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        1 - Depiction of a Pattern for Organizational Management Based on the Interaction between the Soul and Faculties
        Seyyed Ehsan Rafiealavy Mostafa Azizi Alavijeh
        Since Almighty God has created the human soul as a comprehensive example of all beings in the world, and also because the human soul rules and manages its realm similar to a powerful administrator and leader, this study, inspired by a philosophical approach to the soul, More
        Since Almighty God has created the human soul as a comprehensive example of all beings in the world, and also because the human soul rules and manages its realm similar to a powerful administrator and leader, this study, inspired by a philosophical approach to the soul, aims to revisit the patterns of the management of organizational behavior and supreme organizational acts. The reason is that one of the successful methods of portraying valid social structures is to benefit from the truth of the creation-centered fitrah (primordial nature). This paper explains the relationship between the soul and its faculties based on the psychological approaches of the Peripatetic and Transcendent schools of philosophy. Here, the writers clarify the theories of “conquer relation” and “gradation relation” and try to gain a new perspective of the relationship between the soul and its faculties as two models of management and leadership, called “delegated management” and “diffused management” and explain their features. Finally, they try to provide and explain a single model based on an integration of the mentioned models. Manuscript profile
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        2 - A Study of the Logic of Mulla Sadra’s Four-Fold Journeys and their Implications for a New and Comprehensive Pattern for Explaining the Stages of Intellectual Thought
        ابراهیم خانی Majid Sadeghi Hasan abadi Mehdi Emam Jome
        The four-fold gnostic journeys provide a well-known model for explaining the stages of tawhidi (monotheistic) wayfaring. However, a study of the logic of such journeys and an investigation of the reasons for dividing mystic wayfaring into these four-fold stages reveals More
        The four-fold gnostic journeys provide a well-known model for explaining the stages of tawhidi (monotheistic) wayfaring. However, a study of the logic of such journeys and an investigation of the reasons for dividing mystic wayfaring into these four-fold stages reveals that this model enjoys a desirable capacity for clarifying the stages of thinking in theoretical wayfaring. In this paper, in order to provide an extensive explanation of the model of four-fold journeys for thought, the writers initially explore their logic through referring to the background of the four-fold gnostic journeys. After clarifying the essence of these journeys, they demonstrate that the stages of desirable thinking in the process of solving any scientific problem could consist of the same stages as the four gnostic journeys. Following a detailed explanation of this similarity, the four journeys of thought in Sadrian philosophy and in relation to the problem of anthropology are briefly explored. Finally, the writers examine some of the general principles of the model of the four-fold journeys in the realm of thinking and elaborate on the educational advantages of using this particular model. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Ontological Analysis of the Problem of Weakness of Will in Transcendent Philosophy
        Akbar pour Marzieh Hassan  Moradi mahmoud saidi
        This paper focuses on the weakness of will or the distance between theory and practice. Thus it tries to explore the quality of the ontological analysis of this problem based on the theory of the graded unity of being. In a quiddative analysis, the principles of willful More
        This paper focuses on the weakness of will or the distance between theory and practice. Thus it tries to explore the quality of the ontological analysis of this problem based on the theory of the graded unity of being. In a quiddative analysis, the principles of willful act enjoy causal and temporal sequence; however, in an ontological analysis, they are the levels of the single truth of being. Accordingly, knowledge and act are the different aspects of a single truth which, upon being originated in essence, is called knowledge at one stage and will or desire at another stage. As a result, knowledge and voluntary act are two ends of the same continuum which has a single root in human essence; a root of the type of love and bliss. In a quiddative approach, weakness of will is rooted in the weakness of the components of the causal chain preceding it, such as the concept of act and affirmation of its advantages. Nevertheless, in an ontological approach, the weakness of voluntary act is directly related to Man’s ontological weakness and the weakness of the knowledge which is commensurate with it. The ontological view differs from the quiddative view in that it does not consider voluntary act to be at the end of a chain of basic principles in separation from knowledge. Rather, it views act as one of the manifestations of an ontological truth which is commensurate with knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Ontological Place of the Guardian and Imam in the Transcendent Philosophy of Hakim Zunuzi
