• List of Articles حرج

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Qur'an, divine wisdom and difficult tasks
        ablodali pakzad
        Man is an obligated being, and the forged duties for man by God are the platform of perfection, the guarantor of human rights, and the cause of attaining the rewards of the Hereafter. In some verses of the Qur'an, difficult tasks are mentioned for the Jewish people (Ba More
        Man is an obligated being, and the forged duties for man by God are the platform of perfection, the guarantor of human rights, and the cause of attaining the rewards of the Hereafter. In some verses of the Qur'an, difficult tasks are mentioned for the Jewish people (Baqarah / 54-Nisa '/ 160) and in Surah Al-Baqarah / 286, the Prophet of Islam asks God to remove the difficult tasks; in contrast, there are verses that speak of the ease of the task ( Baqarah / 185) and it is not obligatory for a large extent (less than the endurance) (Baqarah / 286) and in the Haraji religion (Hajj / 78). Relying on the verses of the Qur'an in a library method and with an analytical descriptive approach, this article seeks to explain the view of the Qur'an on the issue of duty and the conflict between the two categories of verses and causes difficult tasks. One of the findings of this article is that the divine duties are divided into two types: primary and criminal. The Prophet of Islam does not have it. If man inconsistencies with basic duties and transgresses God's limits, God will impose criminal duties on human beings to return to God, show servitude, remove the veils, spiritual turmoil and the example of others. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The AbortionDue to the Mother's Hardship, in the "Family and Youth of the Population's Protection" Act
        Sadegh  Shariati Nasab
        For the first time, by the single article (Act) of the "Therapeutic Abortion Act" approved in 2005, abortion was conditionally prescribed due to "fetal disease which causes Hardship to the mother, due to fetal retardation or deformation". With the approval of the "Famil More
        For the first time, by the single article (Act) of the "Therapeutic Abortion Act" approved in 2005, abortion was conditionally prescribed due to "fetal disease which causes Hardship to the mother, due to fetal retardation or deformation". With the approval of the "Family and Youth of the Population's Protection Act" in 2021 and the abrogation of that single article, Hardship-based abortion, has been released from merely fetal disease or defect, and generally has been expanded to "severe unbearable Hardship for the mother". This change is considered a big leap in Iran's legislation and needs to be analyzed and investigated. The purpose of this article is to analyze and explain the conditions, criteria, effects, and efficiency of Hardship-based abortion in the new law. Its method is Descriptive and Analytical. It seems that: 1. Limiting abortion to fetal disease or defects is not logically justified. 2. In some cases, the social and psychological (not physical) Hardship caused by pregnancy, is much more severe and impactful than the fetal diseases. 3. Every dissatisfaction and excuse cannot be considered as a case for a mother's Hardship; rather, the definition, criteria, and examples for Hardship, must be carefully explained. 4. The special procedure in the new Act, guarantees a thorough and comprehensive proceeding to each case. Manuscript profile