند اسلام س More
        روز دوازدهم آذرماه امسال چهل و دومين سالگرد تأسيس مجلس خبرگان اول قانون اساسي و تصويب قانون اساسي سرافراز و باشكوه جمهوري اسلامي، پس از انقلاب سال 1357 ميباشد. انقلاب اسلامي ايران با قانون اساسي خود ميخواست نظامي نوين و انساني را در دنيا عرضه كند و قامت بالابلند اسلام سياسي و اجتماعي و تمدن حقيقي را به رخ حكومتهاي متمدن‌نما بكشاند، و راه علاج مستضعفين جهان و ايران و رهايي بردگان طاغوتان و شاهان را به آنان نشان دهد. در اصول اين قانون اساسي، نظامي طراحي شده كه بر اساس اعتقاد به توحيد و نبوت و معاد و اسلامي اجتهادي و منطقي ـ نه اسطوره‌يي ـ بنا شود و اهدافي پيشبيني كرده بود كه نقاط مهمي از شأن انساني انسان، يعني كرامت ذاتي و آزادي خدادادي او، هدف اصلي باشد و مديران آينده اين نظام سعي تمام در ايجاد زمينة رشد فضايل اخلاقي ـ همانند اخلاق قرآني ـ و طرد استعمار و بهره‌كشيهاي نظام طاغوتي (ليبرال‌نما و دموكراتيك) داشته باشند و در رفع تبعيض و اجراي عدالت و تأمين حقوق مردم بكوشند و با بالا بردن آگاهي و بينايي و منطق مردم، آنها را به پاسداري آزادي و حقوق ديگر انساني خود وادار كنند. نه در هيچ كشور و ملت و نه در هيچ قانون اساسي كه در جهان امروز هست، قانون و نظامي اينچنين عالي و انساني نوشته نشده است. در اين نظام، حكومت و مديريت و ولايت بر مردم، حق كساني است كه با تقوا و پرهيزكار و بدنبال مصلحت و منافع مردم باشند نه منافع خود، و قدرت را از خدا و مردم بدانند (حكومت الهي)، و هرگاه قدرت آنان را فريب داد، بدست خبرگان در كمين، از مقام خود عزل شوند. انتخاب ولي و رهبر نه بحكم زور و تزوير كه بايد بدست خبرگان وارسته و با مراجعه به رأي مردم (جمهوريت) و حكومت مردمي باشد؛ بدين ترتيب، حكم و قانون واقعي از آنِ خدا و گزينش لايق اين حكومت الهي، حق و وظيفة خود مردم است. حكومت بر بندگان خدا، حق خداست؛ نه ارثي است و نه حزبي و استعماري يا باختيار بيگانگان، از اينرو انتخاب مجلس و دولت به رأي و انتخاب خود مردم واگذار شده تا جمهوريت عملي شود. شايد اتفاقي نباشد كه همين روز (12‌ آذر) در تقويم ما روز معلولين هم تعيين شده است! گرچه منظور جامعة معلولين جهادي سرفراز ما است، اما چه ميشود كرد كه دسته‌يي از مردم دچار معلوليت ذاتي و فكري هستند و متأسفانه اختيار اين نظام الهي فرازمند بدست انتخاب عده‌يي از همين معلولين سياسي و فكري افتاده است و ديديم كه ـ ‌بجز يكي دو مورد ـ بر اثر شعور كوتاه و فرهنگ انتخاباتي بد اكثريت، انتخاب روِساي قواي مجريه و نمايندگان مجلس شوراي اسلامي غلط و پر اشتباه بود و صراط مستقيم اين نظام از خط ولايت زاويه گرفت. تحت تأثير قدرت‌طلبي منجر به خيانت و وابستگي به بيگانگان برخي مسئولين، قواي اصلي اين نظام از جاده منحرف شد تا بحّدي كه گاهي مجلس و دولتها، نه بسود نظام بلكه بكام دشمن عمل كردند و به بنيان نظام آسيب وارد آوردند و از جهت اقتصادي و مالي و رفاهي و فرهنگي و اعتقادي، صدمات بسيار به همين مردم در واقع شريف و ناآگاه زدند. شگفت آنكه دشمن و برخي نادانان يا مغرضان، اين آسيبها را به اصل نظام ميبندند و شماتت يا شكوه ميكنند. راه درست آنست‌ كه هر ساله يكبار ديگر در سالگرد تدوين قانون اساسي، مردم و صدا و سيما دور هم بنشينند و براي بازگشت وضع موجود اندوهبار كنوني به روزگاري كه شأن مناسب مقام انسان باشد، چاره بينديشند و آرزو و اهداف و تلاشهاي تدوين‌كنندگان قانون را عملي سازند. Manuscript profile