        Abdolreza  Safari
        Through a study of the concept of the Guardian and Imam in the view of Hakim Zunuzi, the present paper is intended to demonstrate that it is possible to prove the necessity mode of the existence of the intellect based on some of the principles of the theoretical school More
        Through a study of the concept of the Guardian and Imam in the view of Hakim Zunuzi, the present paper is intended to demonstrate that it is possible to prove the necessity mode of the existence of the intellect based on some of the principles of the theoretical school of Transcendent Philosophy, including the principles of the One, inferior possibility and, particularly, nobler possibility. Since the “guardian” enjoys the highest level of actual intellect and the faculty of stimulation, he can be matched with the level of the First Intellect as the second truth and the most perfect and closest of the substances of the realm of dominion to Almighty Truth. This level is, thus, true for the “guardian”. Moreover, unlike separate intellects, the kind of intellect which is known as “correspondent intellect” and “archetype” in the transcendent Illuminationist philosophy and as a supreme example of mustakfi existent attends to the training and administration of its inferiors because it enjoys an aspect of the divinity of Almighty Truth. An example of this kind of intellect can be observed in the human administrative lights and supreme souls, such as favorites of God and theologian philosophers. Through a study of the features and examples of this kind of intellect, the author concludes that, based on the philosophical analysis of some traditions, one can prepare the context for the matching of such features to favorites of God and, in Zunuzi’s words, introduce the white pillar of the divine Celestial Throne and universal intellect as the representative of this level. Finally, given the belief that the intellect is the noblest and the most favorite of all divine substances and the closest of them to God, it can be considered to be the spirit. Therefore, the guardian is the spirit and the rational soul who is open to the orders, rewards, and punishments of Almighty Truth. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Transcendent Philosophy in Mulla Sadra
        Mohammad Sadeq  Alipoor
        Perhaps few philosophical schools have been judged so differently or opposed as much as the Transcendent Philosophy in the course of history. The vast domain and influence of this school, as well as its strength and all-inclusiveness, have persuaded several thinkers wit More
        Perhaps few philosophical schools have been judged so differently or opposed as much as the Transcendent Philosophy in the course of history. The vast domain and influence of this school, as well as its strength and all-inclusiveness, have persuaded several thinkers with different philosophical, gnostic, kalami, and even Qur’anic tendencies to take it into consideration, to describe it from their own point of view, and, consciously or unconsciously, interpret it to their own advantage. Such differences have resulted in the creation of some ambiguity with regard to the truth and nature of the Transcendent Philosophy. For example, the meaning and truth of the word “philosophy” (in Mulla Sadra’s view), which has been given the adjective of “transcendent” is one of such ambiguous cases. In the present paper, in order to clarify this ambiguity, the author has tried to describe Mulla Sadra’s philosophy by referring to his own words. In doing so, after determining the nature of wisdom and philosophy and conducting a comparative study of the common meaning of philosophy and the Transcendent Philosophy and specifying their similarities and differences, it is demonstrated that his philosophy is a particular philosophy with a prophetic and religious origin. It is indeed a divine blessing which is only bestowed upon His special servants; a kind of philosophy which safely brings gnosis and reasoning to the shore of harmony and cooperation in the light of the Qur’an. Manuscript profile
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        6 - From Wisdom to Functionalism: A New Analysis of the Nature of Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophical Paradigm
        Hassan Rahbar Hamid  Eskandari
        The nature of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical paradigm as a comprehensive system of philosophy has always been investigated by researchers in related fields. So far, eight views have been proposed in this regard; some of them consider Mullā Ṣadrā’s school to be a philosophi More
