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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Effect of Social Classes on the Poems of Mashrooteh Poets with A Focus on Farokhi Yazdi And Iraj Mirza
        عبدالله  حسن‌زاده میرعلی Ahmad Khatami - -
        From sociology of literature point of view, literary creation is not a personal matter, but rather a social one. Since the society plays a fundamental role in formation of individual characteristics, and the style is not separated from writers’ characteristics, we can More
        From sociology of literature point of view, literary creation is not a personal matter, but rather a social one. Since the society plays a fundamental role in formation of individual characteristics, and the style is not separated from writers’ characteristics, we can say that in creation of any literary work, society has the most significant role. The writer’s social insight and his position against different events are remarkably affected by social status and social classes. Hence, we can analyze a writer’s literary style based on the social class he belongs to. Presenting an introduction on how writers’ world view is related to their social classes according to Goldman¬’s theory of social classes, this paper also has a glance at IrajMirza and Farokhi Yazdi's social status. Then, the major stylistic differences between them will be compared. The findings show that the aforementioned writers’ outlooks are different in some domains such as social/religious criticism, freedom, patriotism, anti-colonialism, anti-authoritarianism, defiance and tendency to luxury Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Sociological analysis of Shamloo's and AbuMazi's poetry based on Henry Zalamansky's theory
        marjan aliakbarzade zehtab Hossen Yazdani
        Social developments have been reflected in Iranian and Lebanese literature since the beginning of the twentieth century in an especial way, and the poems of Ahmad Shamloo in contemporary Iranian literature and the poems of Abu Mazi in contemporary Lebanese literature ha More
        Social developments have been reflected in Iranian and Lebanese literature since the beginning of the twentieth century in an especial way, and the poems of Ahmad Shamloo in contemporary Iranian literature and the poems of Abu Mazi in contemporary Lebanese literature have had special importance in terms of reflecting social developments.The present article aims to explain the reflections of social events in Shamloo and AbuMazi’s poetry based on the dominant content theory in Henri Zalamansky's sociology of literature with a descriptive-analytical approach based on the American School of Comparative Literature.The results of the research show that the contemporary social developments in Iran and Lebanon have a clear function in Shamloo and Abu Mazi's poetry and have created common themes in the poetry of these two Iranian and Lebanese poets.The two poets' response to the problems of their society - which, from Zalamansky's point of view, is reflected in various literary forms - is "the struggle for freedom". Shamloo depicts the struggle against the oppression of the Pahlavi regime and Abu Madi depicts the struggle against the oppression of the Ottoman empire.Concepts such as the hardships of immigration, patriotism, criticism of poverty and suffering of the people, complaining about the ruling tyranny, enlightenment and struggle against oppression, freedom-seeking and seeking justice are the social concepts of the poetry of these two poets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigating the evolution of modern humanism of female characters in Persian novels
        Parivash Mirzaeyan jahangir safari Narges  Bagheri
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint inv More
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint investigates the effects of modernity on Iranian women by reviewing selected Persian novels which were published in this three periods of time: from 1300 to 1320, from 1320 to 1345 , and from 1345 to 1357 . The research demonstrates that generally in the first period, the evolution caused by the prevalence of modern humanism has not been able to liberate women thinking from traditional perspectives. In the second period, growing the popularity of modernity elements has provided a variety of human interests and desires for women. Although increasing feminist ideas shows the prevalence of modern rationalism in this period, behavioral contradictions between women reveals the superficiality of the viewpoint among them. Overindulgence in following instinctive desires in the third period indicates a jump in humanistic thinking. During this period, the passivity caused by fatalism has also been criticized by the authors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Sociological Analysis of Children's Civil Society in Iran
        Taghi Azad Armaki Maryam Sha’ban
        This study seeks to study and analyze the civil society related to children in Iran. In this regard, with the qualitative approach and the method of monography and content analysis, she has analyzed two examples of active children's domain associations in Iran. The resu More
        This study seeks to study and analyze the civil society related to children in Iran. In this regard, with the qualitative approach and the method of monography and content analysis, she has analyzed two examples of active children's domain associations in Iran. The results show that the "pathological approach" to child-related civil society in Iran casts a shadow, indicating the dominance of the "American-English approach" to child-related civil society in Iran. And, unlike the title of licenses, associations are directly and indirectly affiliated with government agencies and seek to attract positive reviews from organizations for the three purposes of "obtaining financial support", "gaining legitimacy" and "reputation". They are government. Therefore, these associations, in effect, seek "economic profitability"; therefore, the domination of "rationality" and "market logic" over the inherent rationality that permeates civil society in Iran, especially in related fields. They are targeted with children; and children are purposely targeted as ignorant audiences and without the "critical intellect". In addition, the civil society in Iran has neglected its primary mission to seek the rights and improve the status of children affected and at risk of being harmed, forgotten, or in the forefront of the community's economic interests. Therefore, the civil society associated with children in Iran is malformed and "sick", which requires urgent specialized resuscitation and review. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Theory of Revolution in the Prism of Historical Sociology of International Relations (HSIR)
        Mehdi Zibaei Shahla Najafi
        The literature on revolution has gone through four theoretical waves in explaining diverse revolutions. Although these waves belong to different terms, all of them have essentialist ontology and they are seeking to find impressive attributes in breaking out and prosperi More
        The literature on revolution has gone through four theoretical waves in explaining diverse revolutions. Although these waves belong to different terms, all of them have essentialist ontology and they are seeking to find impressive attributes in breaking out and prospering incidents. The precedent for bringing revolutions into focus in Historical Sociology (HS) turns to Brinton Moor, Charles Tilly, and ThedaSkocpol endeavors that by concentrating on structure and interior causation paid less attention to exterior conditions; but their works broke the closed-loop and made a weak relation between revolutions and international. However their manners in methodological point of view were closely connected with previous theoretical waves; since from HS perspective, the revolutions are stemmed from accumulated incidents which are made from social relations within a supranational context. The object of the current work is to examine the evolution of the international factor in revolution theories in the light of historical sociology theorists. According to the findings, the international factor has gone through three major evolutions in the insight of historical sociology theorists. First, in the 70s, from a structural point of view, it refers to the influence of the international system on revolutions. Second, the international factor enters the text from the margins of the relevant literature, and the inter-state perspective is highlighted; in the transition to the third step, not only inter-state communication is considered, but the inter-social attitude and the relations between the people and the network. Manuscript profile