        The nature of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical paradigm as a comprehensive system of philosophy has always been investigated by researchers in related fields. So far, eight views have been proposed in this regard; some of them consider Mullā Ṣadrā’s school to be a philosophical one; some others view it as a gnostic one, while others attribute a kalāmī nature to it. Nevertheless, his words and writings contradict these views. He mainly prefers to call his system of thoughts “wisdom”, which means the knowledge of God and His attributes and acts based on a mixed kalāmī-gnostic method. However, the writer believes that wisdom has no independent identity distinguishing it from philosophy, kalām, and gnosis and cannot be deemed as an independent school. Accordingly, in order to provide an accurate explanation of his system of thoughts, in addition to internal and content-based analyses, one should observe the external features of the world Mullā Ṣadrā lived in. Hence, from an external perspective, it apparently follows “consensus-creating functionalism”; that is, his school seeks to create functional unity among the three systems of thought. From an external perspective, it follows an anthropological life-course approach; in other words, one should consider the various philosophical, social, and political conditions of his time in explaining the discussions, problems, and methods embedded in his system of thinking. Accordingly, the writer believes that three points should be considered in adopting an optimal approach to examining the Sadrian system of thought: the distinction between the truths about the intellect and the truths about faith, omission of what is inconsistent with philosophical method, and distinguishing the borderlines of intellect from those of narration and gnosis. In this paper, while presenting Mullā Ṣadrā’s view of his own school, it has been tried to clarify Sadrian thoughts based on their internal content and external conditions in order to provide a new analysis of his thought system. Manuscript profile
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        7 - An Analytic Study of the Arguments for the Necessity of Corporeal Dimension of Man in Mullā Ṣadrā
        Hadi  Jafary Ali  Arshad Riahi
        Philosophical anthropology is one of the important and interesting categories which has attracted the attention of philosophers since the beginning of the history of philosophy. As one of the distinguished philosophers of the world of Islam, Mullā Ṣadrā has paid particu More
        Philosophical anthropology is one of the important and interesting categories which has attracted the attention of philosophers since the beginning of the history of philosophy. As one of the distinguished philosophers of the world of Islam, Mullā Ṣadrā has paid particular attention to Man and the related problems. One of the important issues in the realm of anthropology is Man’s corporeal dimension and the relevant issues. This paper deals with the necessity of the corporeal dimension of human beings in the view of Mullā Ṣadrā. The authors conclude that this necessity can be demonstrated in the light of some of the philosophical principles of Mullā Ṣadrā such as commensurability, gradation of existence, corporeal origination and spiritual subsistence of the soul, possibility of the lower, Man’s potency for receiving trust, as well as the principle of opposition and some others. They also argue that in Mullā Ṣadrā’s view, the corporeal dimension is in fact necessary for developing a human identity and promoting and perfecting human existence. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Efficient Causality in the View of Islamic Mutikallimun and Philosophers
        Seyyed Sadra al-Din  Taheri
        Causality is at the center of several natural relationships which are studied in empirical sciences. Presently, it is the basis of the discovery of scientific laws. Moreover, the applications of different laws in various sciences, including all the laws related to indiv More
        Causality is at the center of several natural relationships which are studied in empirical sciences. Presently, it is the basis of the discovery of scientific laws. Moreover, the applications of different laws in various sciences, including all the laws related to individuals, societies, and other natural realms, in relation to fauna, flora, and minerals or inanimate things, have causality at their center. Here, the author has tried to examine the validity of the principle of causality from the viewpoints of two Islamic schools (Mu‘tazilah and Ash‘ariyyah) and two schools of Islamic philosophy (Peripatetic and Transcendent – from Ibn Sīnā to ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī). This paper consist consists of an Introduction, three detailed reports, a summary of findings, and a conclusion. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Anthropological Bases of Sadrian Philosophy for the Interaction of Religious Sciences and Psychology
        Mohammad Sadeq Fazeli Askar Dirbaz
        The interactions between religious and modern sciences is presently one of the concerns of Islamic societies. This study investigates the anthropological principles of Sadrian philosophy based on which religious sciences and psychology can interact and exchange knowledg More
        The interactions between religious and modern sciences is presently one of the concerns of Islamic societies. This study investigates the anthropological principles of Sadrian philosophy based on which religious sciences and psychology can interact and exchange knowledge with each other. In other words, it aims to demonstrate the interactions between religious sciences and modern psychology in the context of philosophical anthropology as one of the scientific foundations of these two disciplines. Following the library and content analysis methods, the researchers conclude that Sadrian philosophy, because of its anthropological principles in the two general realms of “cognitive science” and “cognitive concept”, provides an appropriate context for the exchange of data between religious sciences and psychology. Philosophical anthropology provides the necessary context for the mutual relationship between these sciences in “cognitive science” through the correct explanation of the purposes, methods, instruments, sources, structures, and criteria of religious sciences and psychology. In the context of conceptology, Sadrian philosophy has created an appropriate interactive context for the exchange of conceptual science between these disciplines through the explanation of quiddity and employment of such concepts as motivation, love, and meaning of life from an anthropological viewpoint. Manuscript profile
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        10 - A Philosophical Reading of the Social Dimension of Perfect Man in Nahj al-Balāghah Based on Transcendent Philosophy
        sayyed mohammad ali mirdamadi , sayyed mahdi emami jomae Majid Sadeghi Hasan abadi
        This paper aims to provide a general picture of the social dimension of perfect Man based on the statements in Nahj al-Balāghah and their philosophical analysis relying on the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy. This social dimension includes the characteristics More
        This paper aims to provide a general picture of the social dimension of perfect Man based on the statements in Nahj al-Balāghah and their philosophical analysis relying on the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy. This social dimension includes the characteristics of a perfect Man in interaction with other human beings within his social and this-worldly structure. The knowledge of perfect Man in this area reveals his civilizational role in the human society and in the actualization the Transcendent society. This study was carried out following a descriptive-analytic method. According to the teachings of Nahj al-Balāghah and the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, beginning a philosophical revolution in society and leading it in the right direction are accomplished through intrinsic awakening and flourishing of human beings and revealing their intellectual treasures. Such treasures provide the basis for the social activities of perfect Man which, along with his other ontological perfections and because of people’s obeying him, result in the social, cultural, political, and economic development and prosperity and the establishment of transcendent society. Hence, the centrality and leadership of perfect Man and people’s obedience for him are the foundations and most important pillars of the realization of the idea of transcendent society. Manuscript profile
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        11 - The Use of Intellect and Reasoning in Demonstrating Divine Attributes in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Mozhgan Fatahi Ali  Arshad Riahi
        Mullā Ṣadrā states in his works that the employment of the intellect and intellectual reasoning is efficient in the independent demonstration and understanding of divine attributes. By explaining Mullā Ṣadrā’s method of using the intellect, it becomes clear that he has More
        Mullā Ṣadrā states in his works that the employment of the intellect and intellectual reasoning is efficient in the independent demonstration and understanding of divine attributes. By explaining Mullā Ṣadrā’s method of using the intellect, it becomes clear that he has formulated his discussion based on proof and has presented some extensive and cohesive discussions about divine attributes so that the most important of which have been clearly explained and demonstrated. Based on the present study, the most important philosophical arguments and principles which Mullā Ṣadrā has explained and demonstrated in this field include ontological proof, principle of “Truth in its simplicity contains everything”, principle of “The giver of something cannot lack it”, and principle of “The Necessary Being is necessary by essence from all aspects, and providence. Mullā Ṣadrā’s extensive discussions on divine attributes, which are based on rational arguments, indicate his belief in the truth of the intellect’s independent function in this field, on the one hand, and confirm its capability in the field of epistemology of divine attributes in an independent form, on the other hand. The result of this study is the development of an approach based on distinguishing the two independent and instrumental functions of the intellect, which has not been considered in other studies previously. Not distinguishing between these two functions has resulted in attributing an irrational and unverifiable or even eclectic nature to the methodology of the Transcendent Philosophy. As a case study on divine attributes, the present study explains the rational, verifiable, and philosophical dimensions to the Sadrian Transcendent Philosophy. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Realism of Cyberspace: A Philosophical Analysis of Virtual Reality with an Emphasis on the Principles of the Transcendent Philosophy
        Mahdi Ganjvar
        From an ontological point of view, cyberspace should be considered a domain of original and effective reality which, given its vast growth, has exercised great influence on different aspects of modern human life. A study of the ontological dimensions of this realm of re More
        From an ontological point of view, cyberspace should be considered a domain of original and effective reality which, given its vast growth, has exercised great influence on different aspects of modern human life. A study of the ontological dimensions of this realm of reality is important for different reasons. Undoubtedly, toady a significant part of human life is affected by the various manifestations of cyberspace. Moreover, this phenomenon has influenced multiple angles of human thought and behavior and introduced a new lifestyle for contemporary human beings and later generations. The present study, while investigating the virtual world from an ontological point of view and providing a metaphysical analysis of this realm, tries to rationally demonstrate that cyberspace is a real entity enjoying objectivity and truth relying on its effects on human nature and destiny. Later, based on the logical principle of “By their fruit you will recognize them”, the author first explains and emphasizes the objective effects and concomitants of cyberspace, and then discloses some angles of this secret and complicated reality based on Sadrian principles. The realism of cyberspace can suggest the idea that virtual reality is similar to a kind of existence in Islamic philosophy called the “world of Ideas” or the “world of quantitative forms”. This is because, irrespective of the differences between these two phenomena, virtual reality is also based on numbers and quantitative forms. Moreover, similar to the world of ideas, there is no trace of matter in this realm of being (cyberspace), whereas the effects and concomitants of matter can be witnessed there. The smallest philosophical outcome of exploring virtual reality is that, by revealing a realm of being including both immaterial and subtle forms, it prepares contemporary Man to perceive and experience “abstract truths” and accept holy, immaterial, and intangible affairs. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Holistic Education Based on the Principles of the Transcendent Philosophy
        Sude Yavari Tayebe  Mahroozade Ali Sattari
        Holistic education is one of the educational strategies of the 20th century in the West which challenges the existing defects in the modern educational system. Clearly, there are so many similarities between religious and Islamic education and holistic education that we More
        Holistic education is one of the educational strategies of the 20th century in the West which challenges the existing defects in the modern educational system. Clearly, there are so many similarities between religious and Islamic education and holistic education that we can safely claim that the latter has always been the common method of education in our traditional educational system. The present study focuses on certain educational principles in the Transcendent Philosophy which can be categorized under the concept of holism. Some of these principles include the necessity of the gathering of matter and meaning, educating the body along with the soul, and moral and epistemological holism. Moreover, regarding epistemological holism, the authors elaborate on the particular place of reason in epistemology and derive a number of educational principles in conformity with rationality, among which reference can be made to the necessity of prudence and necessity of teaching intellection to the learner. Finally, they refer to some of the practical methods in conformity to the mentioned principles. Following the qualitative method of content analysis and philosophical inference, the authors have tried to derive a number of educational principles in line with holism through delving in Mullā Ṣadrā’s books on the Transcendent Philosophy and some of his commentators’ works. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Against the Law of Causality and the Related Responses Based on the Principles of the Transcendent Philosophy
        Hossein  Oshshaqi
        Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī, one of the prominent Ash‘arī mutikallimun, has raised 18 objections against the law of causality in his al-Maṭālib al-‘alīyah min al-‘ilm al-ilāhī. He has quoted these objections from others; however, it seems that he has raised them himself. Muḥaqiq More
        Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī, one of the prominent Ash‘arī mutikallimun, has raised 18 objections against the law of causality in his al-Maṭālib al-‘alīyah min al-‘ilm al-ilāhī. He has quoted these objections from others; however, it seems that he has raised them himself. Muḥaqiq Lāḥijī has responded to some of these objections in his Shawāriq al-ilhām. Nevertheless, most of them have remained unanswered. In the present paper, the author has referred to 15 of the most important questions and provided others’ responses to them. Most of these objections have not been answered while they can be based on the Transcendent Philosophy. Therefore, the author has provided a summary of Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī’s words and then tried to answer them relying on the principles of Sadrian Transcendent Philosophy. Some of these objections cannot be answered based on any of the principles of Peripatetic, Illuminationist, and Transcendent Philosophies and should be answered based on gnostic principles. Manuscript profile